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Stretching at Range


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First of all, yeah, I finally broke down and got Hero Designer.


I understand it's written to try to prevent absurd combinations. But I found that it's possible to put Ranged on Stretching.


That would make sense if it were, for example, Usable By Others, but it didn't require the purchase of such an Advantage before buying Range.


So - what the heck does that mean?


I like to think I can usually see some kind of use or meaning in even very strange combos, but this one puzzles me. I'm not sure what is intended by allowing a combination like this.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary is still chewing on it

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Re: Stretching at Range


First of all, yeah, I finally broke down and got Hero Designer.


I understand it's written to try to prevent absurd combinations. But I found that it's possible to put Ranged on Stretching.


That would make sense if it were, for example, Usable By Others, but it didn't require the purchase of such an Advantage before buying Range.


So - what the heck does that mean?


I like to think I can usually see some kind of use or meaning in even very strange combos, but this one puzzles me. I'm not sure what is intended by allowing a combination like this.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary is still chewing on it


Have you considered that Hero Designer could be wrong in allowing it?

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Re: Stretching at Range


Have you considered that Hero Designer could be wrong in allowing it?


In other words, that it's nonsense and doesn't mean anything at all?


Maybe you're right.


To me it would mean that you could start your stretch at a point at range and then stretch from that point.


Stretching is already indirect by nature, unless it's Limited to only straight lines. I'd say buy TK or EB-Indirect to model that.



Sort of like the way Stretching can be bought "Does not cross intervening space" except that the member being Stretched DOES cross some intervening space....but doesn't cross the space between the character and whatever point within Range the character chooses for the Stretching to "start" at?


That's the only suggestion I've seen yet that makes some kind of sense (except rjcurrie's of course, he may be right that it's purely an oversight that the program allows it.)


It just looks a bit strange to me, and I have high standards for strange. I'm perfectly willing for example to, as part of a gravity control power set, buy Swinging Megascale and go literally swing on a star.....


Lucius Alexander


For me the palindromedary counts as "normal" which is probably all I need say to make the point that I have high standards for "strange."

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Re: Stretching at Range


Well, I have the Official :hex:Answer now.


Stretching is a Self Only power. As stated on 5ER 267, the Ranged Advantage is for No Range powers. If you want to put it on Stretching, I can't stop you, but you're gonna have to come up with your own rules.


I guess I thought I was overlooking something. I suppose if, for some reason, I wanted Stretching that passed through some intervening space but not all, I could still use Blackberry's idea - maybe.


Lucius Alexander


Palindromedary Usable as Attack

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Re: Stretching at Range


Well, I have the Official :hex:Answer now.




I guess I thought I was overlooking something. I suppose if, for some reason, I wanted Stretching that passed through some intervening space but not all, I could still use Blackberry's idea - maybe.


Lucius Alexander


Palindromedary Usable as Attack


It makes it easier if you think of Stretching as an 'Adder' to STR. Range would only be appropriate to add to a base ability - like STR - except that there is a specific rule against using it on STR.


I built a form of Stretching that passes through 'some intervening space' on this thread. look for the Acme Gate slot.

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Re: Stretching at Range


One reason Range might be an option in HD is because you can add Usable On Others to Self Only Powers. Adding Ranged would then negate the need to touch the person you were granting the Stretching ability to.


I think it's extremely rude to imply that Lucius is not using common sense, or his brain. He saw a possibility for a build he had never considered, and asked what everyone thought about it. The fact that the idea came from HD is immaterial. Common sense would dictate that after finding that the software allows a build you don’t understand, you’d ask about it, rather than dismiss it out of hand. He could have completely ignored it, but then he’d be risking missing something that he simply hadn’t thought of.

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Re: Stretching at Range


No one implied that.


It could be inferred. But I have a higher opinion of most people on the Hero Boards than to think anyone would be trying to say that.


I did think of Usable by Other, but I've also already noticed that Hero Designer tends to turn options on and off according to other options taken, so I thought there might be some application I didn't understand. I can have embarrasing blind spots sometimes.


Lucius Alexander


What palindromedary?

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Re: Stretching at Range


I have a higher opinion of the average poster here than a lot of the other places I frequent on the net.


And no insult was intended nor were any penguins harmed in these posts...

Speak for yourself. I deliberately tortured three penguins while writing my last post. They're fine now, but they'll think twice before trying to sleep with my wife again.

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Re: Stretching at Range


Well, I have the Official Answer now.


Originally Posted by Steve Long

Stretching is a Self Only power. As stated on 5ER 267, the Ranged Advantage is for No Range powers. If you want to put it on Stretching, I can't stop you, but you're gonna have to come up with your own rules.


I guess I thought I was overlooking something. I suppose if, for some reason, I wanted Stretching that passed through some intervening space but not all, I could still use Blackberry's idea - maybe.


Lucius Alexander


Palindromedary Usable as Attack



I'm pretty sure Steve could stop us putting range on stretching. He just writes, "New Rule: you can't put 'ranged' on self only powers including stretching", and uses his Cosmic Omni Rod to tell Ben or someone to change Hero Designer.


Now: area effect stretching...

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Re: Stretching at Range


You get to dance like my dad.


You made me laugh, but I just reputized you for something else.


Okay, what does Autofire on Stretching do, besides let you impersonate the elder Mr. Waters?


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary wants to meet this family.....

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