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The Monster As Hero thread

death tribble

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Re: The Monster As Hero thread


Maybe, for something different, we could go through the Asian Bestiaries for something appropriately dark and evil-looking. I don't have the books with me right at the moment, but I think a Yuki-Onna (if I'm remembering the name right) would be sufficiently vile-looking and an interesting twist.

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Re: The Monster As Hero thread


How about a heroic psycho-killer? Like a hero Jason or something?


Makes absolutely no sense' date=' since it's a contradiction in itself.[/quote']


Legatus is right. You can't be a psycho killer and a hero. Well there is Dexter but still. What we are on about is more the physical look of a monster ie Vampire or Werewolf who acts against type to be a hero.

The public might be taken in by the psycho killer as they look normal and act normal. The Monster does not look and or act normal.

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Re: The Monster As Hero thread


Captain Chupacabra! Getting evil's goat!


Going for more of a monsters of the 50's vibe:


*Bug-eyed alien, preferably with big brain-looking head and claw-pincer hands, mandibles or mass of tentacles mouth.


*Robot with scary exterior but a mechanical heart of gold.


*Man-sized or larger atomic-powered creature, preferably insectoid.

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Re: The Monster As Hero thread


How about a heroic psycho-killer? Like a hero Jason or something?

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say I don't think he meant an actual killer, but a mute lumbering nigh-invulnerable mask-wearing monstrous hero.


Sample Powers

"Inhuman Strength" Penetrating and AP on STR

"Unkillable" Damage Resistance

"You Can Run" Mind Control, only to make you trip (alternately Does Knockback for PRE)

"But You Can't Hide" Detect (Fear), Sense, 360 Degrees

"Always a Step Behind You" Teleportation, only when not observed

"Look Out, He's Right Behind You!" Invisibility to all Senses but Sight, not while being observed

"Won't Stay Down" Regeneration with Resurrection

"Hockey/ William Shatner Mask" +PRE, OAF


Sample Disads

Distinctive Features, hideous under mask (plus negative COM)

Physical Limitation, mute

Psych Lim, "blank slate" personality (plus reduced INT)

Enraged, teenagers having sex (well, maybe not this one)

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Re: The Monster As Hero thread


Exactly :) Thanks Doc ... have some rep and XP for the next time you go up against the Hulk ;)

I used the term "psycho killer" as an identifier, not as the full description ;) And, if you read Hack 'n' Slash by Devil's Due Publishing, I hear there is an actual heroic psycho-killer in it ;)

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Re: The Monster As Hero thread


Has anyone tried to make a kappa? Knockback could mean an instant loss if you spilled your water, but if you buy almost every power/characteristic with limitation: headbowl needs to be full of water (-?), then you might have an ok character (knockback resistence, increased density, and everything possible to prevent falling would be crutial). Also, the obvious disads would come up.

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Re: The Monster As Hero thread


IMHO these are the original monsters (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_monsters):


The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Quasimodo)

The Phantom of the Opera (Erik)


Frankenstein's Monster

The Mummy (Imhotep/Kharis)

The Invisible Man (Dr. Jack Griffin)

Bride of Frankenstein

Werewolf of London (Dr. Wilfred Glendon)

Ygor / Igor

The Wolf Man (Lawrence Talbot)


The Metaluna Mutant

The Mole Man

Mr. Hyde (Dr. Jekyll)


There a few characters up there that are not common comic fodder. How about a powerfully muscled Hunchback Brick or perhaps a Mummy who can use his wrappings like tendrils? What powers would a super-Phantom have?

I've always been a sucker for Universal monsters. I've often said that if I could get my hands on a property for a remake/update it would be the Creature Commandos.

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Re: The Monster As Hero thread


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say I don't think he meant an actual killer, but a mute lumbering nigh-invulnerable mask-wearing monstrous hero.


I know that Sketchpad didn't mean an actual killer, but I think this concept does not work in connection with being a hero. Even if he pulls his stunt on the bad guys, that wouldn't automatically make him a hero. He'd still be a lunatic.


BTW I like your little list of sample powers and disads.

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Re: The Monster As Hero thread


I know that Sketchpad didn't mean an actual killer, but I think this concept does not work in connection with being a hero. Even if he pulls his stunt on the bad guys, that wouldn't automatically make him a hero. He'd still be a lunatic.


BTW I like your little list of sample powers and disads.

Maybe not a lunatic, more of an unusual vigillante in the vein of the Punisher but who refuses to speak or can't speak. Plus the concept would be ripe for complications all over the place.


The Avenging Yeti! A yeti from Alaska who goes out in a costume to fight against the oil industry that is polluting his homeland. :D

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Re: The Monster As Hero thread


Sasquatch/Bigfoot/Wendigo in a classic RCMP uniform (Mounties).


Why are the oceans always protected by tiny little guys like Aquaman or Namor? Why not a heroic Sea Serpent, Kraken or other such appropriately sized critter worthy of the vastness of the seas?

Because it would be hard to get them out of the water for land-based adventures that the comics do so often with them. :rolleyes:


Plus legends show sea serpents as mindless beasts most of the time, while the Kraken is shown as an ancient, intelligent evil being most of the time.


Although a twist on the tail, with an intelligent and good sea serpent as the guardian of the seas would be a fun read. Called by the press Aqua Serpentous [spanish speaking news reporter was first on the scene], the giant sea serpent protects the oceans from pollutors and those would abuse its beauty and bounty.:king:

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Re: The Monster As Hero thread


I used The Maxx as the source for a hero at one point; don't recall the name I used, though. He'd been a detective who got sucker-punched by some VIPER agent or another into a vat of Super-Being Originium -- you know the stuff. The Grond-like trauma pushed the majority of his intellect and personality into the toilet, but it still operated in a subconscious manner. Became a big block of a homeless man, but did good and protected people because ... that's what you do.


He had pretty good strength, superleap, and some armor, but his regen was amazing -- and his Armor was of the 'damn, I heal fast' F/X. Fun, for the short time I played him.

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Re: The Monster As Hero thread


Finally last night the dreaded phrase that the Hero Gamers have feared the most: 'Death Tribble has had an idea'


What are most people afraid of ? Sharks

So what is more monstrous that a shark with superpowers ? And then making that a good guy ? Forget the air brushing that can make people think that something can look cute ie the Sasquatch Harry in Harry and the Hendersons, this is a man shark with big teeth.


Has anyone ever come across a shark or man shark as good guy ?

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Re: The Monster As Hero thread


There was another shark thread awhile back about an air-breathing shark with Flight and Desolidifcation. There was a funny quote with it that was something like, "Seeing a shark fin coming down the sidewalk would be a bit out of context, but I bet everyone would get the heck out of the way!".


I think a cool variant would be a shark-man with Tunneling. Move Throughs out of the asphalt would look cool.

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Re: The Monster As Hero thread


What are most people afraid of ? Sharks


What else are most people afraid of? Fire.


Make it a flying, flaming shark. Maybe a Great White Phosphorous.


If you want to go the extra mile, have it done up in clown makeup.


During his time with humans he came to realize that a flaming shark was disturbing to some, so he added the (fireproof, of course) clown getup to make people more comfortable. No one has had the nerve to tell him it actually makes it worse. Thus Bernie the Flying Shark, the Meat-eor of Might, the Flaming Fin of Fury, the Jaws of Justice patrols the city stopping crimes and giving villains a new mixed bag of phobias.




"If you want a job done well, make it well done."


"Can you give me a hand? Maybe an arm too?"


"Want to see me pop a balloon? You get to be the balloon."


"Do you want to tell me what I need to know, or do I have to grill you?"

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Re: The Monster As Hero thread


What else are most people afraid of? Fire.


Make it a flying, flaming shark. Maybe a Great White Phosphorous.


If you want to go the extra mile, have it done up in clown makeup.


During his time with humans he came to realize that a flaming shark was disturbing to some, so he added the (fireproof, of course) clown getup to make people more comfortable. No one has had the nerve to tell him it actually makes it worse. Thus Bernie the Flying Shark, the Meat-eor of Might, the Flaming Fin of Fury, the Jaws of Justice patrols the city stopping crimes and giving villains a new mixed bag of phobias.




"If you want a job done well, make it well done."


"Can you give me a hand? Maybe an arm too?"


"Want to see me pop a balloon? You get to be the balloon."


"Do you want to tell me what I need to know, or do I have to grill you?"


You are recalling the Vampire game with the Vampire that would ride inaction on the back of a Grizzly bear that had something like rocket launchers that wouyld fire sharks at people that would explode.

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