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Blasts that leak power out the sides.


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I have this idea for a power:


A young mutant with a Sonic special effect that has only learned one power so far: a sonic-boom kind of power. She wants to be able to focus the power along a line, but due to the nature of sonics, the sound wave spreads out from the central point of emission even when she focuses the power. In my head, I see Area of Effect: Line, with Area of Effect: Cone overlapping it, and Area of Effect: Radius overlapping them both. In my head, the AoE: Line has the greatest power, the AoE: Cone less power, and the AoE: Radius the least power. I do not want the areas of overlap to have combined dice of damage, and I want the diminishing power of the AoE to also reflect diminishing range. I have attached a diagram of the power's effect below.


Can I do this as three AoE Advantages on one Blast, or do I need to build this as a Compound Power?



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Re: Blasts that leak power out the sides.


My opinion; Compound power, with linked on the side effects. The effects 'would' stack as it makes sense that the power would get stronger the closer you are to the source. Make the linked powers relatively small effects so the primary line effect can still have most of the games maximum power. In truth were I the GM, I would probably allow you to exceed the games DC limit by the value at least of the circular area effect, simply because it is as much of a disadvantage as it is an advantage (blow out windows, inflict pain on normals, etc.). And if you want to stand right next to the enemy tank in order to get the extra DC or two, well, I'd have no problem with that were I the GM. ;-)

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Re: Blasts that leak power out the sides.


The only way I can see this working is:

5D6 AoE: Radius, Explosion (not in cone or line areas, +1/4; linked - only when Line area EB used, +1/2; no range, +1/2)

9D6 AoE: Cone, Explosion (not in line area, +1/4; linked - only when Line area EB used, +1/2; no range, +1/2)

13D6 AoE: Line (no range, +1/2)


The leaks can be useful but the linked is there because it will have drawbacks in its use - people and scenery will suffer if it gets used...but it should cost more than the basic line attack as it will have its uses.



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Re: Blasts that leak power out the sides.


Am I the only one to immediately think of "wind" attacks after reading the thread title? fart.gif


The first thing I thought of was an episode of Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends where the Beetle got his electro-stings so juiced up that, to quote Spider-Man, "He even hits you when he misses!"

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Re: Blasts that leak power out the sides.


If he does a Line and Cone both' date=' but has the Circumference AoE be Side Effect (assuming he can't intentionally use it aggressively) would he still need Personal Immunity or Hole in the Middle?[/quote']


Side effects are a disad. I suspect it wouldrequire personal immunity AND GM sayso for it side effects to be used in this way.

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Re: Blasts that leak power out the sides.


My suggestion would be to use a compound power consisting of the Line attack (which we'll call the 'Sonic Straight') and two linked naked advantages ('Conic Leak' and 'Radial Leak' respectively).


For 5th Edition:


65 Sonic... BOOM!: Compound Power, 91pts Active Cost, 65 pts Real Cost

(1) Sonic Straight: 7D6 EB; AOE: 18" Line, Personal Immunity; No Range; AC:79; RC 53; END Cost 8

(2) Conic Leak: Naked Advantage (Explosion: Cone, +1/2) replaces line for 5D6 of Sonic Straight (8 pts Base); 0 END; Jointly Linked to Sonic Straight; AC:8; RC:8; END Cost 0

(3) Radial Leak: Naked Advantage (Explosion: Radius,+ 1/2) replaces line for 3D6 of Sonic Straight (4 pts Base); 0 END; Jointly Linked to Sonic Straight; AC: RC:4; END Cost 0



For 6th Edition:


61 Sonic... BOOM!: Compound Power, 88pts Active Cost, 61 pts Real Cost

(1) Sonic Straight: 8D6 EB; AOE: 18" Line (+3/4), Personal Immunity (+1/4); No Range; AC:68; RC 45; END Cost 7

(2) Conic Leak: Naked Advantage (Explosion: 12m Cone, +1/4) replaces line for 6D6 of Sonic Straight (8 pts Base); 0 END; Jointly Linked to Sonic Straight; AC:5; RC:5; END Cost 0

(3) Radial Leak: Naked Advantage (Explosion: 8m Radius, + 1/4) replaces line for 4D6 of Sonic Straight (4 pts Base); 0 END; Jointly Linked to Sonic Straight; AC:3; RC:3; END Cost 0



Both of the above are assuming that the OP wants thw 'Sonic Straight' to have a line advantage instead of being a simple EB. If a 'Sonic Straight' is the latter than the former, then the builds become:


5th Ed:


58 Sonic... BOOM!: Compound Power, 75pts Active Cost, 58 pts Real Cost

(1) Sonic Straight: 8D6 EB; Personal Immunity; Reduced by Range; AC:50; RC 40; END Cost 5

(2) Conic Leak: Naked Advantage (Explosion: Cone, +1/2) for 6D6 of Sonic Straight (15 pts Base); 0 END; Jointly Linked to Sonic Straight, No Range; AC:15; RC:11; END Cost 0

(3) Radial Leak: Naked Advantage (Explosion: Radius,+ 1/2) for 4D6 of Sonic Straight (10 pts Base); 0 END; Jointly Linked to Sonic Straight, No Range; AC:10; RC:7; END Cost 0


6th Ed:


55 Sonic... BOOM!: Compound Power, 60pts Active Cost, 55 pts Real Cost

(1) Sonic Straight: 8D6 EB; Personal Immunity; Reduced by Range; AC:56; RC 45; END Cost 8

(2) Conic Leak: Naked Advantage (Explosion: 16m Cone, +1/4) for 7D6 of Sonic Straight (8 pts Base); 0 END; Jointly Linked to Sonic Straight, No Range; AC:12; RC:6; END Cost 0

(3) Radial Leak: Naked Advantage (Explosion: 12m Radius, + 1/4) for 5D6 of Sonic Straight (6 pts Base); 0 END; Jointly Linked to Sonic Straight, No Range; AC:9; RC:4; END Cost 0


Hope this helps...

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Re: Blasts that leak power out the sides.


Side effects are a disad. I suspect it wouldrequire personal immunity AND GM sayso for it side effects to be used in this way.

Actually, Side Effect is a Limitation AND one of the Side Effect options is "Only Affects the Environment Near the Character". That and at least one other person already mentioned it, so I don't think it's way out of left field...

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Re: Blasts that leak power out the sides.


Actually' date=' Side Effect is a [i']Limitation[/i] AND one of the Side Effect options is "Only Affects the Environment Near the Character". That and at least one other person already mentioned it, so I don't think it's way out of left field...


The only question is what "environment" is limited to. Does that mean the stret is torn up, the innocent bystandars are fried (perhaps they are also "environment") but the invisible enemy who happens to be in the arc of fire takes no damage?


To me, if you buy this as a Side Effect, you are telling the GM "I want my character to suffer difficulties as a consequence of this aspect of his power". If points are paid for it, you are telling the GM "I want my character to benefit as a consequence of this aspect of his power". By accepting either build, the GM contracts that he will ensure the desired result will be achieved. That's not to say there could never be detriumental effects if you pay points, or benefits if you take a limitation, but that the manner in which you build the ability will dictate how the ability generally interacts with the game world.

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