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Complicate the Person Above


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Re: Complicate the Person Above


The reason Seanaci and SatinKitty never post between 6:00pm and 11:00pm EST is because they have to go to the theatre every night to star in Wicked.


As Second and Third Flying Monkey To The Left, respectively.


I envy them -- I didn't even mAke it past the first round of auditions.

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


The reason Seanaci and SatinKitty never post between 6:00pm and 11:00pm EST is because they have to go to the theatre every night to star in Wicked.


As Second and Third Flying Monkey To The Left, respectively.


I envy them -- I didn't even mAke it past the first round of auditions.

I so owe you rep for that. :)




The reason Michael didn't make it past the first round of audtions for the part of a flying monkey is because they felt he was better suited as one of the trees in the forest who throws apples.

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


The reason Michael didn't make it past the first round of audtions for the part of a flying monkey is because they felt he was better suited as one of the trees in the forest who throws apples.

And whose fault was it that I broke character in the middle of "Dancing Through Life" and fell into the orchestra pit?


Seanici, if you must get into character by eating bananas on stage, for heaven's sake watch where you put those peels! You're just lucky it was me and not Kristen Cheneoweth who fell down. Thou Shalt Not Cause an Accident to Befall She who Getteth a percentage of the Gross!

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


Today, the anniversary of the landings in Normandy, it pays to recall that much the dreaded "Rommel's asparagus", the mines seemingly mounted on posts near the waterline to destroy landing craft, were an early experiment in genetically modified organisms, a particularly violent form of puffball fungus with a long and robust stalk. They were grown and harvested on Roter Baron's estate in Lower Saxony.

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


Enforcers real name is Punk R. Jersey and he tries to loose weight by convincing the Grand Hero Master in the Sky to grand him a Hunted By Judge Dredd to pay with point for more STR, CON and COM and what else to define a "slim line" in HERO.


Beats skipping double-cheeseburgers and super-sized fries for dinner, you have to give him that!

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


Enforcer84 was a young and naive cosmetic surgeon whose career was ruined when he interpreted literally the woman who said "Gimme a boob job that'll make me look like the Grand Tetons." She wasn't pleased with the Ponderosa Pines, among other things.

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


Death Tribble has a terrible smoking habit. Not tobacco, marijuana, or any other common addictive inhalant; he's hooked on burning guinea fowl feathers, preferably spiced with a drop molten sulfur, a full pipe at least eleven times a day. Most of the anti-public-smoking laws in London have been aimed at him, not at ordinary tobacco junkies.

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