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What Would Your Character Do? #79


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The previous night, you thwarted a bank hiest by the Cartoonist Of Crime and his cartoon henchrabbits Bugsy, Mugsy, and Thugsy. Although you recovered the loot, the Cartoonist sprays you in the face with india ink from that accursed magic pen he uses, and then he and his goons escaped using the old draw-a-door schtick.


Morning comes and you awaken to find you've been transformed into a cartoon version of yourself! Even more disconcerting, as the day goes on, you notice objects you've had prolonged physical contact with are also becoming "toonified." What do you do?

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #79


Mask of Justice: Track down the Cartoonist and break his pen, automatically returning himself and all other affected objects to normal.


Rock Bottom: "This is embarraskin'!" He'll have to hope the researchers at Johns Hopkins can find a cure, if his teammates can't find the Cartoonist.


Calculus: "Fascinating. But if it can be done, it can be undone. Let me think...."


Kira Midori: Looks even more anime than she does now. Good thing she knows an archmage.


Talion: "Of course, the nature of my powers means that the exact same thing has happened to the Cartoonist (though he might not mind.) I sure hope my 'reset to normal' power kicks in soon."

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #79


Warp: "I'm glad I bought that android double, otherwise it would be goodbye secret id. Hopefully Starguard can fix this."


Spectrum: "It appears to be contagious. I better isolate myself in orbit when not on active duty till a cure is found. Maybe there's an answer in the Progenitor knowledge that probe dumped into my subconscious. Hopefully it will surface soon."


Mystic: "I think I can come up with a spell to reverse this. Having the pen in question might make it easier though."

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #79


Starguard! -- "This can't be happening! This can't be happening!!!"




"... whew. It's not happening."



Dr. Pain -- "You. Have. Got. To. Be. SHITTING. ME!!!




*gets cut off by falling anvil*


"... I hate this."




Baron von Darien -- doesn't turn into a cartoon vampire. He's far too Iron Age for that.


He turns into an anime vampire. :D


One Hellsing impression later, the Cartoonist will be begging for the chance to turn him back to normal. :)

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #79


Cobalt: Pray that the "toon" is anime and not Warner Brother's.


Vantage: Continue his heroic life, but avoids his Secret ID like the plague.


Zectron: Carry on like nothing has changed.


Kristian Rolyat: Get drunk and probably stay that way until it wears off. If something pressing occurs, he's not likely to be happy about it.

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #79


I kill the GM. I reach across the table, wrap my hands aroudn his scrawny neck, and start shaking for all I'm worth.


Oh wait, what does my character do...


Peacekeeper's Response: Peacekeeper would have no idea what was happening to him. The entire concept of animating drawings for entertainment purposes is lost on him, he simply doesn't grok the concepts of "art" or "entertainment". If his weaponry remained effective, and he became as resiliant as a cartoon character, he wouldn't mind so much. He'd liek to be back to normal before he goes home, but that isn't looking like it's going to happen anytime soon, since his home isn't even in this galaxy.


Iron Demon's Response: He already thinks he lives in a comic book, so this can only make it worse. Also, he's hunted by Foxbat, so if ever there was an appropriate time for Fred to show up, now is it.

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #79


Sneak into the basement and go to the Fortress of Huskitude. If the transformation is still ineffect after taking the Husky Serum Husky will change back into Kenneth and Kenneth will start a battery of tests on himself and the other transformed objects.

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #79


"Dr. Pain -- "You. Have. Got. To. Be. SHITTING. ME!!!




*gets cut off by falling anvil*


"... I hate this." "




Literally... when I read this I couldn't help but laugh out loud... that's hysterical!

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #79


Let's see... angstful background, lecherous "party animal" tendencies, no special qualms vs. lethal force, Nova definitely gets turned into an anime. Given that high-level superpowered fights "definitely" wreck cities to awful levels in anime, and the effect seems to be contagious (and lecherous characters never actually score in anime), he would probably isolate from company and track down the Cartoonist and force him to reverse the change. Except if he gets to be an *hentai* superpowered anime: then he would be seriously tempted to stay that way :)

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