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Silly question 2:


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Re: Silly question 2:


"non-gaming discussion"is not open to the general internet

So what?

if I wanted to talk non-gaming' date=' I would go somewhere public [/quote']

Good for you. However, you didn't start this thread, so you weren't who I was addressing. Furthermore, the thread doesn't seem to be about gaming, so I'm not sure why you responded to it rather than going "somewhere public".

Hero 6th edition 1 at 2 revised "read all over.

could knock somebody down

Good point, if the OP's intent was to reference the new, large books, I missed it. Still not sure it fits in the Champions thread, not that it matters that much, it was just a suggestion anyway.


P.S. There isn't a 6th edition revised yet Matt...


P.P.S. 6E is full color, not black and white, isn't it?

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Re: Silly question 2:


What's black and white and red all over and can knock somebody down?:rofl:


Well, by crikey, let's make it fit in the Champions Forum.


How about:


Black Paladin, in a Cat-in-the-Hat chapeau


Obsidian, after being mistaken for a statue by pigeons


Black Harlequin, in his last encounter with Harbinger of Justice.

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Re: Silly question 2:


I know for a fact that the question was originally going to be "What's black and white and red all over and super powered" and thus would have been more applicable in the Champion's thread.


The original "Silly question" was posted in the Champions thread, so the sequel was placed here also.

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Re: Silly question 2:


there are 3 answers for the UK hero project


Newcastles favorite working class superhero Geordie Racer fighting the speedster hunting cyborg war machine Sunder I


Boy Racer Geordie Racers son and his half brother Sunder II (who took the name of the Nemesis of the father he believed abandoned him) Who fight each other almost as much as they fight crime.


finally Geordie racer and Sunder III cyborg speedster guardian of the floating party city Neocastle of the year 3000

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