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Joe James was in the middle of a undercover operation in the slave markets of Hadesia one of the pirate planets ruled by Diabalon when his symbiot started acting strangely barely able to keep his borrowed shape Joe went to ground in a safe-house in the worst part of hadesia's only city. The next three days where a living he'll of alternating extreme hunger and nausea , bone wracking muscle spasms strange cravings and feverish temperatures. all the while unable to keep one shape flashing fragments of all the beings Joe had mimicked. Finally Joe awoke exausted starving and dehydrated to find a two foot tall cacoon that looked like his sybiot when it wasn't mimicking something. The next surprise was when the cocoon started to contort and writh taking on a humanoid shape before Finally metamorphing into a naked a year old human girl.


Now Joe was in deep trouble finding him self with his symbiot still not working right. With a tiny child he had an unquestioning need to protectin in tow and deep in the lions den. It took every bit of trade craft and burning a lot of favours to get off Hadesia. The little girl grew at a prestigious rate aging seemingly over night and devouring every book or vid she could lay her hands on by the time their circuitous route had taken them back to Earth she looked and acted like a teenager of around 15 and that is where the rapid aging stopped.


After testing by majestic 12 it was do found that Alien Lifeform X was a hybrid organism combining the symbiot and Joe's DNA as well as a number of genetic traits borrowed from previously mimicked organisms. Alexandria or Alex as she chose to be called is unsurprisingly much like her parent and deeply wants to become an agent unfortunately her unusual origin has not stopped her from developing a number of teenage habits she is impulsive cockey and sure of her own mortality.


Her rapid development has also left her a bit nieve book smart but often lacking in common sense street smarts and knowledge of ordinary life.


Joe enrolled her in a normal high school to get her acclimated to earth.


Alexandria has all of the powers of her "father" but her abilities are more developed as she is fully integrated with the morphological symbiot she can not only take on any form of a creature she touches she also has access to every creature Joe copied before she was "born".


Her symbiot power is also better developed she is able to partially shift taking on only part of a organisms characteristics for example mimicking hair colour or claws a while keeping her normal appearance. She can also grow and shrink to a much greater extent but she does retain her mass so their is a limit to how big or small she can get.


She is also able to copy abilities from creatures much smaller or larger than her own size which Joe can't for example copying biological weapons like snake venom or porcupine quills.


Alex seems to have acquired some of her father's skills during her "birth" she is a skilled martial artist, lock pick and sneak thief. Perhaps more worrying to both Joe majestic 12 and the defenders is She seems to have some of his memories too as Joe has been privy to some very classified events Alex is being watched as a possible security breach.


Alex loves all knowledge and she takes every opportunity to improve her skills. she is often thought of as a book worm constantly reading and studying she has a voracious appetite for any information and a photographic memory.


No is very very protective of her. He is not sure if this is all his own parental love or something to do with the symbiot he will do anything for her and Her first boyfriend should be very very afraid.

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Here's what I'd come up with for a possible look for A-L-X:






I'd decided to depict her as having blond hair in her human form (the memories she got from her "father" suggested

that blondes had a reputation for being stupid, so she decided to use that to her advantage; if her enemies thought

that she was less intelligent than she actually was, that they would severely underestimate her, and discount her as

a threat).


Her pic shows her transforming into a Homid/Lycan-like form, with her right arm already transformed.


She'd probably carry a bag with a duplicate set of clothes like those that she happens to be wearing at a given

moment (I'm assuming that, while there's a size limit to what she can transform into creature-wise, some of her

forms are probably very destructive to her attire -- unless, of course, the DoS has access to a Reed Richards-

type with expertise in unstable molecular fabrics :winkgrin: ).



Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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This was the only way that I could think of to represent Noqx -- as a non-humanoid being resembling a

giant molecular cluster with an electron cloud-type of field surrounding it:






The field surrounding Noqx could be a way for it to absorb ambient energy from its environment, giving it

additional energy with which to fuel its transformations without exhausting its own energy.



Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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  • 5 weeks later...

Two more in an attempt to bump this thread The Saint and The Tiger


"The little saint" Anugraha Johar


Born into crippling poverty in the slums of Delhi Anugraha managed to be a happy smiling child.


despite losing her mother and father before her sixth birthday and being forced to live on the streets by the time she was eight people had noticed that this smiling happy child wandered the streets helping everyone she met other untouchables watched over her as she helped the injured and crippled amongst them people noticed that when she tended to the sick they would get well much sooner people who should have died would live when treated by this little girl.


when she was nine she talked down a man who was going to murder his wife and kids convincing him to surrender to the police soon people would start calling her the little saint as she wandered the streets of Delhi.


She became an urban legend that's when she came to the attention of krishna Khan Aging billionaire head of Black Crown Industries  one of India's most corrupt mega corporations. he wanted her to cure him of his own infirmities caused by a life of debauched excess.


BCI security forces tried to snatch her from the streets and would have succeeded if not for another street kid  Bāgha or Tiger only 13 but an expert at the Sikh traditional martial art of Gatka he rescued Anugraha from the agents of BCI and the two would be inseparable from then on.


Shamsher Singh's (the boy who became Tiger) history was just as full of tragedy as Anugraha's. His parents where ordinary people a teacher and a shopkeeper but they where murdered by terrorists giving their lives to defend a temple from an attack Shamsher was sent to live with his grand father a world renowned master of indian martial arts the next few years where hard but happy as the old man used Gatka to distract Shamsher from the loss of his parents. after almost 5 years of hard training he was ready to compete in his first competition. when a mysterious property developer tried to buy his grandfathers  akhara the gatka school was too precious to his grandfather and he refused to sell. that's when the Gangsters started to show up. Tigers grandfather was in his eighties but beat down a dozen goons when they tried to intimidate him.


Tiger had hoped it would be the end of it who would come back when his grandfather could beat them so easily his grandfather knew worse was to come but he did not expect what happened. That night Shamsher was awoken by the sound of screaming and found the akhara aflame.


he fled into the street to see his grandfather laying into a veritable army of gangsters with an Urumi a multi stranded sword whip. that's when the gangster boss stepped forward and casually shot Shamsher's grandfather in the back. shamsher watched as the gang closed in and savagely beat the crippled old man. overcome with fury he charged the gangster leader diving on the man he clawed his face damaging his eye the gangster boss screamed in pain as his thugs ripped Shamsher from him and taking up the fallen Urami the gangster boss whipped him again and again as his dying grandfather screamed and begged.


they left them both to die in the streets the Akara a smoldering ruin behind them, but Shamsher managed to crawl away into the slums. He was nursed back to health by followers of The Little Saint his Body still covered in the thick white scars from the Urami they started calling him Tiger he devoted himself to being Anugraha's body guard and defended her from BCI, criminals and those that would prey on an innocent girl in the slums.


Eventually it was not enough Anugraha and Shamsher were captured by BCI they knew he would die and she would become slave to the wicked krishna Khan they had given up hope when Saffron and Kimya broke into the facility and liberated them. once safe saffron explained that Anugraha had mental gifts that rivaled her own and wished to train her to use her powers. using her abilities to smooth the paperwork both children where adopted by Saffron.


Together they now travel with her and Kimya Tiger now 16 continues to Hone his abilities in defence of His "Little sister" learning every martial art he can during their tours. Anugraha has worked tirelessly using saffrons fame and wealth to help the unfortunate and try to bring peace to this world and others. Her training has strengthened her psychic abilities she is a healer empath and more. at 14 she is only just growing into her beauty and the rest of her unusual family worry about what will happen when she develops into the beautiful woman she will become .


Krishna Khan is now bedridden and dependant to extensive life support has tried several times to kidnap Her but has been thwarted by tiger saffron and kimya he grows more desperate and may call in help from his long time rival Savge Magnus if he can finally get his hands on the healing powers of the "Little saint" which he now believes is his only hope.

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And here's Krishna Khan:






(Obviously, this is a pic of Khan in his pre-bedridden days; it probably wouldn't be too much of

a stretch of the imagination for him to wind up with a set of life-support armor -- courtesy of

Savge Magnus -- which would let him actively pursue the Little Saint.)


I can't help but think that the Little Saint is a homage of sorts to The Immortal, a show from the late

'60s/early '70s which featured Christopher George as the title character -- a man possessed of a

unique blood type which, if transfused into another human being who had suffered serious life-

threatening injuries, would heal those injuries. His family also benefited from this as well, and were

exceptionally long-lived as a result. When a wealthy man for whom he worked recovered from near-

fatal injuries following a transfusion from the main character -- and discovered the nature of his

blood -- he had his employee kidnapped so that he would be the only person to benefit from periodic

transfusions of his blood.


Managing to escape from his captivity, the main character went on the run, both to keep out of his

enemy's clutches and to find his lost brother, the only other person who shared his blood type --

and whose existence had become known to his pursuers.



Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Two more in an attempt to bump this thread The Saint and The Tiger


"The little saint" Anugraha Johar


Born into crippling poverty in the slums of Delhi Anugraha managed to be a happy smiling child.


despite losing her mother and father before her sixth birthday and being forced to live on the streets by the time she was eight people had noticed that this smiling happy child wandered the streets helping everyone she met other untouchables watched over her as she helped the injured and crippled amongst them people noticed that when she tended to the sick they would get well much sooner people who should have died would live when treated by this little girl.


when she was nine she talked down a man who was going to murder his wife and kids convincing him to surrender to the police soon people would start calling her the little saint as she wandered the streets of Delhi.


She became an urban legend that's when she came to the attention of krishna Khan Aging billionaire head of Black Crown Industries  one of India's most corrupt mega corporations. he wanted her to cure him of his own infirmities caused by a life of debauched excess.


BCI security forces tried to snatch her from the streets and would have succeeded if not for another street kid  Bāgha or Tiger only 13 but an expert at the Sikh traditional martial art of Gatka he rescued Anugraha from the agents of BCI and the two would be inseparable from then on.


Shamsher Singh's (the boy who became Tiger) history was just as full of tragedy as Anugraha's. His parents where ordinary people a teacher and a shopkeeper but they where murdered by terrorists giving their lives to defend a temple from an attack Shamsher was sent to live with his grand father a world renowned master of indian martial arts the next few years where hard but happy as the old man used Gatka to distract Shamsher from the loss of his parents. after almost 5 years of hard training he was ready to compete in his first competition. when a mysterious property developer tried to buy his grandfathers  akhara the gatka school was too precious to his grandfather and he refused to sell. that's when the Gangsters started to show up. Tigers grandfather was in his eighties but beat down a dozen goons when they tried to intimidate him.


Tiger had hoped it would be the end of it who would come back when his grandfather could beat them so easily his grandfather knew worse was to come but he did not expect what happened. That night Shamsher was awoken by the sound of screaming and found the akhara aflame.


he fled into the street to see his grandfather laying into a veritable army of gangsters with an Urumi a multi stranded sword whip. that's when the gangster boss stepped forward and casually shot Shamsher's grandfather in the back. shamsher watched as the gang closed in and savagely beat the crippled old man. overcome with fury he charged the gangster leader diving on the man he clawed his face damaging his eye the gangster boss screamed in pain as his thugs ripped Shamsher from him and taking up the fallen Urami the gangster boss whipped him again and again as his dying grandfather screamed and begged.


they left them both to die in the streets the Akara a smoldering ruin behind them, but Shamsher managed to crawl away into the slums. He was nursed back to health by followers of The Little Saint his Body still covered in the thick white scars from the Urami they started calling him Tiger he devoted himself to being Anugraha's body guard and defended her from BCI, criminals and those that would prey on an innocent girl in the slums.


Eventually it was not enough Anugraha and Shamsher were captured by BCI they knew he would die and she would become slave to the wicked krishna Khan they had given up hope when Saffron and Kimya broke into the facility and liberated them. once safe saffron explained that Anugraha had mental gifts that rivaled her own and wished to train her to use her powers. using her abilities to smooth the paperwork both children where adopted by Saffron.


Together they now travel with her and Kimya Tiger now 16 continues to Hone his abilities in defence of His "Little sister" learning every martial art he can during their tours. Anugraha has worked tirelessly using saffrons fame and wealth to help the unfortunate and try to bring peace to this world and others. Her training has strengthened her psychic abilities she is a healer empath and more. at 14 she is only just growing into her beauty and the rest of her unusual family worry about what will happen when she develops into the beautiful woman she will become .


Krishna Khan is now bedridden and dependant to extensive life support has tried several times to kidnap Her but has been thwarted by tiger saffron and kimya he grows more desperate and may call in help from his long time rival Savge Magnus if he can finally get his hands on the healing powers of the "Little saint" which he now believes is his only hope.


Who are Saffron and Kimya?



Major Tom 2009 :confused:

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Here's my idea of what a suit of life-support armor for Krishna Khan might look like:






Controlled by a neural-interface web built into the helmet, the armor enables Khan to move normally

while putting the least amount of stress upon his damaged body. In addition, the enhanced auditory

and visual sensors in the helm compensate for his poor hearing and sight, while providing protection

against high-intensity flash and sonic attacks.


The armor also has an internal oxygenation system which, in conjunction with its built-in medpack,

keeps his blood oxygen at normal levels while providing protection from knockout or toxic gases.


The armor also has a strength-boost capability which enables Khan to increase its strength to levels

equal to that of Captain Trident at his 'normal' strength (STR 40). It also has a flight pack which en-

ables him to fly, and its outer shell can withstand weapons fire up to .50-caliber machine-gun fire.


Its ranged offensive capabilities consist of palm-mounted 'force blasters', which are capable of striking

an opponent with physical force (at low power) or penetrating two-inch thick armor plate (at full power).



Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Here's Corporal Crayfish in his heavy-duty deep-sea armor:






Given that the Corporal didn't have access to the advanced technology of Project: Trident, the suit that

he did manage to come up with is actually an impressive piece of machinery. To begin with, the Crayfish

armor acts as a one-man submarine, enabling its wearer to function normally at depths that SCUBA-

equipped divers can't -- not without suffering crippling or even fatal injuries (the suit is rated for a depth

of 2,000 feet below the surface of the ocean). A back-mounted propulsion unit allows the wearer to move

through the water at speeds comparable to modern submarines (between 20 to 30 knots), and its hydraul-

ically-assisted limbs enable him to move and walk normally on the ocean floor in spite of the water press-

res at such depths.


The Crayfish armor is equipped with several items which, although they weren't originally designed or in-

tended to be used as weapons, can be used in an offensive role. The first of these "weapons" are the

cutting claws which take the place of hands on the armor. Originally designed to allow the wearer to tear

through the outer hulls of ships, the claws are more than capable of inflicting horrific damage (either cut-

tng or blunt-force trauma) upon a living being. In the event of an emergency requiring the use of his

normal hands, there is a mechanism which enables the wearer to jettison the claws; the hands themselves

remain protected by the armored gauntlets beneath the claws.


In addition to the claws, there are four manipulator arms that are attached to the rear of the armor, and

which are normally used to handle materials that are too dangerous for the wearer to touch himself

(radioactive or heavily-irradiated items, for example); each arm ends in a three-fingered "hand". By them-

selves, the arms wouldn't be effective weapons, as they're intended for delicate handling of dangerous

items, rather than hand-to-hand combat. What does make them effective weapons are the high-speed

plasma cutters built into each "hand". When active, the cutters can rapidly cut a hole in the hull of a ship

(think of the opening scene in Aliens where, after the lifeboat from the Nostromo has been picked up by

the ship that found it, its crew uses its cutter to remove the lifeboat's hatch in 10 seconds or less), in situat-

ions where rapid access is needed. Because of the limited range of the cutters (the plasma jet is only

6 inches long), the wearer has to be within what most people euphemistically refer to as "knife-fighting

range" in order to use them in that way.


The suit's breathing gases (which are good for six hours; eight with the suit's rebreather) are a mixture of

oxygen and helium, which helps to counter the effects of nitrogen in the human body (nitrogen narcosis

and the "bends") that can result from prolonged exposure to the pressure of the ocean depths.


Now that Corporal Crayfish is part of the group being trained by the DoS, the armor is being examined by

Project: Trident to see what needs to be done to bring it up to the same level as Captain Trident's suit.



Major Tom 2009 :dyn

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Marina Princess of Xongo


Aquaria was crowned queen of Xongo-4 replacing her aging father as ruler of her people. she eventually married a great warrior from another tribe and gave birth to a daughter Marina young marina loved her mothers stories about her adventures in space with Jet justice and the rest of the Defenders of Sol Marina would turn out like her mother an adventurous warrior and explorer expert in the fighting arts of her people.


when she was 15 Marina heard of a mysterious cave system spoken of in hushed tones by the tribal elders. she snuck from her mother's palace and headed deep into the deepest darkest depths of the kelp jungle where the red kelp grows there she found the mysterious caves she explored within sinking deeper than she had ever been before down deep only with the faint glow of bioluminescent lamp she found the caves widen becoming more regular soon she realised she was in a carved tunnel the walls inscribed with strange hieroglyphics as she started to struggle with the pressure at that depth she found a huge room the glow from her tiny lamp barely illuminated the space stretching out into black infinity as she swam slowly into the space suddenly she was surrounded by light.


she heard the voice in her head. this was the temple of the deep-ones ancient beings from the deepest abyssal trenches now resting in the darkness they desired an agent once more to protect the world from those who would harm it Marina agreed and suddenly the light surrounding her turned into tendrils and flowed towards her entering her body dazed she swum home sneaking back to the palace and slept she awoke the next day feeling better than she ever had in her life she leapt from her bed colliding with the wall and smashing a wardrobe with sudden unexpected strength. she rose from the broken furniture and looked in her mirror seeing that her body was inscribed with swirling lines of the strange hieroglyphs softly glowing. she screamed and the mirror shattered.



marina had gained the gifts of the deep ones she is as strong as ten Kelp tigers can dive deeper than any other Xongan and has a potent high intensity scream on the surface it can shatter glass cause temporary deafness and  excruciating pain under water it is even more potent smashing targets with its force at a lower level she can also use it for echolocation(both above and below the waves. she has travelled to earth to train with the other young defenders so that she can better protect her world.

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J3 - Jet Justice Junior.


Jet justice Junior appeared in a bright flash of light to save Jet justice from an assassins bullet sent back in time to save his father from death and earth from the conquest of Diabalon. sent from the Dystopian future where earth was the ravaged play ground of Diabalon's pirate fleet in a last chance to save the earth from its fate.


J3 informed Jet and the rest of the defenders of the coming offensive explaining how Diabalon had defeated them and what they needed to do to beat him.


the team headed out into the depths of space for the secret meeting place of Diabalon's pirate armada to disrupt them before the they arrived to threaten earth. they journeyed to a remote star system with only one barely habitable planet. only to find the location empty and the ships hyperdrive acting up they where trapped. when Kimya attempted to repair the drive she was found comatose then the ships main weapon bay exploded. some saboteur was on the craft the armoury was next a fire destroyed all of the defenders small arms and then the life support failed too the oxygen running out the fire suppression system barely functioning the defenders where in no condition to oppose when Diabalon and his pirates cut their way into the hull. chained and beaten the defenders where thrown to the deck floor before Diabalon's captains chair(more of a throne than a command chair). Diabalon stood above the defeated defenders smiling a wicked cruel smile looking down on his hated nemesis he explained his plan jwas not time traveler her was a clone created from a sample of jets blood left behind on a previous mission against the pirates. his time travel story was Hypnotically implanted to make him the perfect agent even Saffron would be unable to tell he was fake as he belived everything he said only when he slept would his hidden assassin and saboteur personality emerge  and have him deliver the defenders to diabalon unable to prevent there capture. it should have been the end Diabalon had the defenders chained up in front of a large view screen ready to watch the destruction when he met up with his armada and descended on earth.


Yet Diabalon's plan would come to naught for he had made three fatal errors his first was revealing all this in front of J3  . His second was leaving his "Loyal" Clone agent free and his third and final mistake was making his Clone too well! Jthrough the indomitable will he shared with his clone brother was able to over come his hypno-conditioning and using his training was able to sabotage Diabalon's ship in turn free the defenders and return them to their own ship which had been repaired and manned by a prize crew ready for it to join the pirate armada. the defenders even in their weakened state made quick work of the prize crew .


The defenders returned to earth ready to try and hold off the mighty armada but their was no need J3's sabotage of the command ship had left it a crippled hulk and Diabalon and his crew had to abandon the ship and await rescue on the nearly barren world in that backwater starsystem.


without his influence the great pirate armada fell into internecine warfare as clusters of ships fought each other for the right to rule old scores where settled and debts repaid it would be a long time before the space devils forces threatened earth again.


Jet justice took J3 in and treats him like the son he thought him self to be though in many ways they are actually closer than brothers. J3 suffers somewhat due to his unusual upbringing he was force grown to his late teens and his whole previous history was a lie. Diabalon chose a dystopian future as it meant that his somewhat spotty records of earth culture would not be as noticeable. J3 is somewhat naive about how the real world works and was enrolled in high school to get acclimatised to earth (he claims to have been schooled over seas to cover for his regular Gaffs and faux pas about earth culture)


J3 has a great deal of knowledge of ship handling system operation  sabotage unarmed and armed combat tactics and stealth but this is all Hypno learning which mean that he doesn't actually know what he knows he can pick a lock in seconds but wouldn't wouldn't necessarily know he could until he tried. He feels he must atone for his initial betrayal though no one really blames him he works doubly hard to prove himself the only member of the defenders he has any issues with is Kimya who is still a little mad that he knocked her out and will take any opportunity to spar with him but he keeps winning. they now have a friendly rivalry and he is growing on her while she still has some trust issues she likes respects and considers him part of the junior team. 

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The big man slowly walked forward to stand before the crowd of people who wanted to protect France. Once a mask graced this proud mans' face but masks were for those who in the opinion of the government were criminals at best and terrorist at the worst. All super powered beings were now required to register with the government or face imprisonment or exile. These people who stood before him had chosen register for the good of the people. 


As he stood before them, he ran a hand across his jaw, a hand that wasn't human anymore. His cybernetic arm gleamed in the morning light, a gift of a generous government. Scars criss-crossed his face and he didn't get them from shaving.


Everyone seemed to jump a little when he shouted 'Mirage'.


A beautiful young woman with long silvery seemed to appear as almost out of nowhere. She was dressed in a spotless white business suit complete with a black tie that really complimented her sylph-like figure. The man looked down at her and she smiled up at him through painted lips. With a practiced hand she reached into her breast pocket and fished out a pack of Gauloises cigarettes. She put one in her mouth and lit it with a gold lighter before gently putting the cigarette in his mouth. He almost smiled at her for this. Her smile up at the big man never waivered. 


Turning to the crowd before him he spoke around the Gauloises.


"I am Rene du Vallon, but I'm usually known as the super-hero Porthos. You may have heard of me. I lost my arm fighting against the enemies of France. I was willing to sacrifice my arm to the country that I love and I believe that you are of the same metal. So in the name of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity I welcome you into the ranks of the New Republican Garde."


Notes: The New Republican Garde are a group of French super-heroes. As a member of the Garde, each member must be French or from one its territories. No secret identities, because all super-powered people must register. However, code names are still acceptable. There are six members.. Vive la France. 

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