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Supermax Prisons in Europe


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I would really like to know your ideas about this one. In my universe there are several supermax prisons in the US and I'm thinking about creating one (or more) in Europe. There are lots of supervillains...lol


Here's what I've got until now (some ideas are mine, other were discussed in another forum):


- The first supermax prison was created in Gibraltar, but after a riot followed by the use of the failsafe device in the prison (a nuke) that led to inumerous civilian casualities, the idea of supermax facilities near population centers was dropped


There are now several options:


- Creating an underwater prison in the North Sea


- Join several oil platforms and create a floating prison


- Create a supermax prison in the Alps (like the American NORAD facility)


- Create a mobile prison, using some old ballistic missile sub (maybe a Russian Typhoon or an US Navy Ohio-Class). It could be a great way to transport/hide those pesky very powerfull supervillains ;)


- Create a mobile prison using some sort of supertanker (Ultra-Large Crude Carriers or Liquid Gas Carriers). Of course it would be more visible than my previous idea...cough, cough.


- Use transdimensional bombs as failsafe devices. In case of riot, just push the button and drop the bad guys and the prison in the Phanton Zone or something like that, lol.


So...these are some ideas. Anyone care to contribute/discuss others? :D

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Re: Supermax Prisons in Europe


i have a couple of different prisons I'm working on for my UK hero project the two i have descriptions for are



The department of extra normal containment and rehabilitation

The village

The island [summer isle]

Feltnam hall young offenders institution

Restful grange psychiatric treatment center

Black cairn category 13 prison


The village


No one is sure where this detention facility is located it doesn’t technically exist at all from a legal standpoint it is totally unconstitutional. And if it were known about by the wider public would be a major crisis for the presiding government.


People who are sent there disappear from custody, are substituted for other prisoners or are abducted from there homes.


It is used to house people with useful knowledge brilliant scientists spies etc


Using combination of psychoactive drugs and psychological manipulation based around acted out scenarios the village serves two functions to distract the brilliant minds held captive In it from escape and to break them psychologically so that there knowledge can be used for the benefit of the UK.


Some of the population are guards some are actors some are trusted inmates and some are perhaps virtual projections you can never be sure who to trust and what is real if you are incarcerated in the village.



The island [summer isle]


Is a small island in the outer Hebrides used to house what can only be described as monsters the original inhabitants where pagan worshippers who preformed an annual human sacrifice. The last victim of there ceremony was a police officer investigating the disappearance of a young boy. He was sacrificed inside a wicker man set alight by the villagers and left to burn alive within but he would not relinquish life that easily he made his own pact with the dark powers as his body burnt he became an embodiment of vengeance the wicker man was animate a burning towering force of revenge that lay waste to very man woman and child that had watched as he was sacrificed


When an investigation to the remote island was finally launched they found the burning figure standing on the beach the population totally destroyed the department concocted a story about a chemical spill they then put an exclusion zone around the island to keep out fisher men. It was around this time another incident involving a huge nearly unstoppable creature occurred in Sheffield a combined force of superheroes had managed to contain it but with no where to keep it and no way to permanently destroy it the department was stuck until someone suggested just dumping it on summer isle so that’s what they did air lifting it to the island and dumping it the creature and wicker man fought but neither was able to hurt the other and they retreated to opposite ends of the island. The department built and off shore monitoring facility which periodically drops livestock and supplies on the island to keep the monsters happy and stop them leaving.


Over the years the wicker man has begun to exhibit rational behavior communicating with the observation team by sign language some of his police mans personality remains trapped in the ever burning form and he has agreed to remain on techs island and help police its inhabitants he tries to keep the peace and stop escapes but the periodic monster fights are one of the most popular entertainments amongst the departments staff with most sections running there own monster fight betting pool.


Security wise there is very little the monitoring station is linked to a set of anti- aircraft systems and a few high powered missile systems used to target attempted escapes the island and the surrounding waters are dotted with sensors. The biggest danger is the weather so the station is heavily fortified able to stand up to the very worst weather the far north can throw and with multiple redundant communications systems so that a warning of an escape or other emergency can reach the mainland with out delay.


Other than the missiles which with most of the inhabitants ill do little more than slow them down the main defense is the distance of the island to the mainland it is over 100 miles to the mainland and that’s till places the escapee in the far north of Scotland at least a hundred mile storm any major population areas hopefully giving the department time to muster a potent force to counter the threat when it finally arrives on land.

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Re: Supermax Prisons in Europe


i have a couple of different prisons I'm working on for my UK hero project the two i have descriptions for are



The department of extra normal containment and rehabilitation

The village

The island [summer isle]

Feltnam hall young offenders institution

Restful grange psychiatric treatment center

Black cairn category 13 prison


The village


No one is sure where this detention facility is located it doesn’t technically exist at all from a legal standpoint it is totally unconstitutional. And if it were known about by the wider public would be a major crisis for the presiding government.


People who are sent there disappear from custody, are substituted for other prisoners or are abducted from there homes.


It is used to house people with useful knowledge brilliant scientists spies etc


Using combination of psychoactive drugs and psychological manipulation based around acted out scenarios the village serves two functions to distract the brilliant minds held captive In it from escape and to break them psychologically so that there knowledge can be used for the benefit of the UK.


Some of the population are guards some are actors some are trusted inmates and some are perhaps virtual projections you can never be sure who to trust and what is real if you are incarcerated in the village.


Oh Sweet Zombie Jesus YES!!!


I was just watching that the other day. It never occured to me to use it as a prison for supers.


A big cookie for you!!


In this specific case, I assume that most of the villans are lower powered, with limited movement powers. Or better, the power armoured masterminds.

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Re: Supermax Prisons in Europe


I only have one Meta Supermax prison in Europe. Its called the Tower and its located in England. It is a very large tower (duh) it is thirty stories tall and has seven sub basements. Its guarded round the clock by soldiers in advanced Power Armor backed up by several superheroes and the British Government's official super team. In case of mass breakout the Tower has more then fourteen tons of C4 contained within it and the surrounding country side is a mine field. The mines are antitank mines.

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Re: Supermax Prisons in Europe


Sorry to interrupt, but this thread sparked an idea for a 'practical' prison for Supers.




No, not a Drain, just a Random Dispel.


We have all seen the futuristic prison movies where there is some sort of deadly device that keeps prisoners at bay, because if they go outside a certain area the Death Collar/Death Ray/Exploding Brain Implant will get them.


But that sort of thing is not likely to work on a group as tough and resourceful as many Supervillains.


However, as far as demoralizing a group of Superpowerful beings, what could be better than randomized Dispels that go out invisibly at random times during the day and night?


Would you really take a shot at doing a Move Through on the Force Bubble if it was possible that your own Force Field might fade out just as your were about to smash into it?


Would you take a chance on Phasing through a wall if you could find yourself a permanent part of it?


I am not saying that this would work as your only security, but I think it would be a great way to explain why the average Super facility was not a 'revolving door'.



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Re: Supermax Prisons in Europe




These defence forts capable of holding one hundred men could give you a basic idea for a European prison. personally I'd place it in the North atlantic of Scotland as it can get a bit rough out there and would create a wonderful sense of isolation

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Re: Supermax Prisons in Europe


yeah the village is taken from the prisoner and is meant for unpowered masterminds gadgeeters power armour types and super spies with the the ocasional mystic though they are considered a danger(it's easy to scan for tech harder to scan for magic) and normally held in there own special facility( I'm thinking of calling it "The Pit" and housing it deep under the Tower of London.)



and yes summer isle is from the wickerman

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Re: Supermax Prisons in Europe


Our campaign has presupposed the recent construction of a Super Prison at an old RAF base on the Isle of Mann, since paranormals have just started to appear on Earth.


Handy dumping ground for those few captured Eurostar guys. We won't be seeing them again.;)

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Re: Supermax Prisons in Europe


yeah there are some really great remote fortifications in the UK you can use as the basis for a prison in terms of sea forts here are some more pics of those mentioned by alexracoon and these two napoleonic war era ones seem particularly suited to the role here are various sea forts and also this great island complex on drake island and there are more images of it and other fortifications on this page

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Re: Supermax Prisons in Europe


Our campaign has presupposed the recent construction of a Super Prison at an old RAF base on the Isle of Mann, since paranormals have just started to appear on Earth.


Handy dumping ground for those few captured Eurostar guys. We won't be seeing them again.;)


The Isle of Man is a local tax haven and the preserve of the rich. It's extremely unlikely that they would build a super prison or any other regional prison there. It would be like building a prison in the middle of Monaco.

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Re: Supermax Prisons in Europe


- Use transdimensional bombs as failsafe devices. In case of riot' date=' just push the button and drop the bad guys and the prison in the Phanton Zone or something like that[/quote']


Why not just have the prison in the Phantom Zone to begin with?

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Re: Supermax Prisons in Europe


The Isle of Man is a local tax haven and the preserve of the rich. It's extremely unlikely that they would build a super prison or any other regional prison there. It would be like building a prison in the middle of Monaco.


Well we are a top secret, fabulously wealthy, philanthropic organization, so it isn't like we would actually tell anyone.:D

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Re: Supermax Prisons in Europe


A small, dismal island in the Orkneys is a possibility. So would be an ice-covered rock up in Svalbard. Or if you really want to get morbid, put it in an old WW2 Nazi death camp site, or somewhere a little downwind of Chernobyl (where the radiation won't do much to the supers, and normals can't use the site anyway).

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Re: Supermax Prisons in Europe


Thanks for the input, guys. I'll have to seach for that thread that death tribble mentioned.


That sea forts info is interesting. Thanks for the links, alexraccoon and freakboy6117! :thumbup:


kjamma4 - Let's say that constructing a prison in a "Phanton Zone" would be a very difficult task (in manpower, money etc...). It would be easier to just build those bombs that could open temporary one-way portals to there.


That way - if I want to be nasty - I can always create some sort of malfunction of the failsafe device - it activates and sends the heroes (who were in a tour of the facilities/delivering a prisoner) and villains alike into the "Phanton Zone" ;)


Cancer, that Svalbard idea is great!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Supermax Prisons in Europe


Out of curiousity, is there a particular reason that the very first metaprison had a nuclear self-destruct as a contingency?


( particularly powerful inmates, particularly ludicrously dangerous inmates, past precedent in the setting, antimetahuman paranoia, etc )


Because that seems a bit excessive for coming out of nowhere.

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Re: Supermax Prisons in Europe


Metaphysician - in my setting, the world is still locked in a Cold War and many of the meta-humans are the result of military experiments and have some kind of military training (this aplies to both heros and villains).


So the first European prison was constructed with that in mind. It had some very powerfull villains (some of them "prisoners of war" - superpowered KGB agents that were caught) there and the EC decided to build the supermax prison with that fail-safe device. When the big riot occured, it was activated and it destroyed half of Gibraltar...


Of course there are several conspiracy nuts that say that the riot/breakout didn't even exist - it was a big public cold blooded execution and a way to send a message saying that the E.C. didn't have a problem in using nuclear weapons in their own soil, to "defend" themselves.:hush:

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