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WWYCD - unpowered normal facing imminent death


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Your GM is running a game where you start out playing normal people, and then the Special Event (radiation accident, near-death experience, etcetera) that acts as a "catalyst" of sorts for your PC gaining superpowers will occur during game-play.


If you cannot imagine yourself in such a situation, do not answer this WWYCD.


There. Now, a catastrophe of such proportions that your PC knows they have no hope of possibly standing against it . . . is en route. Pick the details of this catastrophe (man-made, natural disaster, whether it can be escaped and for how long or if it is inevitable), then answer:



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Re: WWYCD - unpowered normal facing imminent death


Let's see, if its not inevitable and can be escaped, and I do so, I tank the game the GM planned. If it is inevitable, but I can escape temporarily, then I'm just wasting time that could be better spent letting the GM get on with their hard work. In the first case my character erroneously concludes he cannot escape, hugs his wife and kids, and says his final prayers. In the second case, I do the same, and ask the GM, now what happens? If I'm being railroaded in the name of the set-up I might as well race down the tracks. Its metagaming, but I'm not coming to a game to waste a lot of effort only to have the GM say: "hey, you just totally screwed my game!" or "it happens no matter what you do."

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Re: WWYCD - unpowered normal facing imminent death


Your GM is running a game where you start out playing normal people' date=' and then the Special Event (radiation accident, near-death experience, etcetera) that acts as a "catalyst" of sorts for your PC gaining superpowers [i']will occur during game-play[/i].


If you cannot imagine yourself in such a situation, do not answer this WWYCD.


There. Now, a catastrophe of such proportions that your PC knows they have no hope of possibly standing against it . . . is en route. Pick the details of this catastrophe (man-made, natural disaster, whether it can be escaped and for how long or if it is inevitable), then answer:




WWYCD? Howabout WTHDIFM? = What the hell does it freakin matter? Seriously, why would anyone step into a game that they KNOW will end in the inescapable death of their character? For that matter, who would stay in a game with such a grim and IMO, preposterous no-escape event looming on the horizon? Really, you're only going to get variants of three possible answers - wait to die, fight till I die, and quit the game.:ugly:


The thread title says imminent death while the question confuses the matter with a catastrophic event that grants powers. Which is it? Do I die or become superhuman?:confused:


I dunno man. To me, the post comes off as confrontational, especially with the bolded part and, IMO, the juvenile declaration of "THERE". It's as if you're saying "Take that! NYAH NYAH NYAH!":eek:


If you want positive answers, you might want to clarify or re-word your premise. :D


Otherwise, what Von D Man said.


Note - the liberal dispersion of smileys hopefully conveys the fact that I am not angry - just very flabbergasted and confused by the whole idea.

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Re: WWYCD - unpowered normal facing imminent death


If I'm being railroaded in the name of the set-up I might as well race down the tracks. Its metagaming' date=' but I'm not coming to a game to waste a lot of effort only to have the GM say: "hey, you just totally screwed my game!" or "it happens no matter what you do."[/quote']


If you have a problem with "gaining powers no matter what you do", the GM may want to talk with you about whether a superhero game is best :)


If we're metagaming, we might as well add GM permission for that; let's say that the GM has been hinting that the exact nature of each PC's origin story will strongly influence what powers are available, where they come from, or what the SFX are (for instance, making a literal deal with the devil to survive could mean the smell of sulfur and brimstone whenever the fire powers are used). A few obligatory Disads such as Distinctive Features (small horns, cloven hooves) or Susceptibilities (holy ground, holy water) might be acquired too. To make up for this loss of choice in exactly what the PC's powers will be like, the GM is also encouraging all the players to actively guide their characters to what they think is the "best", or most desirable, catalyst points.


Let's see' date=' if its not inevitable and can be escaped, and I do so, I tank the game the GM planned.[/quote']


If the GM can't come up with further catalyst events after you opt out of the first ones available, he shouldn't have made it escapable ;)


If it is inevitable' date=' but I can escape temporarily, then I'm just wasting time that could be better spent letting the GM get on with their hard work.[/quote']


"As you run through the woods, desperately hoping the fire will be slowed by the trees, you trip on a root and fall on your face. The ground cracks when you hit it, and centuries of accumulated twigs and debris fall underneath you with a roar as the rotten old wooden planks collapse. Sitting up, you can see the few rays of sunlight that have made it down through the canopy layer illuminating what looks to be an ancient shrine, untouched by man or dust. Who knows how long it has been here . . . "


In the second case' date=' I do the same, and ask the GM, now what happens?[/quote']


First we see what happens to the other characters :D


Then, if it looks like an unexciting origin story, dramatic timing may result in the other PC's (with their fancy new powers) swooping in to rescue you, and we can find a better opportunity later.

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Re: WWYCD - unpowered normal facing imminent death


The thread title says imminent death while the question confuses the matter with a catastrophic event that grants powers. Which is it? Do I die or become superhuman?:confused:


You suspect, but your character doesn't have access to that knowledge. The idea of gaining powers through catastrophic events is meant to counteract the automatic inclination of some players to give up before they even try it. The idea is: you have some reason to want to play through this. But your character doesn't. They have no idea that something amazingly good might come of this. What do they do?


[Edit: another thought is that "just getting up and walking away" is an option for us. Not for the characters. Human beings have faced some amazingly difficult decisions through the ages, and an absolutely astonishing number of them were still around after they thought they'd be gone. We may have the "advantage" of "knowing" that they are doomed, but how is our knowledge any more certain than theirs? There's a bit more variety in the realistic responses than "fight" or "lay back, wait to die", too. You may find the Kübler-Ross model of some use here, and I recommend figuring out which of those steps your PC would go through and in what order.]


The "gaining powers" promise is to get players to consider this scenario at all. The question is about roleplaying; now that we're asking ourselves the question of "What would someone do in such a situation?", we can look at our PC's and figure it out.

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Re: WWYCD - unpowered normal facing imminent death


A very complex question. It actually requires the answers to several questions.


In no particular order:


What kind of non-powered normal character do I want my character to start off as?


What kind of lethal event do I want to subject them to?


What kind of miraculous escape do I want to imagine?


Finally, and influencing all the above, what kind of powers would I hope to acquire? I don't think any gamer can fail to consider this aspect; in fact, most likely all the other questions will be answered with an eye towards how they will influence the final form of the character.





But I have a question for YOU.



Why is this question in the Fantasy Hero forum? Are we supposed to assume that the context is going to be a fantasy (as opposed to superheroic or pulp-type) game?


Lucius Alexander


A close encounter with a palindromedary.....

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Re: WWYCD - unpowered normal facing imminent death


Why is this question in the Fantasy Hero forum? Are we supposed to assume that the context is going to be a fantasy (as opposed to superheroic or pulp-type) game?


Because I'm lazy, and hadn't left the Fantasy forum yet :P


To broaden the context (and because it was easier, and I'm still being lazy), I've used modern-day examples below. Any sort of fantasy setting is still good :)


A very complex question. It actually requires the answers to several questions.




Some of them I'd prefer to leave for the player to fill in, even though I'd rather (and have) run this sort of game by presenting specific encounters to the PC's so I can exert some control of my own over the "lethal events" the characters are subjected/exposed to. Even then, some kind of control can be exerted by the players over how exactly their character dies; a forest fire has surrounded the town but failed to swallow it yet because of the space cleared around the perimeter that has no flammable material. Smoke has threatened to suffocate citizens, and wind speed is picking up, fire "leaping" the retardant ground is expected within hours or days. Everyone is panicking, so one player might say "My character gets the idea that he can hide in the old chemical plant, they have big heavy-duty freezers there to keep the generators cool, so he won't burn." An incredibly stupid idea on several counts (chemical plants sometimes having flammable chemicals; generators that might run on more flammable fuels; freezing to death; passing out from the fumes generated by all those chemicals), but it's reasonable for a panicking character, and it opens several avenues to possible origin events.


The "who was I before I had superpowers" is one of those questions we should all be asking ourselves, anyway (even though some of us will be saying "Robot: created this way" or something like that). You're definitely right that this would have an influence on what decisions the character made, too. I spoke a bit about the lethal events above; any "miraculous escape" might be up to the GM.

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Re: WWYCD - unpowered normal facing imminent death


Ahhhhhh...I see says the blind man.


OK, with the above info in hand, I'll take a stab at this.


1st -As this is posted in the fantasy forum, I'll go with a fantasy character. I don't like incompetent bafoons for characters, and I have a tendency for ranger/warrior type characters, so it's safe to say I'll have a few survival skills at hand.

2nd - The Event. How about the Evil All Conquering Wizard With a Powerful Artifact of Doom and Destruction backed up with an army of countless, mindless warriors? Laying waste to entire regions, cities, and nations, they are now advancing on my home. Refugees from fallen kingdoms and the tell tale fire and smoke on the horizon would be a pretty good indicator that Something BAD This Way Comes. Let's say I have about 1 day to react.

3rd - WWYCD? First and Foremost - personal survival. Gather whatever tools, food, and equipment that are essential to living through this mess and do it ASAP. Round up a small group of people with useful skills, that are healthy, and level headed. Make sure to include a couple of females, but no children. Next, get the hell out of Dodge. Assuming the Bad Guys are coming from the north, the safety of the capital city is to the south, traditional enemy nation to the east, and inhospitable haunted mountains to the west, I take my small group west and we hide out in the hills, living off the land. Some will live, some will die, but hiding and retreating appear to be the best options. Now, let's say the Evil Wizard uses his magic Doom Device and levels the kingdom. If my character dies, hey, I did what I thought I could to make it. If he lives and is imbued with magical energy from the magic Doom Device, he returns to the world he fled, bent on revenge and making sure such a thing does not happen again.


I'm operating here on a few assumptions that I think are reasonable. If the character lives, the GM has a game and I as a player have a powerful motivation. If my character dies, who's running what game next week?:D

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Re: WWYCD - unpowered normal facing imminent death


Your GM is running a game where you start out playing normal people' date=' and then the Special Event (radiation accident, near-death experience, etcetera) that acts as a "catalyst" of sorts for your PC gaining superpowers [i']will occur during game-play[/i].


If you cannot imagine yourself in such a situation, do not answer this WWYCD.


There. Now, a catastrophe of such proportions that your PC knows they have no hope of possibly standing against it . . . is en route. Pick the details of this catastrophe (man-made, natural disaster, whether it can be escaped and for how long or if it is inevitable), then answer:




Nothing special. Go home, read books in the bathtub. Wait for the end.

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Re: WWYCD - unpowered normal facing imminent death


2nd - The Event. How about the Evil All Conquering Wizard With a Powerful Artifact of Doom and Destruction backed up with an army of countless' date=' mindless warriors? Laying waste to entire regions, cities, and nations, they are now advancing on my home. Refugees from fallen kingdoms and the tell tale fire and smoke on the horizon would be a pretty good indicator that Something BAD This Way Comes. Let's say I have about 1 day to react.[/quote']


This sounds like a pretty interesting game already :)


I'm operating here on a few assumptions that I think are reasonable. If the character lives' date=' the GM has a game and I as a player have a powerful motivation. If my character dies, who's running what game next week?:D[/quote']


Odd thought - what if the EACW animates the citizens of the lands he conquered, as a horde of zombies to beseige the next country with? Then some bold heroes terminate the EACW with extreme prejudice, and the zombies mostly find themselves wandering aimlessly, divided up into about four groups:


  1. The brain-dead, who just stand about or walk from place to place, completely mindless.
  2. The hungry-for-brains, who run around trying to kill anything still alive.
  3. The recovered, mostly normal farmers and the like who just try to get back to their lives while adjusting to the fact that they're now undead.
  4. Lastly, several of the undead (including, but not limited to, all of the PC's), who find themselves the repository of dark energy that fled the EACW's dying body, trying to find a host.

The energy is too scattered to make a cohesive consciousness, but this doesn't stop the villainous zombies (or, at least, those so inclined) from seeking out others with fragments of the EACW's power, trying to absorb them and thus become the new EACW. There are also a bunch of hungry zombies running around the countryside, attacking travellers, and maybe moving into nearby cities, looking for food (brains). Retaliation goes up against the undead farmers and other poor citizens just trying to get back to their lives; to be fair, they do look very much like the "bad" zombies. Then there are the PC's, trying to figure out what's going on and why they can sense each other's location. Eventually, as they figure it out, they also have to contend with the fact that some of the other undead whose location they can sense are hunting them; a few of these other undead are growing very powerful from absorbing the shards of power held by defeated undead of the 4th variety; at some point, possibly soon, enough of the EACW's dark power will coalesce in a single individual to resurrect his mind; and, if the PC's don't get more powerful (by absorbing more of this power themselves), they're going to be easy prey for someone else to do it. That's one reason for teaming up; if any one of them tries to go it alone, that person may become the EACW, but if they work together, they can each hold a fraction of the power and keep it separated.


So, if your character dies, maybe the same GM is running that game next week :eg:


This sucks, now I want to play that game :help:

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Re: WWYCD - unpowered normal facing imminent death


wow, that last scenario is an interesting blend of elements I like... its kind of like Highlander, with the gathering of power, alternate beings, semi-immortalism... and The One, killing others to gain ultimate power, and zombies... awesome. =)

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Re: WWYCD - unpowered normal facing imminent death


I always thought the point of WWYCD threads was to ask, you know, "What Would Your Character Do if...?"


As it is, I can't really answer the question, since none of my characters fit the criteria stated. Beohorn -- Powerful wizard from the north; Arial -- highly experienced forester and deadly accurate archer; Asenath -- Necromancer and high priestess of the goddess of death; Leisha -- Follower of the ancient religion, with a giant wolf for a follower; Roy -- A masterful warrior with a legendary sword... Nope, none of them would work.


I think what you really mean to ask is, "If your GM wanted to start a new campaign and this was the premise, what sort of character would you like to create and how would he react to the situation?" Not nearly as catchy as WWYCD, but it certainly fits the idea better.


If I were to create a new character for this campaign (assuming a Fantasy game, since this is on the FH board), I would probably play someone very studious; a young, brilliant scholar with access to the city's vast library. He would spend the time before "the end" searching through the stacks, looking for a way to understand and defeat, deflect, or forestall the darkness.

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Re: WWYCD - unpowered normal facing imminent death


I think what you really mean to ask is' date=' "If your GM wanted to start a new campaign and this was the premise, what sort of character would you like to create and how would he react to the situation?" Not nearly as catchy as WWYCD, but it certainly fits the idea better.[/quote']




I think it falls within the realm of WWYCD's. A more narrow field than usual, true, but even so.

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Re: WWYCD - unpowered normal facing imminent death


I think having the power origin come as part of the play is valid. In fact, having a cataclysmic-seeming power origin is fine with me as well. But it should not seem to be inescapable. Either it should come and go so fast as to happen without the PC even having the chance to react, and the PC just survives somehow and gets to deal with the aftermath, or the PC should seem to have some measure of control over their fate prior to the event occurring.


In my current game on Hero Central, I went with the former. Everyone was going about their daily business, and suddenly out of the blue, something happened. That something turns out to have had apocalyptic consequences for the game world, but granted a small minority of people superpowers. Including the PCs. Now they are trying to figure out how to stop the world as they know it from coming to an end. The players went in with the knowledge that they would be starting as normals and that an event would occur in game to convert them to their superheroic character sheets, but not much else.

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Re: WWYCD - unpowered normal facing imminent death


If your gona die,

Die with your boots on.



this is, as the Bunny pointed out, not a WWYCD. It's a "If the campaign started this way, what you you build and how would you play out the last days of this normal persons life before it become otherwise?"

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Re: WWYCD - unpowered normal facing imminent death


I think having the power origin come as part of the play is valid. In fact' date=' having a cataclysmic-seeming power origin is fine with me as well. But it should not seem to be inescapable. Either it should come and go so fast as to happen without the PC even having the chance to react, and the PC just survives somehow and gets to deal with the aftermath, or the PC should seem to have some measure of control over their fate prior to the event occurring.[/quote']


I don't know about this one. Difficulty is part of a PC's lot in life; if everything was easy and nice, there wouldn't be much point to playing, would there be? Well, maybe if the GM was doing an escapist stress-relieving munchkin cakewalk, sure. But an earthquake, for example, is a natural event that most people (even most heroes) can't stop, yet this doesn't mean that the players can (or should) just sit back and tell the GM "let us know when it's over". It doesn't mean that playing through the event won't be fun, or won't be good for character development.

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Re: WWYCD - unpowered normal facing imminent death


"If the campaign started this way' date=' what you you build and how would you play out the last days of this normal persons life before it become otherwise?"[/quote']




Doesn't sound much better ;)

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Re: WWYCD - unpowered normal facing imminent death


An earthquake is not certain death. It's not even likely death, really. Sure people do die in earthquakes, but not that many compared to the number that live through them.


If you're wanting to play out a disaster that the PCs can have hope of living through, that's one thing. Then the players will almost certainly have their PCs fight to do so. If you portray it as if the PCs are certain to die, that's another. Then the players will probably start asking questions about why you are subjecting them to this. If they are offerred assurances that this is a path to power, they might go along with it, but you'd be well-advised to make their inevitable doom come quickly, so they can get on with the fun part. Nobody likes a no-win scenario, especially one that drags out. Nobody likes to have their character treated like a fly whose wings have been pulled off by a malefic godling purely to watch it flounder around torturedly before he squishes it.


I'll repeat, fighting through adversity that seems theoretically possible to be able to be overcome or avoided is very different from facing an explicit no-win situation. The former can be stimulating; the latter is generally uninteresting and distasteful.

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Re: WWYCD - unpowered normal facing imminent death


Here's how to do this sort of thing the right way, IMHO, if you as GM have predetermined the character will die as a path to power.


For whatever reason, PC Joe finds himself in the path of the approaching army. He decides to flee, gathers up everything he can and heads for the hills. But a group of skirmishers patrolling the army's flanks come across his trail and stealthily follow him to his camp, surrounding it. Outnumbered and trapped, PC Joe engages in a fight for his life to try to break free. Combat is played out. Joe acquits himself well, manages to cut down a couple of his attackers, and spots his opportunity. He makes a break for it.


Here we drop out of combat, and go to pure narration. PC Joe takes a thrown axe or arrow in the back as he tries to flee, possibly from attackers that were hidden previously or that arrive just then. Everything goes dim and he passes out. Some time later, he awakes, feeling different in some way. Now he has to figure out what happened and why he's still alive.


The trick here is that the situation was never without hope of escape and survival except for that *brief* interval where GM Fiat comes into play. It needs to be brief so that the player won't feel like his PC is being tortured for no reason. And it needs to be preceded by the PC making as good an accounting for himself as the player can make for him, and followed by an interesting story about the beginnings of his new life, so that the player won't feel railroaded too badly.

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Re: WWYCD - unpowered normal facing imminent death


Hrm. I have to admit, while I often find myself going HTH with Robyn over his variations on WWYCD, I find this one intriguing. Largely because I already wrote something similar to it (see: ancient White Wolf game from back in the day) and partially because there are elements of it that appeal. If you, the PLAYER, are aware that you were promised COOL POWERS and the GM sets up a catastrophic failure, the first thing I would ask:


1. Does this get in the way of me getting cool powers? A smart GM will simply enigmatically and let the tension build. If the PCs start to completely wig out (see up thread where some people had that idea) then I (as GM) would be forced to placate them on some level (dude, relax, this is the intro. Chill.)


So I'm playing a normal - not Thia Halmades. I have a character who fits this mold - that's Herbert Harris Wolfe, a physicist who played college football and joined FEMA, where he was promptly lent out to a lab facility as part of a convenient government shell game to develop rail weapons. Okay.


Problem is, the invasion is coming sooner than anyone could have possibly believed. The very invasion for which the orbital platform Harris was working on was being built. Further problem: Harris had NO IDEA that this was coming. Only thing he knew was that he was working on orbital weapons technology (which isn't so far fetched).


When the invasion comes, Independence Day style, it's all OVER the news. Everyone is going positive apesh*t as armageddon comes a knockin'. Harris would do what he was trained to do - run. Run his @$$ off as fast as he could, as far as he could. He would have no idea that the blast is inescapable.


And he'd awaken in some alien lab, the subject of terrible experimentation, although clearly they aren't finished yet, as he looks (mostly) human and has already developed super strength. The question would then become who awoke him, where is he, and what other powers has he gained? Can he (and the other PCs) mount an effective resistance to this invasion? Why are the aliens here? Who are they?


Mmm. Super powered weird conspiracy. That's what I'M talkin' about.

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Re: WWYCD - unpowered normal facing imminent death


An earthquake is not certain death. It's not even likely death' date=' really. Sure people do die in earthquakes, but not that many compared to the number that live through them.[/quote']


But it is a catastrophe. You, as player, have reason to suspect (but not to be certain; that would take all the fun out of it!) that your PC has script immunity (i.e., they can't die), but that's no reason to be stupid about it (if you don't even bother trying to RP your character's way through, and this isn't one of the catalyst events being offered, the GM may be forced to let your PC perish anyway).


If you're wanting to play out a disaster that the PCs can have hope of living through' date=' that's one thing. Then the players will almost certainly have their PCs fight to do so. If you portray it as if the PCs are certain to die, that's another.[/quote']


I think you need to seriously reexamine your concept of "hope". In the real world, people face disasters that they have no apparent chance of surviving all the time. (Which is not to say that everyone faces such realizations, just that at every moment there are many people facing it.) But in many cases, they still manage to have hope just fine. Sometimes, they even survive afterward. Religions have seen a lot of newly converted followers that way.


you'd be well-advised to make their inevitable doom come quickly' date=' so they can get on with the fun part.[/quote']


What, exactly, do you think the "fun part" is? If all the players are after is a happy-go-lucky romp through some munchkin fantasy, then sure they may be upset when things begin to depart from their ideal. But if the players care about, for example, roleplaying, there's no lack of fun in such scenarios.


Nobody likes a no-win scenario' date=' especially one that drags out.[/quote']


Correction: gamists do not like a no-win scenario (there's no point to it). For some of us, though, it's not about the destination - it's about our journey along the way :)


Nobody likes to have their character treated like a fly whose wings have been pulled off by a malefic godling purely to watch it flounder around torturedly before he squishes it.


I don't know about that one, arguably there are horror gamers who love this style of play ;)


Here's how to do this sort of thing the right way' date=' IMHO, if you as GM have predetermined the character will die as a path to power.[/quote']


While your character is facing imminent death (i.e., the prospect of dying in the immediate future, since we poor mortals rarely possess such a reliable Precognition), dying itself was never mandated as the "path to power". The closest I came was in the first post, listing "near-death experience" along with "radiation accident" as the possible catalysts for a PC's "origin story" (how they gained their powers). I didn't add "literal deal with the devil" and describe falling into a long-lost underground temple (in post #5) as alternate routes to your character's demise. I didn't put "lethal events" in quotation marks (post #8) to emphasize that it should be taken literally. The only reason I suggested "PC's become zombies" (in #11) was to poke fun at Warcry's assumption that the characters' death would be reasonably followed by "Okay, who's running what game next week?" ;)


Here we drop out of combat' date=' and go to pure narration.[/quote']


Freeze it there: why are we only now going to narration?


Why haven't we already been there, from the beginning?

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Re: WWYCD - unpowered normal facing imminent death


I don't know about that one, arguably there are horror gamers who love this style of play ;)



Otherwise, who would play Call of Cthulhu?


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary thinks dealing with Humans is expensive in terms of Sanity Points.

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