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Crucial Help Needed

Super Squirrel

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I've got a big problem with my Champions game. I have alluded to it in other threads on this matter, but I really need to address the issue somehow.


I have a problem with two players in my game. I'm not confrontational and I hate to say no. But I feel that two players are taking advantage of that. Much of the problem falls on my fault. If I was more assertive and wasn't as afraid of hurting a player's feelings, I'm sure this wouldn't be a problem.


One of the player's character simply does not fit to game concept. He has no interest in non-combat related discussion from what I can see. He is built with the Physical Limitation (Knows Nothing of Earth Culture). He makes no attempt to even try and roleplay this. His way to deal with it is to simply avoid all situations that would involve this.


I asked the players in my game to write-up what they have been doing in the previous week when they aren't on an adventure. He wouldn't write anything. All he wanted to do is use a telescope he bought studying the solar system from orbit looking for where the VIPER modified X-Prize Jet went. There is no interest from him at all to contibute to player growth so that I can better develop the game.


In the last combat he had, his action was to use his first phase to grab the villain and use his second phase to swing the villain into a wall of a building. He repeated this long after the villain lost consciousness and made no attempt to check on the status of the villain. He could care less if they died. In the last game the outcome of his actions were announced which included the fact that five families were evicted because the building was condemned from the damage. He didn't seem to care. I'm also afraid to ask for a copy of his character sheet because this is the same guy that has Always On for Life Support. I didn't see it when I reviewed his character sheet. It came to my attention some three game sessions in. I do make him roleplay it so it isn't like he isn't getting the disadvantage out of it.


Then there is my other player in question. She wanted to play a new character. The character she turned in made me nearly have a heart attack. Independent, Focus Expendable, OIHID on nearly every power. I corrected her on Expenadable pretty quickly. I also told her to tone it down and we talked about Independent. Her argument on it is that if someone was to take it, they would have access to the powers. She is aware of the consequences so I let it go.


There was something that came up that I asked for her DCV. She informed me it was a 16. I had somehow, not caught that her character had bought +4 CSL in DCV with Independent, Focus. And you know... I really shouldn't have to tell my players that this isn't acceptable.


So, here is what I need... desperately need.


I need to fix my campaign. And I need advice on how to say no to my players. It is just these two players. My other three players are great. I'm just so fed up right now that I want to snap and throw in the towel. And further, it isn't fair to my other players because I'm penalizing them when it comes to XP rewards. I seem to think that because some players abuse XP rewards, I can skim it down for the group. And that isn't fair to them.

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Re: Crucial Help Needed


My suggestion would be to print this out, and either read it to the group, or give it to the "offenders".


Are all parties involved adults? Then I would suggest you approach it from an adult perspective, and everyone talk about it. We did this in my own gaming group, and since then we are all very open and honest with eachother, and all the political sensitivity BS is gone, and we really have fun. Everytime we get together we are able to explore new ideas and talk about what we did and didn't like.


It was very refreshing.

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Re: Crucial Help Needed


RPMiller is right on the nose.


If you are uncomfortable about talking as a group have each player come to the game 30 min early or simply meet them for coffee or something and talk about it. Talk about the problems then talk about solutions. Ask the player to work with you for the sake of the others and your game.


It does work.


I ran a Vampire game long ago and one of the players wanted to play his character so tightly that he was disrupting the campaign. I talked with him over lunch and we worked it out. :D

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I'd suggest you approach this not as a confrontation, but as an effort to help everyone enjoy the game more. (it going unspoken, of course, that YOU should enjoy the game, too).


First off, ask everyone in the campaign for copies of their character sheets. Tell them that you want to improve your GMing by making sure that everyone has their "niche" for their own character, so someone isn't left without something to do. Tell them that you've learned the system better since you started the campaign and they made up characters, and offer to redesign their characters along with some of your villains so they match the desired concepts better.


Go to Independent girl with the rulesbook open to the Limitations section, and say "You know, I never really read Independent too closely. Are you aware that if this focus is taken away, you lose those points for good -- and that I'm supposed to make sure your focus gets taken away. I don't want you mad at me for that; let's redesign these powers a little bit." If she's worried that her character will now be useless, point out that you're redesigning the villains to take that into account.


Twinky combat guy is a bit more of a problem from your description. Me, I'd say "The rules say that you need to be limited by a Limitation you take. I can't figure out how you're limited by always having your Life Support on; it's already persistant. Give me some examples of when this Always On limits your character so that I can use them." That's to work on the twinkishness.


As for the combat-obsession, well, some people like Champions because they like the combat. I've tried giving rewards for turning in character development writeups (1 exp, no more than once between adventures). That might help.


If combat twink continues with the inappropriate behavior, simply remind him "That action really isn't appropriate in the game I'm running. If you keep that up, there'll be consequences you won't like." See if you can get other players to support you.


When he doesn't modify his behavior (and I suspect he won't), make sure that the consequences aren't more combat. Have him be sued, fined, get no cooperation from the authorities, etc. Furthermore, impose these penalties on his teammates, too. They need to help you reign him in. If they've got a superteam sponsor, have him tell the team that Twinky needs to change or leave the team. Have their superjet impounded. When they show up to fight VIPER, have UNTIL block them from the battle because Twinky is just too destructive -- or have UNTIL call in a rival hero team.


The point being, you don't have to say "No" if you can figure out what motivates the players -- and use that to reward or punish the behavior you want or don't want. And get the other players involved; they're in the game, too, and it shouldn't be all on you. Good luck.

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Re: Crucial Help Needed


I think as a Champions GM, unless you really trust and are in tune with the group you run for, you have to exercise the control up-front as much as possible.


Insist on a copy of the character, and sufficient time (ie time between sessions if possible) to review it. Insist on changes to things you don't like, and see that they are incorporated into the character sheet. Discuss it out with the player. Going forward, all XP spent must be approved, and incorporated into your copy of the character. Anything that's not on your copy, the character simply does not have.


Players that don't want to do non-combat stuff - fine. That's not their ball of wax. But make it clear to them that your game will involve significant amounts of this, and that they will get much less individual "play time" as a result. Everyone else will get their RP time, the lone wolf can sit in his cage and doodle.


Independent? Is this the same in 5th as it was in 4th? :nonp: OK, villain takes their stuff, goes to the Andromeda galaxy. Points gone. Want to keep playing that character with all those points lost, or try someone else?


As for "Knows nothing of Earth Culture" - part of this is in how you present it. "They're coming towards you making threatening gestures. They are all dressed in colorful uniforms. As they get closer you see each of them is brandishing a small cylindrical object in one of their hands. They're getting closer. What do you do?" Sure, they're just a bunch of kids in school uniforms waving pens trying to get a superhero's autograph, but he doesn't know that. He's also going to have trouble crossing the street, etc etc until he learns and starts buying that disad off. I don't even want to imagine what kind of trouble he could get into trying to buy that telescope, if he could even explain what it was he wanted, and had any idea of Earthly customs of exchange/money.


XP does not have to be uniform across players. Bonuses and penalties are entirely appropriate, IMO and can be a useful tool in shepherding "power gamers" in the directions you want. "If I act like a hero and roleplay, I can get even more powerful! Kewl!" = win, win

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Re: Crucial Help Needed


First off all the above advice is great.

Second did you have or try using a Campaign Ground Rules Sheet for a guide to the players when they made up their characters. either the 4th ed or the 5th ed.

I have learned from the Global Guardians PBEM game is that the GM has the right to Audit characters who are going to participate in the game. And said GM is going to make sure the character fits in the campaign. If the character does not meet the guidlines for the game the player has two chooices.

1) change the ofending skills, powers etc to meet the campaign acceptable.

2) Make a new character.


I know it seems simple and its hard to put your foot down but if you don't the game will be ruined for you and possibly the other three PCs or the game ends and all are unhappy.


Good Luck

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Re: Crucial Help Needed


I've given a lot of my input already. I think it was a good idea to mention about the evictions, but obviously that didn't pack enough punch.


What I don't understand is why it's okay for my character to have a PR nightmare on her hands from stuff she didn't even do, while he gets away with that kind of thing with no major backlash. We have the same Hunted, right? So why be so shy about using it against his character? Throw in a little, "I recognize you from TV! You're no hero!" kind of interaction with NPCs. He's looking around with the telescope; maybe he spies an anti-him rally, or something.

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Re: Crucial Help Needed


That's part of the problem and one of the things I was hoping for assistance with. I don't have a sheet like that. I've tried to make something like that and really haven't had much luck. If someone has a sample file I could use, it would be appreciated.


Heck, I can't even figure out how to word something that says "don't munchkin!"

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Heck' date=' I can't even figure out how to word something that says "don't munchkin!"[/quote']

"The rules recommend against building powers like this. How would you feel if I used something like this on your Hunted? Please help me run a game that everyone can enjoy."


And if you have any sympathetic players -- not mentioning WHOOOO -- have them chime in with "For your character to be playable, your Independent limitation has to be ignored. That's not fair to the rest of us, but we wouldn't be having fun if you're going to be having no fun when your Independent limitation comes into play."

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Re: Crucial Help Needed


SS, you've commented the other players are OK. Are their characters OK with the actions of [hmm...let's call him Combat Wombat, or "CW" for short] CW, or do they just let it slide because Hey, he's a teammate and he has "PC" tattooed on his forehead? If their characters aren't reacting to CW's actions, they're part of the problem.


In my game, if a PC beat an unconscious opponent, at least one other player would demand he be removed from the team, if not prosecuted. If the police wanted him in for questioning, that character (at a minimum) would do whatever it takes to bring him in.


I'd start by letting the whole team get some bad press for the incident. Maybe those families blame the TEAM, not the one member who really caused the problem. Then let his teammates react.


As for Limitations Lass, I echo what others have said. She needs to read and understand the limitations. Assuming she has, and says she's OK with them, they need to be enforced. That means taking away points, possibly "never to return". Perhaps a villain attacks the focus of a fairly minor power and destroys it. It's now not replaceable (outside an expenditure of further CP). After the whinefest has ended, give LL the choice - rewrite the character to eliminate Independent from all powers, or live with the fact that these powers will disappear over time. That's what Independent means. If she's then ready to change the character, let her have her full CP back (ie no penalty for the one lost power).


You've mentioned you're averse to confrontation, and unfortunately I see this situation as pretty much requiring one. I'd start by discussing matters with the other players - are they going to back you up? Are they willing to prevent you from inappropriately backing down? If there is a confrontation (after a fashion), 4 against 2 is a lot more comfortable than the GM vs 2 players while the other three sit quietly in the background. If they're OK with the situation (or not OK but not willing to have a confrontation either), then the only answer may be to fold the campaign if you're not enjoying it. The bottom line is that you (and your players) may have to choose between avoiding the confrontation and preserving the campaign. That's a choice all the players affected need to be aware of.

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Re: Crucial Help Needed


I've given a lot of my input already. I think it was a good idea to mention about the evictions, but obviously that didn't pack enough punch.


What I don't understand is why it's okay for my character to have a PR nightmare on her hands from stuff she didn't even do, while he gets away with that kind of thing with no major backlash.


One simple question: has your character made a similar comment in-game? "How is it that when I sneeze, the media picks up and blows it all out of proportion, but when Combat Wombat beats a man near to death and costs half a dozen families their homes in the process, the media lets him skate?" back at HQ might just start some discussions rolling IC.


No offense intended, but in my view, a player is either part of the solution actively or part of the problem by default. Making the campaign fun for everyone is not solely the GM's responsibility.

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Re: Crucial Help Needed


Worst case scenario of doing nothing: Game is no fun for you/most players. Campaign may collapse.


Worst case scenario of doing something: You can have some damn fine campaigns with three players. ;)


One thought on Limitation Lass: It seems she's probably confusing "Independent" with what she really wants - "Universal Focus". Try discussing those two together and compare/contrast them.

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Re: Crucial Help Needed


Worst case scenario of doing nothing: Game is no fun for you/most players. Campaign may collapse.


Worst case scenario of doing something: You can have some damn fine campaigns with three players. ;)


One thought on Limitation Lass: It seems she's probably confusing "Independent" with what she really wants - "Universal Focus". Try discussing those two together and compare/contrast them.

Good statement!

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You know, I think the real hard-to-solve problem is Combat Wombat, and it occurs to me that maybe we should be playing to SS’s strengths: non-confrontation. How about this scenario:


(hope Owl Wife can be trusted with being in on the scheme...)




Announce to the players in advance that there’s not going to be much combat the next several sessions, so that you can emphasize character development and other parts of the campaign.


Next session, have them wake up and go fight someone they can easily defeat and enjoy beating up – lets call him Bulldozer.

When they attack Bulldozer, announce that they have a -50 OCV penalty. Explain nothing when the yelps and whining begin; -50 OCV penalty. They shouldn’t be able to hit a Hex, let alone Bulldozer.

Rub it in a bit, by having Bulldozer gloat.

Then, when Bulldozer attacks, they find out he is at -50 OCV, too.

In fact, everyone in the campaign city/world woke up that morning and has -50 OCV for deliberate attacks that could hurt others. Don’t explain why; that’s just the way things are.

So Bulldozer can go on a property destruction rampage, but can’t hurt anyone. He can intimidate anyone, though. The player characters will have to talk him in.

In fact, they’ll find that their Conversation, Oratory, Persuasion, and Seduction rolls are at a +5 bonus.


Have this continue for several sessions before anyone stumbles onto a clue as to what’s going on. This will give your other players time to experience what a world without conflict might be like. Universal peace has descended: is everyone overjoyed? Or bored?

What’s going on? Well, maybe the Zodiac figured out how to make the Age of Aquarius real. Or Aprhodite convinced Ares to give up War, and give Love a chance. Or maybe Super Hippy got a really good batch of ‘shrooms and his peace-and-love powers went into overdrive.

If anyone asks how you did that in the Hero System, tell them “megascaled Change Environment with the Multiple Combat Effects adder.â€


Either Combat Wombat will get the hint and get with the program on how he acts, or he’ll be so annoyed he’ll realize that another play group might be better suited to his playing preferences. Meanwhile, this should give all your other players a great opportunity at character development and exploring an interesting moral dilemma.


If he’s really dim, you might hint that you’re liking Romance Champions that you might keep things that way.

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Re: Crucial Help Needed


We have one very confrontational rules lawyer in our group. Our two GM's (who switch off evry 6 or so months) always go through a few weeks "adjustment" period where they forget they need to be very firm with this person. Some games get bogged into fighting about rules and I just get up and go to bed early. In order to make it fun for all, EVERYONE needs to understand that in order for the game to work, EVERYONE has to "play". If a PC doesn't follow the GM's plot hooks, they miss the game that night. If that happened a few times to the Combat Monster, he might rethink. What about a series of games without combat? Try to develop the characters. For the other one (Limitation Lass was a good name!), have her come over early and tell her up front that this character isn't working the way it's written in your game. Don't forget, it's YOUR game. You can stop and start it any time you want. If you missed something on their character sheets, that doesn't mean you approved it, it means you missed it. If something isn't working the way you thought it worked, you are welcome to say, "This is the way it works in my world". It is your world, the sky doesn't have to be blue if you don't want it to!

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Re: Crucial Help Needed


I think RPMiller and others are on the right track when they say that you need to talk to these people either individually or as the group and get them to change a few things. Be firm about it. Tell them it's a matter of balance.


For specific things:


Always on for LS is a joke. As someone else pointed out, if it doesn't limit the character, it isn't a limitation worth points. And always on life support doesn't limit the character in any way. If he wants to keep it, force him to justify it - and then make sure to use whatever limits he says are on it.


Also, if he insists on doing gratuitious damage to either villains or buildings - sick the courts on him. Drag him into court for assault charges. File civil suits to recover the damages. Just because he's an alien doesn't make him immune to the law. There really ARE prisons that can hold him if it comes to that. You'd probably be better off having a respectable hero or two warn him about his tactics first. If he persists, well, like I said, the courts/police/UNTIL can do a lot to curb his enthusiasm. Last restort: give him a dose of his own medicine. Find a Grond type to beat him down and then hit him about 3 more times.


The girl with the Independent focus - take the damn thing. Then create an adventure where she has to get it back because it is irreplaceable. She'll probably be much more receptive to rebuilding the character after that.

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Re: Crucial Help Needed


One simple question: has your character made a similar comment in-game? "How is it that when I sneeze, the media picks up and blows it all out of proportion, but when Combat Wombat beats a man near to death and costs half a dozen families their homes in the process, the media lets him skate?" back at HQ might just start some discussions rolling IC.


No offense intended, but in my view, a player is either part of the solution actively or part of the problem by default. Making the campaign fun for everyone is not solely the GM's responsibility.

In all fairness, I do things in small steps.


Part 1: Press Coverage of the Disaster.

Part 2: Anti-Combat Wombat Groups Appear


The group will begin to address other things in game if it isn't addressed somehow. I have one player who is being investigated by the Secret Service for a response she gave an SS Agent in a game session. It isn't that I haven't so much done it, but not well with this particular character.

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Re: Crucial Help Needed


Worst case scenario of doing nothing: Game is no fun for you/most players. Campaign may collapse.


Worst case scenario of doing something: You can have some damn fine campaigns with three players. ;)


One thought on Limitation Lass: It seems she's probably confusing "Independent" with what she really wants - "Universal Focus". Try discussing those two together and compare/contrast them.

That will work really well. I like that.

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Re: Crucial Help Needed


Well the good news is I ended up getting into a conversation with "Combat Wombat" a little bit ago. He is going away for two weeks as he is going to be in Europe spending time with his Fiance before they move back to the US and get married.


He has a new character concept he wants to play and stop playing his current one. I seized the opportunity. I told him that I was working on some Campaign Guidelines and was going to have players redesign their characters to meet them (giving them a free chance to drop or add powers they want). I also told him that if it requires grandfathering some points, don't worry because I'm going to give out more XP and will just use the extra to pay for the grandfather points.


He accepted it and liked the idea. And because "Combat Wombat" was the harder one to deal with, it makes the Limitations player easier to address. I was also thinking of advising that she switch the +4 DCV to Defensive Maneuvers.


But help putting together some character creation guidelines would be really appreciated. :)

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Re: Crucial Help Needed


For character creation, I basically fall back on two things.


First, I try to enforce a general range limit of 4. In other words, the high and low base CVs(for the group at a minimum but ideally the world) are about 4 apart, characters' main attacks are within 4 DCs and DEF similarly breaks down. Anything over this is reserved for the rare being who "breaks the rules" but even then,not by much. I've got a streetlevel campaign where the martial artist types and typcial people are at about 9D6 and the top end people are 4 1/2D6 HKA or 14D6 STR punches, including the Superman types, and it works out just fine. The bricks can stay up forever, the martial artists are tough to hit and anyone running high end on unusual stats(i.e. a brick with a slightly higher than normal SPD) is just scary as hell.


Second, I make them write out the character without any numbers first. Tell me about EVERYTHING about the character. Then crunch numbers afterwards.


The questionaire is/was about 2 pages long and literally starts with "Who were your parents?" and "What kind of childhood did you have?" Other questions include:

"Do you have any living relatives or important friends/associates?"


"How did you get your powers and how did you feel about getting them?"


"What was your personality like before you got your powers and has it changed since you got them?"


"How long have you had your powers?"


"What did you do for a living before you got your powers?"


"How do you support yourself now?"


"Do you know any other heroes or have any archenemies?"


I usually ask for at least a couple of sentences for each, ideally a paragraph or so. Notice that I still haven't asked WHAT those powers are. That's the last question and even then, players have specific instructions to avoid numbers. The occasional comparison(i.e. Iron Man level strength) is about as far as it should go but I would prefer they avoid even that in favor of terms like "average" "good" and the like. By the time they get done with their report, so to speak, crunching the numbers only takes an hour or so. It also tends to cut down on powergaming a bit because you can tell a player - "this is how you build this power or how much of this characteristic you need for this campaign to do what you said". If they're skeptical, just ask them to trust you. Remind them that it is easier to buy an extra die or so later if they need it than it is to reduce it if they come out to powerful.

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But help putting together some character creation guidelines would be really appreciated. :)

1. You're not playing any character the GM hasn't taken home a copy of at least one week in advance of the game session.


2. You have X many base points for your character. You may take Y points of Disadvantages, total. You may have no more than Z points of Disadvantages from any one category (e.g., Z points of Hunteds, Z points of Psych Disads, etc.)


3. Maximum Damage Class (adjusted for advantages, per the rules) on any power is Q. Maximum DEF is R. Maximum Active Points in any power is S.


4. You really cannot take any "Magnifying Glass" or "Stop Sign" power without GM's permission. Even if it is in the book. Really.


5. You cannot take [whatever] Power/Advantage/Disad/Limit/etc. for your character. Even if it is in the book. Really. (e.g., Independent)


6. This game is not using the [whatever] optional rule. (e.g., Multiple Power Attack)


7. You must take Disadvantages in accordance with the tone of the campaign (e.g., Code Vs. Killing, Protective of Innocents).


8. You cannot take Limitations or Disadvantages that do not limit nor disadvantage your character. Well, you can take them, but they're worth zero points.


9. No, it is not fair. And, no, whining or complaining or arguing will not make the GM change his mind.


10. In fact, whining or complaining or arguing will make the GM come up with arbitrary and even more unfair rules. Like cutting your allowed DC of attack in half. Stop being annoying. No, it is not fair. Really.


11. Listen, if you're that upset by the whole thing, maybe you should consider running a game as GM and taking all the time so I can annoy you for once. See how you like it, for a change.


12. You can always find another group to play with who'll let you have your way. Really.


13. I'm going to make up more rules whenever I want to. No, it's not fair. Really.


14. We're doing this so everyone can have fun. If it's not fun, you have to say so. Really.

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Re: Crucial Help Needed


I will say "Good luck" on this. Whatever you do, make sure you talk to the players. And talk with all of them, preferably at the same gathering. I was in a gaming group that had a player who always made characters that were very poorly designed and/or were anti-thematic to the GM's design. I would point this out, and one of two players would occassionally agree with me, but no one other than me wanted to talk to him about it (and I wasn't GMing any of the games). They were all afraid to hurt his feelings because he was so thin-skinned. Instead, they let games become ruined because they didn't want a confrontation.


Now, with the same group, I had the (bad?) habit of pointing out inconsistencies and biased preferences from both of the GMs. Concerning the player with the bad designs and the two GMs with their double-standards, I started out subtley pointing this out and then kindly asking about the situations, but when nothing changed, I became blunt in my comments.


Well, the group had a decision to make: 1) Confront the player of bad characters & team/group harmony; 2) Address the double standards the GMs held; 3) Both 1 & 2; 4) Get rid of Kirby.


So, when there was a pause in gaming for me, the GMs were supposed to contact me when we they were starting back up the games I was in. Well, they chose option 4 and never contacted me; they even pretended they weren't gaming any more, but I found that out to be a lie very quickly.


After all my rambling, let me just re-emphasize the necessity of talking to them. Even if it comes down to only three players instead of five, the closure will do a body good.

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Re: Crucial Help NeededMost of what I would say has already been said on this topic. There is one angle you might try. If the players in question have anything resembling a conscience, you can try appealing to it. Point out to Limitation Lass that all those Limitations mean she winds up with more raw power than anyone else - which isn't fair unless you enforce the Limitations. Point out to Combat Wombat that his actions are bringing unfavorable attention on the entire team, which will hurt their mission.If they have no conscience (which is possible), this won't work. In that case, you can rely on in-game pressure (cops, courts, rival hero teams) or peer pressure (getting the players who are behaving to help you out) to attempt to correct the situation.Unfortunately, being a GM requires that you be willing to say "no" to a player - even if his feelings might be hurt - because allowing him to ruin the game for everyone else cannot be allowed.Be strong. Be cruel. Be cold. Or, simply be fair. However you want to interpret it. :)

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