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Help name that superhero group


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I've been reading through this book called STUPERPOWERS and was thinking of creating a game based on the main idea. That being superheroes with ; trivial powers, useless powers, or plain disgusting special effects.

Right now I need a team name, hopefully one with a strange acryonym or pun related name.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: Help name that superhero group


Well, there's the Super Trivial Useless Power Effects Reserve, or STUPER. (Just kidding)


How about the B-String? (That's the "second string" on a guitar, and I could see these heroes as second-stringers to the "real heroes.")


I loved reading through Stuperpowers, but my players refused to play a game of it. :(

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Re: Help name that superhero group


In the vein of awesome groups like the Legion of Substitute Heroes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legion_of_Substitute_Heroes) and the Great Lakes Avengers (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Lakes_Avengers), here are a few (bad ideas). Some may be taken but are not well known or "mainstream".


The Other Guys

The Dropouts

The Misfits

The Losers

The Oddballs

The Underdogs

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Re: Help name that superhero group


Heroic Endeavours at Lower Prices.

I can imagine a late-night TV ad: "Are you in trouble? Need assistance? Have you go nowhere to go and no-one to call? Then call US! We're not like those OTHER Super-Teams where they don't get out of bed for less than an alien invasion or a stolen atomic bomb! We're here for you - no job too big, or too small! So remember, when you're in trouble, Call for HELP!"


Another idea is to use the concept from GURPS: Supertemps, where the characters' powers really aren't up for full-time law-enforcement duties, but some jobs just call for a guy who can shrink down to 6" in height, stretch his arms like taffy, or talk to pigeons. By day, he's a mild-mannered accountant, but when the mission calls for it, the clarion call (or at least a pager signal) goes out for The Fantastic Mister Pigeon!

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Re: Help name that superhero group


The Specials (how do you become a Special? You go to Special-School!)

The Mystery Men


Oh wait - those have been done...


The League of WTF was That?

Hit and Miss

The Disgustors

GROSS (Generic Ridiculous Over-enthusiastic Super-hero Society)

HURT (Heroic Urban Rescue Team)

DUMB - Dynamic Uber-Menshe Bombastique!

GMC - Genetically Manipulated Crack-babies

HMV - Humour Me, Villain!


Or you could go with Super Hero Intervention Team. I refuse to type the Acronym for THAT Team Name, as I enjoy the privilage of participating in these Fantastically Fun Forums!

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Re: Help name that superhero group


This from the team's 13-year old--


"We could call ourselves the Extremeers! Or the Super-Extremeers! Or Team Extremealicious! Or The Extremealicious-Men! Or the Awesome Squad! No! The Super-Awesome Squad! Even better! The Super-Awesomelicious Squad! Wait! I got it! I got it! The Revenge Against People of Evil Squad! If we use the initials we could really scare the villains--Hey, whattya doin'? Aren't ya gonna open the window first? Guys, C'MON!"

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Re: Help name that superhero group


This from the team's 13-year old--


"We could call ourselves the Extremeers! Or the Super-Extremeers! Or Team Extremealicious! Or The Extremealicious-Men! Or the Awesome Squad! No! The Super-Awesome Squad! Even better! The Super-Awesomelicious Squad! Wait! I got it! I got it! The Revenge Against People of Evil Squad! If we use the initials we could really scare the villains--Hey, whattya doin'? Aren't ya gonna open the window first? Guys, C'MON!"


LOL! Repped!


I have a solo NPC hero in my campaign world, a 19 year old male who somehow ended up with a battlesuit that could fly, increase his strength and speed, and generate force fields. His first name is Max, and he's into extreme sports, so he calls himself Max Xtreme! *He* would have taken that 13 year-old as his sidekick any day.

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Re: Help name that superhero group


F.O.D.D.E.R. I don't know what the letters stand for tho'.


Each member could insist that it stands for something different.

The bloodthirsty ninja guy might think it stands for "Fist of Death Dojo of Extreme Revenge".

The celebrity obsessed would-be starlet thinks it stands for "Famous Objects of Desire Demand Extreme Renumeration".

The square jawed whitebread type guy thinks it stands for "Force Of Derring-Do and Extreme Righteousness".

The cocky rogue might think it stands for "Facing Overwhelming Death and Destruction and Emerging Regardless".


There's lots of options. It could be a running gag between the members.

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