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Build Me A Villain Team


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Re: Build Me A Villain Team


Scott, I can see the scenario you describe playing out that way, although of course you'll need a background explanation for how a modern cyborg gained the ability to communicate with an antique demon.


However, what you're describing makes Samhain sound like a reserve member, called upon only for particular circumstances. The way you presented your lineup gave me the impression that he was to be a core member of the team. If I was mistaken I apologise. But look at the trouble Interface has to go through just to dicker with him, and how repulsed he is merely talking to Samhain. Mentalla's already threatening to fry his brain. And I'm not entirely clear on what "sport" Samhain could get out of tagging along with this crew that he couldn't have operating on his own, i.e. what's in it for him.


As a reservist I could accept Samhain's involvement, but if I were a GM looking to use this premade team and saw Samhain as one of the regulars I just couldn't buy it. No disrespect intended and of course YMMV.


BTW Samhain would more properly be called "Antlerhead." :snicker:

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Re: Build Me A Villain Team


Is it too late to throw: The Master Plan at you?


Foxbat (Thinks he's the Leader)









Telios (disguised as Fenris) (Leader)


Basically, a group of "Wish They were second stringers" who are put together by Telios (who is pretending to be Fenris...why? Because, that's why) It is almost the perfect team of delusions of grandeur and technical know nothing. Cybermind again can communicate with the powered armored guys and not need to fear radio reception. Foxbat is insane and any group that has he and Bulldozer in it will be underestimated. ZigZag and Pulsar are farily versitile fighters, and The "A-Team" of powered armor fighters can "play with the big boys" at least for a bit.

Why did Fenris put this team together? Most likely to pick fights and gather data, or to blow off some steam and enjoy himself.

What happens when the real Fenris wonders who the imposter is?


This reminds me a little of Scott Jamison's story of the New Geodesics. But I'll leave Scott to recount that one, if he sees the thread.

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Re: Build Me A Villain Team


Marmoo is a second-rate bug-loving punk. :P I went with the Murk. Abyssal darkness and big teeth rule, baby! :rockon:


I certainly did tinker with Samhain in various ways, but that would be a departure from the spirit of this thread. Which I've probably derailed more than enough. :o


Actually, I meant Murk myself. Just got the two mixed up.

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Re: Build Me A Villain Team


Scott, I can see the scenario you describe playing out that way, although of course you'll need a background explanation for how a modern cyborg gained the ability to communicate with an antique demon.


However, what you're describing makes Samhain sound like a reserve member, called upon only for particular circumstances. The way you presented your lineup gave me the impression that he was to be a core member of the team. If I was mistaken I apologise. But look at the trouble Interface has to go through just to dicker with him, and how repulsed he is merely talking to Samhain. Mentalla's already threatening to fry his brain. And I'm not entirely clear on what "sport" Samhain could get out of tagging along with this crew that he couldn't have operating on his own, i.e. what's in it for him.


As a reservist I could accept Samhain's involvement, but if I were a GM looking to use this premade team and saw Samhain as one of the regulars I just couldn't buy it. No disrespect intended and of course YMMV.


BTW Samhain would more properly be called "Antlerhead." :snicker:


I could certainly live with him as a reservist. i do think an "on call" member doesn't have to be a reservist, but that's a quibble.


Yes, they'd have to go through a lot to deal with him. In the same way that all powermad wizards deal with demons, in order to advance their personal agenda. But people who want power will do a *lot* of things.


As for what Samhain gets out it: additional protection, while he sows chaos. A chance for a few amusing moments with his teammates, and (more interestingly) to watch them as they perform their own acts of terror, destruction, and degradation, and to encourage them to push their own personal envelopes for evil, which has oretty much been his modus operandus from day one,. Samhain likes to inspire fear on a large scale, and allying with a top-flight villain team does the job better than on his own.

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Re: Build Me A Villain Team


All very valid points. :) I just had trouble seeing Samhain as part of a team with the coherence and longevity that you indicated you were looking for. As I have nothing further useful to add on that front' date=' I will cheerfully drop it. :whistle:[/quote']


No worries. If all creators were asked to justify their choices, many of today's comics would be a heckuva lot better. (I'm looking at *you*, Bendis and Millar! :-)

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Re: Build Me A Villain Team


I want to thank folks for the inspiration provided in this thread. Granted, I chimed in like once, and fairly early, but the bug stuck and I'm remaking "The Conquerors" for my own game.


My list:


Secret Leader: Invictus


Field Leader: Mechassassin

Martial Artist: Jade Phoenix

Brute Squad: Gargantua

Speed Demon: Raya de Plata

Master of all things "Oogy": Zorran the Artificier

Blaster: Still Open

Dedicated Mentalist: Still Open

Zany and wacky rogue slot: Still Open


Reserve Slots:

Tac Nuke on Hold: Grond (Slightly upgraded from his UB appearance)

Transport Option: Still Open


I'm having some troubles with the dedicated mentalist, that's why I listed the "Rogue" slot, which I almost filled with that walking nightmare from Ultimate Metamorph, but she looked like way too much prep-work for yours truly. ;)

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Re: Build Me A Villain Team


I may have thought this through differently from the rest of you.


Call them the


Hazard: Has a grudge against Nighthawk, which actually allows for something called plot.


Eclipse: Hangs out with Hazard because as long as he's around, she's not as unlucky


Holocaust (Leader): With this group at his back, he really CAN conquer the world, and why SHOULDN'T he?


Gargantua (Brick): This seems to be everyone's favorite choice, but I'm going to choose it too. Don't forget, Eclipse can copy Gargantua's powers, and together the two of them can completely rule a battlefield.


The Monster: Since no one knows what it really is, in this version, it is a robot or genetic experiment found by Hazard and Eclipse. Hazard just wants to use it, but Eclipse pities it.


Vector: He really is the fastest man alive. He can actually burn actions to move the entire team in and out of combat instantly. Yes, an excellent choice.


My two reserve characters are...


Cybermind: Sure, this leaves them without a real mentalist, but all of modern security requires a guy like this to bypass it. For a knockdown dragout assault, you bring him, but on a infiltration mission, Eclipse copies his powers, and voila, instant B+E.


If Zorran the Artificer had the right skills and abilities on his sheet, he would be my choice for secret leader. But...here's mine...


The Internet...a chatroom


Holocaust: What do you want, Hazard?


Hazard: I wanted to know if you have any work.


Holocaust: I always do.


Mr. Automatic wants to join your chatline


Hazard: Hey, Holocaust, do you know anyone named Mr. Automatic?


Holocaust: No. This line is secure.


Mr. Automatic has joined your chatline


Hazard: What the hell is this?


Holocaust: Get off my line. This is secure. How the hell did you get in...?


Mr. Automatic: Would you like to rule the world?


Half a world away, in a secret base, the cold metallic fingers remained locked, eyes on a screen he did not even have to touch.


Hazard: Rule the world? This must be my lucky day.


Holocaust: Yes.


And Mechanon's mouth glowed in the closest thing the machine could come to a smile...

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Re: Build Me A Villain Team


I was actually thinking of Mechanon as the secret mastermind behind my Cy-Force suggestion above, but he was one of the villains Scott Bennie specifically requested be excluded from this exercise. However, Mechanon might suppress his hatred of organics enough to work with beings who are at least partly machine; and using organics to kill organics would probably appeal to him.

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  • 1 year later...

Re: Build Me A Villain Team


Ooo! Zombie Thread!


A team of really brutal Masters of Evil level villains bent on world domination with no compunctions about killing. Built from published material, and allowing breakups of teams but no master level villains?


Me, I don't like Holocaust, because his egotism and casual killer limits prevent him from working well with others for long. "Damn you Mechassassin! I TOLD you to get me a coffee with TWO sugars!" **ZAP!**


Leader - Zorran the Artificer

Coleader/Backstabber - The Black Paladin

Brawler/Brick - Grond

Energy Projector and General Heavy - Firewing

Super Agent - Mechassassin

Exotic - Shrinker (in a team this potent she's nasty! Suddenly going blind while fighting Firewing?)


Zorran can EASILY keep Grond docile either by some mystic trinket or just the blunt approach of constantly mind controlling him. Both he and Black Paladin can appeal to Firewing's desire to win and prove himself in combat (his so called honor) and Mechassassin will just work for anyone if the money's right. Shrinker is a little more complex, but only a little. She can be lured into the team by money and exploiting her hatred of heroes, which can certainly be exploited by Black Paladin. Now there's a couple!


This is also a group with some possible dysfunctions at a deep level. They're all greedy scumbags, and Zorran and Black Paladin would only cooperate so long as it was expedient. Firewing might just up and quit if his Code of Honor won out over his need to win, and working out how they're keeping Grond docile and nuetralizing that effect would have him off. In other words, clever players would be able to work around this group's mental handicaps wheras a straight up brawl might not be winnable.

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Re: Build Me A Villain Team


I am offering this as a team dedicated to the destruction of either all superheros or a single threat that everyone hates (i.e. Mechanon). The team can be used for any campaign and it can last longer then most due to the fact some of the members are actually loyal, rather then forced.


Despite Utility's many successes with defeating super humans, he still felt like it was too easy. He felt he needed a real challenge. What could be more challenging then bringing together a group of super villains and succesfully leading them? It would move Utility up from a mercernary to master villain.


The first one to join his side, was also one of the few to do so unwillingly. Using his intelligence and planning, he led the Demon bound Morningstar to an abandoned, but still very potent Chapel. There, while Morningstar remained weak, Utility pulled out a special device he had purchased from a super villainess called Gyre, who combined technology with magic. The device bound Morningstar to whoever possess the device, and Utility hasn't let it out of his sight.


With one 'member' already in, Utility then started letting word get out that he is looking for members to 'show up, beat down and humilate heroes' He got an amazing influx of recruits. However only 2 were good enough for him. Blackstar and Vector, two villains who love showing up bricks and speedsters respectivly.


Utility decided to take a new approach for his next member. The team's first job: Break into PSI storage facility and steal a large number of drugs. These drugs were special, in that they were the only thing keeping PSI member Torment loyal. With this new offer of the same drugs but less cruelty, Torment jumped ship faster then a first mate.


Their final member however, found them. She offered herself to the team for some unknown reason, and has been a vital part of the team.


The team is dangerous and will only get more so as utility trains them in tactics.


Leader Utility: Despite his many successes with defeating super humans, he still felt like it was too easy. He felt he needed a real challenge. What could be more challenging then bringing together a group of super villains and succesfully leading them? It would move Utility up from a mercernary to master villain.


Engineer: The Engineer had always been interrested in this super villain with his gadgets, but he was too 'organic' for her. But the thought of such a skilled super mercenary leading such a powerful team...Perhaps this team could stop the mechanical monstrosity Mechanon. For now she shows loyalty, but when and if they destroy Mechanon, she will no longer have any use for these 'humans' and probably kill them.


BLACKSTAR: feeling the ultimates had reached a kind of slow point, the offer of a team dedicated to wailing heroes and prooving they were the best...This appealed more then the Ultimates and their goal for money. His training with the Ultimates make him one of Utility's favourites and encourages his need for combat. Infights are the only thing to worry about Blackstar with Morningstar.


Vector: "Money, reputation, getting to beat down on speedsters all the time? Can I get a hell yes?" Vector said as he joined. And he's loving every part of it. But he is the most likely to break rank out of all of them.


Morningstar: Morningstar doesn't want to be here. But he has to by order of the spell. He does so reluctantly, but even so his battle lust makes him an incredible combatant.


Torment: With his power to share pain, Torment does anything for the drugs that stop the pain from reaching him. Loyalty and treason mean nothing to him and the minute Utility runs out of drugs, Torment will crawl back to PSI on his hands and knees.


There are 2 people Utility has an intrest in joining his team:

1st. Cyclone. The villain's desire to show his superiority works well with Utility. And his training with Blackstar in the Ultimates will only help the team in the long run. But Cyclone is too loyal to Binder to swap sides. He may occcasionally help them for extra money, but this isn't something they can rely on.


2nd. FEUERMACHER: The angry at his own misfortune pyrokinetic, Utility feels he would be a good asset to the team as their long range attacker. He has a plan to bring Feuermacher to his side by making a way to control the fires on his body, but even then his loyalty to Eurostar may proove too strong to switch sides.


So what do you guys think?

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Re: Build Me A Villain Team


I am offering this as a team dedicated to the destruction of either all superheros or a single threat that everyone hates (i.e. Mechanon). The team can be used for any campaign and it can last longer then most due to the fact some of the members are actually loyal, rather then forced.


Despite Utility's many successes with defeating super humans, he still felt like it was too easy. He felt he needed a real challenge. What could be more challenging then bringing together a group of super villains and succesfully leading them? It would move Utility up from a mercernary to master villain.


The first one to join his side, was also one of the few to do so unwillingly. Using his intelligence and planning, he led the Demon bound Morningstar to an abandoned, but still very potent Chapel. There, while Morningstar remained weak, Utility pulled out a special device he had purchased from a super villainess called Gyre, who combined technology with magic. The device bound Morningstar to whoever possess the device, and Utility hasn't let it out of his sight.


With one 'member' already in, Utility then started letting word get out that he is looking for members to 'show up, beat down and humilate heroes' He got an amazing influx of recruits. However only 2 were good enough for him. Blackstar and Vector, two villains who love showing up bricks and speedsters respectivly.


Utility decided to take a new approach for his next member. The team's first job: Break into PSI storage facility and steal a large number of drugs. These drugs were special, in that they were the only thing keeping PSI member Torment loyal. With this new offer of the same drugs but less cruelty, Torment jumped ship faster then a first mate.


Their final member however, found them. She offered herself to the team for some unknown reason, and has been a vital part of the team.


The team is dangerous and will only get more so as utility trains them in tactics.


Leader Utility: Despite his many successes with defeating super humans, he still felt like it was too easy. He felt he needed a real challenge. What could be more challenging then bringing together a group of super villains and succesfully leading them? It would move Utility up from a mercernary to master villain.


Engineer: The Engineer had always been interrested in this super villain with his gadgets, but he was too 'organic' for her. But the thought of such a skilled super mercenary leading such a powerful team...Perhaps this team could stop the mechanical monstrosity Mechanon. For now she shows loyalty, but when and if they destroy Mechanon, she will no longer have any use for these 'humans' and probably kill them.


BLACKSTAR: feeling the ultimates had reached a kind of slow point, the offer of a team dedicated to wailing heroes and prooving they were the best...This appealed more then the Ultimates and their goal for money. His training with the Ultimates make him one of Utility's favourites and encourages his need for combat. Infights are the only thing to worry about Blackstar with Morningstar.


Vector: "Money, reputation, getting to beat down on speedsters all the time? Can I get a hell yes?" Vector said as he joined. And he's loving every part of it. But he is the most likely to break rank out of all of them.


Morningstar: Morningstar doesn't want to be here. But he has to by order of the spell. He does so reluctantly, but even so his battle lust makes him an incredible combatant.


Torment: With his power to share pain, Torment does anything for the drugs that stop the pain from reaching him. Loyalty and treason mean nothing to him and the minute Utility runs out of drugs, Torment will crawl back to PSI on his hands and knees.


There are 2 people Utility has an intrest in joining his team:

1st. Cyclone. The villain's desire to show his superiority works well with Utility. And his training with Blackstar in the Ultimates will only help the team in the long run. But Cyclone is too loyal to Binder to swap sides. He may occcasionally help them for extra money, but this isn't something they can rely on.


2nd. FEUERMACHER: The angry at his own misfortune pyrokinetic, Utility feels he would be a good asset to the team as their long range attacker. He has a plan to bring Feuermacher to his side by making a way to control the fires on his body, but even then his loyalty to Eurostar may proove too strong to switch sides.


So what do you guys think?


If I may make a couple of suggestions for a final ranged member:

1) Riptide, with her water powers has enough funky weird abilities as well as some up front power.


2) Zephyr, same but with air.

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Re: Build Me A Villain Team


True, but the reason I didn't choose those two was because I needed villains who were likely to be loyal to Utility or his ideals. Morningstar was forced loyalty, Blackstar and Vector love beating up supers almost as much as Utility, cyclone has something to prove to the world, Feuramancer desperately wants the cure and the Engineer is dedicated to defeating Mechanon.


Those two you recommended are not the bravest of people. But Zephyr might actually be a good choice, because:


Her absolute contempt and hatred for cops,

superheroes, and anyone else in authority only

makes matters worse. Anytime she gets to outwit,

evade, or beat up policemen, she takes it, laughing

the whole time. Th ough she’d never kill any of them

(that causes a lot more trouble than it’s worth),

she’ll gladly hurt them, put them in embarrassing

positions, or interfere with their work.




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Re: Build Me A Villain Team


Even just in CKC there's a whole mass of "normal" people who might go after heroes just out of simple hatred or contempt.



Mirage (a teamup of them is part of Champions Battlegrounds)

Ankylosaur and Armadillo (they're both tools, but human ones)

Lazer, Steel Commando, and/or Mechassassin. One or all depending on how their Rivalry is massaged


All of these criminals are mercenary in the extreme, and have a mass of psych quirks and rivalries that can be manipulated by clever players. I'd suggest upscaling the power of the 350 point characters to make them a more serious threat. Armadillo particularly.


For some reason I have an easy time imagining PSI, Menton, or Mentalla as the secret leader behind this group. Those being mentallists powerful enough to massage their rivalries and personality quirks.

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Re: Build Me A Villain Team


Sure, I'll chip in!


First, we need to look at the dynamic of a good tam. You need a leader, first and foremost. Any group can get together and do crime, but the rare ones have a leader strong enough to keep such disparate personalities working together. They need to have a good reason for sticking with him, even if one or two plot to take over the Big Chair. He doesn't need to be the smartest, nor even the best planner, so much as he needs to be charasmatic. After this, you need an enforcer, someone loyal to the cause who'll keep the others in line, someone chomping at the bit to take over butw illing to wait "For now", one or two ammoral types who don't care so much who leads as long as they're progressing towards a goal (More power, more loot, finding a cure for thier lycanthrope, whatever), and often a soft-hearted one that could be won over if the heroes take a soft approach ... they have to win in the end, after all, and talking one of the villains into switching sides, to let them out of a Deathtrap, is *classic*.


So, flipping through Conquerers, Crooks, and Killers, but, not having the other book mentioned, I substitued the base Champions rulebook (Hopefully valid!), here's what I came up with.


Leading the show is Stormfront, a charasmatic machine with huge, flashy powers (He controls the weather! Thunderbolts from the sky!) not the smartest guy ever (Advance his sheet to a 13 Int, probably), but an old-time evangelical scammer who knows how to win people over like few others (Advance his sheet to 30 Pre). Jack his powers up a few DC, depening on just how much of an upgrade you want these guys at, let his psych lims grow a bi (No longer worried about working with others, he's now thinking of himself as a god, perhaps, or, if you don't want him crazy, he's *playing* a guy who thinks he's a god but is actually quite sane, just loves teh adoration/fear and is hooked on it.) ... for bonus fun, give him a megascale option on his basic weather control from an Immobile OAF machine left over from someone trying to take over the world back in the 70's. A relic that hasn't worked in decades, he can channel his *own* power into it and reactivate it. For bonus fun, call it the Corialis Machine as a nod to the old days.


Stormfront, in this take, is looking for more converts. In addition to his villain team, he needs some really loyal normal followers that are just DEDICATED to him. He also wants to bring more villains into the fold, or even flip a hero or two. His dream is to seduce Withcraft, taking both her and Talisman as his consorts. He also, of course, wants to rule the world, not for the *power* so much as the adolation. He just loves holding a crowd in the palm of his hand, having them do his bidding... no real plan for what to do if he *has* the world, other than enjoy it.


Herculean stands in as the Enforcer, Stormfront's righthand man. The honorable alien was defeated in a fair fight by Stormfront and fell in line with him afterwards, finally finding someone with an air of nobility and passion that he could see as an 'Emperor', of sorts. He chafes quietly, a tiny flaw that a hero could exploit if they really paid attention, but, for now, he's a rock-solid follower. He's storing the cash that they attain in hopes of just *buying* a way off the planet sometime, but understands that this may well take a while and sees that, hey, if Stormfront *does* conquer the world, he can easilly use teh resources to get Herc back home. Until then, he's teh right-hand man, giving tactical advice and sporting an odd array of powers that most hero teams can't deal with.


The aformentioned Talisman stands in as the magical force, a counterpoint to the normally science-based team, giving them a few options to try a new angle on things now and then. She's playing with forces more and more dangerous these days, has picked up the Janus Key, and fell in with Stormfront's charm. She'd be interested in playing the field a bit, both enjoying the friction that a little jealousy can generate and to have a backup plan if STormfront ever goes down, but, no one else in the group is really worthy of it. As such, she'll likely glom onto a male hero and try to coyly seduce them as a "Villain against her will" or the like. She will, of course, be lying her tail off, standing as a honey pot to trap him to her liking. She's powerhungry, with an addiction to danger, but not *crazy* ... she never has sold her soul, for example. She's just willing to take large magical gambles, thinking that she's more powerful than she actually is.


Black Harlequin is, easily, the scariest member of the team. He somehow fixated on Stormfront as a father figure ... and a nice one, too, like his papa the dollmaker, not the others who he himself killed. Stormfront lets him make wonderful toys, keeping him supplied with tools and supplies, and seems to actually like what he builds, bringing BH joy for his heart. He's an utter sociopath, mind, and will kill without a thought, not really understanding that a broken "toy" can't be rebuilt, the one person on teh entire team that has no qualms with a body count. Harlequin is, easily, the smartest person on the team and a gifted, if warped, inventor, which can be guided, carefully, by Stormfront to figure out things ("Think of it as a game." "Oo, I love games! Thank you papa!") or build superdevices, such as getting the Corialis Machine working. His lethal toys are, of course, also quite handy in terms of threatening DNPCs, hitting a hero team in their soft underbelly.


Ogre is cheap muscle, pure and simple. To dumb to do much on his own, he simply falls in with Stormfront who seems to take care of him ... Stormfront can easily bamboozle the slow-witted muscleman. He's also charmed by Black Harlequin's toys, and the two serve as playmates, with Ogre being immune to the deadly toys' attacks and BlackHarlequin thrilled to build toys for someone who enjoys them. Sometimes the two squabble like children, but Stormfront or Masquerade are there to settle things. Even more then Herculean, Ogre stands in as the raw power in a fight, swatting heroes like flies.


Green Dragon stands in, for now, as the sixth wheel, but doesn't really belong. Harlequin, Talisman, and Stormfront have solid ranged attacks, Ogre and Herculean up-close, so a third melee fighter, and one that was fast, rather than tough, was needed and Greenie was the only one who fit the bill. He'd be the "Starscream" of the group, unhappy with following a "mere occidental", but likes the cash and loves getting to square off with superhero martial artists, to prove his superiority. He'd love to take over, but doesn't have the power base. He's likely to be replaced down the road (And if I had the other legal book, I'm sure he would be!), but, for now, he's, you know ... there.


For support, Stormfront has mainly his loyalist cultists, his Jim Jones-like charisma having brought many people into the flock, but there's one in particular that stands out; Masquerade.


Masquerade is the non-combat support for the team, a shape-sshifter without equal and one that, for whatever reason, has fallen prey to Stormfront's charm. She (Masquerade has taken a female deault form and personality, to better please her lord) is the left-hand of Stormfront, taking on all the sneaky, underhanded missions, gathering intel, and rooting out non-believers, serving as a backup as well in case he or his are ever captured, an emergency escape based not on a teleporter or legal trickery so much as simply taking out the driver of the Primus van, taking his place, and happily driving off "To Stronghold" before letting everyone out. She's absolutely fallen under his spell, smitten and sharing a bed with her lord, willing to endure whatever he asks of her in his service. Hers is the strongest loyalty of all, but, should it ever break, it would shatter into hate, "A woman scorned" and all that. He cares for her, however, insomuch as he cares for anyone who isn't himself, and mroeover, she *thinks* that he loves her, and that's a tether that will be amazingly hard to break.


So, there ya go. In honor of the egocentric nature of the bossman, we'll even call the group Stormfront, taking the leader's name as their own, and letting you use his loyal cultists in fun, thematic ways. The group has a team balance held together by sheer force of personality, a wide mix of origin and powers (Mutant! Mutate! Magic! Alien! Gadgets! Whee!) and, while it most often takes a scientific angle, can sometimes hunt down old magical artifacts as well. They're no Eurostar, but, there's some real breakout potential with this group.


Wish I had somebody better than Green Dragon, though. Any evil speedsters out there? :)

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Re: Build Me A Villain Team


Yeah a lot of problem with building a world beating team with the material. I personally feel the team should not be a one off. I think that to make it work, we would have to force it a little bit. Take Holocaust, he has been at this since 1983. In the two decades he has been trying to rule, there is a chance that he could have a midlife crisis and figure out that his way has not been working for him and try a different approach.


Personally if I wanted a tacticain I would REALLY want Utility but that code versus killing Total stands between me putting him on a team like I want.


I would really like to utilize The Monster as he would make a very nasty opponent and fill the killing machine slot very nicely but come on it is The Monster.


The Gemini Man would make a deadly addition to the team but he got that whole thing going in Vibora Bay.


So forth and so on.


I have a wish list that is impossible to fill. The abilities could all mesh to make a world beater but the personalities do not. Also from my perspective I would arrange a world beating team much like a very good Hero team. That means they would have contacts that they exploit and access to information on the heroes that they will face as they fight them during combat and a support structure that would allow them to concentrate on the big things.




How about a mentalist decides to muck with the choice members heads in order to create a team that does his bidding fails to get the right mix and instead creates a world Class supervillian team instead? Yes it is a "new character" and slightly bends the rules but it Would solve the PSL problems until the Players can find a way to reverse the mental transforms and break the team up....


I have allways liked a 60 pt VPP Mentalist....

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