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in the spirit of christmas!


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Re: in the spirit of christmas!


Most provocative. [checking DeviantART account for more info]


thanks for both looking and for providing some excellent feedback - both are appreciated :)



next up is Volcan, Happy Christmas!

(i took a couple of liberties here, removing his giant sword (for legibility) and changing the white trim to a bone colour. sorry if that's too much)

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Re: in the spirit of christmas!


He looks interesting. But from this picture I would never assume that he is a sword wielder, much less wielding a giant sword. A knife maybe. To me he looks more like a martial artist/cat burglar type.


And what about his mouth? Is that covered by some form of cloth? It looks rather mysterious. His eyes are great though, very eeevil.

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Re: in the spirit of christmas!


And what about his mouth? Is that covered by some form of cloth? It looks rather mysterious. His eyes are great though' date=' very eeevil.[/quote']




it seems to be kind of skull make-up on the lower half of his face, but the artists a fool, so it may just be badly done...

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Re: in the spirit of christmas!


Dear DrDestiny (may I call you DrDee?):


I've been admiring your posted work, particularly the Sapphic Neko and Professor Madison Square. There's a captivating quality of personality (individuality, non-generic-ness...realism?) and movement in your pics, and especially in those two. They look ready to step out of the screen.


I'm coming to this thread rather late, but please DrDee, may I have a Christmas present too?


My character's name is Elegy....


Elegy is a humanlike alien, who grew up alone on a dim and temperate graveyard world called Shanghalla, surrounded by the graves and monuments of great heroes of many races. Some of the heroes were laid to rest in "burial ships", small spacecraft that carried the dead to Shanghalla from other worlds...and some of the burial ships had computers, Artificial Intelligences, that were still working.


Elegy grew up talking to the ancient AIs and learned many odd and out-dated skills from them...but she does not know her own race or how she came to Shangalla. She has no memory of family, friends or any place other than Shanghalla. Even her name -- Elegy -- is simply the word for a poem of mourning and memorial, applied to her by Voyager, a Daxamite AI with a artistic bent.


Elegy has violet eyes with large pupils, and very long, flowing lilac hair. Her teeth are small and pointed, like a ferret's teeth...for like a ferret, she's an obligate carnivore. She eats mostly the small mammals and fish that also live on cool and shady Shanghalla.


And though Elegy is human-like, she is NOT a human.


Her skin is the dark, dark indigo of a 'clear purple' icicle pansy, and velvety as a pansy's petals (not glossy). She has eyelashes, but instead of "normal" eyebrows, she has a small cluster of long, fine whiskers above each eye. These look just like the whiskers -- or vibrissae -- above a house cat's eyes, and they work the same way.


Elegy is less than five feet tall (less than 1.5m), but she is so slender and long-limbed that she seems much taller. (Her very long hair also accentuates the effect.) Her build -- slim, long-limbed, almost attenuated -- makes her amazingly flexible. Elegy's arms and legs rotate at the joints, rather than bending, which increases her range of motion but also makes her limbs relatively weak (compared to those of a human).


She has long fingers, six on each hand (or four fingers and two thumbs, if you don't count thumbs as "fingers"). Her two longest fingers are in the middle of her hand, with a shorter finger on each side, and then an opposable thumb on each side of that. All her fingers end in short blunt-ish claws, like a dog's claws.


(In D&D 3/3.5 terms, think of Elegy as having DEX 18+, a STR 7 and SPD 50ft. In HERO/Champions terms, DEX 24, STR 6 and SPD 6. Does that help?)


Elegy looks like an adult, not a child...but no-one could tell from her appearance exactly how old she is.


Elegy's personality is quite strange. She is clever and intuitive, and growing up alone on a funeral world, she reasoned that she must be dead too...a kind of "Moving Dead" guardian set to protect the "Moveless Dead" in their graves, vaults and funeral ships. And as the graveyard guardian, she has access to all the goods and offerings buried with the dead, to use as she needs.


As a result, Elegy dresses in bizarre and fantastic scraps of alien jewelry and funeral attire, scavenged from the funeral ships and patched together into a clothing of a sort.


Oh, and she's a teleporter, but doesn't know that that's what she's doing. She thinks "departing" and "arriving" is something all the Living (and presumably, all the Moving Dead) can do.


This is just general background description with a few physical details. Please treat it as a guideline, and not as a list of commandments! Interpret the descriptive stuff however you like; there's no 'wrong' way of depicting Elegy. I've had four different artists create pics of her, and every one of them has been different.... ;-)


next up is Elegy.


now i had fun drawing her, but i'm unsure as to how close to the mark i got - let me know, and if i'm well out, i'll put her on the 'to-re-do' list


please note the colours are quite subtle on this one, and my DevArt account may be the best place to see her

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Re: in the spirit of christmas!


Thanks muchly, Dr. Dee, Elegy looks good -- well, no, actually she looks a bit cadaverous and menacing, an element that didn't show up in any of the other pics of her I have. And my first reaction was surprise...but different views of Elegy by different artists is what I was after, so NO! no re-do necessary or even considered (as if, you silly person!).


I particularly like the eyebrow-whiskers (which you managed to keep from looking like those animé eyebrows), and the way the pic hints at her strange hands with their non-human conformation. And I like the overall pic a lot, though I had to look at it several times to realise that; this is a more alien Elegy, not as pretty but a lot more unsettling.


Actually, as her player, I hadn't ever realised she might look alarming...but given the way I described her -- her colouring, her build, her strange eyes, teeth and hands -- then yes, she is on the scary side of uncanny. And you're the first of five artists (and a player!) to notice that. Well done, Dr. Dee, and thank-you again; this pic wasn't what I expected, but it was what I wanted.


Oh, and Happy Christmas to you too!

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Re: in the spirit of christmas!


Thanks muchly, Dr. Dee, Elegy looks good -- well, no, actually she looks a bit cadaverous and menacing, an element that didn't show up in any of the other pics of her I have. And my first reaction was surprise...but different views of Elegy by different artists is what I was after, so NO! no re-do necessary or even considered (as if, you silly person!).


I particularly like the eyebrow-whiskers (which you managed to keep from looking like those animé eyebrows), and the way the pic hints at her strange hands with their non-human conformation. And I like the overall pic a lot, though I had to look at it several times to realise that; this is a more alien Elegy, not as pretty but a lot more unsettling.


Actually, as her player, I hadn't ever realised she might look alarming...but given the way I described her -- her colouring, her build, her strange eyes, teeth and hands -- then yes, she is on the scary side of uncanny. And you're the first of five artists (and a player!) to notice that. Well done, Dr. Dee, and thank-you again; this pic wasn't what I expected, but it was what I wanted.


Oh, and Happy Christmas to you too!


glad you liked her! i wanted to make her look alien, avoiding my first instinct which was, shamefully, to do a purple starfire.


the idea was to try to look on her with human eyes, but to try to get over the feeling that she would be just as unsettled by any meeting...


then again, i can over-think stuff sometimes :)

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