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Lego Guy - ideas and power questions

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I have a character concept of a superhero made of Lego Bricks who can shapechange into various and sundry shapes.


I want him to be able to turn into a helicopter and fly with other members inside him, etc. Would you make this via flight, usable by others, or would you just handwave it as him "carrying" the rest of the guys (like Superman probably doesn't need usable by others to carry Lois)?


I'm thinking that his natural form would be of a human sized Lego Minifig, complete with yellow head and all.


Power Ideas:


Shapechange (duh)

Forcewall, no range (straightforward, build a wall out of bricks)

Regeneration (restrainable, maybe OAF?) (picks up the bricks people have knocked out of him)

Movement Multipower, linked, Shapechange

- Flight, turn mode, takeoff & landing, usable as gliding (when a plane)

- Flight, no restrictions (when a helicopter)

- Running, only on flat surfaces (when a car/)

- Swimming (when a boat)


Maybe life support (since he's not really a living being).


Other ideas?



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Re: Lego Guy - ideas and power questions


Hee hee hee...:)


I had an old old villain "Legoman" years ago, who led a legion of toy-themed villains. Ah, memories.


For the head, instead of one big lego head, I had a face made out of hundreds of the normal sized ones, that all swiveled around at whatever he was looking at.


For the helicopter, etc. I'd just call it shapechange and extra limbs.

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Re: Lego Guy - ideas and power questions


Here are some good ideas:


- Growth (summons any neaby Legos - any family with kids will possess them)

- Shrinking (Removes Legos already in his possession)


Here could be a disadvantage:


- Vulnerability to heat (BODY & STUN) (plastic melts at such a low temp)


Any more ideas?

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Re: Lego Guy - ideas and power questions


A lot would depend on if his powers are just "I'm made of Legos" or if it's "I can use my Legos to turn myself into just about anything". If the former, limited powers, but still can do various tricks. If the latter, then if he assembles as a Lego dragon, he can fly and breathe fire, if he makes a big lego sword it will cut people instead of just bashing them, etc. If the latter, then a VPP or a VSFX multipower might be in order.

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Re: Lego Guy - ideas and power questions


A lot would depend on if his powers are just "I'm made of Legos" or if it's "I can use my Legos to turn myself into just about anything". If the former' date=' limited powers, but still can do various tricks. If the latter, then if he assembles as a Lego dragon, he can fly and breathe fire, if he makes a big lego sword it will cut people instead of just bashing them, etc. If the latter, then a VPP or a VSFX multipower might be in order.[/quote']


Yeah, I haven't quite decided on that yet. I have a feeling the latter might be too powerful, 'cause you can make pretty much anything out of legos :)


I like the vulnerability to fire, though :)



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Re: Lego Guy - ideas and power questions


My mother (who cursed our Legos for years) would suggest: add a Side Effect so that as he takes damage, those around him take 1d6 NND Stun (defense is any form of Flight, or standing absolutely still = DCV 0) as they step on the pieces knocked off of him and hurt their feet.

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Re: Lego Guy - ideas and power questions


Sounds like you want to make Plastic Man, but when people look close up you look a little blocky.


Would you have Growth, and then the blocks get huge like Duplo? Would you have a nemesis, Mega-Blok? Would your innards look like this insanely complex Technics clockwork?

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Re: Lego Guy - ideas and power questions


Watch the anime series Read or Die to get some ideas. The characters there have control over paper in the same way as your character has control over legos. Of course they aren't made of paper, but they can shape it at will.

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Re: Lego Guy - ideas and power questions


My mother (who cursed our Legos for years) would suggest: add a Side Effect so that as he takes damage' date=' those around him take 1d6 NND Stun (defense is any form of Flight, or standing absolutely still = DCV 0) as they step on the pieces knocked off of him and hurt their feet.[/quote']

:mad: Darn! You beat me to it!


Flight UBO should only be used if the Others can fly independantly. No UBO in this case. Maybe Flight with AoE to reflect that everyone in the helicopter flies along, and if the leave the helicopter for any reason, they stop flying. But even that might be stratching a bit.


Phys Lims: no fingers, can't bend his legs, etc.


There is a limit to the structural integrity of Legos which might be reflected in this guy's powers. You can only build so high before it becomes unstable.

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Re: Lego Guy - ideas and power questions


Sounds like you want to make Plastic Man' date=' but when people look close up you look a little blocky.[/quote']


And just for show he could have Shape Shift (Sight Group): Rearranging the various colors of blocks to make interesting patterns.


He could even change himself to all clear blocks! Invisiblity with a Bright Fringe! :D


(In case anyone wonders, the clear blocks were Lego's way of doing windows before they came out with the actual window piece.)

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Re: Lego Guy - ideas and power questions


I have a character concept of a superhero made of Lego Bricks who can shapechange into various and sundry shapes.


I want him to be able to turn into a helicopter and fly with other members inside him, etc. Would you make this via flight, usable by others, or would you just handwave it as him "carrying" the rest of the guys (like Superman probably doesn't need usable by others to carry Lois)?


Multiform with some (or all) of the forms being vehicles. See this previous question:


Character who can turn into a vehicle

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