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Actor Package Deals

The Main Man

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I had this idea of creating package deals out of various Action Actors.


The idea is that you can take any character and add this particular Package Deal to simulate that character if they were played by that actor in a movie.


Example: A GM decides that Arnold should play the Harbinger of Justice, so he add's Arnie's package deal to the HoJ:eek: and now it's Arnold as the HoJ.


Later on after that campaign, another GM decides that he prefers if Bruce Lee plays the HoJ:eek::eek:, and inserts that package deal instead.



The idea of an Actor Package Deal is that it boils down an actor's roles to the perceivable patterns in all of their movies, and leaves out any character specific details.


My only problem is getting started.


A little help from the community?

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Re: Actor Package Deals


I had this idea of creating package deals out of various Action Actors.


The idea is that you can take any character and add this particular Package Deal to simulate that character if they were played by that actor in a movie.


Example: A GM decides that Arnold should play the Harbinger of Justice, so he add's Arnie's package deal to the HoJ:eek: and now it's Arnold as the HoJ.


Later on after that campaign, another GM decides that he prefers if Bruce Lee plays the HoJ:eek::eek:, and inserts that package deal instead.



The idea of an Actor Package Deal is that it boils down an actor's roles to the perceivable patterns in all of their movies, and leaves out any character specific details.


My only problem is getting started.


A little help from the community?


Try this:




You'll also find various other movie types on Surbrook's Site too, such as

Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee and Steven Segal. :D



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Re: Actor Package Deals


Perk: Celebrity




PS: Actor

KS: Acting

KS: Stunt Falls

KS: Stage Combat

KS: Martial Arts


Lots of Int and Pre based skills


Of course for Arnold you have to add


PS: Politician

PS: Governator

KS: Politics

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Re: Actor Package Deals


I had this idea of creating package deals out of various Action Actors.


The idea is that you can take any character and add this particular Package Deal to simulate that character if they were played by that actor in a movie.


This sounds like character generation in the old "Hong Kong Action Theatre!" game

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Re: Actor Package Deals


If I'm reading you correctly, it's not so much the actor package that you are looking for but the Actor.



+5 STR

DF: Accent


Bruce Lee

+6 DEX

+1 SPD

DF: Yelps


is that more like it?


IF so:

Bruce Lee needs "ARMOR vs Mooks"

As does Steven Segal


Jean Claude Van Damme has DAM RED vs Mooks, but invisible so it looks like he's

getting the crap kicked out of him.

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Re: Actor Package Deals


If I'm reading you correctly, it's not so much the actor package that you are looking for but the Actor.



+5 STR

DF: Accent


Bruce Lee

+6 DEX

+1 SPD

DF: Yelps


is that more like it?


IF so:

Bruce Lee needs "ARMOR vs Mooks"

As does Steven Segal


Jean Claude Van Damme has DAM RED vs Mooks, but invisible so it looks like he's

getting the crap kicked out of him.


Yes, that is correct.

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Re: Actor Package Deals


Arnold needs more str- while in the real world it's probably around 13


You do know that he was a world-class champion bodybuilder, right? And that even years out of competition, he still possesses the approximate dimensions of a brick sh%thouse? (If anything, most of his movies downplay this; how in hell is a giant Austrian bodybuilder sneaking anywhere?) It's not like he's one of those guys who lets their body go to pot in their old age; he maintains some sort of exercise regimen. You saw him in that last Terminator movie, right?


In any case, I am fairly certain that he could beat you or I handily in an arm-wrestling contest, and I consider myself to be in pretty good shape. 15 is the absolute dirt floor for Arnie.

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Re: Actor Package Deals


You do know that he was a world-class champion bodybuilder, right? And that even years out of competition, he still possesses the approximate dimensions of a brick sh%thouse? (If anything, most of his movies downplay this; how in hell is a giant Austrian bodybuilder sneaking anywhere?) It's not like he's one of those guys who lets their body go to pot in their old age; he maintains some sort of exercise regimen. You saw him in that last Terminator movie, right?


In any case, I am fairly certain that he could beat you or I handily in an arm-wrestling contest, and I consider myself to be in pretty good shape. 15 is the absolute dirt floor for Arnie.

At his peak in 67, he lifted a 267kg stone, which would have put him at around str17(I don't have TUB).

However that was 40 years ago.He's slimmed down considerably since then, although he still has an imressive pysique for a sixty year old man who's had major heart surgery.

Now, bodybuilding is about muscular hypertrophy, not maximum weight lifted. The characteristics benchmark table puts the high end for a non-olympian weightlifter at 13, so thats what I based my estimate on.

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Re: Actor Package Deals


However, once again, this is not about the real Ahnold.


This is about if you compiled all of his movies and analyze what all of them generally have in common and what can be extracted from any character the actor plays which can be replaced by the abilities of another actor.

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Re: Actor Package Deals


Stephen Segal:

12 +4 Dex

5+5 pre

2 Ps: CIA agent

4 WF: Small arms, Martial arts weapons

3 Contact: CIA-8

3 Combat driving

3 Stealth

3 Streetwise

5 KS Aikido -14

Martial Arts:

4 Block

4 Fast Strike

3 Throw

3 Hold

16 +2 with all combat


This is the cinematic Seagal. The real one has more aikido and less CIA. SPY magazine did an expose before it went belly up.

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Re: Actor Package Deals


Bruce Willis

  • +3 rPD
  • Regeneration, OAF: Shirts
  • EB 10d6, Explosion, Incantations: Expletive-ridden cliche


Jackie Chan

  • +3 SPD
  • +5 DCV, Requires an Acrobatics Roll
  • Psy Lim: No Guns


Samuel Muthertruckin' Jackson

  • +10 PRE
  • +10 PRE, Only for PRE Attacks, Only When Holding a Gun and Soliloquizing
  • +10 INT, Only to Make Perception Rolls, Only When He's Got that CRAZY Gleam in His Eye


Pierce Brosnan

  • +20 PRE, Only to Resist PRE Attacks
  • +5 PD, Only vs. Airborne Fruit Thrown By Drag-Queen Nannies
  • Luck 3d6


Will Smith

  • Combat Driving/Combat Piloting; Side Effect: Does 4d6 RKA to all nearby vehicles, Visible: HipHop/Techno Soundtrack
  • HA +4d6, Only vs Aliens
  • +10 COM, OIF - Incredible Fashion Sense


Christopher Walken

  • Mind Control, Extra Time (5 min), Incantations (Layer-riddled Monologue)

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Re: Actor Package Deals


This is the cinematic Seagal. The real one has more aikido and less CIA. SPY magazine did an expose before it went belly up.

Yes, that's what I was going for. Segal always plays characters who are either serving or retired/fired CIA. I doubt the real segal has combat driving, streetwise or all combat skill levels either

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Actor Package Deals


Will Smith

  • Combat Driving/Combat Piloting; Side Effect: Does 4d6 RKA to all nearby vehicles, Visible: HipHop/Techno Soundtrack
  • HA +4d6, Only vs Aliens
  • +10 COM, OIF - Incredible Fashion Sense

Will Smith almost always has a foot chase scene where he catches the guy. So I'd give him +3" running.
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