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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


We had a diversity speaker at work today. He is a Lakota Souix named Ron His Horse Is Thunder. He said a number of interesting things.


Among them, he said that the Lakota, and other Indian tribes, want to have their children struggle through adversity.


The idea goes like this: Everything in the world is a gift from god. So, if you try to give money to god, you're not really giving anything. You're actually trying to return the gift. The only thing you really own is your body, and the only thing you can give to god that isn't already his is your emotions. By working through adversity, they learn to make of themselves an offering worthy of god.




This is beyond interesting... this is profound.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I have well over 30' date=' probably more like 40, pages of notes to compile into actual session write-ups. Yuck. I love the games, but the write-ups get to be some work. I've fallen behind - 1 Independent Mutants' Resource Center to write up (that's a villain campaign), and 3.5 Justice Squad issues to write up, as well as possibly, if I bother, one writeup from the Nizhny Novgorod-based Mutants and Masterminds game, though that will probably get rebooted when I pick up M&M again.[/quote']

Get to work you slacker! :whistle:

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


We had a diversity speaker at work today. He is a Lakota Souix named Ron His Horse Is Thunder. He said a number of interesting things.


Among them, he said that the Lakota, and other Indian tribes, want to have their children struggle through adversity.


The idea goes like this: Everything in the world is a gift from god. So, if you try to give money to god, you're not really giving anything. You're actually trying to return the gift.





Where would Christianity be with THAT attitude? ;)



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Re: Musings on Random Musings


As for the Stormtrooper body armor, it gives you a 'temperature glove' (sufficient for both Tatooine and Hoth, apparently), life support, the radio, and a belt to hang all your weapons on.


But yeah, it's obviously no good as ARMOR. I mean, in the real world we got rid of armor because gunpowder made it obsolete, and SW characters use blasters because they make gunpowder firearms obsolete.

Heck, it won't stop arrows fired by bows drawn by three-foot teddy bears for cryin' out loud!
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Re: Musings on Random Musings


There are now Pro-annorexia web sites out there where sick young girls with image obsessions encourage other sick young girls with image obsessions to starve themselves to death.


Wouldn't it be easier to just find a necromancer to turn you into a skelleton?




Interesting. I never though about the possible Necrophilia fetish with anorexic women. Well, you never know what'll turn some people on I guess.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


It bothers me slightly that I know the names of the nine captains of the Starship Enterprise that have so far been revealed to the Trek-watching public.


It bothers me slightly that I know there have been nine captains of the Enterprise so far.


So who are the nine known captains of the Enterprise?



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Guest Worldmaker

Re: Musings on Random Musings


So who are the nine known captains of the Enterprise?


Now that I think about it, there are eleven, not nine.



1. Jonathan Archer

2. Robert April

3. Christopher Pike

4. James Kirk

5. Willard Decker

6. Spock

7. John Harriman

8. Rachel Garrett

9. Jean-Luc Picard

10. William Riker

11. Edward Jellicoe


EDIT: That's in chronological order based on when they assumed command (and does not include places where, like Kirk and McCoy, a captain left command of the Enterprise and then returned to her.)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Now that I think about it, there are eleven, not nine.



1. Jonathan Archer

2. Robert April

3. Christopher Pike

4. James Kirk

5. Willard Decker

6. Spock

7. John Harriman

8. Rachel Garrett

9. Jean-Luc Picard

10. William Riker

11. Edward Jellicoe


EDIT: That's in chronological order based on when they assumed command (and does not include places where, like Kirk and McCoy, a captain left command of the Enterprise and then returned to her.)


Ok... Where did Robert April, John Harriman, and Edward Jellicoe come in? The others sound right to me, but I can't place these three.



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Guest Worldmaker

Re: Musings on Random Musings


Ok... Where did Robert April, John Harriman, and Edward Jellicoe come in? The others sound right to me, but I can't place these three.


Okay, the rundown of the little knowns:


Robert April (portrayed by Gene Rodenberry in a Trek costume in a publicity picture now used as "Captain April's official glossy" by Berman and company)was the name Rodenberry considered originally for the Captain while developing Star Trek. The name was made official (as the Captain who took command of the Enterprise just after original construction was completed) later when a codified, official history of the Federation was developed for use by Star Trek: The Next Generation writers. (Robert April, the character, also appears in the only animated Trek episode considered official by the Trek powers that be, The Counter-Clock incident.)


Willard Decker (played by Stephen Collins) took command after the original "five year mission". He oversaw the refit of the ship referenced in Star Trek: The Motion Picture, and was intended to be the commander of the ship until the V'Ger mission took him out of the picture.


John Harriman (played by Alan Ruck) was the captain of the Enterprise-B at the beginning of Star Trek: Generations.


William Riker (played by Jonathan Frakes) was officially given command of the Enterprise and promoted to Captain upon Picard's abduction by the Borg in the ST:TNG episode "The Best of Both Worlds, Part I". Picard was counted as a casualty. It always bothered me that after Picard was rescued and rehabilitated, Riker was demoted back to Commander. He should have remained a Captain in rank, regardless of serving as XO of the Enterprise under Picard.


Rachel Garrett (played by Tricia O'Neil) was the captain of the Enterprise-C in the ST:TNG episode "Yesterday's Enterprise".


Edward Jellico (played by Ronny Cox) assumed command in the ST:TNG episode "Chains of Command, Part I".

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Hey' date=' you don't know what the draw weight of those bows is. For all you know, an Ewok can bench press an AT-ST and pull the arms off a wookiee if it loses a game of holochess.[/quote']


Chimps and Orangutans can be amazingly strong, and they aren't bigger than humans. Most of them aren't.



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Re: Musings on Random Musings


There are now Pro-annorexia web sites out there where sick young girls with image obsessions encourage other sick young girls with image obsessions to starve themselves to death.


Wouldn't it be easier to just find a necromancer to turn you into a skelleton?

Saw that via Something Postive as well. I don't understand people.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Saw that via Something Postive as well. I don't understand people.

there have been pro ana sites for ages offering thinspiration and negative thinspiration (grotesquely fat people). Most of them are made by stupid girls and you can generally tell at a glance which ones they are, however the more professional sites are a little more interesting for example: They often have great dieting and exercise techniques that WW and JC recomend, they have well made BMI counters and some even have proper E-Zines that don't contain poor spelling. (shock horror.)


As an aside the entire "are anorexia and bulimia actually diseases" debates really interest me.

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