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WWYCD:Little Girl Lost


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Haven't had one in awhile. Should be safe.


Your team has just completed a successful mission in the “Lost world†type area of giant animals, dinosaurs and primitives natives. (Makes this a lost island, another dimension or whatever fits you setting). During their adventure they discovered something startling. To earlier explorers in this region, presumed lost, actually survived for a while at least and have left behind a young girl. She is 10 years old and has been adopted into one of the friendlier tribes. (who were not responsible for her parents deaths). She’s fully acclimated to her new home and knows nothing of the outside world. The PCs know, that if she should be returned she would heir to quite a fortune and has relatives still alive (Grandparents). What do they do with the Little girl Lost?

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Re: WWYCD:Little Girl Lost


Blackberry S. Firr just loves children, and is big on family.


She'd hate to break up an existing family just to bring the child back to her "real" one.


Blackberry'd probably bring the some of the other relatives to the girl, and see how they react to each other. If all went well, the little girl would now have two sets of loving relatives.


Blackberry's big on education too, and would probably want, deep down, for the girl to be exposed to outside concepts, but not at the cost of uprooting her from her adopted kin.

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Re: WWYCD:Little Girl Lost


Most of my characters would react pretty much the same way in this case: Tell the girl and her parents that in a place far away, she has grandparents and other relatives who would probably like to meet her, and try to persuade her come back with them (assuming that the trip's not likely to be one-way). Don't mention the money, but do mention the opportunity for new experiences, and for education - including education in techniques she can bring back to her tribe if she so chooses. If she's truly determined, so be it, but you can expect them to pull out every argument they can muster.

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Re: WWYCD:Little Girl Lost


I love these WWYCD threads as they help expand the personality of the character is ways that might not be challenged or developed in game. Nonetheless the exercise cements the character and leads to better roleplaying.


SuperSquirrel: Why not develop a GM-NPC for your games? Or answer based on your favorite villian? What would Dr. Destroyer do? hmmmm?


For me the idea goes like this.


Chimera: Chimera is on the lamb from her father, the PM of Italy, as she tries to become a successful businesswoman and superhero. Dad, would not approve, she believes. Regardless, Chimera would talk to the new "parents" with the goal of making them understand that their role as caretaker of this child is greatly appreciated but that her "biological" family is waiting for her outside and the child deserves to be with them.


Hardcase would let well enough alone. As long as she is loved then that is all he would care about. Having money doesn't make you happy.


Robotman would definitely be shooting the wealth angle. Instead of the parents he would be leveraging the kid. Explaining to her about the easy life she would have, the wonderful toys and the tremendous opportunity she would have if she ditched the boondocks. However, if anyone called him on his shallowness, he would relent and think about the less tangible family bonds issues, and run with those.


Turbine: Turbine would tell the grandparents the child existed and let them decide what to do from there. After all, currently both sides are happy, and the recieving Grandparents should make the decisions to move forward. Not the 10 year old, and not the obviously conflicted adopted parents. If they needed then the Guardian would act as a mediator setting up a meeting so the sides could get to know each other. And to fight of the hostile local fauna that you just know is going to show up!



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Re: WWYCD:Little Girl Lost


Turbo would probably leave the child where she is. What good would come from uprooting the child from her adoptive family, and the only world she has ever known.


It's basically the "Tarzan Syndrome", at the first opportunity, the child would attempt to go back to her "Lost World" home. To a place where she feels comfortable...and loved.

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Re: WWYCD:Little Girl Lost


The ultimate concept behind a "what would your character do" is "your character" and as I have none currently' date=' I am unable to answer the character.[/quote']

Don't worry too much, Squirrely. If you've got a concept for a superhero in your head, but haven't put him/her/it into play, then that's fine--it's the personality that matters.


Queen of Spades: Considering her lifestyle choices, she would most likely sit down with her and put it in simple terms that she herself is bound to inherit a position of influence someday, and perhaps when she feels is right she can request passage to see the outside world. Queen, of course, would make sure that she would try to be there when that happens--no point in letting her flounder, after all.

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Re: WWYCD:Little Girl Lost


Tao would encourage the girl to at least visit her family as her lingering mixed memories of her "component" would give her some inkling how valuable connections with your past and liniege can be. She wouldn't press the matter as it would make her somewhat uncomfotable.


Harmony would consider leaving well enough alone. These things never work out and she'd just end up hating civilization and coming back to her home here.


Eve would encourage her to meet her grandparents since grandparents are nice, give out cookies and all sorts of nice things.

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Re: WWYCD:Little Girl Lost


The Gentleman - British aristocrat in a just pre WWII campaign would of course seek to return the girl to her family. It wouldn't occur to him that she would be happy living among a primitive tribe.


Raven - would tell her about the options, let her decide.


Mary Mystique - would also tell her about the options and help introduce her to her family. However, she is rather cynical about the chances of this girl being happy with other children in the modern world. (OTOH, she isn't a great believer in nobel savages and the wonders of living close to nature.) If possible, she'd see if she could build a teleportation gate so she could travel back and forth.

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Re: WWYCD:Little Girl Lost


Psilancer would let the girl know of her other family, but leave it up to the girl whether to go or not. If she went, Psilancer would look out for her and make sure she wasn't used by anyone; new family OR strangers.

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Re: WWYCD:Little Girl Lost


The C that I am using the most is in a Star Champion world, he's called Ca'Rom Holt, he's a combination of Dawn Star and Wildfire in an odd way. He's the last of he's people, or so he thought until a few adventures ago. He was asked to stay with he's 'new found' people but was told he'd have to stay with them and not the people that gave him meaning to he's life, so he told them thanks but no thanks. He'd want the girl to be happy, if she's happy here he'd leave her, but he would also do a bit of research on the grandparents, how old, and other things before or if he told them.

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Re: WWYCD:Little Girl Lost


Snow Leopard Having never been ill herself (life support, immune to all diseases from both parents), disease hold a maccbre fascination. She knows that running water and antibiotics have doubled average human life expectancy. On the other hand, she does understand the delicate ecological balance of a place like this. She would encourage the girl to visit the Outside World, and tell her that with her money she would be able to bring carefuly selected imports back to make her adopted family's life better. She would also inspect the tribe's privies and water supply, and perhapse suggest some improvements.

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  • 10 months later...

Re: WWYCD:Little Girl Lost


Eve, assuming she could even approach the other girl without freaking her out coimpletely (Eve is silver skinned robotic humanoid), she'd try to get her to at least talk her to Grandparents; then possibly come and see the outside world. Eve would of course stay with her and try ot be her friend.


Shidoku wouldn't tell her at all and consider the kid lucky to grow up some place were life was simple and the threads obvious.


Ivy would be torn. As a mother she'd know the heartache of being seperate from your child, but this applies to both sides. She'd see if she could arrange some sort of visitaiton, one way or another.

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Re: WWYCD:Little Girl Lost


Golden Eagle would explain the situation to the tribesmen in terms they understand (Her tribe has been looking for her for ten years, she is a chief's grandaughter there, etc.). If the tribe is eager to keep her, he will explain the situation to the little girl. A ten year old is old enough to make decisions like this for herself in most family courts, and he would abide by her decision. If there was evidence of abuse, neglect, or grooming for sacrifice to a giant ape/volcano/pit fiend, Golden Eagle will have no qualms about removing her from the tribe.

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Re: WWYCD:Little Girl Lost


The Specter would leave things alone for now. There's no point in uprooting a young girl from a family that loves and cares for her, just to introduce her to a family that might love her and will likely try to change her. He would, however, endeavor to return in a few years time when she is more able to understand the situation and tell her what her options are, but also play devil's advocate if need be.


With Whisper, it's more or less up to Bethany.


OOC: Speaking as an adoptee, I can tell you that such reunions do not always lead to "hugs and puppies".

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Re: WWYCD:Little Girl Lost


Eve, assuming she could even approach the other girl without freaking her out coimpletely (Eve is silver skinned robotic humanoid), she'd try to get her to at least talk her to Grandparents; then possibly come and see the outside world. Eve would of course stay with her and try ot be her friend.


Shidoku wouldn't tell her at all and consider the kid lucky to grow up some place were life was simple and the threads obvious.


Ivy would be torn. As a mother she'd know the heartache of being seperate from your child, but this applies to both sides. She'd see if she could arrange some sort of visitaiton, one way or another.



...nicely executed threadcromancy there, Nexus--particularly responding twice to your own WWYCD.




Is the "Eve" from this post the same as the "Eve" from the earlier post?

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Re: WWYCD:Little Girl Lost


Well crap. I didn't think I'd responded to this one myself so I did. :o


That'll teach me to browse old threads in the wee hours of the morning


Yep, the same Eve though an earlier incarnation of her.

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Re: WWYCD:Little Girl Lost


Special Agent Trent would inform the girl of her grandparent's existence, and allow her to choose what she wanted to do. As most of the other posters have mentioned, "family" is more defined by love than by genetic connection.


Lindsay "Gojira-chan" Connor would see this as a reflection of her own situation, and she wouldn't even consider taking the girl away from a place where she belonged and was loved to a place where she would be a stranger in a strange land. She'd be a little jealous, actually.

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Re: WWYCD:Little Girl Lost


Thia would not even attempt to move her - he officially comes from a Theocratic Military Academy. Family is what you make of it - to him the idea of 'outside family' is a tangible concept that exists in the box he was forced to put it in because, as a student, who's also a full time warrior, who's also expected to know as much about theology as the Priests - he doesn't have a lot of 'family' time. His family is his squad, his school and Jarome. That's it.


He couldn't imagine tearing the girl away from the life she built, anymore than he'd want someone to 'reintegrate him' into civilian life after spending the last 35 years in the military. And, since Thia thinks of the individual good a split second before the greater good, her individual good would - in his estimation - not be forwarded by exposing her to a separate life. One step outside of her: these people have adopted her into their family; destroying a family unit (the next step out) is anathema to this man. He couldn't do it, not even to build another one. At this point you're effectively asking him to 'choose' which family unit is superior; if she's happy here, and knowing that back home she'll eventually be a target for her money and may come to resent him for his interference, there's no way he'd move her, or even try to move her.


Far more harm than good would come of fundamentally altering her lifestyle without her will and consent. Money means nothing - she's happy, she's healthy, she's loved. She doesn't need money.


And, as an aside to Josh, Thia Halmades is 100% NPC. His character sheet has never hit the table outside of me as the GM running the game, but I do get a lot of mileage out of these threads by getting to consider how he would handle some of these situations.

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  • 1 year later...

Re: WWYCD:Little Girl Lost


Sandboy would be very much for leaving the kid where she is. By his line of thinking, she's got her life there and would be very upset by being removed to a strange world. His solution would be just to not tell anyone she was there so the Grandparents wouldn't miss her or send anyone else after her.


Aeon would strongly consider tampering with the timelines to go back and rescue the girl at the moment of her parents' deaths and bring her to her grandparents then, but then he'd probably get distracted and forget about it a few minutes later.


Miss Shadow...wouldn't care, actually. LOL

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Re: WWYCD:Little Girl Lost


Most of my characters would likely explain to her that she has family somewhere else, that she could have a big house and lots of things, but they wouldn't force her to leave. Maybe arrange a trip to visit for her family, or take her to visit them (with someone from her 'tribe' family to keep her company and show she has another family she might want to go back to).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: WWYCD:Little Girl Lost


The dinosaurs would be making Vitus homesick. As regards the girl, who cares? "I have no interest in getting a spear in the back if I try and take her away." Vitus might mention it to the girl's grandparents, if he remembers.

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Re: WWYCD:Little Girl Lost


Version One would simply tell her the facts as he knows them. Explain that she has relatives somewhere else and that they don't know about her yet. Explain that if she goes to them she will be rich and probably loved by them. Explain what rich is if the culture doesn't really have that. Offer to give her a lift or a means of contact with the outside world. If she takes it or not it's her decision, but she deserves the truth. The question is do you tell the relatives? I mean do they have the right to know they have a granddaughter, cousin etc.? :confused: It's not obvious they do, but certainly if the child wants to contact them, she should have the opportunity.

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