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WWYCD: Lost in a world without Supers; 9/11/2001


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Re: WWYCD: Lost in a world without Supers; 9/11/2001


I would think if one was a superhero, it might not be too hard to have the authorities believe you, or at least believe you enough to take precaustions.


If I here head of the FBI and some 50 str guy, or teleporter came to me with such information, it wouldn't hurt to act on it... except even if you arrest these people, aside from boxcutters, there really isn't much you could arrest them for untill they acted.

It would however stop a rather time consumeing and complcated plan.

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Re: WWYCD: Lost in a world without Supers; 9/11/2001


Ms Mystic would teleport to the White House and have a little meeting with the president and his head of security. She would convince that they need to ground the planes after everyone board of course she would also convince them to have in place members of her team on each plane to help neutralize any threat. She would also use her abilities to locate any other threats and inform the authorities.

Now if this was the East Coast Defenders they would handle things a little different after making sure that the planes was grounded either by convincing the authorities or making sure the planes can’t take off (60 STR can do a lot of damage to a runway). They would then go to the root of the problem and take it out.

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Guest daeudi_454

Re: WWYCD: Lost in a world without Supers; 9/11/2001


The PC: This isn't funny. I will not participate in this. So many dead in your world, do not send it to mine. Cancel this game!

Firedrake: A 96 foot tall dragon standing between the towers and warning of immediate disaster for all within the buildings should cause an evacuation.

He has the strength and speed to catch both WTC planes and set them down on the street.... the other two, he will give a warning about, but not fast enough to reach. Then he will fly to Afghanistan, dig OBL out of his hole... and place OBL's head on a pike on the White House lawn. "The old ways are the best."

Ion: Positive: combine eidetic memory with electronic images... send a warning (1 hour before boarding) to the airports ("from" the FBI) about the hijackers. Flight names, passenger names, photos... the works. Along with a description of their plans. Never reveal himself as a super.

Ion: Negative: Teleport via phone lines.... electrocute the hijackers... hijack an ICBM and nuke OBLs location... assume control of the telecommunications grid, use subtle behind the scenes manipulations to control the planet "for its own good"

Quantum Cat: Will be a separate post.

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Guest daeudi_454

Re: WWYCD: Lost in a world without Supers; 9/11/2001


Quantum Cat

Michael Osbourne blinked, and the world changed.


Well that's the first time that happened when I have died. Yes, it is that bad.

I am the one who keeps dying- you guys only do it once. Head count? All eight of ya? good. Let's head back to the lab, so we can figure out what happened.

Except my car is nowhere to be seen. And this city, so unfamiliar to me. Indianapolis? Just great.

Someone decided I was in the way... heck of a teleport from Chicago, though.

Cell phone ... Not a subscriber? I could understand roaming, but that's ridiculous.

Circle City mall... payphone has gotta be in there. What? What about the newspaper?


People in the street stared at the man in the heavy metallic jumpsuit, talking to himself, talking to spirits only he could see. When he reached the newspaper box, he started shouting to the air, telling it to shut up.

"Good Lord, no." And then he smacked his hand into the glass window of the box.


I don't know what's going on. No, I can't phase... I can't feel the rift either... no? What do you mean we're cut off? One of you switch me. No Q-shift, not our Earth, back in time- and no temporal rift.

Crap- that means if I die, I might really die. No, jackass- it is that big of a deal, you guys would be pulled to the other side with me... took you three long enough- what's the variables? No metas in this reality, huh? We don't belong here... we really don't belong here. We can't let this happen again.


Michael was powerless, he had to rely on his ghostly selves to do something.. if they could stop arguing over the best course... amazing how much his opinion has changed in between his deaths. And he has 80 bucks to get to the coast overnight. The ghosts could go without him...


Look- all I remember is the flight numbers. You don't bother remembering that stuff when your seething with anger and sorrow. Excuse me, I hadn't died yet. Look... just go-

skin ride some passengers or flight crew. Then, when they make the move, jump into the hostages and help them rescue themselves.

No, not like flight 91. Before they get in the cockpit!


A room at the Dollar Inn, a pizza, a 2-liter of Dew. After finally deciding to not start smoking again... he sets his alarm and sleeps fitfully.


CNN... half an hour to go... all I can do now is watch and wait... and pray that the dead can save the living.

But the farther they are from me, the less strength they have. And the less time, too.

Without the energy of the rift, they might not make it back to me.

And then I will really be alone, at last.


And for the first time since I first died, that scares the hell out of me.

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Re: WWYCD: Lost in a world without Supers; 9/11/2001


For some reason you find your C on a world that Super’s have never existed. Your C finds themselves on this world and discover that the date is 9/10/2001' date=' your C knows what happened on 9/11/2001, even if the event didn’t happen on the world they came from.[/quote']


Soulbarb is unlikely to be able to do much more than call in bomb threats on the relevant planes. She has no way of knowing whether the events of 9/11 will in fact happen on this world, she has no way to quickly travel to one of the cities from which the planes took off, and odds are good that her bank card won't work. (Unless she has a dimensional duplicate with the same PIN...) She's certainly not going to reveal herself as a super, not when she looks like she does.


Sylph would be more willing to go to the police and tell them her story. She'd be honest about what she knows, and what she doesn't know, and would be willing to display her powers if she thought doing so would enhance her credibility. If the police didn't show evidence of taking her seriously, she might have some problems, as she'd probably be reluctant to press them too hard... in which case she might go to the media, which would no doubt be very interested in her powers, and make enough fuss on national television that the government would be forced to at least consider her story.


Since Sylph's powers include healing of almost any injury, and the symptoms of most diseases (if not actually curing the latter), this is almost certain to result in some serious Public-ID-type problems for her.

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Re: WWYCD: Lost in a world without Supers; 9/11/2001


Terminus would go straight to Washington DC, and walk in to the White House. He would be careful not to hurt anyone too badly, but he would see the man in charge, and tell him exactly what is going to happen.


After that, ultimately, he would consider the job done. He can't fly, and has no capacity to stop a plane - he would have to hope that the authorities, forewarned, can deal with it.


(As to the "how do you know?" part - he just walked through the White House security cordon without breaking a sweat. If that doesn't make them take him seriously, nothing will.)


If it was the team - Terminus would still do as the above, but he'd station Trawler in Boston and Avatar outside Washington Airport first, with Zero keeping the team mindlinked, and Miss Chaos in reserve to get everybody out if things went badly. If the authorities failed to act, Trawler and Avatar would shut down the airports rather than allow the events to proceed.

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Guest daeudi_454

Re: WWYCD: Lost in a world without Supers; 9/11/2001


The problem of course is that nobody knows where he actually is at that moment.

I was under the impression that we had a good idea which mountain range, and within a couple miles of his exact location.

On the bright side... even missing him- I doubt he would dare show his face ever... and all Ion would need is a phone number, heck- a camcorder battery... and he could ride it in. More likely, he would assume control of spy birds. He would not miss a second time.


Unfortunately, the darker half of Ion's personality would use those extremes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: WWYCD: Lost in a world without Supers; 9/11/2001


Funnily enough I was thinking the last few days, what would be the best way to avert 9-11, given one man (or woman) a wallet-full of cash, and a time machine. I decided a pre-scripted call to everybody remotely concerned, and then various media outlets, would probably deal with it most neatly. especially if the assumed names could be included.


in this WWYCD? Vitus is in something of an unenviable position. Blatantly non-human, distinctly threatening in appearence, too ignorant of Earth culture to even recognise the significance of the date without some big hints, and prone to respond with deadly force the first time someones takes a potshot at him (it happens all too often - he arrives somewhere new and the locals panic - he's getting very tired of it but sometimes the survivors are polite enough to apologise for starting it)



Once he DOES deign to be lead off into custody (which he'd be happy enough to do if the arresting officers/agents etc are respectful enough) he'ld pass on as much information as he can recall, stress the urgency, and then leave them to it. He'ld certainly assist at the airports if he could, and his spell to stun large crowds, or distingrate metal, would probably come in handy.. but the mere appearence of a 7-foot tall anthropomorphic hyena would probably be causing enough panic already.



(It goes without saying that anybody that tries to dissect him is a dead man)

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Re: WWYCD: Lost in a world without Supers; 9/11/2001


Cyberknight, a flying Power Armor Brick/Blaster, intercepts both aircraft (he is a fighter pilot and has the requisite radar, transponder, commo and HR radio built in) and physically disables them and brings them gently to the ground in Central Park several minutes apart and the zoom to Pennsylvania and DC for a repeat.

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Re: WWYCD: Lost in a world without Supers; 9/11/2001


Zl'f would probably have a very bad day. :(


Assuming she would be almost certainly unable to convince the authorities of the upcoming attacks (How likely is it the US military or police will believe an apparently 14-year-old girl who speaks English with a vaguely European accent, can't even explain how she knows all this, and claims that she's some kind of superhero?), she would get onto one of the planes scheduled to hit the WTC and disable the terrorists when they tried to take control of that aircraft. Hopefully that might convince the plane's flight crew to warn the other three planes.


If not, at least she'd have saved many hundreds of lives.

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Re: WWYCD: Lost in a world without Supers; 9/11/2001


Zl'f would probably have a very bad day. :(


Assuming she would be almost certainly unable to convince the authorities of the upcoming attacks (How likely is it the US military or police will believe an apparently 14-year-old girl who speaks English with a vaguely European accent, can't even explain how she knows all this, and claims that she's some kind of superhero?), she would get onto one of the planes scheduled to hit the WTC and disable the terrorists when they tried to take control of that aircraft. Hopefully that might convince the plane's flight crew to warn the other three planes.


If not, at least she'd have saved many hundreds of lives.

Most of the characters I have actually played would start off in Sydney Australia or parts nearby, and lack rapid long-range movement powers. All would wish to help, most passionately. But they would probably be out of luck.


Gladiatrix and the others would use their Presence (and, typically, high Comeliness), and their super-abilities to add to it. I think they would all head straight for the American embassy. It would be easy for any of them to convince the local staff they were not joking. Whether they could convince anyone in America would be in the lap of the gods.

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Re: WWYCD: Lost in a world without Supers; 9/11/2001


I see a lot of people posting here saying they would stop the planes by calling the autorities and warnignthem of the flights.


How many people can recall, off the to of their head, the four flight numbers, the airports they took off from and the times they took off and times of impact?

The only flight number I can easily recall, without looking it up, is Flight 91. And remember, If you find yourself on Sept. 10th, 2001, you cannot look up what hasn't happened yet.


Not that the sentiment isn't nice, but a bit unrealistic.

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Re: WWYCD: Lost in a world without Supers; 9/11/2001


I see a lot of people posting here saying they would stop the planes by calling the autorities and warnignthem of the flights.


How many people can recall, off the to of their head, the four flight numbers, the airports they took off from and the times they took off and times of impact?

The only flight number I can easily recall, without looking it up, is Flight 91. And remember, If you find yourself on Sept. 10th, 2001, you cannot look up what hasn't happened yet.


Not that the sentiment isn't nice, but a bit unrealistic.


Without cheating (by googling), I personally would have to tell the authorities:


The flights are all cross-country flights (hence full of fuel) departing from NYC or Boston early on the morning of September 11, 2001. One of the hijackers is Mohammad Atta, though he may be traveling under an alias. The hijackers are carrying boxcutters to use as weapons and possibly other items they can use to claim that they have a bomb. Some of the hijackers took flight lessons in Florida concentrating on controlling a plane in flight, with no interest whatsoever in how to take off or land--maybe you should ask around?

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Re: WWYCD: Lost in a world without Supers; 9/11/2001


I see a lot of people posting here saying they would stop the planes by calling the autorities and warnignthem of the flights.


How many people can recall, off the to of their head, the four flight numbers, the airports they took off from and the times they took off and times of impact?

The only flight number I can easily recall, without looking it up, is Flight 91. And remember, If you find yourself on Sept. 10th, 2001, you cannot look up what hasn't happened yet.


Not that the sentiment isn't nice, but a bit unrealistic.

What would you recommend as the realistic plan?
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Re: WWYCD: Lost in a world without Supers; 9/11/2001


What would you recommend as the realistic plan?


About what Sinanju said. None of this,' I get on the plane and disable the terrorists.' Most people don't remember which flight took off from which airport, so how could they?

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Re: WWYCD: Lost in a world without Supers; 9/11/2001


I see a lot of people posting here saying they would stop the planes by calling the autorities and warnignthem of the flights.


How many people can recall, off the to of their head, the four flight numbers, the airports they took off from and the times they took off and times of impact?

The only flight number I can easily recall, without looking it up, is Flight 91. And remember, If you find yourself on Sept. 10th, 2001, you cannot look up what hasn't happened yet.


Not that the sentiment isn't nice, but a bit unrealistic.


It is explicitly part of the setup of the scenario that the PCs remember the above information. Check the OP of this thread.

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Re: WWYCD: Lost in a world without Supers; 9/11/2001


Tao and Eve both have perfect recall (beyond even edietic memory). Ivy, as I said would be limited. The best she could do would be try to stop them all by terrifying enough people to get the airports shut down.

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Re: WWYCD: Lost in a world without Supers; 9/11/2001


It is explicitly part of the setup of the scenario that the PCs remember the above information. Check the OP of this thread.

No, what TheRavenIs said was, "Your [character] finds themselves [sic] on this world and discover that the date is 9/10/2001, your [character] knows what happened on 9/11/2001, even if the event didn’t happen on the world they [sic] came from." That does not state, and I do not think implies, total recall of a 5 year old event.


I will go further than Tim and Sinanju: in a world in which there are no supers outside of a medium all too often seen as "child's play," a claim to have superpowers would be considered prima facie evidence of delusional insanity. Thus, the only course of action I can see being treated by "the authorities" with any seriousness is an "anonymous bomb threat" which throws out a hint that airplanes will be used as bombs.


YMMV, but I'm with Tim in severely questioning "I go and stop the planes".

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Re: WWYCD: Lost in a world without Supers; 9/11/2001


Well, I explained what and how my characters would try to do it but one could point out that worrying a great deal about the realism of a scenario that begins with your superhero travelling back in time to an alternate universe might be over analyzing... :D

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Re: WWYCD: Lost in a world without Supers; 9/11/2001


No' date=' what TheRavenIs said was, "Your [character'] finds themselves [sic] on this world and discover that the date is 9/10/2001, your [character] knows what happened on 9/11/2001, even if the event didn’t happen on the world they [sic] came from." That does not state, and I do not think implies, total recall of a 5 year old event.



Should have kept reading instead of stopping there. Here's what you left out:


The C knows enough information; the location of the targets and the planes used by flight number, where the planes took off from, the time that the planes were taken over.

That is of course a somewhat implausible scenario even if you assume that the character arrived earlier and somehow got onto the trail of the terrorists and tracked one down to get him to spill his guts. But I've seen worse

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Guest daeudi_454

Re: WWYCD: Lost in a world without Supers; 9/11/2001


Cosmic hiccup.

Godlike alien.


The death cry of 2630 souls reached out across the multiverse.




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Re: WWYCD: Lost in a world without Supers; 9/11/2001


Should have kept reading instead of stopping there. Here's what you left out:


The C knows enough information; the location of the targets and the planes used by flight number, where the planes took off from, the time that the planes were taken over.

That is of course a somewhat implausible scenario even if you assume that the character arrived earlier and somehow got onto the trail of the terrorists and tracked one down to get him to spill his guts. But I've seen worse


I'm sorry, you're right. I remembered only that the scenario involved characters being kicked back through time. I forgot the part about knowledge characters might not reasonably be expected to retain, and did not read in full.


I appologize to anyone who felt slighted or chided. :o


But I still think the characters would do better to play to what would be believed, rather than spending time trying to convince the authorities s/he was not insane and did have both superpowers and fore-knowledge.

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Re: WWYCD: Lost in a world without Supers; 9/11/2001


In many cases, demonstrating superpowers would be relatively trivial. How many people can lift a pickup truck with one hand and not break a sweat? Soulbarb can. How many people can cause plants to grow on a whim in whatever fashion they want? Sylph can.


That said, I'll agree that doing so would take time away from the real issue, which is stopping the calamity from occurring (if it's truly going to occur.) Still, for some characters, that may be their best option. Soulbarb would have no interest in demonstrating her superpowers, and would definitely go ahead with the bomb threat as her best option, as she probably can't get to DC or NY in time to make a difference, and she could probably put on a good enough act to get the authorities to take her bomb scare seriously. But Sylph isn't the most convincing person in the world, and she's too much of a work-with-the-authorities person to even think of it. She would probably have to demonstrate her powers to get people to even pay attention to her in the first place.

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Re: WWYCD: Lost in a world without Supers; 9/11/2001


I see a lot of people posting here saying they would stop the planes by calling the autorities and warnignthem of the flights.


How many people can recall, off the to of their head, the four flight numbers, the airports they took off from and the times they took off and times of impact?

The only flight number I can easily recall, without looking it up, is Flight 91. And remember, If you find yourself on Sept. 10th, 2001, you cannot look up what hasn't happened yet.


Not that the sentiment isn't nice, but a bit unrealistic.


Well, Whisper has eidetic memory. Even if that were not enough, he is still more than capable of scanning the entire Eastern Seaboard for any one of the hijackers - and once he has one, he should certainly be able to force a mass-grounding of all air traffic.


Whammo does not have eidetic memory - but knowing even some vague details, the presence of a single person tearing up runways and what not might actually manage to ground all flights. (But, as I said, Whammo would probably fail, too. He'd try, but he's not subtle, nor terribly brilliant, and solutions which do not involve brute force would not readily occur to him.)

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