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Enforcer84's Occasional HERO Content Depository


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Re: Enforcer84's Occasional HERO Content Depository



Val Char Cost Roll Notes

35 STR 15 16- Lift 3200.0kg; 7d6 [3]

20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7

40 CON 60 17-

20 BODY 14 13-

20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13-

17 EGO 14 12- ECV: 6

30 PRE 20 15- PRE Attack: 6d6

12 COM 1 11-


8/30 PD 1 Total: 8/30 PD (0/22 rPD)

8/26 ED 0 Total: 8/26 ED (0/18 rED)


5 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12

15 REC 0


80 END 0


60 STUN 2 Total Characteristic Cost: 187



Running: 6"/12"

Flight: 0"/31"/0"/62"

Leaping: 7"/14"

Swimming: 2"/4"



Cost Powers END

180 Gravity Manipulation: Multipower, 180-point reserve

5u 1) Gravitic Bolt, Disabling: (Total: 60 Active Cost, 53 Real Cost) Energy Blast 8d6 (Real Cost: 40) plus Entangle 2d6, 2 DEF (20 Active Points); Linked (Energy Blast; -1/2) (Real Cost: 13) 6

20m 2) Gravitic Bolt, Overload Blast: Energy Blast 20d6 (100 Active Points) 10

7u 3) Gravitic Bolt, Repelling: Energy Blast 8d6, Double Knockback (+3/4) (70 Active Points) 7

9u 4) Gravitic Bolt: Energy Blast 12d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (90 Active Points)

31m 5) Gravitic Manipulation: Telekinesis (75 STR), Affects Porous, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (155 Active Points) 6

1u 6) Gravitic Point Defense: Missile Deflection (Bullets & Shrapnel) (15 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2) 1

16m 7) Gravitic Wall: Force Wall (15 PD/15 ED; 3" long and 1" tall) (79 Active Points) 8

18m 8) Gravity Alteration, Greater: Telekinesis (60 STR), Area Of Effect (9" Radius; +1) (180 Active Points); Only To Pull Objects Straight Down To Earth Or Hold Them Off Ground (-1) 18

7u 9) Gravity Alteration, Mass: Telekinesis (40 STR), Area Of Effect (12" Radius; +1 1/4) (135 Active Points); Only To Pull Objects Straight Down To Earth Or Hold Them Off Ground (-1) 13

7u 10) Gravity Alteration, Selective: Telekinesis (40 STR), Area Of Effect (6" Radius; +1), Selective Target (+1/4) (135 Active Points); Only To Pull Objects Straight Down To Earth Or Hold Them Off Ground (-1) 13

6u 11) Gravity Cancellation: Flight 8", Ranged (+1/2), Usable As Attack (x16 maximum weight per inanimate target; +2) (56 Active Points) 6

3u 12) Gravity Field: Change Environment 8" radius (-5 to STR Roll) (32 Active Points) 3

7u 13) Precise Gravitic Manipulation: Telekinesis (40 STR), Fine Manipulation (70 Active Points) 7

9u 14) Strong Gravitic Manipulation: Telekinesis (60 STR) (90 Active Points) 9


20 Personal Gravity Effects: Elemental Control, 40-point powers

20 1) Gravitic Shield: Force Field (22 PD/18 ED) (40 Active Points) 4

83 2) Graviton Maniplation: Flight 23", No Turn Modifier (+1/4), No Gravity Penalty (+1/2), Usable Simultaneously (up to 2 people at once; +1/2) (103 Active Points) 10


Esoteric Gravity Powers

4 1) Gravity Adaption: Environmental Movement (Zero-G Training)

13 2) Sense Gravitic Fields: Detect Gravity (Touch Group) 13- (Unusual Group), Discriminatory, Range


Increased Mass

10 1) +10 STR 1

6 2) +3 BODY

4 3) Knockback Resistance -2"


SLA Gear

11 1) Comm Link : High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group), Concealed (-5 with High Range Radio Perception PER Rolls), Tracking (22 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Sense Affected As More Than One Sense Radio, Hearing, and Sight (-1/2)

4 2) Environmental Suit: Life Support (Safe Environment: Zero Gravity; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum) (6 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

10 3) Sensor Shields: Hearing Group Flash Defense (5 points), Radio Group, Sight Group (15 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)



5 Legitemate Holdings: Money: Well Off

1 New Man: False Identity: Charles Grey

5 SLA Network Node: Computer Link: SLA Dtata Network

5 Science League of America Contribution: Vehicles & Bases

6 Reputation: Respected Hero (A large group) 14-, +2/+2d6



16 +2 with All Combat

20 +4 with Ranged Combat

3 Deduction 13-

3 Electronics 13-

3 High Society 15-

3 Interrogation 15-

3 Inventor 13-

3 Linguist

3 1) Language: English (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)

2 2) Language: French (completely fluent) (3 Active Points)

0 3) Language: German (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)

2 4) Language: Italian (completely fluent) (3 Active Points)

3 Mechanics 13-

3 Musical Instrument Familiarity (Aerophones) 13-

3 Oratory 15-

3 Paramedics 13-

17 Power: Gravity Tricks 20-

3 Research 13-

3 Scholar

2 1) KS: History (3 Active Points) 13-

2 2) KS: The Black Market (3 Active Points) 13-

2 3) KS: The Superhuman World (3 Active Points) 13-

3 Scientist

2 1) Science Skill: Biology 13- (3 Active Points)

2 2) Science Skill: Chemistry 13- (3 Active Points)

2 3) Science Skill: Mathematics 13- (3 Active Points)

2 4) Science Skill: Phsyics 13- (3 Active Points)

3 Security Systems 13-

3 Seduction 15-

3 Survival 13-

3 Systems Operation 13-

4 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Science League of America Vehicles

3 Tactics 13-


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 665

Total Cost: 852


200+ Disadvantages

10 Dependent NPC: Sleipnir 11- (Slightly Less Powerful than the PC)

20 Hunted: Artifex 8- (Mo Pow; NCI; Harshly Punish)

15 Hunted: Science League of America Rogues Gallery 11- (As Pow; Harshly Punish)

15 Hunted: The Fraternity of Terror 11- (As Pow; Harshly Punish)

20 Psychological Limitation: Code vs Killing (Common; Total)

20 Psychological Limitation: Overconfident (Very Common; Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Repentant (Common; Strong)

10 Reputation: Refromed Mastervillain, 11- (Extreme; Known Only To A Small Group)

20 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Frequently; Severe)

507 Experience Points


Total Disadvantage Points: 852




Background/History: A Holocaust survivor, Erik's gravity control powers awoke in time to allow him to escape from the camps, but not soon enough to save his family. Erik fought both on the side of and against the forces of law and order over the years, growing into quite the arch-villain. He founded the Fraternity of Terror, a gourp of villains that saw him as a messiah style conquerer. It was a heady feeling for a man of his self-import.


He first clashed against the Science League in 1970 and a few times in 1971. Among the members of the League were Sliepnir and Freya, heroes who seemed to have a keen interest in his activities. It wasn't until his ultimate triumph over the team, a triumph that included the death of Freya, that he found out the reasons behind her and Sliepnir's seemign obsession with him. They were his children.


Shaken to the core of his being, the Heavy Man released the SLA and disappeared. He abandoned his Fraternity of Terror and liquidated his criminal empire and gave it away. He was found by his enemies, the Science League and his estranged son convinced him to reform. A year later, Starborn joined the Science League of America.


Personality/Motivation: Proud, confident, and righteous in his youthful crusade against the world that stole his family from him and left him to die; Starborn was humbled by his own actions and shocked into a brutal self-evaluation. Coming through this, he returned to the good natured, though melancholy, man he was before WWII.


But his stay with the Science League was often tumultous. He clashed with Monument over leadership. Never got close enough to his son for his liking, and constantly encountered people whom he had harmed in someway. Guilt played terribly on his conscience.


Then there were his former sycophants who turned on him, easily seeing through his new identity, they plagued him until his death during the invasion.


Quote: "I control one of the fundamental forces of the universe, do not make me destroy you."


Powers/Tactics: Though he could cause major damage, Starborn tended towards crowd control. His ability to disable large groups was a constant throughout his villainous and heroic careers. He developed a total aversion to killing after he slew his own daughter, and abandoned all killing attacks (if you want to use his more villainous persona, add a few gravity based KA's, be devious)


Campaign Use: Reformed Villain. Or use as his old self if you'd like


Appearance: Starborn was a muscular man with handsome, if worldweary features. He had white hair, blue eyes, and wore a black and gold costume. He stood six feet tall and his increased density made him weigh over 300lbs.

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Goliath 6e


Don't have 6e yet but Hero Designer works in 6e so I'm playing around...some of my builds might be odd as a result.


This is a classic "mad at the world" style villain - though he's really only mad at a very small subset of the world.




Val Char Cost Roll Notes

25 STR 15 14- Lift 800.0kg; 5d6 [2]

15 DEX 10 12-

20 CON 10 13-

15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12-

11 EGO 1 11-

15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6


8 OCV 25

5 DCV 10

3 OMCV 0

4 DMCV 3

4 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12


15 PD 13 Total: 15 PD (0 rPD)

15 ED 13 Total: 15 ED (0 rED)

9 REC 5

80 END 12

15 BODY 5

80 STUN 30 Total Characteristic Cost: 182


Movement: Running: 12m/24m

Leaping: 4m/8m

Swimming: 4m/8m


Cost Powers END

112 Titanic Profile: Growth (+45 STR, +15 CON, +15 PRE, +9 PD, +9 ED, +9 BODY, +18 STUN, +7m Reach, +36m Running, -18m KB, hands/feet are Area Of Effect (1m Radius) attacks, 6,401-50,000 kg, +6 to OCV to hit, +6 to PER Rolls to perceive character, 9-16m tall, 5-8m wide), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) (112 Active Points) 4


16 Stings like a mosquito: Damage Negation (-2 DCs Physical, -2 DCs Energy) (20 Active Points); Linked (Titanic Profile; Greater Power is Constant or in use most or all of the time; -¼) 0


19 Resistant Defenses: Resistant (+½) for up to 48 Active Points of 24 PD & ED (24 Active Points); Linked (Titanic Profile; Greater Power is Constant or in use most or all of the time; -¼) 0


14 Efficient Musculature: Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) for up to 70 Active Points of STR (17 Active Points); Linked (Titanic Profile; Greater Power is Constant or in use most or all of the time; -¼) 0



2 Fringe Benefit: Licensed Medical Researcher, Passport

4 Contact: Underworld Medical Facilities (Contact has useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact) 11-

1 Money: Well Off



8 +2 with all Science Skills

6 +2 with punch, grab, or haymaker

9 Inventor 15-

3 KS: Childhood tormentors 12-

3 Paramedics 12-

3 Scientist

2 1) Science Skill: Biology 12- (3 Active Points)

2 2) Science Skill: Biophysics 12- (3 Active Points)

2 3) Science Skill: Dimensional Engineering 12- (3 Active Points)

2 4) Science Skill: Medicine 12- (3 Active Points)

2 5) Science Skill: Physics 12- (3 Active Points)

3 Security Systems 12-

3 Streetwise 12-

2 Systems Operation 10-

Total Powers & Skill Cost: 218

Total Cost: 400


400+ Matching Complications

20 Hunted: DMA (Department of Meta-human Affairs) Infrequently (Mo Pow; NCI; Harshly Punish)

15 Psychological Complication: Hates Bullies/Bullying OR Vengful (Common; Strong)

15 Psychological Complication: Stubborn, doesn't back down (Common; Strong)

15 Social Complication: Secret Identity Frequently, Major

10 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Extra Dimensional Attacks (Uncommon)


Total Complications Points: 400


Background/History: Jeremy Lessing was a heavyset kid. Coupled with a slight speech impediment and a penchant for reading and science he was bully bait for most of his early life. Jeremy didn't let it go on quietly though; he informed his teachers and school officials, he told his parents, he fought back as well as he was able - but it didn't matter. There were too many, and the schools zero tolerance policies had him suspended just as often. He was so profoundly angry by the situation he vowed at the age of seventeen never to allow anyone to push him around again.


He was expelled for bringing a handgun to school. His parents moved him to a private school and - surprisingly, everything improved. The few kids who tried to mess with the new boy found he didn't put up with it and for once the school was on his side. But he was still scarred from his childhood. When he studied physics and medicine in college he did well, not because he was phenomenally gifted, but because he would not be denied. He had developed a theory his sophomore year in physics and decided to see it through. This would be his tool for revenge.


Jeremy didn't let go of his grudges, he kept tabs on the kids back home who had done him wrong. When he landed a job at Crucible Industries and was allowed to build and test his dimensional mass engine, he had plans in place from the get go. Once he was reasonably sure the mass engine did what he wanted it to, he tested it on himself, then sabotaged his life's work and resigned in failure. He'd falsified a few reports and after a year of living off his 401k landed a lower paying, less prestigious job with a medical research company that was a legitimate front for the underworld medical profession.


Then it was time for Goliath to get revenge on those who had wronged him.


Personality/Motivation: Goliath is an angry man. He's not evil, he doesn't get off on causing harm, but he doesn't trust authorities to protect him anymore and has decided to take justice into his own hands. In his mind he's a vigilante, he knows he's breaking the law but he feels he has just cause and once he has completed his quest for vengeance he'll...well he's not sure what he'll do, retire in style?


Quote: Who's the big man now?


Powers/Tactics: Straight up growth brick. He hits hard and well - his defenses are average but in his giant form he's got some damage negation going.


Campaign Use: There are two options for Goliath: a man who gets corrupted by his quest for vengeance against those who wronged him so long ago - willing to do anything to bring them pain and misery that he hurts those around his targets and ignores true repentance from them; or a man who (forgive the pun) grows out of his past. Dr. Lessing isn't evil he puts a lot of effort into helping others when not on his quest. It is possible some act or situation could put his quest in doubt and force him to look long and hard at the mirror and become something else entirely.


(my original plan for him was to have Goliath find himself at the epicenter of a natural disaster - being the only meta-human there, he pitches in and learns that one of his former tormentors became an EMP they work together to save several lives and Goliath leaves to ponder his life)


Appearance: He was always pretty big - more husky than muscular though. Months after using the mass engine he began to change, he added a few inches in height and his muscle mass became far more pronounced. He has black hair, brown eyes, and fair complexion. He is usually clean-shaven.


Goliath wears a black costume with bronze bracers on his wrists and ankles, a gold belt (thick with studs), a bronze colored fist on his chest and a half-cowl.

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Re: Enforcer84's Occasional HERO Content Depository


Did you just post a 400 point character ?!


Are the calenders off by a day or two because past Popes?




Heh. Well turns out my world is shy some villains. And I was making them 475 at first...incorrect.

But yeah, I can do it.

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Re: Enforcer84's Occasional HERO Content Depository


By the way, I wasn't really a fan of decoupling Figured CHA, but as I play around with it, I've noticed I've taken the approach to other aspects of character design - Goliath is a better Inventor than "thinker," at this point. So while I still prefer COM to Striking Appearance, I've overcome a lot of my bias.

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Re: Enforcer84's Occasional HERO Content Depository


Certainly an interesting character. I'd have named him David rather than Jeremy.


(To highlight the internal conflict, I mean - Goliath the revenge driven giant vs David, the man smart enough to question whether revenge is appropriate or even useful)


Lucius Alexander


The palindrmedary would know about internal conflicts

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Re: Enforcer84's Occasional HERO Content Depository


Certainly an interesting character. I'd have named him David rather than Jeremy.


(To highlight the internal conflict, I mean - Goliath the revenge driven giant vs David, the man smart enough to question whether revenge is appropriate or even useful)


Lucius Alexander


The palindrmedary would know about internal conflicts


I considered it but decided that was merely pandering :)

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And now for something a little different.


I remember reading about the "Prehensile Hair" power back in the old Marvel Superheroes game and they discussed how there had (at that time) only been 3 characters to have it and they were all female. Then went on to say that any male character who had it wouldn't admit it. So I decided to make one.





Val Char Cost Roll Notes

15+30 STR 5 12- / 18- Lift 200.0kg/12.8tons; 3d6/9d6 [¼]

15 DEX 10 12-

20 CON 10 13-

13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-

11 EGO 1 11-

15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6


6 OCV 15

6 DCV 15

3 OMCV 0

3 DMCV 0

5 SPD 30 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12


8+12 PD 6 Total: 8/20 PD (0/12 rPD)

8+12 ED 6 Total: 8/20 ED (0/12 rED)

8 REC 4

60 END 8

10 BODY 0

40 STUN 10 Total Characteristic Cost: 130


Movement: Running: 13m/26m

Leaping: 4m/8m

Swimming: 5m/10m

Swinging: 15m/30m


Cost Powers END

20 Instant Makeover: Shape Shift (Sight Group, any shape), Instant Change, Persistent (+¼), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (40 Active Points); Only to change hair style, length and color (-1) 0

9 Living Hair: (Total: 12 Active Cost, 9 Real Cost) Extra Limbs (Up to 10) (10) (5 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-½) (Real Cost: 3) plus Stretching 6m, Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) (7 Active Points); Limited Body Parts: Extra Limbs/Hair Only (-¼) (Real Cost: 6) 2

8 Rapunzel Rapelling: Swinging 15m 1

20 Super-Strong Hair: +30 STR (30 Active Points); Only with Extra Limbs (-½) 3


12 1) Armored Costume: Resistant Protection (6 PD/6 ED) (18 Active Points); OIF (-½) 0

5 2) Combat Specs: Sight Group Flash Defense (10 points) (10 Active Points); OAF (-1) 0

20 3) Grav Boots: (Total: 36 Active Cost, 20 Real Cost) Clinging (normal STR) (10 Active Points); OIF (-½) (Real Cost: 7)

  • plus Leaping +12m (16m forward 8m upward)(6 Active Points); OIF (-½) (Real Cost: 4)
  • plus Invisible Power Effects (Inobvious to Hearing Sense, effects of Power are Inobvious to both target and other characters; +¾) (10 Active Points); IIF (-¼) applied to Running (Real Cost: 5)
  • plus Damage Negation (-2 DCs Physical) (10 Active Points); Only Works Against Falling Damage (-1), OIF (-½) (Real Cost: 4)


15 4) Katana: (Total: 35 Active Cost, 15 Real Cost) Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (3d6 / 5d6 w/STR) (30 Active Points); OAF (-1), No Knockback (-¼) (Real Cost: 13) plus +1 OCV (5 Active Points); OAF (-1), Only with Blade (-½) (Real Cost: 2) 3

6 5) Knuckle Dusters: Hand-To-Hand Attack +2d6 (10 Active Points); OIF (-½), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-¼) 1

4 6) Knuckle Dusters: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand ½d6 (10 Active Points); OIF (-½), Only with Kidney Punch Maneuver (-½), No STR Bonus (-½), No Knockback (-¼) 1

10 7) Reinforced Leather Duster: Resistant Protection (6 PD/6 ED) (18 Active Points); OIF (-½), Activation (14- roll; Must be made each Phase/use; -¼) 0


Street Fighting/Hair-do Fu

Maneuver OCV DCV Notes

4 Choke Hold -2 +0 Grab One Limb; 2d6 NND

4 Disarm -1 +1 Disarm; 25 STR / 55 STR to Disarm

3 Grappling -1 -1 Grab Two Limbs, 25 STR / 55 STR for holding on

4 Kidney Punch -2 +0 HKA 1 ½d6 / HKA 3 ½d6

4 Low Blow -1 +1 2d6 NND

4 Martial Block +2 +2 Block, Abort

5 Overhand Right, Spinning Kick, Hair Smash -2 +1 7d6 / 13d6 Strike

4 Punch, Elbow, Hair Snap +0 +2 5d6 / 11d6 Strike

4 Weapon Bind +1 +0 Bind, 25 STR / 55 STR

1 Weapon Element: Blades

1 Weapon Element: Empty Hand

0 Weapon Element: Living Hair



5 Dive: Safehouse

2 Contact: The Black Market 11-



5 Quick in a Fight: Lightning Reflexes (+10 DEX to act first with All HTH Attacks)

3 Pretty Boy: +1/+1d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters)



2 +1 with Sweep Maneuver

16 +2 with HTH Combat

3 Acrobatics 12-

3 Breakfall 12-

3 Charm 12-

3 Climbing 12-

3 Combat Driving 12-

3 Disguise 12-

3 Gambling 12-

3 Lockpicking 12-

3 Mechanics 12-

3 Navigation 12-

3 PS: Hairstylist 12-

3 Persuasion 12-

15 Power: Hair Stylings 18-

10 Rapid Attack

3 Scholar

1 1) KS: Gang Cultures (2 Active Points) 11-

1 2) KS: Japanese Pop Culture (2 Active Points) 11-

2 3) KS: Local Underworld (3 Active Points) 12-

1 4) KS: The Superhuman World (2 Active Points) 11-

2 Survival (Urban) 12-

3 Security Systems 12-

3 Shadowing 12-

3 Stealth 12-

3 Streetwise 12-

1 TF: Small Motorized Ground Vehicles, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles

3 Teamwork 12-

3 WF: Small Arms, Blades


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 291

Total Cost: 420


400+ Matching Complications

10 Hunted: Solo Hero Infrequently (As Pow; Harshly Punish)

10 Psychological Complication: Embarrassed by powerset, overcompensates (Common; Moderate)

15 Psychological Complication: Greedy (Very Common; Moderate)

10 Psychological Complication: Sensitive about reputation (Common; Moderate)

5 Rivalry: Professional (Pool Shark; Rival is As Powerful; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry)

15 Social Complication: Secret Identity Frequently, Major

10 Unluck: 2d6

20 Experience Points


Total Complications Points: 420


Background/History: Alexander Vann Priest's powers manifested in his early teens. Shy and unsure of his place in the pecking order of his peers, he initially embraced them as something that made him special - until he showed his friends. He still has nightmares in which they are laughing at him. After that, he tried to pretend it never happened but the teasing got to him and he found himself fighting to keep them from laughing at him. It turns out he was actually a good scrapper and after a while the teasing stopped as his childhood friendships were all rather violently severed.


Alex's parents took him out of school and sent him to live with relatives in another state, he finished school and then disappeared. Joining a gang was his first step and he quickly graduated to working for larger, stronger gangs. When a local crime lord wanted to expand his operations and decided he wanted a costumed enforcer, Alex, now going by his middle name, invented the Black Saint Adonis personae - something of an otaku-affected street thug. His employer liked what he saw and hired Vann as his primary enforcer.


Black Saint Adonis had a pretty good thing going until he seduced his boss's girlfriend, but by then his confidence was high enough that he simply thrashed the goons sent to teach him a lesson and sent their broken bodies and copies of evidence he'd been gathering back as his resignation letter. Adonis has been a free agent ever since.


Personality/Motivation: Vann Priest is tough to a fault. He doesn't back down from a challenge and never forgets an insult. However, he worries very much about his professional reputation and image so he doesn't often let his temper get the best of him. Despite being somewhat embarrassed about his powers, he puts them to good use and is quite the ladies man - this stemming from his fear of being seen as "unmanly."



Quote: "Very funny, just remember how funny it was when I kick your @$$."


Powers/Tactics: Black Saint Adonis has the regrettable (for a male) power set of prehensile hair, it's an effective weapon for him...but it's somewhat embarrassing and he often doesn't use it to its full effectiveness because he feels it makes him look silly. However he's very effective with it when he's convinced he needs to pull out all the stops.


Beyond his stuper-strong, elastic, and prehensile locks Vann Priest is a talented street fighter who has trained hard with his almost innocuous weapon, the Grav-Boots. With these boots he's incredibly mobile and would not seem at all out of place in a Wuxia film.


His sword is mostly for looks at this point, but he's capable of using it.


Campaign Use: A thug with a rather unique look. He's a mercenary villain and can easily be over-played for a light-hearted element to the campaign as he strives to get the respect he thinks he deserves.


Alternately he can be played smarter and used as someone who might romance a DNPC or two.


Appearance: Black Saint Adonis would be considered an American Bishonen, or "Pretty Boy." He has fine, striking features and a hard-won physique. When not on the job, he actually dresses very similar to his "Villain ID," tight jeans and tee shirt with a long leather duster and sunglasses. His hairstyle and color changes with his mood and he's adept at building convincing disguises, he often (when not on the job) keeps his hair very closely cropped, it's unknown where it goes when he does this. Curiously enough, he has no body hair at all this maybe an unconscious use of his powers.


As Black Saint Adonis, his costume is black, shows off his muscles and his duster is black with a number of baroque designs in blue or silver. He wears combat goggles that are polarized and look like blue designer sunglasses. His Grav Boots are gray high tech looking boots with thick soles...almost moon boot style...with silver designs. He has recently taken to wielding a katana, though it rarely leaves it's sheath.

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