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Yet Another "Name This Character" thread.

The Hyborian

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He all,


Have been working on a 350 pt champs guy just for fun, no specific game in mind. He is done execpt for a good name. I wont spend the time typing out the character competely, but here is a thumbnail:


His is big, cobalt blue, and bald, with crytaline skin. (A mutant). He is faster and tougher than a normal person (although only in the moderate range as supers go) and has low end superhuman strength (pick up a car, not a buidling). His powers focus on an EC defined as "bio-electrical generation", which includes a force field, and area affect flash and stun drain, a dammage shield, and flight. His skills include some martial arts training (Judo/Akido style, focus on blocks/grab/throw) His combat roll will be hand to hand and short range utility powers. He has a good deal of academics skills (he is an archeologist/anthropologist specializing in Meso-American cultures.) He speaks Spanish well, but is not hispanic himself. He is in his Mid thirites, and his powers only recently manifested. He has a forcefull personality (high Pre) and is a effective speaker (Converstaion, Persuasion). Enemies include Demon, and he is watched by the US government, mostly for Blogging about radical left wing politics and advocating theories about how metahumans will eventually take over leadership of society.


So, I feel that I have a well rounded character here with an effective combat role, significant non-comabt skills, and some story hooks for a GM to work with. (Public ID, media involvment, controversial ideas on his websight)


I just need a freakin' name.


Rep for whoever suggests a good one (I have plenty to spare).


The Hyborian

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Re: Yet Another "Name This Character" thread.


why not Cobalt?

I've always thought it was a great name for a hero, nice and stylish without actually describing his powers at all. I used it as a street handle for a Cyberhero "Brick" character I once wrote up... he got the name from the blued finish of his soviet millitary cyberware

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Re: Yet Another "Name This Character" thread.


why not Cobalt?

I've always thought it was a great name for a hero, nice and stylish without actually describing his powers at all.


My first thought, as well.


Only other things I can think of without gettin' cheezy are "Indigo" or "Cobalt Blue". I don't see any reason to overcomplicate the process.

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Re: Yet Another "Name This Character" thread.


Xolotl was the Aztec god of lightning and was apparently viewed as the twin brother of Quetzalcoatl. He was also the lord of the evening star and pushed the Sun at sunset towards the ocean and guarded it during the night, when it passed through the Underworld. He also guides the dead there.


So, as your character has an interest in the culture, how about calling himself Xolotl, or even Dr. Xolotl. He would inevitably be nicknamed 'Dr. X', of course!


The Aztecs also had a god called Chac, but while he was lord of lightning, his primary speheres of influence seem to have been rain and vegetation.

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