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NGD Scenes from a Hat


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NT: Peacetime uses for a Gundam, a Veritech Fighter, or another giant piloted battle robot.


Super Bowl halftime show. Hey, it's a better option than Madonna, LMFAO, Cirque du Soleil, Nicki Minaj, M.I.A., and Cee Lo Green.


New Topic: Halloween hijinks  in the Champions universe.

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New Topic: Halloween hijinks  in the Champions universe.

Menton welcomes every Trick or Treater in the area, who for some reason give him all their candy. Needless to say, he ends of overdosing on Kit Kats and doesn't feel all that good the next morning.


NT: Halloween is over, but the urge to party in the Champions Universe is not sated. How do superheroes and supervillains celebrate Dia del los Muertos?

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NT: Halloween is over, but the urge to party in the Champions Universe is not sated. How do superheroes and supervillains celebrate Dia del los Muertos?


Scorpia, Fuer, and Giganto get together to reminisce about their old boss and how glad the are that they don't work for him any more.


New Topic: This year's version of the Hunger Games features teenage superheroes and supervillains. Who wins?

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New Topic: This year's version of the Hunger Games features teenage superheroes and supervillains. Who wins?

If it were *real* hunger games and not these glorified godgame spectacles, the winners would consume the losers, which means Matter-Eater Lad wins it all.
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New Topic: This year's version of the Hunger Games features teenage superheroes and supervillains. Who wins?

It sure won't be President Snow.


NT: So you're caught in the middle of a war between the gods and the demons, and have something they are both willing to kill and torture for. But that's no reason to lose your sense of humor! How will you keep up your spirits while running for your life against infinitely powerful foes?

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NT: So you're caught in the middle of a war between the gods and the demons, and have something they are both willing to kill and torture for. But that's no reason to lose your sense of humor! How will you keep up your spirits while running for your life against infinitely powerful foes?

Holding my whiskey over my head.

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NT: So you're caught in the middle of a war between the gods and the demons, and have something they are both willing to kill and torture for. But that's no reason to lose your sense of humor! How will you keep up your spirits while running for your life against infinitely powerful foes?

By singing Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life.

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NT: More inventive ways to get back at your ex. Complication: must be both evil and funny.

Give money in their name to political causes that they vehemently disagree with, but you consider to be riotously funny. This makes the ex mad, and puts them on that sucker list forever. And political groups sell their sucker lists a lot, and will use a number and address for as long as someone responds to it, so this can be good for over a decade of harassment by third-party telephone solicitation.
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