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I am hot!


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Re: I am hot!


Really High Comeliness + Presence Attack = you are hot, and can freeze men in their tracks as they stand dumbfounded at your beauty.


From a semiotic point of view, to be hot, is to communicate hotness within a semiosphere. The response you get from an observer is caused by the correctly interpreted hotness communicated by you. Like an involuntary meme-reflex... which is something I just invented. Just now.


Did I mention I'm a hot lesbian gamer?

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Re: I am hot!


"...And that's when he was strung up your honot. No sir' date=' I don't remember who brought the rope."[/quote']The whole parish turned out for the occasion. There was pie and ice cream, a bear killed a bunch of dogs, and I think I saw a tear run down Old Man Howard's cheek.


He kept saying, "Damn shame. One in a million..."


That's OK' date=' but the last guy was TWO hot lesbians, so the bar has been raised a little high...[/quote']It's sad when man who isn't also two hot lesbian gamers, can't call himself a man anymore.
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Re: I am hot!


This is exactly the attitude that keeps females out of RPGs.





If anything keeps females out of RPGs, it's insulting stereotypes of feminine behavior like the ones propagated in this thread.


Gee, I thought it was all my fault.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary blames Lucius for it.

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Re: I am hot!


As would I, and most of us, I'm sure. But if you (any of you) were a new poster to the thread, and you got a dozen replies saying "Welcome to the boards. Here is a suggestion to answer your question," and one reply like the example above, would that prompt you leave the boards and never return? do you automatically assume that everyone is going to like you? Is that a requirement for you to be somewhere? Do you quit your job because one coworker is a jerk?


And the things that I and others said, don't even come anywhere near that! All I'm saying is that I think Siren is a transpostite. "She" isn't the first, and "she" won't be the last. And "she" probably isn't even the only current one. I really don't have any problem with that, other than all the "tee-hee's" "hugz," "winx," etc. seem a little silly and suggest to me someone trying too hard to convince me that they are female.


And yes, I could be completely wrong: Siren could indeed be a woman. Further posts by her may convince me or not. Not that it matters what I believe.


But I do find it interesting the number and tone of replies to "how do I...?" questions posted by alleged hot chicks as compared with the number and tone of replies to such posts by the typical male gamers.


And for the record, I am happy to welcome female gamers to HERO and gaming in general. There is no logical reason to conclude otherwise from my post.


Agreed. I was just trying to put things in perspective.

I don't think anyone actually posted anything offensive.

A few of the comments might not have made any sense to an innocent party, but that was about the extent of it.


Precisely! Some people will react to you in ways that have nothing to do with you, and some people provoke a reaction by their own behavior. You are at least as responsible for the impression you give as the impression you take.


And what exactly was the Kara/Rachel incident? I assume there were two posters named Kara and Rachel that were both revealed to be transpostites. Is that the entire incident, or was there something more? Please, don't post a link to some NGD thread, could someone just give a one paragraph summary of what happened, so the rest of us will know what you're talking about? I almost never go onto the NGD board, so I'm unfamiliar with the history of this stuff. But I've been around the block a few times, and am familiar with the TP phenomenon, which occurs on other websites as well, many far more egregiously than this one.


I am not a major participant on the NGD boards either, other than going there for things that are truly Non-Gaming Discussion, as in:

Sharing recipes

People sharing personal happiness/sadness

Discussions on things like buying a PC, Car, House, etc.

I know that some people avoid the NGD board like the plague because they think there is never anything there other than endless political flamewars and off-color jokes, but there is a lot of decent information to be found if you look.


To add a bit to what AmadanNaBriona said . . .

The Kara Rachel incident was not just a case of someone choosing to post as another gender.

Male gamers (generally, not in every case) seem to tend to 'help', 'defend', 'protect', and/or 'show off in front of' what they perceive as an attractive female.

Especially one that flirts with them.

I don't know if it was the original intent of the poster or something that just happened, but it seems like once Kara/Rachel found out that he had a loyal group of followers, he used them to shout down anyone that questioned or disagreed with him. Even normally rational posters were manipulated into attacking people for little more than failing to agree with Kara/Rachel's opinions on certain topics.

It was pretty darn ugly.

I see a difference between someone who get their kicks by pretending to be a girl online and flirting with other guys (weird, but, whatever) and someone who gets their kicks setting a relatively peaceful online community at each other's throats.


Which is why I, and some others I think, take this sort of thing seriously.


Some people see a termite and think of a small bug, some people think of their house falling down.



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Re: I am hot!


Slippery slope and all that. People should just take one instance at a time, and judge it on its own merits.


I'm jazzed that this community is starting to develop an immune system in order to protect its population from corrupting elements; but seriously, we don't know anything about the poster of this Thread. I like the cut of her jib. She seems stimulating, and she obviously digs HERO.


Fourth edition books? Please. Those are soooo old. Go out and get the big green and black bullet-stopper. It's so dense, its movement will affect the tides in your goldfish bowl.

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Re: I am hot!


Male gamers (generally' date=' not in every case) seem to tend to 'help', 'defend', 'protect', and/or 'show off in front of' what they perceive as an attractive female.[/quote']


As opposed to the general male tendency towards helping, defending, protecting, and showing off in front of anyone they spend time around?



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Re: Guess what! I am not really a llama!


Sorry' date=' Robyn. I don't show off in front of you. Just the others.[/quote']


:nonp: Why are you apologizing? I said general (you might be an exception), I said male (I don't think of others that way), and I said tendency (not an absolute rule in the first place).

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Re: Guess what! I am not really a llama!


:nonp: Why are you apologizing? I said general (you might be an exception)' date=' I said [i']male[/i] (I don't think of others that way), and I said tendency (not an absolute rule in the first place).

That wooshing sound that flew past with courtfool's post.... that was humor....




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Re: Guess what! I am not really a llama!


.... that was humor....

So was my reply, originally . . . it read "I don't think of you as male", but then my constant companion pointed out "Robyn, you don't think of anyone as male", and corrections were made accordingly.

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Re: I am hot!


Much flamage and hurt feeling ensued' date=' and now everyone is VEEEERRRRY sceptical about claims of hot gamer girls, hot gamer girlfriends, lesbian gamers, or pretty much any combonation of the words Hot, Gamer, Girl, and Lesbian.[/quote']


Huh. I wasn't aware of any rampant skepticism that I am genuinely female... Of course, I made no claims of hotness and don't discuss my sexuality online...

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Re: I am hot!


Huh. I wasn't aware of any rampant skepticism that I am genuinely female... Of course' date=' I made no claims of hotness and don't discuss my sexuality online...[/quote']


Exactly. You never made it an issue, either implicitly or explicitly.


Lucius Alexander


Does anyone care what gender a palindromedary is?

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Re: I am hot!


Huh. I wasn't aware of any rampant skepticism that I am genuinely female... Of course' date=' I made no claims of hotness and don't discuss my sexuality online...[/quote']




As far as I know there is no skepticism as to your gender.

(For that matter, I wouldn't care if you were a well-mannered male who chose to post as a female, as long as you weren't trying to cause trouble.)


I have never had any problem believing that there was such a thing as a female gamer,

or that they might post to this board,

or that they might even be attractive.


However, in my personal experience, most attractive women that are part of a community that contains a large proportion of geeky males, tend to develop a slightly reserved posture when interacting with a new community.


Since they tend to be around a fair number of guys who may not have, and may be looking for, girlfriends, they quickly learn that being overly flirtatious can lead to a lot of misunderstandings and hurt feelings.


Not to mention the fact that virtually any woman in our culture who owns both a computer and a television is probably aware of the possibility of online stalking, and all of us seem to recognize that, while most gamers are fine people and solid citizens, there is a darker subculture of gamers that can be pretty darned creepy.


Which is why I tend to be skeptical when someone claiming to be an attractive female with gaming experience comes into a new community and begins the "wink wink, hugz, giggle giggle" routine.


I am not saying that it is impossible for an attractive female to act that way, but it usually is an indication of either extreme immaturity, or the result of having 'issues'.


Which means that, from my point of view as a longtime member of the boards, it really doesn't matter.


Whether the poster is:

1) A male troll impersonating a female

2) A very immature female

3) A female with serious 'issues'

an attempt to curry favor and recruit an army of fans by a campaign of deception, manipulation, and flirting, is going to be a bad thing for the board.


Which is what I care about in the long run.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: I am hot!


Post Script:

Kara and Rachel recently made an appearance on another messageboard, which has heightened everyones paranoia about this possibly being another of KaraFredRachels alts.


Out of curiosity, as someone who was friends with Kara/Rachel for years before learning the truth, which message board? You may PM me or just post it here, either.

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Re: I am hot!


Out of curiosity' date=' as someone who was friends with Kara/Rachel for years before learning the truth, which message board? [/quote']




Technically, you've been friends with Fred Bittick.





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