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Hello, I am new to HERO


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Re: Hello, I am new to HERO


Hey everyone! I really enjoyed the game! It wasnt even half as complex as my brother made the system out to sound :). We were able to avert a Nuclear disaster and I managed to still walk away ok.


My character ended up taking sort of a leadership position pretty early in. There was only one person in the group with a killing attack and let me tell you it was pretty dangerous! She was able to take care of most of the enemies fastest, even with my girlfriend playing a brick! Currently, I am thinking about how to make my character more useful to the team as a whole. Is there a way in game to relfect my hero learning to become more of a leader? My PER stat (i think...) is not the highest in the group though...


Having lots of skills and a 20 Presence (or higher) will give your character the feel of being in control, of being able to handle any situation you come across. Roleplaying with these skills in confidence leads other characters to rely on you and voila - you're the leader of the band who's made for you and me.. (clears throat). Anyways, even a 10 Intelligence gives you an average PER Roll of 11 or less, which is average. The more skills you have and roleplay, the more you feel like someone in charge, someone who's a leader.

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Re: Hello, I am new to HERO


Twenty-two years' date=' actually. But it seems that's long enough for the ol' mental faculties to begin to degrade. :P[/quote']


Allow me to point out that 1985 is Champions. D&D and all that started in 1978 or so.

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Re: Hello, I am new to HERO


Allow me to pint out that 1985 is Champions. D&D and all that started in 1978 or so.


Absolutely true. It's just not what you wrote. ;)


(Hey, Mike, I was just pulling your leg over a little glitch that could happen to anyone. No offense meant, and my apologies if I caused any.) :)

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Re: Hello, I am new to HERO


Absolutely true. It's just not what you wrote. ;)


(Hey, Mike, I was just pulling your leg over a little glitch that could happen to anyone. No offense meant, and my apologies if I caused any.) :)


I never said I could add. Why do you think I have HERO Designer?

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Re: Hello, I am new to HERO


Is there a way in game to relfect my hero learning to become more of a leader? My PER stat (i think...) is not the highest in the group though...


There are different types of leaders. There are battle eladers, who direct the team on the field, then public leaders, who run the group in a larger sense. You can be both, of course. But everyone can show leadership in some ways--such as a detective character taking the 'lead' in a mystery.


A Battle Leader might want some Tactics and/or the Teamwork skill. KS: The Superhuman World is good for battle or public leaders.


For Public Leaders, Persuasion, Oratory, a good presence stat in general helps. Contacts come in handy, or maybe a positive reputation (the kind you buy, not the disadvantage).

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Re: Hello, I am new to HERO


You young whippersnappers!

This goblin started playing D&D in 1977, Traveller in 1980, and saw the light and found Champions in 1983.

The goblin is definitely getting creaky.


EPT in '77. D&D the same year, as well as getting started on the AD&D books (which were coming out slowly at that point). Also picking up the bits that would eventually become Rolemaster as they came out. Champions in 1981. Been my hands down favourite since then.

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Re: Hello, I am new to HERO


Dang Empire of the Petal Throne, I remember that. Never played it but it had great source material and was definitely a unique setting. Not as unique as Skyrealms of Jorune, but they went a bit overboard on being different.


In a fantasy setting, you want distinct, but not incomprehensible.

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Re: Hello, I am new to HERO


Dang Empire of the Petal Throne, I remember that. Never played it but it had great source material and was definitely a unique setting. Not as unique as Skyrealms of Jorune, but they went a bit overboard on being different.


In a fantasy setting, you want distinct, but not incomprehensible.


Well, it wasn't just being different for the sake of being different. He was a professor of South Asian studies, so basing a fantasy world in part off of India (along with the Middle East and other non-Eurpoean sources) makes a fair amount of sense.


I never had any problem comprehending it, but it was the game that introduced me to RPGs back in '77. :shrug:

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Re: Hello, I am new to HERO


Yeah EPT did it right' date=' Skyrealms of Jorune didn't. It was a little too overboard on the "unique setting" concept. Someone should build a EPT Hero sourcebook, that would be a great setting.[/quote']


Totally, I started in D&D, then Runequest. EPT took me forever to save up for...it was way expensive! The "Champs" bug bit me in 81 ish as well, and slowly took over all my interest in Roleplaying (I do wargaming too)

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Re: Hello, I am new to HERO


Someone should build a EPT Hero sourcebook, that would be a great setting.


I think the former owners actually talked with Barker about that, say 10 years ago. Sadly nothing came of it. I love Tekumel and would enjoy taking a crack at doing a sourcebook for it. Unfortunately at this point the market's shown quite clearly such a book won't sell, and anyone who'd want one already has the GoO or earlier versions anyway.


One of my best "con memories" is getting to play in a Tekumel game at U-Con a couple years ago with some guys who were (a) involved in the GoO book and/or (B) played in Prof. Barker's gaming group. I was told my pronunciation of Tsolyani was "academic" and "high-falutin'." Gotta love that kinda world detail. ;)

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Re: Hello, I am new to HERO


I love Tekumel and would enjoy taking a crack at doing a sourcebook for it.


Perhaps in your copious free time... :D


I was reading one of the books of U-Con "conversations" with Professor Barker just last night, partly because I am looking to start a new Tekumel game in a week or two and needed to brush up on some details of how clans operate. The intention is to break the players in gently by using a simple set of rules (specifically Empire of the Petal Throne, because I know it and it has stats for plenty of things, something this time-impoverished GM needs!) and then gradually shift over to a better system, with HERO naturally topping my list.


Quite when I'll get any conversions done, however, I can't say :(

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