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20s or 30s?


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Re: 20s or 30s?


I generally go with the 20's, mostly because Speakeasies are cooler than bars, characters who fought in The War can still reasonably be under 30 years old, and the Depression is depressing. If I've a need for it be later, I obviously toss all that out.

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Re: 20s or 30s?


My house campaign started out on January 1, 1930, and moved forward from there.


Primarily, that choice was made to allow me to utilize the aftermath of the collapse of the stock market, the Great Depression, and the problems of Prohibition from the onset of the game, but there were other reasons as well, which included:


1) The stories I wanted to tell were really all from the era when The Shadow, Doc Savage, and the other pulp figures were in their heyday.


2) The 1930s allowed my players to make an easier connection to the genre, since they'd all seen films set in that period (and very few before it).


3) English was my college major, and thanks to a professor I could not avoid taking classes from I grew to absolutely loathe F. Scott Fitzgerald's Raoring 20's novels.


4) I, for whatever reasons, have the decade of the 1920's firmly fixed in my mind as the correct setting for Call of Cthulhu, and I wanted to divorce myself from that idea, since cosmic horror on that scale wasn't part of the tales I wanted to tell.


5) Both technologically (as far as what was available) and stylistically (in the sense of clothing, architecture, and so forth), the 1930's simply appeal to me more in a visual sense. As an example, I just don't find women's fashions from the 1920's to be flattering and sexy, and that hampers me in describing them to others.


6) Historically, the events taking place in the 1930's are more well known to myplayers, and are thus more accessible for me to spin scenarios off and build them around.

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Re: 20s or 30s?


1930's !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Below are reasons you should use the 1930's (not in order)

1) Nazis are around a great enemy.

2) Soviet menace, they are in high gear in the 1930's

3) Spain's Civil war. Proxy Nazi-USSR war.

4) Better technology; like the China Clipper; better technology = more fun.

5) China - Japan war.



For me I set my game in 1936 in part as a tribute to my late mother who was born in 1936. I also have read much about the 1930's and its history. This really helps to convey what is was like.

My game of course has lost worlds, strange ancient sites, weird science, masked mystery men, and Nazi bad guys.

My game has been described as history with pulp coating; meaning my game is historically based but with pulp features and plots.

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Re: 20s or 30s?


1930's !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Below are reasons you should use the 1930's (not in order)

1) Nazis are around a great enemy.

2) Soviet menace, they are in high gear in the 1930's

3) Spain's Civil war. Proxy Nazi-USSR war.

4) Better technology; like the China Clipper; better technology = more fun.

5) China - Japan war.





I agree 100%, rep for you. :thumbup:

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Re: 20s or 30s?


1930's !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Below are reasons you should use the 1930's (not in order)

1) Nazis are around a great enemy.

2) Soviet menace, they are in high gear in the 1930's

3) Spain's Civil war. Proxy Nazi-USSR war.

4) Better technology; like the China Clipper; better technology = more fun.

5) China - Japan war.



For me I set my game in 1936 in part as a tribute to my late mother who was born in 1936. I also have read much about the 1930's and its history. This really helps to convey what is was like.

My game of course has lost worlds, strange ancient sites, weird science, masked mystery men, and Nazi bad guys.

My game has been described as history with pulp coating; meaning my game is historically based but with pulp features and plots.



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Re: 20s or 30s?


3) English was my college major, and thanks to a professor I could not avoid taking classes from I grew to absolutely loathe F. Scott Fitzgerald's Raoring 20's novels


I feel the same way about Ernest Hemingway.


I usually do the 30's since the 20's is too much like the Call of Cthuhlu for me and because I like playing Feds and punching Nazis.

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