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Complicate the Person Above


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Re: Complicate the Person Above


One year death tribble gave the same Christmas present to everyone he knows. A stuffed wombat dyed shocking dayglo pink, a vibrator (but no batteries with it), and a kilo of off-brand petroleum jelly. The Queen was delighted and sent him a personal thank-you note.

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


Cancer has no internal organs.There's a complicated matrix to be sure,

but its not organs. or Even synthesizers.


Incidentally, if you're writing up Cancer in Hero,

don't forget the 32" radius continuous persistent Transform

Always On: Electronic Equipment into Junk.

(He gives off a lot of EMP, he's only beautiful in the visible spectrum)

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


(HEY! I'll have you know I work hard on my cosmetics in the 200 micron band! Hmph.)


Egyptoid has a dead-or-alive arrest warrant posted on him by the authorities on sigma Octantis IV. He's wanted for smuggling in Bibles. It's not the philosophy or religious message that bothers them; it turns out that the cheap ink-and-paper combination of those Bibles is a mind-destroying narcotic of the worst kind for the residents of that world, and the pages are torn out and swallowed by junkies in its most loathesome drug dens.

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


Cancer only knows about the Sinister Secret of My Ancestry because my enemies from RIGEL 9 told him!

He has been their ally on Earth for a very long time because they want to launch an invasion and destroy Earth!

So, Cancer is not only in their alien pockets, but also a traitor to humankind!

The reason why he wants to be the ally of aliens who want to destroy his homeplanet is beyond me - as is the reason why the RIGEL 9 aliens are so serious about the destruction of Earth.

Last time I tor ... asked one of them the only rubbish he was muttering was along the lines of "you destroyed our beloved Rigel", "oh, the carnage", "all the dead" blabla.


They cannot take the smallest joke, these hammerheads!

Killed him for spoiling my day ...

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


Sluggo! That was his name! I have it on good authority (from a private source) that Rotor Baron is actually a paranoid conspiricy theorist who tortures innocent people who look at him cross-eyed. Hrrrmmph!


All wrong, Rebecca!

Let's set this straight before you spread more rumours about the Coming Kaiser of the Earth:


1) His name wasn't "Sluggo" - that was the sound his exploding head made when the smithereens hit the wall. His name was something like "AAARGHOHMYGODTHEPAINURGH!!!" or something.


2) Being paranoid does NOT mean that they aren't after you!


3)I am not a "paranoid conspiracy theorist", I am a observant conspiracy practicist! HA!


4) I don't torture "innocent people who look at me cross-eyed" ... I torture AND kill all people who look at me in any way - croos-eyed, straight-eyed, whatever-eyed! And they are all guilty - guilty of looking!


Tsk, tsk. Such beauty and so little understanding ...


But Egyptoid is right about your undead ex-boyfriends - he knows: He is one of them!

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Re: Complicate the Person Above




that's all the headlines said on April 19th in rural Pakistan.

It was explanation enough, and the women wept in the rice paddies,

and the old men bemoaned at the kiosk, but no-one could

touch him, because he was above and beyond the UN

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


Tkdguy has several secret identities:

He is Pope, the High Green Lama of the Serpent People of Leng and King!

The last identity is not so secret, actually - I mean he is flaunting it every time he comes to the board: We all know that "tkd" stands for: "The king-dude!"

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