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Need help coming up with "arm" powers


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I making a character based on the Extra limb power. I noticed it takes only 5 points to have any number of limbs. So Im making a guy based on using arms to get things done and i want all his powers to be clever little phrases, sayings, or puns containing the word arms.


So far i have coat of arms, which is an entangle where a bunch of arms pop out and grab, yah. and arms race which I'm thinking will be a him using his many arms to move quickly.


the characters name is Man-at-Arms.


Any ideas for powers would be great.

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Re: Need helps coming up with "arm" powers


You might find this character useful; his "arms" are invisible and telekinetic, but functionally very little difference. This is a 5e write up; it is slightly illegal in 6e, a slightly tweaked version is necessary to comply with some extra restrictiveness on IPE in 6e.


Rook Bio Character Sheet

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Re: Need helps coming up with "arm" powers


Side Arm: an arm, holding a weapon of some sort, pops out of his side.


Forwarned is Fore-armed: The character has danger sense or Precognition (possibly only for the purposes of carrying the correct weapon?)


Arm in Arm: The character grows a whole new arm extending from the palm of a hand, possibly multiple times. Stretching.


A Farewell to Arms - Major Transform, person with arms to person without.


Arm Wrestling - The character detaches an arm (or three) and throws it at the opponent. The arm proceeds to grapple the opponent. This is built as a Summon or perhaps a Constant Entangle.


Arm Drag: Martial Throw or some similar takedown maneuver.


Arm Lock/Arm Bar: Martial Grab


Disarm: levels with Disarm, the Martial Disarm maneuver or perhaps a large HA with incantations, where the character hits the opponent while yelling "Dis' Arm!" (works best with Chicago accent).

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Re: Need helps coming up with "arm" powers


Suport your right to arm bears!


Extra limbs, useable against others, only on ursines.


Or your right to bear arms;

cosmetic transform, person with sleeves to person without.


If you are using hit locations, PSLs only to get rid of the penalties to hit the arm locations


So many bad puns, so little time...

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Need helps coming up with "arm" powers


Stretch Armstrong - Stretching obviously.


You may consider buying autofire attacks is the character is multilimbed, or extra speed to show that he is capable of doing things faster than others b/c of his multiple limbs.

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Re: Need helps coming up with "arm" powers


Cost them an arm and a leg :Wealth Drain


Someone Lend me a Hand Here: extra hands give assistance on appropriate DEX or Manual skills (+12 on skills)


Someone Give me a Hand Here: extra hands start clapping, and drown out things (Change Environ.)

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