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Project 1000: Build a Legend/Megahero


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Re: Project 1000: Build a Legend/Megahero


I am stealing so many of these. I little change' date=' and some can be master villains, Earth's Guardian™ (who never bothers with mere city-threatening probs), DuexExGuy, and so on. :D[/quote']


That is why I post my characters on the board (what few of them I do), so that others can use them.

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Re: Project 1000: Build a Legend/Megahero


Most of the 1000+ characters I've ever built have been villains. One particularly nasty "Big Bad" I've recently written up weighs in at 7000 points; Nexus can vouch for this' date=' as he has seen an earlier draft of the character in question.[/quote']


Likewise. I have a substantially re-written Valak the World-Ravager that I'm itching to use for a high-powered game. :eg:

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Re: Project 1000: Build a Legend/Megahero


Most of the 1000+ characters I've ever built have been villains. One particularly nasty "Big Bad" I've recently written up weighs in at 7000 points; Nexus can vouch for this' date=' as he has seen an earlier draft of the character in question.[/quote']


'twas a beast it was!

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Re: Project 1000: Build a Legend/Megahero


Most of the 1000+ characters I've ever built have been villains. One particularly nasty "Big Bad" I've recently written up weighs in at 7000 points; Nexus can vouch for this' date=' as he has seen an earlier draft of the character in question.[/quote']


7000 points?!!? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:


Wow. I'm not sure I could figure out what to spend that many points on. :eek:

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Re: Project 1000: Build a Legend/Megahero


7000 points?!!? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:


Wow. I'm not sure I could figure out what to spend that many points on. :eek:


Well, if it wouldn't be too far off topic, I could post his sheet here. Fair word of warning though, this guy's not someone you should sic on starting level PCs unless you want to get yelled at afterwards...

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Re: Project 1000: Build a Legend/Megahero


Well' date=' if it wouldn't be too far off topic, I could post his sheet here. Fair word of warning though, this guy's not someone you should sic on starting level PCs unless you want to get yelled at afterwards...[/quote']


Post away, I'm curious too.


I'm finding this thread, along with some high-end X-Men write ups really inspiring.


Keep going. :thumbup:

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Re: Project 1000: Build a Legend/Megahero


Here he is:

[b]Val	Char	Pts	Roll	Notes[/b]
30	STR	20	15-	Lift: 1,600 Kg; 6d6 [3]
30	DEX	60	15-	OCV: 10	/DCV: 10
30	CON	40	15-
30	BODY	40	15-
30	INT	20	15-	PER roll: 15-
30	EGO	40	15-	ECV: 10
60	PRE	50	21-	PRE Attack: 12d6
8	COM	-1	11-

20	PD	14		Total: 20 PD (20 r PD)
20	ED	14		Total: 20 ED (20 r ED)
8	SPD	40		Phases: 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12
15	REC	6
150	END	45
75	STUN	15	[b]Total Characteristics Cost: 403[/b]

[b]Movement:[/b]		Running:			6”/12”
	Flight:			60”/480”
	Teleportation:		20”/160”
	Mega-Teleportation:	10” (100,000 km)
	Extra-Dimensional Movement

[b]Cost	Powers											END[/b]
375	[i]Mastery Of The Darkest Magic:[/i] Variable Power Pool (Magic Pool), 150 base +75 Control, 
Cosmic (+2)										var
330	[i]Greater Dark Magic:[/i] Variable Power Pool (Magic Pool), +150 base +75 Control,
Cosmic (+2); Only While In Dark Realm Or Near An Open Portal To It (-¼)				var
500	[i]Army of Darkness:[/i] Summon up to 250 up to 800-point Shadow Wraiths, Expanded Class 
(any kind of Shadow Wraith, from Shadowlings to Greater Wraiths; +½), Loyal (+½), 
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Numbers and Strength of Shadow Wraiths That Can Be 
Summoned Depends On Ambient Darkness/Shadows (-0)						0
135	[i]Call Forth the Children of the Night:[/i] Summon up to 125 up to 500-point Nocturnal Creatures, 
Expanded Class (can summon a wide selection of nocturnal animals and monsters; +½), 
Friendly (+¼), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Arrive Under Own Power (-½), 
Must Inhabit Locale (-½), Incantations (-¼)							0
150	[i]Shadow Fields:[/i] Multipower, 150-points reserve
15u	1) [i]Standard Shadow Field:[/i] Darkness to Sight Group, 12” Radius, Personal Immunity (+¼)		15
15u	2) [i]Greater Shadow Field:[/i] Darkness to Sight Group, 10” Radius, Mega-Area (1”= 1 km; +¼),
Personal Immunity (+¼)									15
7u	3) [i]Wide-Spread Gloom:[/i] Change Environment, 1,000” Radius, -5 to PER rolls with Sight Group		7
7u	4) [i]Wider-Spread Gloom:[/i] Change Enviroment 10” Radius, -5 to PER rolls with Sight Group, 
MegaArea (1”= 1,000 km; +1)									7
150	[i]Dark Energy Bolts:[/i] Multipower, 150-point reserve
15u	1) [i]Standard Bolt:[/i] EB 30d6									15
15u	2) [i]Concentrated Bolt:[/i] EB 20d6, Armor Piercing (+½)						15
15u	3) [i]Salvo Of Bolts:[/i] EB 15d6, Autofire (10 shots; +1)						15
10u	4) [i]Wide Bolt I:[/i] EB 15d6, Area Of Effect (30” Line; +1); No Range (-½)				15
10u	5) [i]Wide Bolt II:[/i] EB 15d6, Area Of Effect (15” Cone; +1); No Range (-½)				15
15u	6) [i]Deadly Bolt:[/i] RKA 10d6									15
187	[i]Dark Powers Of The Shadow Lord:[/i] Multipower, 187-point reserve
12u	1) [i]Terror Of The Dark:[/i] Drain PRE 10d6, Ranged (+½); Only Versus Targets In Darkness/Shadows (-¼)	15
8u	2) [i]Psyche-Shattering Terror Of The Dark:[/i] Major Transform 4d6 (sane person into gibbering
insane person [Psychological Limitation; Very Common, Total], heals at normal rate provided 
the victim receives competent psychiatric care during recovery time), Based On Ego Combat Value 
(Mental Defense applies; +1), Works Against EGO, Not BODY (+¼), Partial Transform (+½); 
Limited Target (sentient beings; -¼), PRE Adds to Mental Defense for Purposes of Resisting 
the Effect (-½), Only Versus Targets In Darkness/Shadows (-¼)					16
12u	3) [i]Dark Chains From The Abyss:[/i] Entangle 10d6, 10 DEF, Takes No Damage From Attacks (+½); 
Cannot Form Barriers (-¼) 				15
10u	4) [i]Enshrouding Shadows:[/i] Entangle 13d6, 13 DEF, Stops A Given Sense (Sight and Hearing Groups); 
Cannot Form Barriers (-¼), Only Versus Targets In Darkness/Shadows (-¼)				15
15u	5) [i]Mask Of Arubis:[/i] Sight Group Flash 15d6, NND (defense is ED Force Field; +1)			15
12u	6) [i]Phantasmagoria:[/i] Mental Illusions 30d6; Only Versus Targets In Darkness/Shadows (-¼)		15
15u	7) [i]Shadow Puppetry:[/i] Mind Control 30d6, Telepathic (+¼); Visible (a pair of malevolent red eyes
appear in the victim’s shadow; -¼)								19
12u	8) [i]Morpheus Attack:[/i] EB 15d6, NND (defense is Life Support [Diminished Sleeping: doesn’t need
sleep] or Mental Defense; +1); Only Versus Targets In Darkness/Shadows (-¼)			15
15u	9) [i]The Hand Of The Shadow Lord:[/i] Telekinesis (100 STR)						15
9u	10) [i]Dark Empowerment:[/i] Major Transform 4d6 (person into person with dark mystical powers,
the Shadow Lord can take away any powers he grants at any time of his choosing), Improved 
Results Group (can grant a wide selection of powers; +½), Continuous (+1); Limited Target 
(willing sentient beings; -¼), No Range (-½)							15
15u	11) [i]Shadowy Barrier:[/i] Force Wall (13 PD/13 ED/13-points Mental Defense/ 13-points Power Defense,
10” long, 2” tall), Opaque (Sight Group)							15
30	[i]Banishment To Balthus:[/i] Extra Dimensional Movement (into the sky directly above Balthus’s realm), 
Usable As Attack (defense is innate Extra-Dimensional Movement or Power Defense; +1), Ranged (+½), 
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼), Extra Time (Full Phase; -½)	0
150	[i]Spirit-Rending Claws:[/i] HKA 3d6 (up to 6d6 with STR), Armor Piercing (+½), Affects Desolidified (+½); 
Restrainable (-½) [b]plus[/b] RKA 3d6, AVLD (defense is Power Defense; +1½), Does BODY (+1), Affects 
Desolidified (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); No Range (-½), Linked (to HKA; -¼), HKA Must 
Do BODY (-¼), Only Versus Spirits And Beings with Souls (-¼)					9
480	[i]Master Of The Dark Powers:[/i] Aid Darkness/Shadow Powers 10d6 (Maximum Effect: 100 CP), 
All Darkness/Shadow Powers Simultaneously (+2), Delayed Fade Rate (points fade at the rate of 
5 per Hour; +1)										0
450	[i]Master Of The Dark Powers:[/i] Drain Darkness/Shadow Powers 10d6, All Darkness/Shadow Powers 
Simultaneously (+2), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Hour; +1), 
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½)								0
30	[i]Nightmare Aura Of The Shadow Lord:[/i] +60 PRE; Only For Making Fear-/Intimidation-Based 
Presence Attacks (-1)									0
13	[i]Diabolical Laughter:[/i] +30 PRE; Only For Making Fear-/Intimidation-Based Presence Attacks (-1), 
Incantations (loud, maniacal laughter; -¼)							0
150	[i]Shadow Shield:[/i] Force Field (30 PD/30 ED/30-points Mental Defense/30-points Power Defense), 
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½)								0
12	[i]Cloak Of The Shadow Lord:[/i] Protects Carried Objects for Force Field, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); 
Only in Villain ID (-¼)									0
80	[i]Cloak Of The Shadow Lord:[/i] Extra-Dimensional Movement (to a single location in the dark pocket 
dimension within the billows of the cloak), Usable As Attack (defense is innate Extra-Dimensional 
Movement or Power Defense; +1), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Only in Villain ID (-¼) [b]plus[/b]
Extra-Dimensional Movement (back to the Shadow Lord’s hands in this dimension), Usable As Attack 
(defense is innate Extra-Dimensional Movement or Power Defense;+1), Transdimensional 
(cloak’s dimension targets; +½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Only in Villain ID (-¼), Linked (-¼)	0
10	[i]Supernatural Toughness:[/i] Hardened (+¼) for 20 PD/20 ED						0
25	[i]Supernatural Toughness:[/i] Damage Resistance (20 PD/20 ED), Hardened (+¼)				0
20	[i]Supernatural Toughness:[/i] Lack of Weakness (-10) for Normal and Resistant Defenses			0
233	[i]Darkness Strengthens Darkness:[/i] Absorption 20d6 (Energy, split proportionally between END and REC), 
Delayed Fade Rate (points fade at the rate of 5 per Hour; +1); Limited Phenomenon (darkness/shadow
attacks; -½) [b]plus[/b] Armor (120 ED), Hardened (+¼); Linked (to Absorption; -¼), Only Up To The Amount 
Rolled By Absorption (-½), Limited Phenomenon (darkness/shadow attacks; -½)			0
25	[i]The Shadow Lord’s Invincible Ego:[/i] Mental Defense (26-points total), Hardened (+¼)			0
16	[i]The Shadow Lord’s Invincible Ego:[/i] Damage Resistance (26-points Mental Defense), Hardened (+¼)	0
60	[i]The Shadow Lord’s Invincible Ego:[/i] Mental Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75%	0
25	[i]The Shadow Lord’s Mystical Fortitude:[/i] Power Defense (20-points), Hardened (+¼)			0
12	[i]The Shadow Lord’s Mystical Fortitude:[/i] Damage Resistance (20-points Power Defense), Hardened (+¼)	0
179	[i]Gathering Dark Essence:[/i] +30 STR, +30 CON, +30 BODY, +4 PD, +4 ED, +3 REC, +90 END, +15 STUN; 
Only While In Dark Realm Or Near An Open Portal To It (-¼)					3
4	[i]Gathering Dark Essence:[/i] Hardened (+¼) on +10 PD/+10 ED; Only While In Dark Realm Or Near An Open 
Portal To It (-¼)										0
10	[i]Gathering Dark Essence:[/i] Damage Resistance (+10 PD/+10 ED), Hardened (+¼); Only While In Dark Realm 
Or Near An Open Portal To It (-¼)								0
96	[i]Gathering Dark Essence:[/i] Physical and Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75%; Only While In Dark 
Realm Or Near An Open Portal To It (-¼)							0
10	[i]Gathering Dark Essence:[/i] Mental Defense (+10-points), Hardened (+¼); Only While In Dark Realm 
Or Near An Open Portal To It (-¼)								0
5	[i]Gathering Dark Essence:[/i] Damage Resistance (+10-points Mental Defense), Hardened (+¼); Only While 
In Dark Realm Or Near An Open Portal To It (-¼)						0
10	[i]Gathering Dark Essence:[/i] Power Defense (+10-points), Hardened (+¼); Only While In Dark Realm Or 
Near An Open Portal To It (-¼)								0
5	[i]Gathering Dark Essence:[/i] Damage Resistance (+10-points Power Defense), Hardened (+¼); Only While
In Dark Realm Or Near An Open Portal To It (-¼)						0
90	[i]Immortality:[/i] Total Life Support (includes Full Immunity as detailed in [i]Galactic Champions[/i] and 
Longevity: Immortality)									0
116	[i]Immortality:[/i] Healing BODY 5d6 (Regeneration: 5 BODY per Minute), Can Heal Limbs, Resurrection 
(not if [i]The Heart of the Abyss[/i] gemstone is destroyed), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), 
Persistent (+½); Self Only (-½), Extra Time (1 Minute; -1½) [b]plus[/b] +100 BODY; Only To 
Prevent Death (-2)										0
94	[i]The Heart Of The Abyss:[/i] Healing BODY +20d6 (Regeneration: +20 BODY per Minute), Reduced 
Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent (+½); OAF Fragile Personal (must have the [i]Heart of the Abyss[/i] 
gemstone in hand; -1¼), Self Only (½), Extra Time (1 Minute; -1½)				0
60	[i]Shadow Form:[/i] Desolidification (affected by Magic and Darkness-/Light-Based powers), 
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½)								0
36	[i]Meld Into The Shadows:[/i] Invisibility to Sight Group, No Fringe, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); 
Only While in Darkness/Shadows (-¼)								0
130	[i]…And The Darkness Became Flesh:[/i] Shape Shift (Sight, Hearing, Touch, Taste/Smell, Radio,
and Mental Groups, Any Humanoid Form), Imitation, Cellular, Instant Change, Makeover, Reduced 
Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent (+½)							0
130	[i]Black Wings Of The Angel of Darkness:[/i] Flight 60”, x8 Noncombat, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); 
Restrainable (-½)										0
40	[i]Shadow Walking:[/i] Multipower, 50-points reserve; Only Through Darkness/Shadows (-¼)
4u	1) [i]Near Walking:[/i] Teleportation 20”, x8 Noncombat; Only Through Darkness/Shadows (-¼)		5
4u	2) [i]Far Walking:[/i] Teleportation 10”, Mega-Movement (1”= 10,000 km; can scale back to 1”=1 km; +1½);
Only Through Darkness/Shadows (-¼)								5
50	[i]Dark Portal:[/i] Extra-Dimensional Movement (any location in Dark Realm), Usable By Others 
(simultaneously; +½), Area Of Effect (1 hex; +½), Continuous (+1); Gate (-½)			7
30	[i]Of Both Shadow And Substance:[/i] Affects Desolidified (+½) for up to 60 STR				3
120	[i]Of Both Shadow And Substance:[/i] Affects Physical World (+2) for up to 60 STR			12
585	[i]Of Both Shadow And Substance:[/i] Affects Physical World (+2) for Spirit-Rending Claws			58
48	[i]Eyes (And Ears) In The Shadows:[/i] Multipower, 40-points reserve; Only Through Darkness/Shadows (-¼)
4u	1) [i]Near Viewing:[/i] Clairsentience (Sight and Hearing Groups), 16x Range (2,400”); Only Through 
Darkness/Shadows (-¼)									5
5u	2) [i]Far Viewing:[/i] Clairsentience (Sight and Hearing Groups), Mega-Range (1”= 100 km; can scale 
back to 1”= 1 km; +1); Only Through Darkness/Shadows (-¼)					6
25	[i]Vision Beyond The Veils:[/i] Dimensional (perceive into any dimension) for Sight Group			0
25	[i]Hearing Beyond The Veils:[/i] Dimensional (perceive into any dimension) for Hearing Group		0
15	[i]Shadow Wraith’s Eyes:[/i] Infrared and Ultraviolet Perception (Sight Group) [b]plus[/b] Nightvision		0
80	[i]Mystical Awareness:[/i] Detect Physical Objects, Energy, Life Force, and Magic 18- (No Sense Group), 
Discriminatory, Analyze, Dimensional (can perceive into any dimension), Increased Arc of Perception 
(360º), Range, Sense, Targeting, Tracking							0
30	[i]The Devil’s Luck:[/i] Luck 6d6									0

150	150-points worth of useful Contacts and Favors (GM’s choice)
2	Deep Cover (Rolland Fairweather, attorney at law)
50	Fringe Benefit: Deity (patron to numerous evil cults and ruler of Dark Realm)
1	Fringe Benefit: Lawyer License (Deep Cover ID only)
15	Money: Filthy Rich
15	Reputation: (In Deep Cover ID) One of the best lawyers in the business (nationwide) 14-, +5/+5d6
30	Reputation: (As The Shadow Lord) The most powerful creature of darkness in existence, 
Darkest of All Dark Lords, Feared ruler of Dark Realm (Mystic World and the Outer Planes) 14-, 
0	All the Followers, Bases, Vehicles, and other resources he might “need”

35	Danger Sense (immediate area, out of combat, any danger, sense) 18-
6	Lightening Reflexes: +6 DEX to go first with Spirit-Rending Claws
20	[i]Spell of Tongues:[/i] Universal Translator 15-

50	+5 Overall Levels
8	+4 OCV with Spirit-Rending Claws

3	Acting 21-
9	Analyze Darkness/Shadow Powers 18-
9	Analyze Magic 18-
3	Bribery 21-
3	Bureaucratics 21-
3	Concealment 15-
3	Conversation 21-
3	Cryptography 15-
3	Deduction 15-
8	Gambling 15- (Board Games, Card Games, Dice Games, Sports Betting)
3	High Society 21-
3	Interrogation 21-
5	Language: English (Idiomatic, Imitate Dialects, Wraith’s Speak is native)
5	Navigation 16- (Astral, Dimensional)
3	Oratory 21-
3	Persuasion 21-
33	Power: Darkness/Shadow Powers 30-
33	Power: Magic 30-
3	PS: Deity 21-
6	PS: Lawyer 18-
4	PS: Play Chess 16 -
4	SS: Psychology 16-
3	Seduction 21-
3	Shadowing 15-
9	Spell Research (Inventor) 18-
11	Stealth 19-
3	Streetwise 21-
3	Tactics 15-
3	Trading 21-
14	WF: Common Melee, Common Missile, Early Firearms, Emplaced Weapons, Flamethrowers, Grenade Launchers, 
General Purpose/Heavy Machine Guns, Shoulder-Fired Weapons, Siege Engines, Small Arms
3	Scholar
2	1) KS: Alchemy 15-
2	1) KS: Angels & Divine Beings 15-
2	2) KS: Arcane & Occult Lore 15-
2	3) KS: Cults & Secret Societies 15-
2	4) KS: The Criminal Underworld 15-
5	5) KS: The Darkest Secrets 18-
2	6) KS: Demonology 15-
2	7) KS: Dimension Lords & Cosmic Entities 15-
2	8) KS: History 15-
5	10) KS: Law 18-
2	11) KS: Literature 15-
2	12) KS: Magical Military Strategy 15-
2	13) KS: The Mystic World 15-
2	14) KS: Mythology & Folklore 15-
2	15) KS: Necromancy 15-
2	16) KS: Philosophy 15-
2	17) KS: Poetry 15-
2	18) KS: Politics 15-
2	19) KS: Religion 15-
2	20) KS: Ritual Magic 15-
2	21) KS: Thaumaturgy 15-
3	Traveler
2	1) AK: The Astral Plane 15-
2	2) AK: Babylon 15-
2	3) AK: Earth 15-
2	4) AK: Elysium 15-
5	5) AK: Dark Realm 18-
2	6) AK: The Dreamzone 15-
2	7) AK: The Land of Legends 15-
2	8) AK: The Netherworld 15-
2	9) CK: Berlin 15-
2	10) CK: London 15-
2	11) CK: Los Angeles 15-
2	12) CK: Madrid 15-
2	13) CK: Millennium City 15-
2	14) CK: New York City 15-
2	15) CK: Paris 15-
2	16) CK: Rome 15-
2	17) CK: San Francisco 15-
2	18) CK: Seattle 15-
2	19) CK: Tokyo 15-
2	20) CK: Washington D.C. 15-

[b]Total Powers & Skills Cost: 6597[/b]
[b]Total Cost: 7000[/b]

[b]200+	Disadvantages[/b]
15	DNPC: Daniela Dupree (Rolland’s nubile, endearingly-naïve personal secretary) 8-
(Normal, Blissfully ignorant of who and what her boss really is)
15	Distinctive Features: Aura Of Ancient And Powerful Supernatural Evil (Not Concealable, Causes Extreme 
Reaction [abject terror], Detectable Only By Unusual Senses)
15	Physical Limitation: Dies Automatically If [i]The Heart Of The Abyss[/i] Gemstone Is Destroyed 
(Infrequently, Fully Impairing) 
10	Psychological Limitation: Enjoys Taunting His Adversaries/Prey (Common, Moderate)
10	Psychological Limitation: Fondness For Puzzles, Paradoxes, And Intrigue (Common, Moderate)
20	Psychological Limitation: Seeks To Transform The Entire Universe Into One Vast Realm Of Darkness 
(Common, Total)
15	Reputation: The most evil being in all existence, The darkness that’s consuming the universe, 
He Whose Name Must Never Be Spoken 14- (Extreme, the Mystic World and the Outer Planes)
10	Social Limitation: Frightens Most Animals And Small Children (Frequently, Minor) 
10	Susceptibility: Direct sunlight while in his true form, 2d6 per Minute (Uncommon)
10	Vulnerability: 2x BODY from Light-Based Attacks (Uncommon)
10	Vulnerability: 2x STUN from Light-Based Attacks (Uncommon)
6660	Experience

[b]Total Disadvantages: 7000[/b]


Some Notes:

1) Fluff text and VPP examples are still in the works.

2) One of his cloak's powers is based on Steve's write-up of a Bag of Holding found in on HERO's website.

3) The Social Limitation: Friegthens Most Animals And Small Children is related to his Shape Shifting ability (his disguises fool adult humans easily enough, but he gives off subtle vibes that animals and children younger than 10 pick up on loud and clear).

4) I've been pondering whether to keep Daniela as a DNPC on his sheet or make her a 0-point "pet" and just mention her in his fluff text somewhere. If I go the later path, I'll need to replace the DNPC Disad with something else appropriate; I don't want to alter the number in his Experience column if I don't have to....for obvious reasons. :eg:

5) Whenever he shape shifts into Rolland, he uses the Makeover adder to increase his COM to 16.

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Re: Project 1000: Build a Legend/Megahero


How do you get those nicely formatted character sheets to post to the board?

I did mine in MS Word and then used the code tags: [ code ] [ / code ]


Getting the formatting just right sometimes requires going back and doing some little adjustments here and there, but it works.

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Re: Project 1000: Build a Legend/Megahero


Since he dies if the gem is destroyed' date=' just what is the def/body of that gem?[/quote']

He bought some extra Regen with the gemstone as a Focus and normally I would have based its BODY/DEF on the Active Points/5 rule for the Focus Limitation, but in this case that would have made it a little too tough a nut to crack by my calculations. Thus I'll thinking about either handwaving that and making it 2 BODY/3 DEF, or maybe going back and adding Fragile to the Focus; just so if someone actually manages to lay hands on it they'd actually stand a fair chance of breaking it.


EDIT: I went with making it Fragile. The Heart Of The Abyss is now 1 BODY/1 DEF, which is concordant with it being his Achilles Heel. Incidentally, the point saves from that just bought him some Lightening Reflexes with his claws.

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Re: Project 1000: Build a Legend/Megahero


EDIT: I went with making it Fragile. The Heart Of The Abyss is now 1 BODY/1 DEF, which is concordant with it being his Achilles Heel. Incidentally, the point saves from that just bought him some Lightening Reflexes with his claws.


With it being so fragile, he's going to be pretty careful protecting it. Let's say he's hiding it in his cloak, and a PC with EDM figures out the cloak is a pocket dimension. Would you allow the player a roll to access that exact pocket dimension and steal the gemstone?

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Re: Project 1000: Build a Legend/Megahero


With it being so fragile' date=' he's going to be pretty careful protecting it.[/quote']


Indeed. ;)


Let's say he's hiding it in his cloak, and a PC with EDM figures out the cloak is a pocket dimension. Would you allow the player a roll to access that exact pocket dimension and steal the gemstone?


If he were carrying it with him in his cloak, I might. The question is would he necessarily have to have it on him all the time, or could he leave it in his sanctum back in Dark Realm or keep it a safe at his office at least part of the time?

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Re: Project 1000: Build a Legend/Megahero



If he were carrying it with him in his cloak, I might. The question is would he necessarily have to have it on him all the time, or could he leave it in his sanctum back in Dark Realm or keep it a safe at his office at least part of the time?


Well, if it's on his person, it will have a 7000 point guardian. What sort of protection would it have in the Dark Realm or in his office? Maybe security by obfuscation, if he hid it within something innocuous...

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