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It Has Arrived!

Steve Long

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Originally posted by rayoman

I hope not because that may confuse some of my players who are into DnD. BAB = Base Attack Bonus.


I suggest the acronym be BABE.


Big Ass Bound Entertainment.

Bountiful Advantages Begging Enjoyment

Beautiful And Big Edition (not to be mistaken for the Big and Beautiful Enuchs club of Akron Ohio.)




Bailies & Basalisks 3.5E (oh wait, is that taken already?) :rolleyes:

Bars & Beholders

Boulders & Benedictines

Borders and Ballistas


The possiblities are endless!



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You're planning on reprinting the Bestiary along with FH, right?


Yes, that's correct. We just got that set up the other day, so we should have new Bestiaries in a couple weeks, last I heard. It would've been sooner, but as luck would have it we had to reprint 5E, and that takes priority (and funds). ;)


In the meantime, while digging through my own personal backstock I unearthed about half a dozen Bestiaries, which I'm bringing to GenCon for sale. Also about the same number of HERO System Resource Kits.

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A time for reflection...


Originally posted by Steve Long on the OLD BOARDS 12-22-2001 02:41 PM here

We absolutely haven't forgotten FH. It's one of my favorite genres, personally; I've had the next FH book on my "to write" list for years, and can't wait to get started on it.

Steve now that it is written, 17 months later after you posted that msg how do you feel now that the book is written and being distributed to FLGSs?


What has been the best experience you've had when writing it?


What is it about the fantasy genre that it is one of your favourites?

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Steve now that it is written, 17 months later after you posted that msg how do you feel now that the book is written and being distributed to FLGSs?


I feel mighty damn pleased and proud. I'll be even more pleased if we have a heavy sales day tomorrow, like we did with Champions last year.


What has been the best experience you've had when writing it?


Hmmm. I don't know if I could put my finger on any one thing; I enjoyed the whole process. If I had to choose, I'd say interacting with the fans who had a positive attitude about the whole project and were willing to express their interest and offer constructive suggestions.


What is it about the fantasy genre that it is one of your favourites?


That's hard to encapsulate. There's something elemental about Fantasy for many game designers, including myself. Part of it is that we got started in gaming with the Fantasy genre, which means it occupies a certain place of nostalgic favoritism in our hearts. Part of it is that it draws appeal from, I think, to many archetypical images and themes that are important in our art and culture in general.


But it's also because I find good Fantasy writing so wondrous, so awe-inspiring. I love technothrillers and sci-fi novels, but they can't evok the sense of wonder and the deep emotions in me that works like those of Tolkien and Dunsany can. And in turn, I hope to evoke some of that sense of wonder in the readers of FH -- or, more accurately, hope I can help them evoke it for themselves.

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I have to say, except for Horror Hero this is the product I have been waiting for.


I hope to get my copy this weekend. I am even dipping into my DRAGONcon funds to get this one.


Please when some of the posters get a copy, please give us a discription and review...




Go HERO!!!

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Originally posted by The_Saint


while you will be holding FH in your hands within the next days,me here in good old germany got to wait ...well much longer.(Sigh)


I live just 6 hours from Indianappolis and don't have any money to get it. (I get paid Saturday, but no time to go get the book.) Really peeves me off having to wait for my FLGS to get it.


Of course that was till I read your statement. Now, I think I can wait.

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Originally posted by Steve Long

Yes, that's correct. We just got that set up the other day, so we should have new Bestiaries in a couple weeks, last I heard. It would've been sooner, but as luck would have it we had to reprint 5E, and that takes priority (and funds). ;)


Sorry to hear you are having to reprint FREd again (NOT! :D ) I'm happy to hear you are having to reprint FREd. So what is this the third or fourth reprint? And also having to reprint the Beastiary.


Keep up the Amazingly Good work, guys!



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You can purchase it from us when we put it in the Online Store, which will occur in about a month. We give the retailers first crack at your hard-earned gaming dollars. The "Hero Retailers" page here on the website lists some online retailers you could buy from right now, if you prefer.

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I picked mine up Saturday at Gencon. It was between that and the Dragonlance setting, but WOTC material is so easy to get discounted online I went for FH. Not to mention it was $10 cheaper and 2-3x thicker. I even managed to get out of the parking garage with $1 to spare...


Looking at the retail list you only have The Game Preserve listed here in Indy. The Boardroom is much more likely to have Fantasy Hero as they have the entire Hero line and not just one copy of the core rules.

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Originally posted by CorpCommander

I suggest the acronym be BABE.


Big Ass Bound Entertainment.

Bountiful Advantages Begging Enjoyment

Beautiful And Big Edition (not to be mistaken for the Big and Beautiful Enuchs club of Akron Ohio.)




Bailies & Basalisks 3.5E (oh wait, is that taken already?) :rolleyes:

Bars & Beholders

Boulders & Benedictines

Borders and Ballistas


The possiblities are endless!




Come on now, lets be practical and just call it




I just got mine and also picked up the USPD, I had to park my pickup and rent a semi just to get them home :eek:

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I haven't had a chance to really read it yet, but I thought it was funny that I flipped open the book and saw "Twisting the Blade" and just had to sit and read that passage.


Between reading the detail in that, and the several powers in the USPD that have various icky attacks on eyes (t-porting them out, stabbing them from behind, etc), I fear for anyone who gets on the wrong side of Steve Long... ;)

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I found out yesterday that I may have to wait minimum of 3 weeks for my copy of FH to arrive. My FLGS receives its Diamond orders fortnightly and FH is not coming in next weekend with the shipment. :(


On the bright side, I can do some exercise and weights so I can lift it when it does come.

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