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Natural Disasters: Giant Monsters Awaken!

SSgt Baloo

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Natural Disasters: Giant Monsters Awaken!


Namor was always good in the beginning for grabbing the Horn and calling forth the big giant Critter of the Sea to stomp the surface dwellers. When Namor is in one of his "NAMOR IS COOL!" cycles, and not being written as a Gimp by various Marvel Writers that need to be tossed down an elevator shaft.



I absolutely agree - on both points. Namor at his best kicks land-dwelling butt. At his worst... let's just say I've screamed in anger at some of the 'way kewl' garbage perpetrated by Marvel Writers.

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Re: Natural Disasters: Giant Monsters Awaken!


As the city was torn and divided a hissing echoed through the streets. Malformed a tar oozed out into the air as if the earth itself had been turned over to pour its own filth out into space. Spreading with an unholy speed the tar covered the sky blotting out the sun. Day turned to night, and a cold swept down from the high mountains of a frozen hell as the light was snuffed out in inky pitch.


The sounds of terror cried out from the primordial tar. Faces, hands all groping from inside the mass unable to break free. The bellows continued to pump darkness into the sky. It's weight too great now it began to fall consuming all that it touched in pillars illuminated by what feeble electrical light remained.

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Re: Natural Disasters: Giant Monsters Awaken!


The thread premise sounds a lot like the classic giant-monster B-movie' date=' [i']The Black Scorpion[/i]:


Only thing cooler than gigantic arthropods? Gigantic arthropods with poisonous tail stingers!


My favorite MST3K comment came with this movie. As the giant scorpions wreck the train and start eating the fleeing passengers, Crow says: "Don't run! Just look unappetising!"

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  • 10 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Natural Disasters: Giant Monsters Awaken!




And you can sing-along:D


Giant ants from space snuff the human race

Then they eat your face, never leave a trace

La la la la la, la la la la la, la la la la la

They shoot fire all around. Tokyo burns down

Everybody drowns. The moon falls on the ground

La la la la la, la la la la la, la la la la la


They can't be stopped at all. The buildings start to fall

Soldiers shoot all day and then they run away

La la la la la, la la la la la, la la la la la


The world is holocaust. Everything is lost

Mankind is destroyed. Sprinkled in the void

La la la la la, la la la la la, la la la la la


Giant ants from space waste the human race

Then they eat your face, never leave a trace

La la la la la, la la la la la, la la la la la

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