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Need Help with a Name


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I'm creating a new superhero for a local Champions game, and I'm having a difficult time coming up with a good name - hopefully, my fellow HERO fans here on the boards can help me out. I'm sure there are LOTS of very creative people out there! :)


Okay, so about the character: I was inspired to create someone like the Super-Skrull - a combination of a team's main powers in one person. The basic idea is that a four-hero team called Vanguard were hit by Dr. Darque's "cosmo-beam" and had their powers duplicated in an artificial lifeform.


So, the PC has the powers of four superheroes (well, Vanguard was early in its career, so these powers are not as developed or powerful as the team is now) and was created by a mad scientist. The first thought I had was that his name would be something a mad scientist would come up with. Second, I was thinking that, like the Super-Skrull, it would be some kind of 70's-style name.


The only thing I can come up with is "Multi-Man." Help, please?


p.s. - The PC's creation not only took place 20-25 years ago (different culture then), there's plenty of reasons for him to adopt a new name NOW, at the beginning of his superhero career. Some thoughts I've had (although none of these really sound "right" if you know what I mean): Chimera, Nemesis, Patchwork, Four-man (pronounced like "foreman")

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Re: Need Help with a Name


I like either :


Some variation of Chimera, like Kimeron, or Kiron, or some such..


Have the guy who created it just call him "Son", and let the players come up with a name for it when they're trying to describe it to others.. don't tell them to do it, just don't name it for them.


True, they might call it "The Thing" or something allready used, but if they come up with it, it's theirs through and true.



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Guest Major Tom

Re: Need Help with a Name


How about calling your super-synthetic being Amalgamax? Its powers, after all,

are an amalgam of the four superheroes from whom it gained its powers.



Major Tom :D

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Re: Need Help with a Name




Hybrid Vigor (or just "Hybrid")










Hydrax, Hydraxas (from the many-headed hydra of Greek myth)


Geryon (monstrous warrior of Greek myth, son of Chrysaor the Golden and grandson of the Gorgon, Medusa. Geryon had three bodies, six arms, six legs and three heads)


Polydorin (Greek: "many gifted")


Manticore (a 'patchwork monster' with the body of a lion, the face of a man, wings of a dragon and the tail of a scorpion -- four distinct parts, for the four original members of Vanguard)


Cerastes (another 'patchwork monster', a snake with four curling ram's horns on its head -- and there's that magic number again)


Tetrax (another reference to the PC's four-part origin)

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Re: Need Help with a Name


Let's see: some similar characters...



Martian Manhunter

Amalgamax (already mentioned)

Replikon (kind of)


You could possibly look at more general shapeshifter type characters too. Metamorpho and E-Man's powers cover a lot of ground, for example.

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Re: Need Help with a Name


I'm creating a new superhero for a local Champions game, and I'm having a difficult time coming up with a good name - hopefully, my fellow HERO fans here on the boards can help me out. I'm sure there are LOTS of very creative people out there! :)


Okay, so about the character: I was inspired to create someone like the Super-Skrull - a combination of a team's main powers in one person. The basic idea is that a four-hero team called Vanguard were hit by Dr. Darque's "cosmo-beam" and had their powers duplicated in an artificial lifeform.


So, the PC has the powers of four superheroes (well, Vanguard was early in its career, so these powers are not as developed or powerful as the team is now) and was created by a mad scientist. The first thought I had was that his name would be something a mad scientist would come up with. Second, I was thinking that, like the Super-Skrull, it would be some kind of 70's-style name.


The only thing I can come up with is "Multi-Man." Help, please?


p.s. - The PC's creation not only took place 20-25 years ago (different culture then), there's plenty of reasons for him to adopt a new name NOW, at the beginning of his superhero career. Some thoughts I've had (although none of these really sound "right" if you know what I mean): Chimera, Nemesis, Patchwork, Four-man (pronounced like "foreman")

Any info on the Vanguard or their powers at the time? I can feel a couple of ideas in the back of my brain. Some that have actually taken form, however, are...


Tetradyne - It plays on his artificial origins as well as referencing the Tetrahedron, a 4-sided pyramid, which acts as a metaphor for four different powers sets meeting into one entity.

Pinnacle or Apex- Another reference to pyramid imagery, as in that metaphor, he is at the apex.

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Re: Need Help with a Name


Vanguard (early career):


Gunmetal - metallic brick, body is covered in riveted metal plates (Thing analogue)

Pulse - electromagnetic blaster, fires electric blasts and can levitate magnetically (Human Torch analogue)

Gatecrasher - teleporter (Mr. Fantastic analogue)

Bonsai - shrinking martial artist with plant control powers (inspired by Mattingly, Invisible Girl analogue)

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Re: Need Help with a Name


Vanguard (early career):


Gunmetal - metallic brick, body is covered in riveted metal plates (Thing analogue)

Pulse - electromagnetic blaster, fires electric blasts and can levitate magnetically (Human Torch analogue)

Gatecrasher - teleporter (Mr. Fantastic analogue)

Bonsai - shrinking martial artist with plant control powers (inspired by Mattingly, Invisible Girl analogue)


You could call him Geebee Peejee (GBPG) after the first initials of the Vanguard Four. :D


This is a Marvel Super-Heroes RPG conglomerate of powers! More seriously, I like Arkham's suggestion of Gestalt (first name that came to mind from your initial post.) Also Synthuman, Understudy, Carboncopy, Clone, Vortex, Reservoir, Axis, Sycophant, Ersatz or Cosmonaut (after the cosmo-ray.) More info suggests more names. Hope I helped.

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