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The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist


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Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist


Take advantage of advantaged HAs!


Having AoE Selective, or Autofire, or Affects Desolid, or Penetrating, or NND, or Indirect, or whatever else you can come up with, makes you the most versatile damage dealing concept on the planet. Those Martial Arts DCs add to all of your HAs, so get some in a multipower and go to town.

There is a power in the Sidebar for HAs (pg 185 of FREd), and it only costs 60 points. It's a 6d6 HA with Variable Advantage (up to +1) called "Martial Arts Mastery."


Heavily armored opponent annoying the heck out of you, double AP, here we come. Sure it halves your effective strength and will cost a bit of END, but the look on "Tank-boy's" face will be priceless.:smoke:

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Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist


Had an Aikido character in a FH caimpaign [many years ago] with boatloads of points, but solo. IN the one session he was set upon by these two Ruffians who he could easily beat. Maxed out DCV, did some 0 strength throws, kept suggesting they stop before they get hurt. Went on till I pointed out to the DM that even without damage, being tossed around like that has gotta hurt the morale. They ran away.


Sometimes you don't actually have to damage someone to get them to run.

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Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist


Sometimes you don't actually have to damage someone to get them to run.

...In Fantasy Hero!


I'm sure my players wish that the Neo-Nazi New Reich operatives were such pushovers! :)


The point you make is well taken though. However, the first time a PC takes a bunch of goons for granted is the first time he'll encounter the potency of Combined Attacks and Rapid Fire/Auto Fire!!!:eg:

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Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist


Buy KS: Marshal World. Then you can tell a Town Marshal from a Field Marshal


Lucius Alexander


"Yes, Lucius" says the palindromedary "and if you bought a KS: Orthography, you'd know the difference between someone who paints portraits of law enforcement officers, and someone who could show you serious pain if they get fed up with your silliness!"

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Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist


Ninja Hero? That train wreck? The guy who wrote that monstrocity should be tared and feathered! Strung up by his toes! He should be-

Susano what? He did? Oh.


I mean, I love Ninja Hero!!




You must spread rep around in order to yadda yadda yadda...

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Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist


This may sound a little strange' date=' but if someone is teaching a class in the same MA as your character, you should consider taking it. Or at least one like it if you pick a more exotic MA. [/quote']

While that's good advice on many levels, remember that just because something is possible in a given style doesn't mean that any given character can automatically do it. Letting martial artists do things for free just because the real-world style allows it has potential to cause equity issues with other players who have to pay points for everything they get.


Also, don't fall into the trap of mistaking the player for the character. One player in my last game group was a nationally-ranked martial artist and instructor. His character was good, but didn't have near the variety of manuevers that the player did. So the player had to be reminded periodically that his character was less skilled than he was (at least in that area). Granted, that's probably a rare case among gamers... ;)

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Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist


As a general rule, the stronger an opponent looks, the wimpier he/she is. The more weak, frail and generally hopeless an opponent looks, the tougher he/she really is.


Did I mention I just watched Kung Fu Hustle last night?

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Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist


Originally Posted by BigDamnHero

As a general rule, the stronger an opponent looks, the wimpier he/she is. The more weak, frail and generally hopeless an opponent looks, the tougher he/she really is.




That's so true... in the old Enemies books everyone found the wimpiest enemies had pictures that made them look reeeeaaally hard!

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Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist


By Golden Age:

Oh, you should work on your tactic Tin Can! Didn't you realize that I did that with a held action from 2 on 3 (and I brought your armor down to 50% and still had a 1/2 action left so I do it again on 3 to reduce your Armor to 25% strength)?


When you go on 4 I'm already holding my 4 action... You just pounded a car into where I USED to be standing because I aborted my 4 to Dive for Cover (between your legs, for style) into the hex directly behind you and Breakfall to my feet.


Now it's phase 6 and I Multiple-Power Attack you from behind (Your DCV at 1/2 - Not that I need it) with an (8D6) Eagle Claw Grab on your ham & eggs (vitals) and a Praying Mantis snap-strike to the poor boys (8d6) = (DEF-STUNx1.5/BODYx2)... Oh the imagery!)... Assuming you start with 30PD (which is now 8), on average you'll take 60 STUN by that attack (30 from each): 28STN-8Armor=20(1.5)=30x2=60… Ouch!


Of course, this won’t put you down or even CON STUN you so we proceed to phase 7…. Okay, on phase 8 rinse and repeat for another 60 STN… Or go on the defensive holding 8 for dive/block/dodge and then coming at you on 10 and 12…


All I have is a few MA Maneuvers, Find Weakness, a 6 SPEED, a 30 DEX and a few 3-point MA skill lvls. > Potentially I could deliver 180 STUN (after defenses) to you in one Turn while avoiding everything you can throw.


Obviously, this example is entirely one-sided… But it does display the power even a modest Martial Artist can wield. :)


Oops, I just realized that you have lack of weakness.... guess I'll have to Martial Throw you to the street and ground and pound your head with my 4d6 HKA, Multiple-Attacking with a grab (and control)... the HKA to the head will deliver an average of 70 STN/hit before you apply defenses... And you're prone.;) You're still not impervious to my measley powers... And you better hope I don't have any Chi abilities!:ugly:


Okayeee, Karate-Kid. Nice tale.

One fault though: I am not just standing there and taking punches.

Actually, the nice thing about a shiny red power-suit is that it can fly. So you can't reach me in the fisrt place.

And the other nice thing about it is that Blasters can shoot EBs that can be spread. Even AE EB can be spread - there's no rule that forbids it. And even it there is - then I just rapid-fire my arm-blaster and cover half of Millenium City's downtown with area effect plasma energy.




Gee, better work on that dive-for-cover next time. Those Dex-Roll penalties are real killers, ain't they ...?


Who's next?

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Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist


Martial Arts MPA's can allow you to inflict amazing amounts of grief in a heartbeat.

OK, I'm having a brain (or whatever I'm thinking with this afternoon) lock :ugly:. What's "MPA's" in this context?

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Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist


Okayeee, Karate-Kid. Nice tale.

One fault though: I am not just standing there and taking punches.

Actually, the nice thing about a shiny red power-suit is that it can fly. So you can't reach me in the fisrt place.

And the other nice thing about it is that Blasters can shoot EBs that can be spread. Even AE EB can be spread - there's no rule that forbids it. And even it there is - then I just rapid-fire my arm-blaster and cover half of Millenium City's downtown with area effect plasma energy.




Gee, better work on that dive-for-cover next time. Those Dex-Roll penalties are real killers, ain't they ...?


Who's next?

True, there's nothing I can do against your spinless sniping (beside run away down into the sewars - yuck)... But if your armor can do all that then we're playing in a 4-Color (or higher point) game meaning that I have 250 points (or more) to play with... After 100 for stats and 50 for Martial Arts and some skills....... I wonder what I spent that extra 100+ points on??? :sneaky:



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Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist


True, there's nothing I can do against your spinless sniping (beside run away down into the sewars - yuck)... But if your armor can do all that then we're playing in a 4-Color (or higher point) game meaning that I have 250 points (or more) to play with... After 100 for stats and 50 for Martial Arts and some skills....... I wonder what I spent that extra 100+ points on??? :sneaky:




Of course since he's already stated that he's trying to cover half of Millenium City in super hot plasma, all you REALLY have to do is sit back and watch the various Millenium City heroes backed up by UNTIL and PRIMUS kick his ***. :)

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Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist


OK' date=' I'm having a brain (or whatever I'm thinking with this afternoon) lock :ugly:. What's "MPA's" in this context?[/quote']

Multiple Power Attacks... Martial Artists are allowed (with penalties) to utilize as many of their maneuvers as makes sense in 1 Phase as long as they can pay END (and don't miss). It's an HTH Alpha Strike!


See my post above where I describe doing this to someone's vitals. :jawdrop:

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Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist


Yeah, sheeright! Now he's hiding in the sewers and getting help from other heroes,UNTIL, PRIMUS and monkeys to save his day!


Thus I claim victory over the Snapkicker and his orangutan (astral or otherwise) and pronounce it to all the world to see that THE POWERARMOR-DUDE reigns supreme over THE GRUNTING JUMPER!

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Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist


Then the GM reminds Power Armor Dude that the Martial Artist kicked his *** two or three times, and that the other heroes only showed up when Power Armor Dude tried to burn down half the city in a temper tantrum because of it. Since Power Armour dude had tried to power game the entire fight, GM points out that he was quite justified in lowering the boom on him.


Power Armor Dude is thus carted off to jail and his player cries and hopefully never plays in the group again.


The End.

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Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist


Remember those extra 100 points that Golden Age just mentioned, Kids? Well here's a couple of hints.


Remember the Street Fighter games? Yes? Good. "Hadoken!"

Not quite your style? Okay. Try a little Kongjin. An empty force strike that's built as an EB NND with the same defences as your nerve strikes. Or even an EGO attack.

Hell, just go DBZ on the campaign and buy some flight! (Not my cup of tea, but now has precedent...)


In other words...


Always remember that in a Champions game, you are a SUPER Martial Artist. And don't let the enemy forget it either. And remember that you CAN haymaker a PRE attack. (Check out the Combat Handbook if you don't believe me.)


PS: Roter Baron, you are the weakest link. IGNORED!

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Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist


By Golden Age:

Oh, you should work on your tactic Tin Can! Didn't you realize that I did that with a held action from 2 on 3 (and I brought your armor down to 50% and still had a 1/2 action left so I do it again on 3 to reduce your Armor to 25% strength)?


When you go on 4 I'm already holding my 4 action... You just pounded a car into where I USED to be standing because I aborted my 4 to Dive for Cover (between your legs, for style) into the hex directly behind you and Breakfall to my feet.


Now it's phase 6 and I Multiple-Power Attack you from behind (Your DCV at 1/2 - Not that I need it) with an (8D6) Eagle Claw Grab on your ham & eggs (vitals) and a Praying Mantis snap-strike to the poor boys (8d6) = (DEF-STUNx1.5/BODYx2)... Oh the imagery!)... Assuming you start with 30PD (which is now 8), on average you'll take 60 STUN by that attack (30 from each): 28STN-8Armor=20(1.5)=30x2=60… Ouch!


Of course, this won’t put you down or even CON STUN you so we proceed to phase 7…. Okay, on phase 8 rinse and repeat for another 60 STN… Or go on the defensive holding 8 for dive/block/dodge and then coming at you on 10 and 12…


All I have is a few MA Maneuvers, Find Weakness, a 6 SPEED, a 30 DEX and a few 3-point MA skill lvls. > Potentially I could deliver 180 STUN (after defenses) to you in one Turn while avoiding everything you can throw.


Obviously, this example is entirely one-sided… But it does display the power even a modest Martial Artist can wield. :)


Oops, I just realized that you have lack of weakness.... guess I'll have to Martial Throw you to the street and ground and pound your head with my 4d6 HKA, Multiple-Attacking with a grab (and control)... the HKA to the head will deliver an average of 70 STN/hit before you apply defenses... And you're prone.;) You're still not impervious to my measley powers... And you better hope I don't have any Chi abilities!:ugly:


Okayeee, Karate-Kid. Nice tale.

One fault though: I am not just standing there and taking punches.

Actually, the nice thing about a shiny red power-suit is that it can fly. So you can't reach me in the fisrt place.

And the other nice thing about it is that Blasters can shoot EBs that can be spread. Even AE EB can be spread - there's no rule that forbids it. And even it there is - then I just rapid-fire my arm-blaster and cover half of Millenium City's downtown with area effect plasma energy.




Gee, better work on that dive-for-cover next time. Those Dex-Roll penalties are real killers, ain't they ...?


Who's next?


This post really sums up the obvious differences between these two archetypes...


If you're in the game to deal out punishment... Then by all means, get yourself a suit of super-armor. Having access to EVERY power and then having the ability to buy them OIF or OIHID with charges and links and whatnot, all tied into an END Battery, will make you an incredibly efficient damage dealer and still able to take a pounding from a runaway comet.


If, on the other hand, you like the color of diving, dodging, flying kicks, quick maneuvers, utilizing the Speed Chart like a Chess Master, Stealth, and the chance that if hit... you can die... Then the Martial Artist archetype is for you.


I'm not saying that smarter players lean towards Martial Artists... Far from it. I'm just pushing the idea that they are drastically different experiences and that each can be fun. In the end, I believe the game is much more enjoyable when every archetype is represented.

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Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist


I should also point out that, despite what Roter Baron would have people belive, that a well built martial artist can beat a power armour character assuming they're built on the same points. Particularly if the dice rolls go the martial artist's way.


No archetype is inherently better then any other!

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Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist


I should also point out that, despite what Roter Baron would have people belive, that a well built martial artist can beat a power armour character assuming they're built on the same points. Particularly if the dice rolls go the martial artist's way.


No archetype is inherently better then any other!


Goes basically without saying. And even Champions is not just about blasting things and punching stuff - and As you said - let's get on with it.


I stop my wisecracking about the powerdude - martial artist stuff. Did not realize that I was annoying people.

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Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist


Agree. A good mix makes a good team.


BTW - Sorry if I got a little carried away with it. Didn't want to get on anybody's nerve.


Apology accepted Baron.


Sorry if I got a bit carried away myself, you just happened to trigger memories of a bad gaming experience I once had. Apologies for going off on you.

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Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist


I have to express qualified disagreement here. If your encounters consistently happen in particular way ... for instance, always at single-move charge range ... then certain archetypes (e.g., mentalists) are at clear disadvantage. I recognize this is a GM/campaign thing, but fixed, recurring patterns in how encounters happen can very definitely invalidate some archetypes.

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