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Rejected Superhero Names


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Re: Rejected Superhero Names


Kamikaze - See the Wikipedia entry for why.



Human Target - Massive Defenses, but little else.







Uh-oh, I have a character called Divine Wind. He's a college student possessed by his samauri ancestor.

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Re: Rejected Superhero Names


I had a campaign with some goof-ball heroes. Among them:


Piledriver -- a brick with incredible move-thru powers. No problems with the name until he missed one move-thru in the railyards and cracked open a tanker car full of liquified manure...


I imagine that must well and truly suck.


Phallon -- I don't think I need to go into details about the round of giggles that started when our resident "player who takes the game way too seriously" proudly stated his character's name for the group. I made some crack about him taking matters "in hand" and he stormed out of the room, our hysterical laughter nipping at his heels...


Were I 14, I'd feel sorry for the guy. But then, I didn't know back then what a name like that would connotate. Today, I would have tried to change the name if I could.


Rebound -- everyone's favorite shapechanger with the ability to bounce ran afoul of my sledgehammer wit after coming off second best to a fire-based villain. Quote -- "You should change his name to Vulcanized rubber now." From another player -- "Does that mean he can do it only every seven years?"


No, only that he gets horny every seven years.

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Re: Rejected Superhero Names


I thought about naming my speedster character "The Human Speedo" and making him a fat' date=' hairy European guy that liked to wear thongs.[/quote']


I once statted out a guy named "Speedo" who was a speedster who only had enough money to afford enough super-costume material just to cover his bits.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Rejected Superhero Names


Well, Reality Czech came up with this one, so I'll add it to the infamous list.


Jesus, the Nuclear Whale!


Thought murdered by the Romans, he was really placed in suspended animation, until his body was found by the mysterious Doctor Minde. Doctor Minde decided that the best way to prevent himself from going to hell was to transplant Jesus's brain into a large sperm whale, and bombard it with radiation, destroying his mind and turning the messiah into his loyal minion.


Unfortunately, there were two flaws in Minde's plan. Jesus still considered himself a jew, and not the messiah, and two, Jesus's divinely granted powers saved his transplanted brain from death. Blasting Doctor Minde with radiation from his big flipper tail and defeating him he now fights crime as...


Jesus, the Nuclear Whale!


Twitch...shudder...did I just write that...

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Re: Rejected Superhero Names


Well, Reality Czech came up with this one, so I'll add it to the infamous list.


Jesus, the Nuclear Whale!


Thought murdered by the Romans, he was really placed in suspended animation, until his body was found by the mysterious Doctor Minde. Doctor Minde decided that the best way to prevent himself from going to hell was to transplant Jesus's brain into a large sperm whale, and bombard it with radiation, destroying his mind and turning the messiah into his loyal minion.


Unfortunately, there were two flaws in Minde's plan. Jesus still considered himself a jew, and not the messiah, and two, Jesus's divinely granted powers saved his transplanted brain from death. Blasting Doctor Minde with radiation from his big flipper tail and defeating him he now fights crime as...


Jesus, the Nuclear Whale!


Twitch...shudder...did I just write that...



His quote could be: "Stop calling me Heysoos!"


(I thought you'd be lonely on your trip to a special kind of Hell)

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Re: Rejected Superhero Names


Rejected Superhero Names

The Amazing Steve Baker (Secret ID, Steve Baker)



Captain Takes Double Damage from Sonics




LMAO. what a great thing to find at 6:30 in the morning.


Mook 1: "It's Captain Takes Double Damage from Sonics! Get him!"

Mook 2: "I have this sonic pistol that Professor Sinister left for us to use if any heros showed up, I'll take him out!"

Mook 1: "Wait, it could be a trick! How can we be sure he takes double damage from sonics?"

Mook 2: "Well his name is..."

Mook1: "Bah, that's obviously a ruse, who would advertise something like that if it were actually true?"

Captain Takes Double Damage from Sonics: "Your feeble weapons are no match for my..."

Mook 3: "What are you guys doing?"

Mook 1: "I'm just trying to explain to Mister "I always have to be right" here that nobody would name themself after the best way to kill them!"

Mook 2: "And all I'm trying to say is it's at least worth shooting him once or twice and see what happens. What if it's a double bluff and he actually does take double damage from sonics?"

Captain Takes Double Damage from Sonics: "I have come to rescue the physicists from the evil clutches of..."

Mook 1: "Every time you get some new experimental weapon from Professor Sinister all you want to do is shoot everything that moves! You're just looking for and excuse!"

Mook 3: "Actually he has a point there, Phil. Remember when youe were sent home for three weeks without mook pay because you used the Titanium Hypervelocity Needler to nail that door shut?"

Mook 2: "You always bring that up! What about the time you captured that kid "The Paper Boy?" He was the actual paper boy! You were parading him around the secret evil base for like 45 minutes before someone had the heart to tell you!"

Captain Takes Double Damage from Sonics: "So I'll just head inside then? I shouldn't need more than a few minutes and I'll..."

Mook 3: "He was not a real paperboy! That kid was at least 17 years old! Who ever heard of a 17-year-old paperboy? He was obviously either a hero or a sidekick in disguise!"

Mook 1: "So your brilliant idea for dealing with this threat was to take the so-called "undercover hero" into the base and walk him around?"

Mook 3: "I was just trying to take him to the holding area so I could..."

Mook 2: "Wait, stop trying to change the subject! All I want to know is whether Captain Takes Double Damage from Sonics takes double damage from sonics or not, and I think the best way to work that out is if we shhot him with this sonic pistol."

Mook 3: "I don't know, it does seem like a pretty obvious ruse, I mean It's not like Superman called himself "Terrified of Kryptoniote Man", and Batman didn't call himself "Person Who is Largely Helpless Without his Gadgets Man"... and with good reason! I mean, what superhero would just give something away like that?"

Mook 1: "That's all I'm saying! I mean, if I had super powers, I can think of a lot of things I'd do differently, but I certainly wouldn't change my name to instructions on how to kill me."

Mook 2: "Haven't you guys ever heard of the scientific method? All we have to do to put this entire arguement to rest is shhot him with this pistol. Look, I have it right here. It's easy to aim, the trigger works, hell, I even have an instruction manual in my pocket here if you two don't feel up to the task."

Captain Takes Double Damage from Sonics: (With freed scientists in tow) "Thanks guys, it's time for us to go."

Mook 3: "You read one copy of Scientific American in the coffee room and all of a sudden you're lecturing us on the scientific method?"

Mook 1: "Pft, all he did was look at the pictures. If you had any real science skills you wouldn't have been turned down when you applied for the secret evil laboratory guard position last month."

Mook 2: "That was such B.S. I swear, all the hiring around here is just a big popularity contest I'm going to talk to the union rep...."


Tune in next week when our hero, Captain Takes Double Damage from Sonics tries to explain his name to the guy at the gas station while gassing up the Takes Double Damage from SonicsCycle!!!

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Re: Rejected Superhero Names


When strange radiation from a particle accellerator hit Bob Bobley in the groin he became...






Also mutated in the same accident was a chimpanzee, linking the two. Now, when someone applies their hand to the chimp's backside, the Atomic Wang's greatest power is revealed....


I'm stopping now.

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