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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I'm standing in line at the grocery, minding my own business, when I spy a People Magazing "Special" called "Gone Too Soon". Just a thing on dead celebrities. Lady Di, John Ritter, John Lennon (hasn't he been dead for over a quarter century now?)...And I'm thinking, you know what we need?


A "Will You Go Away Already!" Edition. With pictures of annoying famous people. Elderly War Criminals, Annoying Actors, Hotel Heiresses, the like.


This needs to be done soon.


I'm thinking of starting a Magazine dedicated to that.

Sign me up for a subscription.


Hell, sign me up for two.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I remember one Christmas season my wife & I went up to Vancouver BC late on the 26th, and we were at the Bay (the old Hudson's Bay Company, now a nice, respectable department store chain) downtown when it opened up the morning of the 27th.


The place looked like a bomb had gone off. Stuff scattered everywhere. Employees were steadily picking up merchandise, folding or hanging it, and restoring it to where belonged, but there clearly had been something like a riot the day before. We were glad we'd missed it.

That Boxing Day is a killer, man.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Das Booty


If that isn't the title of a German porn film or light sex comedy, it should be.

I googled and I think I'll be disappointed if I go further than:

Das Booty. The cautionary tale of a janitor, his ,, a rope and two Samoans.


Hmm, not sure if that device falls under the language rules here...


There's also a website and a band. And a film that is very lacking in description at imdb

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I'm standing in line at the grocery, minding my own business, when I spy a People Magazing "Special" called "Gone Too Soon". Just a thing on dead celebrities. Lady Di, John Ritter, John Lennon (hasn't he been dead for over a quarter century now?)


It said "Gone Too Soon," not "Gone Very Recently." Heck, the Emperor Julian died many centuries ago but skill qualifies as "Gone Too Soon." Of course, he may also qualify as "Born Too Late...." but let's not get into alternate history.


...And I'm thinking, you know what we need?


A "Will You Go Away Already!" Edition. With pictures of annoying famous people. Elderly War Criminals, Annoying Actors, Hotel Heiresses, the like.


This needs to be done soon.


I'm thinking of starting a Magazine dedicated to that.


Despite the enthusiasm found here, I'm not sure it would be a money making venture.


Still, I can see the appeal....


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary starts singing Gilbert and Sullivan: "I've got a little list, I've got a little list....and who never would be missed, never would be missed"

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


For compact cameras: When 2 megapixel digital cameras were standard the mantra was more megapixels equals a better quality image. Today' date=' the reverse is true, the [b']more megapixels the worse the image[/b]. The sweet spot is 6 megapixels.


For more information and why this is so, please read this.


Well, as the article notes that is for one particular sensor size. My 8 megapixel DSLR could easily use a higher density. :)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


It's snowing like a summabich outside right now. I've called in to work to say I'm not going to make it in. I heard two others in my department also called in. They said 3-5 inches in my part of the state, and 8-10 inches in Denver. We've probably got 8" here already, so I wonder how bad it is south of us.


Snow day!


My best friend works just north of Denver (Interlocken business park for those who know the area), and is expecting to be going home early today. She heard 5-8 inches for her area, though that might be out of date by now.


*misses the snow*

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


In a camera with a perfect detector, there's a "sweet spot" in terms of image reconstruction where the detector array pixels are about half the size of the optical system's resolution. I am given to understand that most commercially-made cameras have pretty substantial flaw rates in their detector arrays, so oversampling the optical image and doing some on-chip processing is a way to get around that, as long as you have extra information to interpolate over the bad spots on the array. It's rare for most camera users to work anywhere near the theoretical limit of resolution of their cameras.


Astronomers, who do work at the limits of their instruments, pay extra -- sometimes lots extra -- for CCD arrays with very good cosmetics and best-available noise properties for the instruments on big telescopes. The problem is that the average number of flaws per unit area is roughly a constant for most chip foundries, so in pushing for larger chips (for an astronomer, more sky in your image) you bump up against chip fabrication limits.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


That still sounds better than how it was back when I was working in the field, when the arrays had to be made pretty much by hand, I had to process a lot of flats to take the CCD noise out of the data, and in some cases you had to aim the scope slightly off so that the photons you wanted would land on a good part of the array.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Yeah, I remember those days. Hell, I took a bunch of spectra with a chip that had a frickin' LED in one pixel. Thankfully, the emission was rock-solid constant, but you had to position the spectrum down at the bottom of the chip, and take two exposures in very slightly different positions, then subtract one from the other (twice) to get the signal. And watching the readout was nightmarish.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Ah, fond memories of bad pixels, severe cross-array sensitivity variations, cosmic ray strikes, bad filters, craptastic Blackwatch 9-track tape, elaborate shell scripting to reformat data output from one app so it'd be accepted by another... sometimes I'm amazed we got anything useful at all.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Yeah, "cosmic ray strikes". Back before manufacturers realized that it actually mattered where you got your sand for making silicon wafers, and before it had been demonstrated that a lot of said "cosmic rays" were actually silicon-32 decays within the chip itself.

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