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Villainous Organizations of Else Earth.


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A staging area for some write ups and idea tossing.


The Iron Crusade

This is a prototypical comic book universe organization that seeks world conquest. However, to shake things up I avoided the snake theme. For the most part the IC is an American terrorist organization. Their goal is the conquest of America>North America>Central&SouthAmerica>World.


They are modern, paramilitary, and you could easily use either the UNTIL or VIPER books for package deals and equipment.


Command structure is modeled very closely after the US Military (from which a number of the Crusade's high ranking officers/leaders hail)


The Iron Crusade's leadership includes: 2 current US Military Commanders, 4 Congressmen, 1 Senator, 3 former (disgraced) Senators, 10 Members of the Corporate Elite, 2 mid level crime lords, 3 Members of the Entertainment Industry Elite, the Governor of Nevada, and Ted Turner. (maybe a joke).


The Crusade's best days seem to be behind them. In 1995, when Adamant played his hand and destroyed the Minutemen Squadron; his congressional allies were arrested and dismissed. The Crusade did a great job of filling the corruption void. It was their Golden Age. They had been building slowly for 4 decades and really made headway towards their goal. However, things went south quickly. These days they are sometimes seen as "quaint".

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Re: Villainous Organizations of Else Earth.



Here's your snake themed organization.

The World Serpent is a cabal of crazy. International in scope, with frightening power both technological, psionic, and mystical, these guys should be feared. If would be easier if their God-Queen wasn't so ridiculously crazy. Timat is frighteningly powerful in person. More so if you are a dragon (or the blood of Dragons flows through you) but she's also self absorbed crazy and much of her power, effort, and attention is distracted by some of her crazier schemes/hobbies.


Tiamat, the Dragon Queen is apparently the avatar of a goddess by the same name. The odd part is that the Master Villainess has more in common with the character from a well known rpg rather than the Dragon from legend. And she acts very much like the RPG created cosmology and ecologies are in full force. Most true dragons find her ridiculous and amusing, form a distance; because though her mind is in a game her power is very real and she has exhibited an astounding amount of control over dragonkind.


This organization is a cult of personality. It also resembles DEMON from earlier editions of the game, a Mystic organization with a High Tech component (not a front like DEMON).

Tiamat has organized her cult into "Hutches" and color codes them by the Dragon type. However, Else Earth Dragons, while superficially similar to those of Dungeons and Dragons, is not the same and she tends to ignore differences. Her loyal draconic minions often seem little more than puppets.

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Re: Villainous Organizations of Else Earth.



Here's your snake themed organization.

You are kiddin', right? I mean, come on, you can't be serious about that. Especially that thing about RPGs and D&D would freak out my players. :thumbdown

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Re: Villainous Organizations of Else Earth.


You are kiddin'' date=' right? I mean, come on, you can't be serious about that. Especially that thing about RPGs and D&D would freak out my players. :thumbdown[/quote']I got a laugh out of it - maybe a bit too wacky to be taken seriously at all. However powerful she/they may be, you gotta wonder why anyone who doesn't have dragon blood joins up (then again, you could ask the same question about VIPER/COBRA/DEMON/whatever).


But I'm dying to know why she's fixated on D&D dragons! I mean, there's gotta be some backstory there, right? Is her secret ID Margaret Weis or something?


I like the idea of tying the stereotypical, nearly inevitable snake-themed group (I usually have one, too) in with dragons, though. :thumbup:

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Re: Villainous Organizations of Else Earth.



a terrorist orgganization theme on wild felines

thier leader is codenames lion or lioness depending on gender

second in command tiger/tigress


While I'm not sure that's the point of the thread, an entire HYDRA-clone made up of cougars is a ...frightening thought.

"Look out! They have blasters ....and their biological clocks are at 5 minutes to midnight!"

On the bright side, if you don't have the rD to survive the encounter, you may be able to substitute your tax return....

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Re: Villainous Organizations of Else Earth.


I got a laugh out of it - maybe a bit too wacky to be taken seriously at all. However powerful she/they may be' date=' you gotta wonder why anyone who doesn't have dragon blood joins up (then again, you could ask the same question about VIPER/COBRA/DEMON/whatever).[/quote']


Minion: "Dude! The health plan is incredible!"

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Re: Villainous Organizations of Else Earth.


It sounds to me like the Iron Crusade is ripe for a resurgence under a capable and charismatic leader. The Warlord from Conquerors, Killers, And Crooks would make a good template, given the group's motif, structure and goals. The IC could also follow the Warlord's precedent of getting into high-tech arms dealing as a way to raise capital. Since so many of its leadership are Corporate Elite they should go for that, and have the mechanisms in place to make it happen.


There are tons of Fifth Edition resources that you could plunder for Jormundiir. Sharper Than A Serpent's Tooth would be a major one -- surely Tiamat has the resources to create superhuman human/snake hybrids who are fanatically loyal to her. Then you have Ophites of the Dragon from The Mystic World. Of course 5E VIPER has so many branches, both technological and mystical, that you might never run dry. For Tiamat herself I recommend looking at the Serpent Queen from The Algernon Files, perhaps flavored with "The Dragon Incarnate" from The Mystic World.

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Re: Villainous Organizations of Else Earth.


Human/snake hybrids? Makes the phrase 'animal lover' take on a new perspective.


Exactly how wierd or insane does the organization get. Does playing a D&D dragon allow Tiamat access to your brain, becoming a pair of eyes for her? Hmmm, you know, I once knew a GM who.... Nah, my imagination.

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Re: Villainous Organizations of Else Earth.


Well, she is kinda goofy from afar. Just don't get her to notice you.

So far my one canon appearance of her was the catalyst for a hero who was a dragon cursed to be stuck in his human form.



Dragons in Else Earth fall somewhere between the DND style dragons with generous helpings of Fred Perry's draconic stylings in Gold Digger and whatever else I find cool. There is no "general alignment" for dragons, the Storm Dragons are blue shades, as the fire dragons are red. I have psionic dragons that have crystalline scales and metallic dragons that can survive in space.

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Re: Villainous Organizations of Else Earth.


The Hyperion Institute:

A low profile thinktank that specializes in self actualization and the benefits of higher schools of thought. Officially they are among the leaders in the study of the mind.

Unofficially they are a group of incredibly powerful (politically, and psionically) mentalists. Their leader is considered by his fellow mentalists to be Earth's premier telepath. His goals are not so much world conquest as a nice, orderly, psionic community that moves mankind ahead with out controlling them. However he very much sees himself as the only one fit to control the mentalists.

He tends to separate Mentalists and non mentalists in all his endeavors. The organization is subtle and not overtly malevolent. Kind of a cross between Men In Black and PSI, working behind the scenes to protect its founder's version of reality.



And they ALL have mental defense.

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Re: Villainous Organizations of Else Earth.


Well, she is kinda goofy from afar. Just don't get her to notice you.

So far my one canon appearance of her was the catalyst for a hero who was a dragon cursed to be stuck in his human form.



Dragons in Else Earth fall somewhere between the DND style dragons with generous helpings of Fred Perry's draconic stylings in Gold Digger and whatever else I find cool. There is no "general alignment" for dragons, the Storm Dragons are blue shades, as the fire dragons are red. I have psionic dragons that have crystalline scales and metallic dragons that can survive in space.


You can find a unique and IMHO very cool take on dragons in Steven Erikson's "Malazan Books of the Fallen". Way better depicted than in any other fantasy literature. They are all magical in origin and so powerful, they even scare gods.:thumbup:

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Re: Villainous Organizations of Else Earth.


You can find a unique and IMHO very cool take on dragons in Steven Erikson's "Malazan Books of the Fallen". Way better depicted than in any other fantasy literature. They are all magical in origin and so powerful' date=' they even scare gods.:thumbup:[/quote']


The last thing anyone wants or needs is Rake and 'that sword' wandering around.

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Re: Villainous Organizations of Else Earth.


For the Hyperion Institute, it would be nice if the heroes could encounter some place where they actually have taken over, like a city or small country, and instituted their vision of what society should be. This would give the PCs an insight into what type of opponent they're dealing with: Would the world under their rule actually be a place where lies are impossible, violence is controlled, corruption is excised, and understanding and tolerance are spread? Or a place where humans are mentally anesthetized, walking around like placid sheep without the passion to rebel, or to care? The former would give the heroes an ethical dilemma over whether the world truly would be better under the Institute's direction; while the latter reinforces their determination to prevent taking that well-intentioned road to Hell.

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Re: Villainous Organizations of Else Earth.


Well, she is kinda goofy from afar. Just don't get her to notice you.

So far my one canon appearance of her was the catalyst for a hero who was a dragon cursed to be stuck in his human form.



Dragons in Else Earth fall somewhere between the DND style dragons with generous helpings of Fred Perry's draconic stylings in Gold Digger and whatever else I find cool. There is no "general alignment" for dragons, the Storm Dragons are blue shades, as the fire dragons are red. I have psionic dragons that have crystalline scales and metallic dragons that can survive in space.


Is it possible that Tiamat is from a parallel world where all that D&D stuff is real? That she really is that Tiamat?


In that case, the key to stopping her may be to travel to that world to collect the "eight Dragon Orbs," or whatever. You could make use of all that D&D material (and HERO conversions for it). Heck, maybe even have a guest appearance by Venger. ;)

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Re: Villainous Organizations of Else Earth.


I think you need a couple of real life organization thrown in there and make them into forces for world domination (like they are here... )


I mean, the Brit based Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the US based National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals join forces to make sure that animals aretreated benignly. How? Cyborg the suckers. Breed super apes, The Gorilla Grod / Ultrahumanite of your world uses them for his power base. And with the WWF providing UN backed funding, making documentaries on thier animal protection activities etc, they even look good on TV.


You can do the same with the Green Peace / Friends of the Earth anti-big industry alliance. Why? hey're the front men for ancient forgotten powers, demonic or otherwise.


Using real life organizations always throws players off track because of the preconceptions that their names come with.

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Re: Villainous Organizations of Else Earth.


If I may add one of my creations:


BOA, acronym for Bastion of Autocracy. It originally stood for Bastion of Anarchy, but I decided anarchists aren't this organized. A paramilitary force, it gains recruits by kidnapping homeless people and brainwashing them to their way of thinking. One of my players stumbled onto one of their "training camps."


Me: You see sign on the wall. It says "BOA."


Player: What does that stand for? "Bums of America"?

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Re: Villainous Organizations of Else Earth.


I think you need a couple of real life organization thrown in there and make them into forces for world domination (like they are here... )


I mean, the Brit based Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the US based National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals join forces to make sure that animals aretreated benignly. How? Cyborg the suckers. Breed super apes, The Gorilla Grod / Ultrahumanite of your world uses them for his power base. And with the WWF providing UN backed funding, making documentaries on thier animal protection activities etc, they even look good on TV.


You can do the same with the Green Peace / Friends of the Earth anti-big industry alliance. Why? hey're the front men for ancient forgotten powers, demonic or otherwise.


Using real life organizations always throws players off track because of the preconceptions that their names come with.


Brilliant! Truly brilliant! This is a must-use.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Villainous Organizations of Else Earth.


Another idea may be to delve further into the Illuminati style of 'evil organization'. Most governments have Non-Governmental organizations, (NGO's) which we Brit's used to call Quango's (Quasi-Autonomous Non-Government Organization). Things like the Milk Marketing Board, the Potato Marketing Board... The North Sea Voters Society :) etc. Funded by businesses but having government links and approval.


A prime source of evil doers disguised as harmless wage slaves. Example, why exactly do these people need to keep pushing milk, doesn't it sell itself? (Fantastic Four & Skrull cows, remember that one?) Potatoes? I mean, they're everywhere. How did they get to be so big? And what insidious form of mind control does that indicate?\


Possibly more Heroic than Super Heroic, but all feasible.

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