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Flying Carpet and skills?


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Im trying to make my superhero ride a magic carpet, while fighting for justice. Im still working out how to make a magic carpet stat wise, but my question is would i need to take skills in piloting and combat piloting to use the carpet for flight?


If so i may just take the power of flight and add an illusionary effect of her flying on a carpet


or take flight power with the limitation focus of the carpet?

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Re: Flying Carpet and skills?


If the carpet can be attacked it's either an Obvious Focus,a Follower (if sentient) or a Vehicle.Most carpet focii are probably OAFs.Carpets bought as vehicles have DEF that doesn't protect the user.

As a rough guide,if the PC is the only one (or one of a chosen few) who can control the carpet,then it's a focus,if anyone can control it,it's a vehicle.

Is this a help?

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Re: Flying Carpet and skills?


As for your question,i'd require any magic carpet operator to take TF:Magic Carpet in order to safely use the carpet out of combat.Combat Piloting (Magic Carpet) would only be required if the superhero was going to use the carpet in battle.

(The above only applies if the magic carpet is bought as a Vehicle).

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Re: Flying Carpet and skills?


Ah makes sense, cheers.


I think i origianlly saw it automatically as a vehicle, it is def not sentient, but from what you have said i think it may be better suited to the OAF route.


though now im scared that every situation i go into the capet is going to be targeted, and leave me unable to fly for the rest of eternity :)

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Re: Flying Carpet and skills?


I'd allow the character to repair minor damage with a PS:Weaving skill.

Now I think about it,if the carpet's only power is Flight,you'd be better off buying it as a vehicle,as a magic carpet should be able to take several minor hits before being rendered useless,whereas a focus would take one point of BODY damage and cease functioning.

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Re: Flying Carpet and skills?


I'd allow the character to repair minor damage with a PS:Weaving skill.

Now I think about it,if the carpet's only power is Flight,you'd be better off buying it as a vehicle,as a magic carpet should be able to take several minor hits before being rendered useless,whereas a focus would take one point of BODY damage and cease functioning.


Unless, and considering that it is magical may be appropriate, the foci may be unbreakable.

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Re: Flying Carpet and skills?


As for your question,i'd require any magic carpet operator to take TF:Magic Carpet in order to safely use the carpet out of combat.Combat Piloting (Magic Carpet) would only be required if the superhero was going to use the carpet in battle.

(The above only applies if the magic carpet is bought as a Vehicle).


If it's for Superheroic and they pay for it now Skills are required to operate it. Hence TF: is free.


Combat Piloting on the other hand is a good idea to do barrel rolls and loop de loops while dodge Dr. D's attacks.

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Re: Flying Carpet and skills?


there was me thinking it would be a cool way for my superhero to get around instead of the usual flying herself, and now i see it is a major weakenss.


But as it was the concept im going to stick with it and see where it leads to.

Maybe i better learn a summon magic carpet or repair magic carpet spell or something

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Re: Flying Carpet and skills?


Consider buying it OIF if you don't want the carpet to be a major flaw in the characters (crime)fighting style.. And please post the character! I've been intrigued by the idea of a hero on a flying carpet ever since I saw that picture in ... er... one of the books. Still stuck in my head, so I must have liked it a lot.


Being magical, it could also be a LOT tougher than a regular cotton-weave rug, so don't let cause and effect trip you up..



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Re: Flying Carpet and skills?


If you create it as a vehicle, give it a level of regeneration with extra time. That way you can use it next adventure, but it can "realistically" be targeted to neutralize your character's flight for a bit, but not totally debilitating to the "power."

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Re: Flying Carpet and skills?


There's an example of a flying carpet in The Ultimate Vehicle on page 74 if you want to go that route. Or you could buy it as Area Effect Flight, Usable By Others through an OAF. There's no wrong way to do it, so long as the points add up right.

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Re: Flying Carpet and skills?


At one point I was planing on making an Aladin/ Arabian knight type character. He was going to have a flying carpet. Here's the build I used:


Flying Carpet: Flight 15", Zero End (+1/2), Usable Simultaniously by One Other (+1/2), OIF (-1/2) (60 Active Points, 40 Real Points)


The power was not purchased with skill roll required or transport familiarity. This was because neither I nore the GM really felt it nesicary. The character knew how to use the carpet, and its magic kept him on it while in use (all defined as special effect), unless something tried to knock him off.


The carpet was big enough to carry one passenger (albeit cramped).

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Re: Flying Carpet and skills?


"How big is the carpet? Does it have room for multiple passengers? "


My initial thoughts were no just the hero, but room for one other may be useful, in rescuing people/ saving falling heros etc...


"Can the character be knocked off the carpet? "


I would say yes she could, but i woudl want to for eg loop the loop and she would not fall off, she would neeed to be blaster off


"Is the carpet at all like the one in Disney's Aladdin?"


it was not going to be sentient, but im thinking if i get knocked off it may be handy if it knew to come and catch me..



damn the more i think about it, the more expensive the carpet is getting and reverting back to just flying sounds better. But i will have a carpet dman it :)


so the toss up at moment is vehicle+skills to fly it, can be lost, or indestructable focus


I cant post the character yet, im still at the ideas point and , to be honest have no idea how to build her yet. I know what i want, i just need ot read the rules more to know how to get it.




Im looking foward to STORN's artistic impression of her i have comissioned though

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Re: Flying Carpet and skills?


on the carry one other passanger thing


I would not require it to be UBO, and here is why


If I was just fly man I could carry you on my back, the rest is F/X. maybe something like +10 Str linked to flying, only for lifting, or some such, but even that would not be needed imo

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Re: Flying Carpet and skills?


A lot depends on whether you just want the character's ability to fly to be dependent on the carpet or just have the special effect of a flying carpet. The first option could also be accomplished by using the Physical Manifestation Limitation instead of Focus or the vehicle rules. It means the carpet can be attacked but it can't really be taken away (think Marvel-Thor's hammer). But if you just want the special effect you don't have to take any Limitations on the power. In that case, opponents might see a 'magic carpet' when the character fly but if they try to damage it or take it away they are unable to.


If you're willing to sludge through several pages of arguing you might find this thread on a similar topic interresting:

Flight with Passengers - What's the Best Way?


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Re: Flying Carpet and skills?


on the carry one other passanger thing


I would not require it to be UBO, and here is why


If I was just fly man I could carry you on my back, the rest is F/X. maybe something like +10 Str linked to flying, only for lifting, or some such, but even that would not be needed imo


The reason for UBO is basicly rules convinence, because there were a few things I wanted to be able to do with the carpet that UBO helped to substantiate well:


  • Carry someone and not have them count as grabbed.
  • Carry someone and both be able to use full CV, and have no attack or defense restrictions.
  • Carry someone while my character jumped off to, lets say attack someone.


UBO isn't necisarily needed, it just makes certain things easier to do.

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Re: Flying Carpet and skills?


One more minor power that you might want to add to the carpet, assuming that you go the Focus route.


x" Flight, 0 END (+1/2), OIF (-1/2), No Conscious Control (Only to safely land when operator is unconscious) (-1), + any other appropriate advantages/limitations.


Reason, you don't want to plummet to the ground when you get knocked out. Since the carpet is magic, it has a built in safety spell to land in the nearest "safe" space. This could still be in the middle of a fire fight, though. And the number of inches of movement does not need to be that great either.



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Re: Flying Carpet and skills?


One more minor power that you might want to add to the carpet, assuming that you go the Focus route.


x" Flight, 0 END (+1/2), OIF (-1/2), No Conscious Control (Only to safely land when operator is unconscious) (-1), + any other appropriate advantages/limitations.


Reason, you don't want to plummet to the ground when you get knocked out. Since the carpet is magic, it has a built in safety spell to land in the nearest "safe" space. This could still be in the middle of a fire fight, though. And the number of inches of movement does not need to be that great either.




Persistant would work as well, however you would just float where you ko'd, If you want to get really technical you only need to buy it for 1"...

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Re: Flying Carpet and skills?


How about Flight, Variable Advantage? Costs more, but you could use it to carry people, be 0 END, give it No Turn Mode for kick-@ss aerobatics, Invisibility (hearing group) for silent flight, etc.


Not your concept, but I like Flight with Variable SFX too. That could represent a magician capable of making different things fly. Ever ridden a flying coffee table? Villain shoots the rug out from under you, and you summon a kid's Red Rider from the ground beneath you as you plummet. I like the visual.

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Re: Flying Carpet and skills?


One more minor power that you might want to add to the carpet, assuming that you go the Focus route.


x" Flight, 0 END (+1/2), OIF (-1/2), No Conscious Control (Only to safely land when operator is unconscious) (-1), + any other appropriate advantages/limitations.


Reason, you don't want to plummet to the ground when you get knocked out. Since the carpet is magic, it has a built in safety spell to land in the nearest "safe" space. This could still be in the middle of a fire fight, though. And the number of inches of movement does not need to be that great either.



For this one why not use:


Gliding: 5", 0 End (+1/2), Trigger (One defined condition, Activating takes no time, Character does not control activation, Trigger resets automaticly) (+3/4)

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Re: Flying Carpet and skills?


For this one why not use:


Gliding: 5", 0 End (+1/2), Trigger (One defined condition, Activating takes no time, Character does not control activation, Trigger resets automaticly) (+3/4)


Personally, I think that Flight is better for this. The carpet itself would not naturally glide, but rather moves due to spells on it. Flight to the nearest "safe" place is a natural extension of the main spell, and allows for the carpet to avoid landing in things like open water. The nearest safe place could also be above it, such as a rooftop 3 floors up, and Flight can easily go up without extra help.


On the other hand, I agree with you about the trigger. Better than my suggestion, since it models the concept more closely.



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