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New Game "The Unremarkables" - Advice Sought

Captain Emu

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Hello all,


New here but not to the HERO system. I'm no veteran by any means but was hoping to get a little advice from those who've been doing it for a bit.


I am planning to start a new Dark Champions game that I call "The Unremarkables". The game is designed a low power, street level game that takes place in yoru typical Hell's Kitchen/Sin City/Gotham sort of place. The characters are all people who, no explainable reason, exhibit minor paranormal abilities.


These are not freaky sewer mutants or victims of toxic waste, escaped robots or even minor demons on holiday in da' hood, but people who, for all medical intents and purposes, are quite unremarkable.


Imagine the grandma who lifts the car to save her trapped grandchild. Then there is the soldier who runs headlong into a hail of gunfire and returns with his gear and uniform riddled with holes but not a scratch on him. What about that kid on the street who just sort of seems to always slip through the cracks and goes completely unoticed by society at large. We've all heard of the mother who has a strange dream out of nowhere that leads her to her lost child or guy who at the last minute has that thought to NOT get on the bus only to learn later that the bus and all its passengers were killed.


Now, imagine that these people weren't just urban legends and popular myth. Imagine that these abilities were there to stay. What difference could these people make. These are the Unremarkables.


I welcome any thoughts, questions, advice. I know the concept is a bit obscure, but I like it and think there is great potential for some cool Dark Champions fun here.





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Re: New Game "The Unremarkables" - Advice Sought


I would allow each character 30 Points worth of ability, keeping to a very specific schtick. No Frameworks, look carefully at compound powers, et cetera.


Basically 30 Points (Active or Real, your choice) of a single Power to worth with.

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Re: New Game "The Unremarkables" - Advice Sought


Inspirations were Unbreakable, Sin City, Green Mile, Road to Perdition, From Hell, as well as some stuff from Daredevil, Spawn, Punisher, and a lot of Vertigo titles.


I am hoping that players will be sensible and open to a little creative "editing" if not.

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Re: New Game "The Unremarkables" - Advice Sought


Hmm... sounds like it could be fun. :) Looking to run this online somewhere' date=' or in-person?[/quote']


Not sure yet. will likely be online, but might start with friends until I'm up to speed. Not a hardcore HERO player and a bit out of practice.

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Re: New Game "The Unremarkables" - Advice Sought


I would look at designing a dozen to two-dozen "packages" that the characters may choose after character creation. This will help with the feel of the setting.


Example Packages:

Brute (STR & PD, maybe a little enhanced damage capacity) - Examples: Anybody named Sven or Ivan (several movies with bodyguards).

Unstoppable (CON, BODY, and some inherent armor or Damage Resistance) - Unbreakable, Highlander.

Quickdraw (DEX, SPEED, maybe some movement) - Bruce Lee, any number of "Holy $*** he is fast" type moments.

Spook (Disappearing Act (Dark Champions), super stealth, ninja powers) - the spooky "where did he go, he was standing here a minute ago" fellas.


etc... Players slap a package on the character after he is created. The points don't have to equal out but the effect should (A Strength increase from 10 to 40 is more dramatic than a 10 DEX increasing to a 20 DEX but increasing a 20 DEX to a 30 DEX in a street level game just about trumps anything).

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Re: New Game "The Unremarkables" - Advice Sought


I would look at designing a dozen to two-dozen "packages" that the characters may choose after character creation. This will help with the feel of the setting.


A good idea, but I'm not so sure I want to direct them that much. I might do this as a backup for those players who are stumped or who just can't seem to grasp the concept, though such players might have trouble playing at all in such a setting.

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Re: New Game "The Unremarkables" - Advice Sought


If you are looking at that low power, I think you need to change your focus from the powers to the motivations of the characters. Since there are no large powers, but there is never anything such a small character, you need to see what the characters want to do. The grandmother with high strength in your example might just want to clean up her neighbourhood and take it back. You can't really throw international terrorists at her. I like the name and the idea but I would suggest you have your players make up the characters at least a couple of weeks in advance to look at options. Then go for it.

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Re: New Game "The Unremarkables" - Advice Sought


I like the name and the idea but I would suggest you have your players make up the characters at least a couple of weeks in advance to look at options. Then go for it.


I was considering running the game troupe style, with each player making up a few characters ahead of time. Given the low power level of the game, making multiple characters shouldn't be too much to ask. This will allow me to have the players pick and choose the character with the greatest motivation for a particular story.


On the other hand, I know enough from years of comics, books, YV and movies that no matter how much they may not want to get involved, the heroes in these stories seldom really have a choice.


Using the grandma as an example (she is a nice example to test the concept), the first time would have been the fluke. But the next time, it could be little Jimmy from the apartment down the hall running from the local gangs. Little Jimmy goes to nice ol' Mrs. So and So who ultimately has to make that moral choice to help the kid or throw him to the wolves.


Now, after this, the word might get out. Everyone's heard how she pulled the car off her grandson and after Jimmy puts the word out people will be talking more. Maybe people start coming to grandma for help, thinking she's some sort of blessing or something.


These stories have a tendancy to build themselves. Also, one of the elements of the game that I want to build is some common thread that all the characters share that will bring them together and then to the realization that they have it in their means to really make a difference, even if it is a small one.

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Re: New Game "The Unremarkables" - Advice Sought


Well, I'm working on setting up a forum to run games on. I tried a mailing list before and really had issues tracking the action due to the lack of organization.


I'd welcome any suggestions anybody might have for how to make a PBEM run smoothly.

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Re: New Game "The Unremarkables" - Advice Sought



1) Start the players 10pts below the starting point value you want. Give the players 10xp after the second session of gaming. This will allow the players to add or increase powers after they have played. This helps two issues; one player not quite knowing what power(s) they want; and two the GM idea of the game may not quite be what they orginally built the player for.


2) If you can go to a convention and play as a player in a Champions and Dark Champions event. See how others GM. You may pick up ideas for your own game. More importantly you will pick up GMing style ideas from others that you can use to help make your own game more fun. For example, I play in a Champions game and the GM actually goes around the table every session and asks what is your character doing or has a little mini-adventure just for your character to force everyone to have "screen" time. A great idea IMHO.


3) Allow a "real world" character or two to play. A "gun bunny" or ex-military type. Give this non-paranormal more points but fun real world toys to wreak havoc.


Worth the price you paid for them... zero; just ideas for you to "chew on".

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Re: New Game "The Unremarkables" - Advice Sought


Alright. I give. Those interested in starting a Forum-based "Unremarkables" game go to http://www.vf11.com/captainemu/ and join in.


I can only really run about six people in any given game, to start, but may be able to do more later. It's very bare bones right now. But I set it up with quick expansion in mind.


Once you are registered, log on in and post your character ideas in the "Letters to the Editor" section and we can get the ball rolling. I am thinking of Powerful Heroes with 40 point Disadcategory limit



Normal tabletop rules of conduct apply and I don't think that I need to repeat them.

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Re: New Game "The Unremarkables" - Advice Sought


Hello, Cap. As I said on your vf11 site, I have a character concept for the Unremarkables game, but I need some clarification on how many points are available.


...Powerful Heroes with 40 point Disadcategory limit....


I've never played Dark Champions before...so what does the above quote mean in terms of points and restrictions?

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  • 5 weeks later...

Re: New Game "The Unremarkables" - Advice Sought


Thoughts on the Unremarkables:


Great concept. I personally believe this would work as a Crimebuster type of Pulp Hero campaign as well. Just a few changes in mood and setting and you have an instant Film Noir RPG. Good luck with this one and please keep us posted. :)


Matt "Loves-the-lower-powered-stuff" Frisbee

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Re: New Game "The Unremarkables" - Advice Sought


Admittedly, this was a low-powered Champions character, but is this the sort of character you're looking for?



15 .. STR .. 5 12- Lift 200 kg, 3d6

18 .. DEX .. 24 13- OCV 6 / DCV 6

15 .. CON .. 10 12-

12 .. BODY .. 4 11-

13 .. INT .. 3 12- PER Roll 14-

11 .. EGO .. 2 11- ECV 4

15 .. PRE .. 5 12- 3d6 PRE Attack

10 .. COM .. 0 11-

8 .. PD .. 5 16 PD / 5 rPD

8 .. ED .. 5 16 ED / 5 rED

4 .. SPD .. 12 Phases: 3-6-9-12

8 .. REC .. 4

30 .. END .. 0

30 .. STUN .. 2






32 Mutant Abilities

(5) Damage Resistance (5 PD / 5 ED): Mutant Toughness

(6) +2 PER with All Senses: Always Alert

(3) Ultrasonic Hearing: Mutant Senses

(5) Ultraviolet Vision: Mutant Senses

(8) +4" Running (10" Total, NC 20"): Enhanced Physique

(5) +5" Superleap (8" w/STR, NC 16"): Enhanced Physique

10 Homebuilt Thrash Armor (bought with OIF-Armor)

(5) +8 PD

(5) +8 ED




3 Ambidexterity

5 Combat Sense 13-




3 Jack of All Trades




3 Breakfall 13-

3 CK: Bay City 12-

3 Climbing 13-

3 CSL: +1 with Dirty Infighting Martial Arts

3 Concealment 12-

3 Deduction 12-

3 KS: Known Fugitives 12-

3 KS: Known Supers 12-

3 KS: Local Organized Crime Families 12-

3 KS: Organized Crime 12-

3 Persuasion 12-

1 PS: Cashier 11-

1 PS: Janitor 11-

1 PS: Laborer 11-

1 PS: Security Guard 11-

1 PS: Telemarketer 11-

1 PS: Waitstaff 11-

3 Stealth 13-

3 Streetwise 12-

21 Dirty Infighting Martial Arts

(4) Punch (OCV +0 / DCV +2 : 6d6)

(5) Roundhouse (OCV -2 / DCV +1 : 8d6)

(4) Low Blow (OCV -1 / DCV +1 : 2-1/2d6 NND)

(4) Disarm (OCV -1 / DCV +1 : 30 STR Disarm)

(4) +1 DC with Martial Arts (already figured in)


119 Perk, Powers, Talents & Skills Cost

81+ Characteristics Cost

200 Total Cost




15 Hunted by Organized Crime (More Powerful)

20 Normal Characteristics Maxima

5 Wealth Disadvantage: Poor

15 PSY: Code Against Killing (Common, Strong)

15 PSY: Protects Innocents (Common, Strong)

5 REP: Crimefighter (8-)

15 Secret Identity (Joe Smith, temp slave)

10 Watched by Bay City Police (More Powerful, Non-Combat

Influence, Limited Geographic Area, 11-)

200 Disadvantages Total



Life is tough for a kid in the Lower Downtown District, but Joe had it better than most. First, he had parents who gave a damn and did their best to provide him the opportunities they didn't get. Second, he was born a mutant with abilities that allowed him an edge over the bullies, creeps, crazies and thugs. Third, he developed a sense of morals which helped him past the landmines of youth. In the comic books, a combination of those things usually put you into the good life. But just as he was getting ready to graduate high school, an industrial accident claimed his father's life and his mother soon after in a traffic accident.


Joe was a survivor, though, and was used to juggling school and work, so after graduation, he threw himself into his work. A year went by in a blur of sleep deprivation and mind-numbing boredom as he hustled to pay for the funerals of his parents and keep a roof over his head. Thoughts that other ways to get money in Lodo danced around him, but he refused to entertain them. He'd seen the meatgrinders of crime at work in the city all of his life, and knew to well what would happen if he got caught. Being a metahuman, albeit a low-powered one, things would probably be worse.


And then came the night when he was coming home from work and stumbled across a common sight in the Lodo -- a group of four 'bangers doing a shakedown on one of his neighbors in an alley. Getting involved with these jokers would mean getting hurt. He looked around desperately, seeing one of the city's superheroes flying overhead, and waived his arms desperately to flag the hero down. The hero flew along, oblivious, and that made Joe angry. "Too busy to help the folks in Lodo, ain't ya!" he yelled in the hero's wake. He felt his fists balling into tight knots of tension, trembling as the adrenaline rush mounted within him. Maybe the high and mighty of the neon spandex crowd didn't have time for Lodo, but Joe did.


It wasn't a comic book fight. The 'bangers gave as good as they got in that street fight, but Joe kept swinging and, aided by his mutant abilities, Joe eventually turned the beat down against them. They ran, leaving their victim bruised and scared, but still in possession of her purse. As he helped her to her feet, she asked, "Who are you?"


"Just your basic Low-Rent Superhero, ma'am," Joe replied.



Joe has several low-level mutant abilities, including skin tough enough to turn a knife, the ability to run faster than most people and leap higher and further even the best olympic athlete, plus eyes that see very well in the dark and ears that hear beyond the human range. Since he has made the decision to become Lodo's protector, he has added a set of metal-reinforced sports pads as a sort of homebuilt armor. He has made a concession to vanity and added some spraypaint decoration to the armor.


When he has time and energy to patrol his neighborhood, he typically sticks to the rooftops, relying on his enhanced senses and knowledge of the neighborhood to home in on trouble. Low-Rent typically stays out of gang-on-gang action, unless innocent people are caught in the crossfire. It is crimes against the residents he fights -- let the predators prey on each other all they like. His priority in any fight is protecting the victims first, and often he will use a presence attack to try to scare his attackers off rather than dive in and start swinging. In cases where he is obviously outmatched, he will attempt to draw the attention of attackers away potential victims.


QUOTE: "I don't care if you sell that nose poison, but I'm gonna work you over if I catch you selling it in Lodo again."



Low-Rent is a great way to introduce your more four-color characters to a street-oriented adventure or two, such as a battle against terrorists or a VIPER Nest. He's just four-color enough to relate to the characters, but also has a street flavor that would make a break for characters who are used to rubbing elbows with the famous and powerful. He would also fit into a Dark Champions campaign as the optimistic (though potentially misguided) youngster who is fighting crime for more idealistic reasons.

Matt "Mining-the-depths-of-the-archives" Frisbee

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Re: New Game "The Unremarkables" - Advice Sought


As for power-level and background, yes. The Unremarkables "theme" is sort of a fine line. None of the characters has an identifiable source for their abilities. Medically they are quite normal (Even in the case of "Mr. Dead" who's medically, quite, normally DEAD).


Unfortunately, the game is full right now, but it it takes off, I might run a second game next to the other. I also, may start inviting "Guest GMs".

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