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New Superman movie trailer with tonight's Smallville


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Re: New Superman movie trailer with tonight's Smallville


However, I think all of the cast is good, except for Lana. I just don't like her character at all. But I love Michael Rosenbaum as Lex and Tom Welling as Clark. Yes



I like Smallville, and they've done better with the Lex/Clark Dynamic than anyone else has ever done. Nothing better than enemies whose anger started in friendship.

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Re: New Superman movie trailer with tonight's Smallville


I figure the more you like Superman, the less you'd like Smallville.


I have only seem the Krypto origin episode, the *ahem* Aquaman episode, and half the vampire episode which was worth it to hear James Marsden say "There are no vampires, Clark." Perhaps I saw the three worst episodes of the run so far, but I doubt it.


I find the stories are sub-Misfits of Science level, the dialogue is poorly written and there's a Duke boy playing Pa Kent. What's to like?


I have not watched the show in ages. I got turned off by the fact that kryptonite keeps transforming people into superhumans and after Clark defeats them, they would go into a convenient coma thus assuring that Clarks secret is kept, well, secret. After several episodes of this I had to bow out.


Having said that, I quite liked John Schneider and was glad that he was doing something else not associated with the Dukes show. Maybe we have finally started to be able to see actors as actors and not the roles they play. Then again.

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Re: New Superman movie trailer with tonight's Smallville


The first couple of seasons were pretty heavy on the freak of the week stuff, but seasons 4 and 5 have been moving away from the "freak of the week" episodes and they have really been advancing more overarching storylines more directly related to the Superman mythos.


They still occasionally have a freak of the week show, but its not as bad as it used to be and the shows now directly tie better into the evolving continuity of the series and the characters.

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Re: New Superman movie trailer with tonight's Smallville


It's a dopey show. The adult actors (John Schneider' date=' John Glover and Annette O'Toole) and Michael Rosenbaum are pretty good to excellent, but are limited by the really, REALLY bad dialogue.[/quote']


Well, I can't argue with that. The adults are all excellent, though the often dopey dialogue has got to be hard for anyone to sell. Worse, though, are plot points that require stupidity, amnesia and selective blindness.


Nobody else on the show is there for their acting ability (I think the guy who played frat-boy Aquaman was probably the worst I've seen).


I'd include Allison Mack (Chloe) in the "good to excellent" acting category. Plus, you know, she's hot. She's my favorite character, frankly--she's smart, she's curious, and now that she knows Clark's secret, she's gotten more involved in the storylines, which is good.


Erica Durance (Lois) is definitely not there for her acting--but holy ****, what a figure!

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Re: New Superman movie trailer with tonight's Smallville


The first I ever saw of Smallville was the two-parter, where I assume Clark was hit with red kryptonite, and flying around in Kal-El form. I thought it was awesome. I loved the story-arch of Clark's mysterious ultimate purpose on Earth; the concept that his alien mentality runs parallel, and contrary, to his human unbringing; and that Jor-El exists as some kind of unfathomable disembodied echo of consciousness.


It was also the first episode Lois Lane showed up, and you must admit she is smoking hot.


After that I didn't see anything until recently, when Clark's history professer (Brainiac?) is (falsely?) revealed to also be Kryptonian. I think it was also the episode where both of the old Dukes of Hazard got to hang out and drive around the country roads of Smallville; which, IMO, was freak'n jazzy.


Using Terence Stamp (General Zod, from the movies) for the voice of Jor-El makes me happy.


Then this week, when Brainiac is gazing at the transdimensional portal, and you saw Zod's prison flipping closer to Earth, it was chilling... like the coming of something very very bad... in good way.


Last week I came out to my friends, and told them I was a Smallville fan. They razzed me a bit, and talked about how it was an evening geek-opera (which is true); but I never like Buffy, Alias, Angel, or any of those other shows, and yet I dig Smallville. I like the writing... I like how so much of the dialogue seems to have conscious underlying sub-text... I like that there is some measure of over-arching plot... it's just good. It could be better, but in the ways I would want it to be better would probably mean it couldn't be sindicated. I'm an R rated kind of guy.


As far as the up-coming movie is concerning, I'm looking forward to it. I do think it's weird that they are setting it in the continuity of I and II, but hey... those were good movies. I dug the trailer, and really liked the brief scene with the wide-open middle-Amercan sky, which was beautiful and gave a sense of the vastness and fantasy of reality. And I think the coloring on Superman's costume has stylish classicly age-tinted shading.



~ Mister E

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Re: New Superman movie trailer with tonight's Smallville


So , DID I watch the worst episodes? I wanna see the show YOU are watching.


And where did that dog go?


When I was watching, in seasons two and three, Smallville was three separate shows.


One was a good melodrama about Lex Luthor's struggle not to become a monster like his father, and his relationship with a young Clark Kent. One was a sometimes fun Buffy the Vampire Slayer wanabe staring an ambiguously gay Superboy. I liked those two shows, which accounted for about one half of each season.


The third show was a bad teen soap staring a very pretty Eurasian girl; she had no sex appeal at all, yet was perfectly girly and vastly popular and incredibly skilled at all things and yet had a tragic past. She was an aging closeted gay man's dream of what a girl should be. That sucky third show took up the other half of each season. I stopped watching when the fourth season featured her as a destined chosen one with superpowers.

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Re: New Superman movie trailer with tonight's Smallville


The third show was a bad teen soap staring a very pretty Eurasian girl; she had no sex appeal at all' date=' yet was perfectly girly and vastly popular and incredibly skilled at all things and yet had a tragic past. She was an aging closeted gay man's dream of what a girl should be. That sucky third show took up the other half of each season. I stopped watching when the fourth season featured her as a destined chosen one with superpowers.[/quote']Yeah, I don't get the appeal of the Lana Lang character, either. To me, she's like a marshmallow floating in a beer. I consume it and don't really care; but I wonder why it's there.
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Re: New Superman movie trailer with tonight's Smallville


The two parter with Clark as Kal-El using his powers to the fullest was the end of season 3 and the opener of season 4. Season 4 was pretty good overall, but other than the lame vampire episode, the current season 5 has been awesome!


I recently went and bought the first 4 seasons on DVD. After watching some of the first season episodes its really easy to see how far the show has come. Though first season had some gems amidst all the freak of the week stuff.


Just got done watching the episode where the fortune teller sees Lex's future and the horror of it kills her. Its awesome. She sees him as the president and then suddenly he is standing in a field of flowers. He reaches out to one with a black gloved hand and it wilts and rots away before his eyes. Then the whole field rots away and he finds himself standing amidst a field of skulls and skeletons. Then dark storm clouds gather and it begins to rain blood upon him.


Awesome stuff!

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Re: New Superman movie trailer with tonight's Smallville


Personally, I have been a Smallville fan since season 1. And, yeah, there have been a few week episodes, but overall I have really enjoyed it. I love the friendship between Clark and Lex, although I wouldn't mind seeing Lionel just go away at this point. As for the movie trailer, it gave me goosebumps. Brandon Routh looks dead-on in the costume, and the new Lois leaves Margot Kidder in the dirt. I hadn't heard anything about her having a kid, though, although I did know she would be in a relationship with Perry's son. Well, just throwing in my two bits.

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Re: New Superman movie trailer with tonight's Smallville


Right now, I kind of enjoy Lionel's character. I also like the fact that Jor-El can now possess him and use his body as a vessel.


The season 5 episode about a month ago where Clark is mortal and gets shot and dies, then is resurrected by Jor-El/Lionel is awesome!


The whole Clark as Christ figure thing they had going on in that episode was totally awesome! You have the father with the evil son who came first. Lionel and Lex. Then you have the same father Lionel (possessed by Jor-El) with the good son, Clark/Kal-El, who came second as the saviour. The good son dies trying to help people, and the father resurrects him with all his power.


Probably my single most favorite episode of Smallville. The scene at the end where the resurrected Clark super-leap/flies up to the nuclear missile being launched to stop it, was awesome! I jumped off the couch and yelled "F$%^ yeah!!" My wife, who is not a gamer or sci-fi buff, just kind of rolled her eyes. :D


She watches Smallville because she thinks Tom Welling is hot and she likes the romantic subplots.

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Re: New Superman movie trailer with tonight's Smallville


i like the first season then lost track when smallville went all sexified...this season is a lil better...started to keep up with it better now that its not all about sex..that got old quick for me...and as far as the movie and the trailer i am extremely excited...but that just my 2 cents...

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Re: New Superman movie trailer with tonight's Smallville


So , DID I watch the worst episodes? I wanna see the show YOU are watching.


And where did that dog go?

No, the show is just that bad. I gave the show an honest try (2 seasons) and honestly cant remember one episode completely because they are all that forgettable.

In my opinion the show suffers from the same thing that made the later Star Trek shows bad.

Not very much internal consistency, monster of the week, and poor pacing.

There is a ton of Kryptonit in Kansas evidently and not enough plots that DON’T use it. As a matter of fact Im sure if I check my backyard I’ll find some Krptonite.


Let me go check……
































Oh yeah, found it.


Gave me powers too.


Let me see what they are







Damn it …I got the shaft

It gave me super gout and an overactive thyroid gland





In all honesty I might have liked it better if I had never ready Superman or Superboy.



That being said, I do have high hopes for this movie

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  • 5 months later...

Re: New Superman movie trailer with tonight's Smallville


Since there was a bump for the new trailer, let me state now that I am watching Smallville every week and really am digging it. They suckered me in with the sweeps week build up, something I thought I would be immune to since we are hyper-aware of sweeps at work.


Now the only TV I watch is Smallville and Supernatural.

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