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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Best wishes for Elizabeth. I hope whatever it was doesn't recur.


She's also very pretty.


I hope you have appropriately thanked your catsitter. :)


We have thanked her and the vet staff a lot.


Today, she spent the day bouncing around the house in her old style, stole a toy mouse from our big bully cat, and then played with it. He came over to her, she bopped him one and he backed off. She's not quite seven pounds, he's fourteen, but she has the tortitude back up and running. She's also back to stealing the butter, but we're letting her get away with it.


Still have to keep an eye on her, but so far, so good.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I repeat: "Death Tribble, I know. I don't always remember; I do try. I think your post went a little overboard, though." That's all I meant. I even clarified it as such, for anyone who was mistaken. And here I put it in similar words, just in case you're still mistaken as to what I meant.


It doesn't need this endless string of people who aren't Death Tribble telling me what I already know and never objected to. I post a response like that and suddenly I got five people on my case? I've had it. I didn't deserve this; I didn't post anything that you're actually responding to and I don't need five people to tell me what I've already been told. I made a mistake. I got a post that seemed possibly hostile. I questioned it. I get a mob telling me I was wrong? Wrong for what? Questioning a potentially hostile reply?




Sorry, Old Man, for making the thread serious again. But this has gone too far. It's a string of people telling me off for just asking a polite question of someone who is none of them.


I wasn't being hostile. And if you think Trib and I were being hostile I apologize.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I suppose I should explain the situation from my point of view:


I make a mistake.

Someone says something hostile about the mistake. He may have been joking, but I don't know.

I question why he's hostile, but *Not* the point he made.


Six people start crowding around me, all asking me why I objected to the point - When I didn't - and only two of them bothering to listen to the answers I give to the others.


At this point, ignoring people and walking away is a rational, reasonable response.




If I may it might help to explain the situation from at least my point of view, and I believe the point of view of others as well:


The "Random Musing" thread is one that a number of us enjoy reading for its intended purpose, and find it jarring to have someone post a reply in the thread. Generally the response is a gentle reminder that replies should be handled in a different thread. A gentle reminder that you have received on a number of occasions. A reminder that doesn't seem to be making any impression. So it isn't particularly surprising that people would make the reminders less gentle.


Was Death Tribble over the top? Of course, that is his online persona. He regularly talks about destroying entire metropolitan areas just to get at someone who annoyed him. :)


If you aren't familiar enough with Death Tribble I can see how you might think he was being hostile. And I can certainly understand making mistakes. Everyone does. I've certainly screwed up and posted a reply to the "Random Musings" thread.


But can you understand our frustration? You do it fairly regularly. Heck, you have done it at least once while we've been having this discussion. At this point I'm having a hard time seeing it as anything but one of two options. You are doing it on purpose, or it is so unimportant to you that you can't be bothered to notice when you are posting to that thread.


Yes, I know that you were responding (and objecting) to the perceived hostility in DT's post rather than the point he was making. My point is that even though I agree that his post was over the top (something he certainly admits to), the reason that it got there is that gentle polite reminders don't seem to be making any difference to you.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


@Archermoo: I can certainly respect that. To explain further, I literally am that absent-minded, at least in the mornings. I can traverse a floor and forget why I went up or down the steps, to be a bit proverbial and completely literal. I can tell myself to put more soap in the washroom, wash my hands and wander out, having completely forgotten about it in the course of a minute.


I tell people my memory leaks like a sieve and they say things like "Oh, everyone's like that". I don't think they quite get that I mean it rather literally. :)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Oh' date=' I wasn't. My attempt was to just explain myself to him. And fortunately it seems to have been received in the manner it was intended.[/quote']

Yep. I've no problem with correction. :)


I've recently started exercises to improve memory, so hopefully I won't be quite so...Oh, right, I just remembered something I forgot. BRB.



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