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Need Spell ideas...

Dr. MID-Nite

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One of the characters in my Champions campaign has just gotten a 30 point Magic pool. Anyone have any good idea for spells that would be appropriate to the genre? I have both Grimoires, but the spells in there don't seem really suited for a supers game(and most are ridiculously expensive). I'd just like to be able to provide my player with a premade lists of spells.



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Re: Need Spell ideas...


You need a theme, I think, for us to help more. What does this character look like, act like, who does he/she emulate from the comics? How the heck did you "just get" a 30 point VPP?


Ideas: First a theme. Traditional spells require knowledge, skills, props (like books, mystic diagrams, bubbling cauldrons, dribbly candles, etc.), lots of time, spoken words and gestures. So by default you should have lims like Requires a Skill Roll, Gestures, Incantations, Extra Time, OAF, etc.


Second, reasoning from effect: most mages seem protected from harm some how, they can bind or entangle, they can throw up defensive barriers, things like Flash are common among some mages, so is telekinesis (both manipulation, and a big wind that knocks the enemy away). Invisibility is good too. So is the ability to not make any sound.


Also, summons are common; demons, animals, fish, you name it. Elemental effects are common. Some mages specialize in death and healing. Lots of other ideas here too.


It's such a big area that it's hard to know where to start.

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Re: Need Spell ideas...


Some of the traditional uses of magick...


Divination. Spells for finding out things. Detect Magick, Danger Sense, variations on Clairsentience, Mental Sense, Spatial Awareness.


Apotropaic Magick, or wards. Force Walls, Armor, levels with DCV, and of course Mental Defense and Power Defense. Missile Deflection and Reflection, and Mental Missile Deflection and Reflection.


Healing. Perhaps a Diagnosis spell, Detect Illness or Injury. Healing and possibly Life Support.


Lucius Alexander


Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas

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Re: Need Spell ideas...


Not individual write ups, but what I'd do if I had a small VPP in different situations:


General purpose - walking around out of combat time, etc. - danger sense or +whateverIcanafford bonus to perception in order to avoid surprise and spot trouble before it hits.


Looking for something/someone? Detect X, with whatever bonuses can be thrown onto it.


Know someone's weakness? NND (SFX "that weakness")


Having lots of time and cumulative Transforms can be insane also.

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Re: Need Spell ideas...


I actually find this is the biggest use for my USPD (and now my USPD2)!


I heartily second this recommendation. Those Power prebuilds work excellently as written for supermagic spells. At most you might want to modify the SFX a bit, or slap on an extra Limitation or two. Presto! Giant Grimoires of spells. :thumbup:


However, if you prefer a free online alternative, then I strongly recommend The Global Guardians Grimoire, a large archive of supermagic spells culled from the vast Global Guardians shared PBeM campaign world for Champions: http://www.globalguardians.com/grimoire/grimoireab.php


IMPORTANT NOTE: When you get to the first webpage that I linked to, the alphabetical links in the list toolbar do not function beyond the first entry (AB), because the web addresses in the links haven't been updated. This is easily fixed, though. :) When you click on one of those links it will show you a "Page Not Found" error message; but all you have to do is change the last letters in the address, "html", to "php" and it will take you to the right page. Or, just change the two letters before ".php" in the address I posted above to those of the alphabetical page you want to view, e.g. "cd", "ef" etc.

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Re: Need Spell ideas...


Thanks for the responses so far. As for those who wanted more background....essentially said character is inhabited by the spirit of a dead supermage who fought in the battle of Detroit....hence the power pool. For the record, we're about 40 sessions in...so despite my description....he didn't "just get" the power pool....we had been working our way up to it for a while. He started as a martial artist with "spirit" powers(Desolid, Invisibility, TK) and now the inborn magical talent of the spirit inhabiting him is starting to assert itself.



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