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CSLs and upkeep...


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I'm just getting back into using the hero system. Its been about 17 years and have found that I'm having a problem keeping a few things straight from phase to phase. Does anyone have a good system in use to track Combat skill Levels, I find that it's a bit confusing to remember who's used what? Should I limit their uses? I'm considering using some kind of counters- say green for O and red for D.





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Re: CSLs and upkeep...


I favor Killer Shrike's card suggestion myself. I use playing cards with red suits for OCV and black for DCV.


If you have access to a laptop, I'd suggest checking out the Hero Combat Simulator. It's a very good free program that lets you track all the elements of even complex combats in-game. You can also use it to run combat simulations with your characters before a game to check for balance.

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Re: CSLs and upkeep...


My group uses Combat Record Sheets that help everybody keep track of their STUN and END totals, as well as where their levels are. Nothing too complicated, they just write it down from Phase to Phase.


If you'd like a my visible/tangable indicator, I'd suggest using poker chips, beads or some other marker for the levels (using a different color for each type [i.e.: overall combat, HTH, martial arts, etc]). Also use three bowls, cards or a large piece of paper divided up into at least three sections. One section is OCV, another is DCV, and the third is Damage (I'm always amazed and how many people forget CSLs can be used for this). If a level is used to bounce an attack, its held outside the sections.

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Re: CSLs and upkeep...


My players are pretty good about tracking it themselves. I don't have any creative ideas, like above, but I always have a sheet of paper for tracking STUN, END and BOD loss (and anything drained or enhanced). I generally jot down phases flashed, DEF and BOD of entangles and use of CSL's on this.


I also tend to write villains with a "standard allocation" of levels so I only have to note it if they change. Many martial artists, for example, default to DCV and only swap to OCV if they're up against a high DCV target.

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Re: CSLs and upkeep...


Othello markers work pretty good if you're playing Champions. (and you can't put levels into damage classes)


Yes you can. pg35 & pg271


Heroic Campaigns: 2 CLS = +1 DC [up to 2x DC of att]


SuperHeroic Campaigns: 2 CLS = +1 BODY (KA) or +3 STUN (NrmlAtt) [cannot exceed max level of att].


I like the deck of cards .. four suits to work with. OCV, DCV, DC, Other.

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Re: CSLs and upkeep...


Here is a Axis & Allies style chart I keep meaning to use, but never get around to. My plan was to use tent minis for each NPC's STUN BODY and END, OCV and DCV, and a marker for the phase. Mostly, though, I just do the math in my head. I have almost completely internalized the system over the last 2 decades...

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