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How to open a door?


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Re: How to open a door?


Mental Illusions and/or Images: someone got locked in!


When they pop the door, keep up the MI/I that the someone is out cold on the floor, and then use Invisibility (Sight and Touch Groups) to walk in, grab the goodies, and walk out.


Invisibility to Touch, as there's likely to be a bunch of people milling around in the vault, "treating" the "unfortunate".

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Re: How to open a door?


Now for something completely different.


Have the villain get some very personal dirt of the PC's. Then threaten to reveal said dirt unless they rob the bank for him. The PC's can't tell anyone or the information gets released.


Lie to the PC's and tell them to take all the money. When they leave to the drop off point with the cash, have a minion sneak into the chaotic scene and take the thing that is really needed.


If the PC's follow through and let him have the money without a fight, it's only a bonus. Plus this could go a long way into destroying the PC's reputations.


Good Luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: How to open a door?


Pick a hero who can open the safe. Kidnap their significant other/mother/dog/landlord/mentor, whoever. Threaten to kill/maim/tickle said kidnappee if the hero doesn't open the safe. You can even make the hero bring the contents the villain wants to a specified location. Heck, then frame the hero for the robbery.

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Re: How to open a door?


I'm reminded of stories of a guy after the San Francisco earthquake of 1906, when it was largely on fire... he wanted to help the city with demolishing buildings to stop the fires, so despite not knowing a thing about demo work he went to town.


They figure he blew himself up after taking out over a dozen buildings and starting even *more* uncontrolled fires....

Yea, the city blew up a Patent medicine factory, with hundreds of barrels of alcohol still inside. :think::idjit::doi::o

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Re: How to open a door?


I'm a huge fan of heist/con job shows like mission impossible hustle and just started watching leverage which inspired me to a new idea.


Stage 1


The set up


If the facility is a bank etc. turn up under false pretences something big that will get you a meeting with the main manager(something like a major new account say the multimillion dollar operating funds of a new leisure development).

Once you are in the meeting first have any other staff leave then sweep his office for bugs. finally reveal your selves to be FBI superhuman crime task force agents inform the manager that you believe his bank is about to be robbed by Cheshire cat or other well known teleporting criminal.


Unfortunately you believe local law enforcement and the banks own security may be compromised by informants so he must keep this completely hush hush. Tell him that you want to use his vault as a trap you wish to be lying in wait with a couple of agents and devices that will inhibit his ability to teleport back out.


Then have him call the local FBI office using his cell phone says the banks phones may be tapped. Then using the pretence of checking it for bugs swap it for an identical model phone rigged so that whatever number dialled will be put through to your guys outside who will pretend to be the FBI.


Have them play up the good publicity for the bank and the citizen commendation the manager will receive personally. Once he is seemingly hooked in ask to speak to the office yourself and switch the phones back.


Stage 2


The convincer


once he’s hooked get him to meet you the next day at a hotel suite set up to look like a crime incident room explain that with your concerns over Local law enforcement your working away from the FBI offices. the vault is time locked so the agents will need to be inside before the bank closes to prevent the theft.


Explain that you will be delivering your team of agents in fake bales of money show him one of the bales introduce him to the arrest team and most importantly show him the teleport suppressor a most impressive large device covered in blinking lights with a technician type running diagnostics on it.


Most importantly warn him that the field will interfere with the cameras and that he will have to reassure his security team that the vault is secure until they capture the Cheshire cat.


Stage 3


The heist


The following evening just before close an armoured truck delivers the 5 bales of money supposedly operating capital for the new development the agent who was pretending to be the main investor accompanies them into the vault before its locked this is his opportunity to plant the device that will inhibit the cameras.


The vault is sealed the cameras go on the fritz the manager reassures the guards inside the vault your agents come out from hiding.


first they crack open the teleport inhibitor concealed inside is another agent dressed as Cheshire cat plus the actual robbery tools now during the time that the vault is locked down you crack open as many safety deposit boxes as you can drilling out there locks taking the valuable contents and then epoxying them closed and replacing the drilled out locks with blanks that make them seem intact.


Stage 4


The getaway


In the morning two unmarked black SUVs and an unmarked transit van pull up just before the time lock disengages you meet the manager with a team of agents and reassure security as the vault opens and your 4 agents escort a power shackled Cheshire cat out along with a cart containing the inhibitor that now conceals all your loot.


inform the manager that his security team seems to be in the clear and that you will be arresting his informant who was part of the cleaning crew for the bank immediately ask him to come down to the FBI office the following day to make a statement and that he will soon be hearing about that citizens commendation.

Drive off into the sunrise make sure all evidence is destroyed, sell the extraneous loot and use the macguffin that you intended to steal for whatever evil purpose you had in mind.


Hopefully nothing will be noticed till the manager turn up at the federal building the next day and even if it is there’s no link to your actual plans it just seems like a brilliant heist.

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Re: How to open a door?


freakboy6117: I really liked your scenario. :thumbup::D


The only potential problem I see with it is convincing the players that Cheshire Cat (or whoever) is dumb enough to believe that people engaged in high finance use large bales of physical cash, and that he's known to be so stupid, and that bank managers will accept that he's going to act on that assumption.


Other than that, I see no major holes. Congrats on a brilliant plan! :thumbup:


I hope you don't mind that Dr. Infamous has taken copious notes. :eg:





Dr. Infamous is another product of Basil Twisted Imagination, Unincorporated. All wrongs reserved

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Re: How to open a door?


The bales of cash are not part of the trap, Cheshire cat is robbing the place anyway they are merely a way to sneak in 4 agents and the device without alerting security.


the cover story is that they are the contingency and payroll fund for a 100 million dollar leisure development and having a couple of mil on site in cash is a good way to ensure that you can handle unforeseen expenses and day labor pay roll (not to mention kick backs and bribes)on a job that large.


The FBI reason for this is that they may have a mole for the cat on staff so security can't know that agents are in the vault.


The real reason is that the fewer people know you have FBI agents in the vault the less chance that someone will do something clever like calling the real FBI office just to double check that the op is legit.


as for plot holes the only difficult one and one that could be ignored for suspension of disbelief is that the FBI probably has a codeword they use when contacting banks to verify who they are and finding this out might be a bit of a problem.

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