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STRONGHOLD (RESOURCES) -- What Do *You* Want To See?


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STRONGHOLD RESOURCES - This is one of many Sourcebooks I have been eagerly waiting for and now it is coming to print. What I Would Like To See? is YOUR Camapign Worlds versions of STRONGHOLD. Here are some Resources to get you started.



Escape From Stronghold

Designed to hold the toughest Superviallains in your campaign! This supplement contains full maps of the prison, individual cells, cell design system, exciting scenario outlines, and six NEW Superviallains! This reusable supplement is a vital addition to your Champions Campaign!



Champions Presents #2

Champions Presents #2 contains 3 supplements for the Hero 4th Ed. Champions setting.

*MAVRIC (by Stan West) is and adventure that pits the heroes against a crazed computer out to wreck their lives.

*Murder In Stronghold (by Timothy Keating) is a super-powered mystery that the character must solve before time runes out . . . for them.

*COIL (by Cliff Christriansen) describes in detail the organization of King Cobra, the most notorious of master villains.




So your heroes have captured yet another super-villain. Where are they going to put them all? In prison, of course! Lockdown is a sourcebook for Mutants & Masterminds, describing a prison for super-convicts. It details all four levels of the Buckner Ridge Superhuman Penitentiary, the first privately run super-prison. You get details on the prison's layout, operations, and staff, including its super-powered guards. Lockdown has profiles on various inmates and factions within the prison, as well as a description of the nearby town of Buckner Ridge.


Lockdown saved its failing economy, but is it worth the price of having a prison full of the world's most dangerous super-criminals in its backyard? Lockdown comes with numerous adventure ideas and ways to use the prison in your own Mutants & Masterminds campaign. You can make it a background element or build an entire game where the characters are convicts! Plus, Lockdown comes with a secret: a conspiracy that could bring the prison crashing down and threaten law and order across the world!



Gramercy Island

Gramercy Island Penitentiary is the first super-prison in the world, where the most dangerous and powerful criminals are contained. A great sourcebook for GMs and players alike, with scores of villains, mega-villains, vigilantes, and lunatics of every level and stripe. Includes detailed maps and descriptions of the penitentiary, descriptions of 98 prisoners, super-containment systems and power nullifiers, super-gadgets, gizmos, power armor, robots, and aliens, Argonaut prison-guard robots. Also includes the lowdown on Warden Harker and his agenda of hate and power, and 101 adventure settings and ideas!



List of correctional facilities in comics




Prison, Penitentiary, or Correctional Facility








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Guest Goradin

Re: STRONGHOLD (RESOURCES) -- What Do *You* Want To See?


I like to see some baddies. I mean real bad villians that the public may or may not know about. One thing most of these prison books ignore is psych wards which real big houses have. Imagine, a mentally ill villian with uber powers that meds don't help. Maybe a couple of fallen heroes as well. Imagine a character idolizing someone that got sent there. Oh, the moral dilemnas..


A prison break is a great scenario, ditto for the characters getting imprisoned and having to bust out. I would like to see both.


You need different cell types. One for bricks, mental attacks, metamorphs and etc.

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Re: STRONGHOLD (RESOURCES) -- What Do *You* Want To See?


When the Stronghold book comes out, I would like at least one page (preferably two) dedicated to adapting the setting to various comic book 'ages'. Everything from a Golden Age style version where lower tech or "Weird Science" is their only way to restrain psycho nazis or Communist supervillains (after WW2), to an Iron Age twist where the Warden is corrupt, and makes the hapless prisoners fight in bloodsports for amusement or profit. I want to touch on optimistic versions where rehabilitation is working, and an option for darker tones.

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Re: STRONGHOLD (RESOURCES) -- What Do *You* Want To See?


Psychiatric Hospital








Hmmm... How many victums of Menton, Fleshstone, etc... who survive in such places. A fantastic idea.



Who Do You Think They Will Lock Up In Stronghold



Assault on Stronghold



New Avengers vol. 1 Breakout - Individual Heroes drawn together to fight a massive breakout on SHIELD's Raft.



Thunderbolts vol. 1 Justice Like Lightning - A staged breakout to convince others they are heroes.



Backlash - Breaking a Cabal agent, Taboo, out of prison to help him on his quest.



Suicide Squad - Superhumans and Supervillains who work covertly for the government.



New Warriors vol. 1 - Vance Astrovik, aka Justice. Murder Trial



Daredevil - Superhero Lawyer



Breakdown - Former Superhero breaks Dad outta jail.








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Guest Goradin

Re: STRONGHOLD (RESOURCES) -- What Do *You* Want To See?


I don't need Wikipedia for psych wards, lol but thanks. I work in mental health, bro. I have had to restrain peeps in the ward and go see peeps in the lockdown rooms and the like.


I just think it would be a good idea for the book.

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Re: STRONGHOLD (RESOURCES) -- What Do *You* Want To See?


Phantom Zone?


Planet of Exiled Villains?


A normal world populated entirely by captured and convicted villains, who make their own laws and run their own society, police themselves, produce their own food, care for their own sick and injured, and provide for themselves -- or not -- as they choose, within the confines that they can never get out.

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Re: STRONGHOLD (RESOURCES) -- What Do *You* Want To See?


I've always hated the idea of generic power nullifiers, so, yeah, clever ideas for using other kinds of super-tech (and mundane tech) to deal with various kinds of abilities would be first on my list. The Pym-particle based mini-prison in the MU is a great idea along those lines, though of course it only handles one subset of powers.* Maybe a magical teleport ward (a la Steven Brust's Vlad Taltos books) would work equally well on any kind of re- and de-materializations? Hypnotic or telepathic conditioning or other b-mod protocols to convince the psychics (and others) that their powers are gone?


The exile-style extradimensional (or other-dimensional) prison would be the other option I'd like to see explored. Assuming a pocket universe that needs external supplying, what protocols would you use to prevent staff from being exposed to the unfettered powers of the inmates? Assuming a parallel world empty of sapients but with Earth-normal natural resources, how would you prevent the growing society of exiles from developing the tech base to return to Earth? In both cases, how much responsibility does the imprisoning society take for protecting the inmates from each other? How can inmates whose sentences are up be extracted without letting their powerful peers out, too?


*And does anyone know if they explained why long-term but not life-sentenced inmates aren't going to come out of this with brand-new size-changing powers on top of their own? It took Hank and Janet a while before they didn't need to use the "gas", but any kind of long-term sentence will presumably make matters worse in the long run - not to mention triggering a massive (pun intended) breakout...

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Re: STRONGHOLD (RESOURCES) -- What Do *You* Want To See?


Duress! As long as we're on the subject of super-prisons, why not a few more details about Nebula's favorite place in the cosmos?


(Which, by the by, one would have to think has replaced Stronghold in Galactic Champions... wonder why it never gets a mention....)

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Re: STRONGHOLD (RESOURCES) -- What Do *You* Want To See?


Well, I have many superprisons, rather than one that are openly known. (Yes, this is a blatant reboot, but I HAD to. There were problems with the very IDEA of stronghold)


There's the Butte, the Mountain, and the Plateau. (Europe), and The Gulag (Russia/Eastern Europe). Ironically, now that Russia is much smaller and has split up into component states, Russia's superprison is VERY well funded by countries that can't afford to keep Supervillains on their own. Pay to play is nasty, but it has advantages...and disadvantages....for heroes.....a real test of their moral character.




1) The PC's now know that some supervillains may be pardoned by the governnment in exchange for black operations. Rather than imprison the villain in American Prison, they pay the Russians to imprison the villain in secret. No one's tried this yet, but I have a feeling it's only a matter of time.


2) A third world country is paying to keep an enemy of a PC locked up, and has just defaulted on their payments, or worse, changed governments completely. Now this enemy is returning home. And worse...he's a HERO OF THE PEOPLE now that the government has changed. Good luck. :)


3) A supervillain captures a PC, and pays the Gulag to incarcerate him while posing as a fellow hero or agent of a government. Now the PC must escape the Gulag without powers and survive the Siberian wasteland, while facing down Russian Supers, the elements, and the Russian Army, who are better at fighting in these conditions than anyone in the world with the singular exception of the Finnish. (The Finnish scare EVERYONE!)




America and Canada get along well enough that America will allow Canada to store their supercriminals in their superprisons, but for the most part, most countries don't have the resources or the finances to have their own superprisons.


Yes, it's rumored that the Kuwaitis or the Saudis might be building one with raw cash.


But some governments SECRETLY impriison supervillains, and/or use them as government agents in exchange for their freedom. Recently, it was revealed that an organization within the US government had been doing this FOR YEARS.


NO ONE KNOWS what happens to Supervillains that get captured in China.


No one bothered to ask the President whether or not he APPROVED OF THE POLICY. They only knew that the person was doing it without his authorization.

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Re: STRONGHOLD (RESOURCES) -- What Do *You* Want To See?


Duress! As long as we're on the subject of super-prisons, why not a few more details about Nebula's favorite place in the cosmos?


(Which, by the by, one would have to think has replaced Stronghold in Galactic Champions... wonder why it never gets a mention....)


Digital Hero #5 includes several additional details about Duress in its "Leftover Hero" section, including a brief description of its environment, a few notes about the "gangs" the inmates form and their most prominent leaders, and full stats for the Keepers, the powerful robotic guards of Duress. (And unless it's had a major makeover at some point in the intervening thousand years, I think the Galactic Federation would be a little too "enlightened" to commit its prisoners there.)


That Leftover Hero contains other outtakes from Conquerors, Killers, And Crooks: a few more quotations about several villains, a "fact box" about Temblor, another Power writeup for Captain Chronos, and writeups for one more enchanted item used by Takofanes, and three more Elder Worm artifacts.

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Re: STRONGHOLD (RESOURCES) -- What Do *You* Want To See?


I don't like to squelch people's enthusiasm, but I am locking this thread because I prefer to wait to do this when I'm ready to begin the book; I don't want people to get confused. Please let me start these WDYWTS threads so I can explain the book and guide the conversations in ways that maximize their value to me. ;)

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