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Re: Ctrl+V


The consensus to that question seems to be emerging to be "none". I would agree - the likelihood of illness arising from such travel is minimal' date=' the consequences would typically be minor in a modern day setting and it's not very heroic for characters to succumb to such illnesses, so why bother?[/quote']


Two people replying is not a "consensus" and "none" is not a kind of roll at all: it is none. This kind of extremely light social bullying is often encountered on many RPG forums ("why do you need this anyhow? I don't"), and I thought I wouldn't encounter any here. Again, you guys can create a thread discussing whether or not these rolls would even come up, because this thread isn't it.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Tallahassee stared off into space. His mind wandering off to places his thoughts haven't reached in a while. His gun lay beside him on the detailed, velvet couch. It was night time and he was keeping watch for zombies, sure they had the place pretty boarded up but you never know. The others slept peacefully upstairs. The house that they were staying in was pretty basic, but at the same time, pretty corny from Tallahassee's point of view. It was a small, two story white house with a white picket fence surrounding it, it was like the kind of house you'd see in the movies. Tallahassee sighed and looked through a small crack in the boards that were keeping the windows blocked. He could just barely see the night sky, the stars littered the sky and the moon was shining at it's brightest, but even though these types of things were the same, things never FELT the same. Not like things used to be. Not at all. Tallahassee removed his feet that were stationed on the coffee table in front of him and got up from the couch with a grunt. He grabbed his gun and he started to walk aimlessly throughout the large living room of the abandoned house. He stopped to look at some trinkets that were placed neatly on the mantle of a brick fireplace. Among these trinkets were photos of, apparantly, the family that used to live in this house.


There was a young, red-headed boy, a brown-haired mother with round glasses, and a red-headed father with lots of freckles. Tallahassee frowned. He thought of Buck, his lost son, Tallahassee missed him like hell, but he'd never get him back, no matter how many zombies he'd kill. Still, killing zombies still made it feel a little better. Tallahassee wondered if things would ever return to the way they used to be. Psh, probably not. The situation, the state of America, it was just something you couldn't fix. Of course, there were their ups and downs about Zombieland, like everything in the world...or rather, what was left of it. Tallahassee weighed these ups and downs often, examining the pros and the cons. He counted off the good things on his fingers. 'There's the fact that you can get anything you want at anytime, no money. There was the fact that there was no work or school, and pretty much anything you could think of, there were no rules. However, it wasn't all that easy, doing whatever you want, with zombies all over the place, you couldn't relax and enjoy yourself. And those friggin zombies took Buck away.' Tallahassee thought to himself. He sighed again, he had to stop thinking about Buck, that would only distract him from his and his companions mission. Well, it wasn't entirely a mission, finding someone who wasn't undead in Z land would be nice, along with finding a place that was untouched by all this crap. 'Canada? Mexico?' Tallahassee wondered where they could ever find a safe, uninfected place. He figured that off the continent would be safe, although, if he was wrong and they somehow got off the continent, they would have to deal with foreign places that are more abundant with zombies for one thing, and they wouldn't be able to read anything. 'But there is the chance that somewhere over seas isn't touched by all of this.' Tallahassee thought. 'But even if it were true, how could we get there, last time I checked, none of us knew how to fly a plane or steer a boat.' Tallahassee had thought all the way to a dead end. Odds are, there's no escape from Zombieland. And it wasn't like they could kill every zombie in the United States of the Undead. That would be the equivelant of killing every person in America, and if you've ever thought about that before, you would come to the conclusion that that would be a near impossible thing to do.


Suddenly, Tallahassee was pulled out of his deep thoughts to the sound of gunshots. His immediate reaction was to run upstairs to where the others were, but then it hit him. The shots weren't coming from inside the house, they were coming from outside. 'Zombies can't use guns...God, I hope they haven't learned how!' Tallahasse thought. He then ran to the door and cracked it open, just enough to peer out of the crack with one eye. He stared down the street to see a hoard of zombies running down the street. 'Jesus!' he thought, preparing himself and his gun for the worst. There were probably about a hundred zombies out there, sprinting down the street after...after someone! The person who was wielding the gun! Tallahassee's jaw dropped. "I don't flippin believe it." he said in his southern drawl. Someone who was surviving Zombieland just like him and his companions were doing! Tallahassee couldn't see the person well, it was dark after all but it did appear that that person was doing a mighty fine job at killing the spawn of hell. The person had thrown away their shotgun, which was out of shells, and pulled out..."Holy crap! That sounds like a mighty fine machine gun!" Tallahassee couldn't help but say out loud. It didn't seem to matter to the person wielding the gun what they shot and where they shot at, but these undead were dropping dead...again, rather. This seemed like a person Tallahassee wanted to meet, half of the hoard was on the ground and the half of that half was only barely trying to get up, and the awesome thing about this person, was that they were running full speed..BACKWARDS and still blowing the zombies' heads off! Tallahassee watched as whoever it was, continue running down the street with now only a few zombies on their tail. Tallahassee continued to stare in awe until the person and the zombies, were long gone over the lightening horizon.


Just then, Columbus, Wichita, and Little Rock came bolting down the stairs, guns in hand. "What happened?" screamed Wichita, noticing that there were no signs of a battle, or Tallahassee shooting his gun. It took a minute for Tallahassee to respond, he couldn't believe that these three just missed such a fine act of art occur. "There are more survivors!" Tallahassee managed. "What?" shouted Columbus.

Tallahassee took the next few minutes, explaining to his companions what had happened. They too, were awestruck and also eager to find more survivors, but they knew better. The three had gone back to bed and left Tallahassee sitting on the velvet couch, believing that there was hope. He smiled to himself. Oh how he'd like to meet that undead assassin. But little did he know, that he would regret ever wanting to.

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Re: Ctrl+V


The Hobgoblin swings his morningstar low, smashing into Zorgobs knee. Painfully twisting it as ligaments rip apart. It's all Zorgob can do to keep standing.



C Crit

Stunned wihtout parry for 2rds

-40 until ligament is repaired



Urgoths attacker follows the same pattern smashing his morningstar into Urgoths thigh, causing a painful minor fracture.



E Crit

-10 until fracture is repaired


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Re: Ctrl+V


Turrerted/Sponson-Mounted Heavy Flamer: RKA 4d6, 60 Charges (+½), Area Of Effect (19" Cone; +1);

OIF Bulky (-1), Limited Arc Of Fire (90 degrees; can fire in a 90 degree arc from straight ahead to

right/left; -¼), Real Weapon (-¼) plus RKA 1d6, Uncontrolled (lasts until flammable material affected

by RKA 4d6 is consumed, or a Full Phase is spent putting out the flames; +½), Reduced Endurance

(0 END; +½), Sticky (anyone or anything touching the target(s) also catches on fire; +½), Continuous (+1);

OIF Bulky (-1), Linked (RKA; -½), [60]

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