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Space Marine Platoon Roster


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I was looking at the "Creepy Hotel" thread and it started me wondering... Why not something similar for a Space Marine Platoon? So suggestions please!!!

The members can be of either gender (or some alien species of more than two genders as long as it could safely work with humans), No handicap that would disqualify one for military service

To start off let me introduce SSGT Unser.

She is at the minimum height to enter the Corps and, unfortunately for someone who must maintain discipline, cute. However she is also a martial artist from a family of martial artists and regularly spars with the Company's 1st Sgt (who is at the maximum allowed height and looks like he could punch through the side of a starship). They spar with full contact and are about 50-50 in victories, with a few mutual knockouts in the mix.

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Re: Space Marine Platoon Roster


Using modern U.S. Marine ranks? It'll be important later.


PFC 'Space' Casey. Nickname comes from his seeming inability to pay attention to what's going on. Who decided to make him a grenadier remains a mystery. Survives by having lightning reflexes and being a crack shot with his grenade launcher. Nothing dangerous ever sneaks up on him in combat. However, SSGT Unser, the Company's 1st Sgt, his platoon leader, squad leader, and wandering brigadier generals all have snuck up on him out of combat. Generally given make work jobs in non-combat situations.

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Re: Space Marine Platoon Roster


Using modern U.S. Marine ranks? It'll be important later.


PFC 'Space' Casey. Nickname comes from his seeming inability to pay attention to what's going on. Who decided to make him a grenadier remains a mystery. Survives by having lightning reflexes and being a crack shot with his grenade launcher. Nothing dangerous ever sneaks up on him in combat. However, SSGT Unser, the Company's 1st Sgt, his platoon leader, squad leader, and wandering brigadier generals all have snuck up on him out of combat. Generally given make work jobs in non-combat situations.


I love it!! And yes I'm using USMC ranks, as a former 8404 I'd almost have to.

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Re: Space Marine Platoon Roster


Corporal Marlene Vorst, nickname Blade. Platoon pointman and scout. A human colonial from a planet with a more developed native fauna than earth's, Marlene served in one of the local Jaeger battalions before transferring to the Marines. A lethal ambusher and stealth killer, Marlene is only an average shot, but makes up for that in skill with a combat knife, hence her nickname.

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Re: Space Marine Platoon Roster


Lance Corporal Kaveh Dargahi, nickname Junker. A techie by nature, Kaveh specializes in electronics and mechanical repair, while also knowing how to handle a full assortment of heavy weapons. He is also generally chosen as either driver or gunner when vehicles are involved, and his teammates often joke that he communicates better with machines that with people. While this may indeed be true, Junker tends to handle stress with humor, thus making jokes at what might seem to be inopportune moments. With a mix of Greek and Iranian heritage, he is a stocky but not overly tall man with dark hair and piercing eyes.

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Re: Space Marine Platoon Roster


Are you using current USMC TO&E?

If not, please specify what you are using.

In fact, if you are using current TO&E, please specify it, because one I remember had 46 EM & 1 LT per platoon, and I know that is not current.

At the risk of dating myself, the squad was 14, with 3 fire-teams of 4 each, a Squad Leader (E-5) and a Grenadier (E-3) with a M-79. The HQ had one officer and 4 EM.

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Re: Space Marine Platoon Roster


Are you using current USMC TO&E?

If not, please specify what you are using.

In fact, if you are using current TO&E, please specify it, because one I remember had 46 EM & 1 LT per platoon, and I know that is not current.

At the risk of dating myself, the squad was 14, with 3 fire-teams of 4 each, a Squad Leader (E-5) and a Grenadier (E-3) with a M-79. The HQ had one officer and 4 EM.


I'm using a home made roster/TO&E, based in part the Marine roster I'm familiar with when I retired in 1997.


The stardard Platoon for this Corps has:

HQ element

1 Platoon Leader (Normally O1 or O2 but occasionally you will see a warrant offficer)

1 Platoon SGT (Normally a SSGT/E-6)

2 Field Techs (ranks vary)

2 Grav APC with Driver and 2 gunners, normally the PL and PS ride in different APC's


4 Squads each squad has:

1 Squad Leader (Normally a E-5/SGT but you will see the occasional CPL)

1 Assistant Squad Leader (Normally E4/CPL)

1 Grav APC with a 3 man crew (as in the HQ element)

1 Hospital Corpsman (Medic) rank will vary, is from the Navy

2 Fire Teams each with

3 Riflemen. Each rifleman carries a laser/gl combonation, Designated Grenaders (like the above mentioned PFC Casey carry fewer energy packs, but a LOT more grenades than a standard rifleman

1 Man Portable Heavy Laser. weapon is capable of autofire and has several setting.

The fireteam leader is normally a LCPL or CPL and can carry any one of the TO weapons. Normally they are equipt as riflemen because well, the heavy laser is heavy and the fire team leader has enough on his or her hands. Some howerver feel that it is best that they don't have to tell the teams heavy weapon where to lay down fire.


Hopefully this will be enough for those who need a TOE to inspire them.

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Re: Space Marine Platoon Roster


Ah, a Navy Medic...


PO3(FMF) 'Jinx' Reese. 'Jinx' gets his nickname from his uncanny ability to know where the next man to be wounded will be. He tends to hang around with that squad shortly before the injury occurs, and provides top-notch treatment. Half the platoon thinks he's bad luck (With 'Jinx' around someone gets hurt!), the other half thinks he's a great medic (When someone's hurt, 'Jinx' is always the first one there!)


(PO3= Petty Officer 3rd Class, equal to a Marine Corporal. Also called Corpman 3rd Class, "MEDIC!" or "Doc". FMF='Fleet Marine Force', navy assigned to the marines.)


Will you also have a assault boat (getting them from orbit to planet) to crew? I have ideas.

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Re: Space Marine Platoon Roster


Ah, a Navy Medic...


PO3(FMF) 'Jinx' Reese. 'Jinx' gets his nickname from his uncanny ability to know where the next man to be wounded will be. He tends to hang around with that squad shortly before the injury occurs, and provides top-notch treatment. Half the platoon thinks he's bad luck (With 'Jinx' around someone gets hurt!), the other half thinks he's a great medic (When someone's hurt, 'Jinx' is always the first one there!)


(PO3= Petty Officer 3rd Class, equal to a Marine Corporal. Also called Corpman 3rd Class, "MEDIC!" or "Doc". FMF='Fleet Marine Force', navy assigned to the marines.)


Will you also have a assault boat (getting them from orbit to planet) to crew? I have ideas.


Actually as a retired Corpsman, I can say they never called for medic, it was "Corpsman UP" and I did hear that a few times during exercises. With the Marines a corpsman generic knickname is "Doc".


Also besides PO3 'Jinx' Reese could also be addressed as HM3. BTW sometimes Marines forget that "Doc" also has a rank and I've had to point out to a few LCPL that that PO3/HM3 Doc does out rank him.


I have not fully designed the assault boats yet. The most common is the 1/2 Platoon which carries the contents of 3 APC's. In assault situations the fly down to a certant hieght the the APC's drive out. APC have a mixed movement rate (in Hero Terms) of 2 to 10m/phase (I haven't decieded yet) of full flight plus several more with the limit of "Must be within 10m of the ground". The "drive off point" is calculated so that the APC's fall/drop but can manuver once they get between 2 to 10 m above the ground. Yes occasionally there is a mis-caluclation or someone anti-grav units are ... off.


BTW the Corps does have Powered Armor (PA) platoons that can direct drop, but due to expense they are much fewer in number

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Re: Space Marine Platoon Roster


Sometimes your platoon gets bogged down, cut off, suppressed by heavy fire. You need experts to clear the road. You need Captains Roscoe 'Arclight' Harriss and Arnold 'Thundercat' Paskow, brains in a jar plugged into navy fighter bombers and given the green light to bomb everything.


Gunnery Sgt Ian 'Mac' Macleod, commander of the 121st Howitzer battery, shooting the enemy from miles away with a rocket.


Or Corporal Waylon Reid, a sniper that kills the enemy without ever being seen.


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Re: Space Marine Platoon Roster


Interesting. I'll try my hand at one.


Cpl. Cluber Sweetwater Terhune known alternately as "Sweet" and "Cloob". Grew up on a remote farming colony and as a result enjoys playing the jolly, ignorant cliche of the stereotypical 20th century redneck. But, surpisingly he is well-educated, despite being mostly homeschooled/self-educated to a large extent. An unbelievable shot as a sniper (due mainly to usually having to his family having to hunt to supplement food supplies on a harsh planet. He will occasionally let his independent streak get in the way.


Is also a quality scout type, and in down time is usually the go to for repairs on equipment if Junker is too busy (you learn how to repair a lot of things on a remote colony cut off from other people)

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Re: Space Marine Platoon Roster


Cpl. Anthony "Tiny" Dumbrowski, SAW gunner. "Tiny" grew up on a high G colony world, he carries and operates the squads mini gun like most others carry and operate their standard weapon. He got his nickname from his first Squad leader, who had forgotten his real name.. "hey get over here.. err.. Tiny" and it has stuck with him ever since.

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Re: Space Marine Platoon Roster


Does the Marine Corps have designated Forward Air Controllers/Forward Observers? Future fictional or real world modern?


This alien Space Marine Corps do have forward observers trained to direct both ground based, artilliry and Forward airsuport (many of the assault boats double as forward air once they drop their troops off). In addition some ships can also provide Naval Gunfire Support (NGF)

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Re: Space Marine Platoon Roster


Cpl. Anthony "Tiny" Dumbrowski' date=' SAW gunner. "Tiny" grew up on a high G colony world, he carries and operates the squads mini gun like most others carry and operate their standard weapon. He got his nickname from his first Squad leader, who had forgotten his real name.. "hey get over here.. err.. Tiny" and it has stuck with him ever since.[/quote']


Oh I really like this one

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Re: Space Marine Platoon Roster


I got 2 more.


Pvt. Rod "Racer" Ziegler, age 19, not really much of a fighter, but can drive/pilot just about anything. and drive/pilot it well. (support vehicles of course)


And since aliens are allowed and we all need a catgirl.:eg:


Cpl. Zemora "Meow" Sharpclaw. Short, slender alien from an unknown cat-like species. From a jungle-rainforest planet. Expert hunter. Used mostly as a scout, and guerilla warfare expert. Out of battle, typical earth housecat personality. Laidback, doesnt particularly shirk nonbattle duties, but does take her own sweet time to do it, testing the patience of her superiors at times. In battle, fierce fighter. While above average shot, prefers to do battle in her people's old ways. Which includes the bow for range, and her claws in hand to hand. When fighting one on one has the disturbing trait of toying with her weaker opponents. She looks like an anthromorhized white bengal tiger. Near minimum ht. (maybe 2 inches taller than Unser) but is still pretty strong.

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Re: Space Marine Platoon Roster


Herbert "Spooky" Rice, Private E1, Rifleman. Extremely dark skinned African American, from Louisiana, said to have a "lazy eye" (eyes do not track together). Probably the most out-of-order Marine ever. His uniform looks like it's been slept in. One boot is frequently untied. Except for his rifle and ammo, his equipment has a good chance of being missing or not working. Days at a time pass without him saying a word. Most of his squad mates believe there is "something not right" about him, Autistic or worse. But the reason his squad tolerates him, protects him, and keeps him out of sight when Brass is in the neighborhood is his Zen-like ability to return incoming fire. When the rest of the squad hits the dirt, he stands, listens, selects either grenade launcher or laser, and fires once. Repeat until the Incoming stops. Squad mates swear he never uses the sights on the weapon and sometimes has his eyes closed when pulling the trigger, yet no one has ever seen him miss. Ever, even back in Boot Camp. (His first DI watched the man do absolutely nothing right except put hundreds of rounds into the bulls-eye using a rifle with defective sights, and said "He'd be one hell of a sniper if he weren't so spooky!") He never switches his weapon to full auto, even when given a direct order to do so. Were he inclined to talk, his motto might be "One hostile, one round."

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Re: Space Marine Platoon Roster


Evelyn Cyril "Easy" Gordon, Corporal, fireteam leader. 185 cm, 86 kilos of muscle. Better than average rifleman, unarmed combat, lettered in fencing in school before joining up. Seems to be a living GPS system, can always retrace his steps or return to base camp straight line from any location. Claims to have been 6 or 7 years old before he realized others could get lost. His father was a Marine, KIA, but feels very little "family tradition."

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Re: Space Marine Platoon Roster


I'm using a home made roster/TO&E, based in part the Marine roster I'm familiar with when I retired in 1997.


The stardard Platoon for this Corps has:

HQ element

1 Platoon Leader (Normally O1 or O2 but occasionally you will see a warrant offficer)

1 Platoon SGT (Normally a SSGT/E-6)

2 Field Techs (ranks vary)

2 Grav APC with Driver and 2 gunners, normally the PL and PS ride in different APC's


4 Squads each squad has:

1 Squad Leader (Normally a E-5/SGT but you will see the occasional CPL)

1 Assistant Squad Leader (Normally E4/CPL)

1 Grav APC with a 3 man crew (as in the HQ element)

1 Hospital Corpsman (Medic) rank will vary, is from the Navy

2 Fire Teams each with

3 Riflemen. Each rifleman carries a laser/gl combonation, Designated Grenaders (like the above mentioned PFC Casey carry fewer energy packs, but a LOT more grenades than a standard rifleman

1 Man Portable Heavy Laser. weapon is capable of autofire and has several setting.

The fireteam leader is normally a LCPL or CPL and can carry any one of the TO weapons. Normally they are equipt as riflemen because well, the heavy laser is heavy and the fire team leader has enough on his or her hands. Some howerver feel that it is best that they don't have to tell the teams heavy weapon where to lay down fire.


Hopefully this will be enough for those who need a TOE to inspire them.


That is a big platoon.

6 AFVs (with crew of 3 they are probably closer to Bradley type IFVs than APCs) are a major force in themselves, they should have a senior NCO to control them when the platoon is dismounted. The British handle this by having a second platoon sgt in their mech platoons; the US Army makes the bradleys a separate squad with their own squad leader.

I might recommend that you make the platoon sgt a gunnery sgt, and have a SSG as the vehicle section leader.

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Re: Space Marine Platoon Roster


2 more


Pvt. Evan "Rook" Fulcher, 18 year old raw recruit just out of basic training. (Rook of course short for Rookie)


LCpl "Joe Dragonscale". Also known as "Slither". From a reptilian species that fought against Earth about a decade and a half ago. (in looks a bipedal version of cross of a gator and lizard) A very hunter-warrior oriented culture. He became one of the first of his species to join the Marines after the disastrous loss by his species earlier generation and fall of their fledgling Empire. Make no mistake, though. He joined primarily because he realized this was now the best place he could find a fight. His name is virtually unpronounceable to all but those few humans who have bothered to extensively learn their language. He gets his name by his clan name roughly translating to Dragonscale (or their planet's version of a dragon?) and "Joe" came because it was learned that his birth name is one of the more popular on his planet. And "Joe" was the first thing that came to the recruiter's head. Has no sense of humor. So, while he gets along alright out on the field with his comrades. Out of battle and off-duty humans are a mystery. He'd sooner just stay in the barracks off duty than join his comrades on a "night on the town". As a reptile he prefers hotter terrains. Particularly jungle and desert enviroments. And would probably need special heating equipment to be of much use on a cold planet.



Note: I forgot to mention this 2nd one was inspired by a character in an old D&D campaign (a fictional reptile species, that yes, we called Joe, my friend's character by the way) we ran 3-4 sessions of.

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Re: Space Marine Platoon Roster


That is a big platoon.

6 AFVs (with crew of 3 they are probably closer to Bradley type IFVs than APCs) are a major force in themselves, they should have a senior NCO to control them when the platoon is dismounted. The British handle this by having a second platoon sgt in their mech platoons; the US Army makes the bradleys a separate squad with their own squad leader.

I might recommend that you make the platoon sgt a gunnery sgt, and have a SSG as the vehicle section leader.


It is a big platoon, but I felt it needed the fire power. The senior gunner can function as a "vehical squad leader". In addition there is an extra vehical commander position in each APC. When mounted The PL, PS and the squad leaders tend to ride there and they have the option to lead thier unit from that postion.


As to the Gunny you will find him/her at the company level

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Re: Space Marine Platoon Roster


Well' date=' we dont have to limit ourselves to one platoon do we? We can keep this going like the creepy hotel thread right?[/quote']


I have no objection, in fact I've labeled some of the "scouts" as being in other units (like the scout/recon/STA platoon)

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