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A bit of fun in an old Champions game.


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Years ago the GM who introduced me to Champions decided he wanted to run a long term campaign and came up with a highly detailed city, background, etc. We made our characters, really fleshed them out as people, and went to play. During a particularly nasty street fight with one of the local villains, the city PD rolled out their specialty squad for dealing with powered criminals. A sleek black truck roared to the scene, disgorging several groups of well armed officers in high tech body armour, carrying futuristic high powered weapons and went to work on the baddies. It was then that we realised what the GM had said when they came to the scene. "Members of the Fast Armed Response Team have arrived." Yes, the police had sent FART to deal with the villains.


Game came to a screeching halt for some time after that as the GM had no idea what he had done when making this squad. Needless to say it's been a running joke for alot of years. :D

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Re: A bit of fun in an old Champions game.


True story - my dad, a naval architect and later administrator, was in charge of the Ship Handling Integration Technology project. (or something like that - it was basically a pilot-by-wire propulsion and control system.)


It was abbreviated SHT. The theory is that someone did it on purpose, and no one noticed until it was WAAAYYY too late.

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Re: A bit of fun in an old Champions game.


Another true story: Some years ago to canadian political parties allied together, the Conservatives and the Reform party. They decided to call themselves the Conservative-Reform Alliance Party.


The party didn't last long. Seems like most politicians didn't want to belong to any party called C.R.A.P.

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Re: A bit of fun in an old Champions game.


On the WoTC board, a DM was telling the tale of a masterful campaign idea he had for a low-level party. He wanted to do something with an unusual animal, so he took a critter called the Rhea, and added the Dire template to it. After spending hours on building the plot, he realized that the monster was a Dire Rhea.


He trashed the whole thing.

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Re: A bit of fun in an old Champions game.


See, you can get a lot of milage in certain campaigns with acronyms that would be unfortunate (and unworkable) in others. I still remember with fondness the K-36ite Atomic Bomb Of Outrageous Magnitude from the old Golden Age of Champions book - the KABOOM was great.

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Re: A bit of fun in an old Champions game.


On the WoTC board, a DM was telling the tale of a masterful campaign idea he had for a low-level party. He wanted to do something with an unusual animal, so he took a critter called the Rhea, and added the Dire template to it. After spending hours on building the plot, he realized that the monster was a Dire Rhea.


He trashed the whole thing.


LOL! That was...unfortunate.

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Re: A bit of fun in an old Champions game.


A local university, Curtin University of Technology to be exact, very nearly had the unfortunate name of Curtin University of New Technologies. Apparently they had even had the marble sign already made before somebody twigged, but I suspect that that part is embellishment.

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