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Pulse, teleporting martial artist. C&C welcome.


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Re: Pulse, teleporting martial artist. C&C welcome.


i notice that the core power descriptor of at least some Multipower slots are missing) e.g. "Float like a Teleporter, sting..." does not actually mention that it is stretching - you have to deduce it from the advantages and limitations.


Also - where does the attributes in red come from?

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Re: Pulse, teleporting martial artist. C&C welcome.


i notice that the core power descriptor of at least some Multipower slots are missing) e.g. "Float like a Teleporter, sting..." does not actually mention that it is stretching - you have to deduce it from the advantages and limitations.


Also - where does the attributes in red come from?


It looks like the Red ones come from Combat Luck and Slot 8 of the MP to me.

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Re: Pulse, teleporting martial artist. C&C welcome.


I don't know the exact parameters of the campaign, so with that in mind...


PD and ED seem really low for someone physically fit with a fair degree of combat experience. Even with all the Combat Luck tacked on, his overall defenses are on the low side for my tastes. That's also generally more levels of Combat Luck than I see people allow in their games. Any game I've been in that would allow a 130 point MP pool would pretty much slaughter a guy with an average DCV of 12 and an ED of only 16. You'll be stunned by the first plasma grenade or fireball you encounter.


SPD is on the low end for a Speedster/Martial Artist, as are his OCV and base DCV. Some Levels would go a long way here.


The extra inches of Running are of slightly reduced value to a character that will spend most of his time teleporting everywhere.


BODY seems high, but that's hard to say without knowing the concept.


An INT of 15 is mechanically identical to a INT of 13...


Unified Power is totally inappropriate for his Multipower. It's the only power he has, so what is it Unified with?


Frankly, the 130 point pool seems excessively large based on the way you've built the slots.


With only 50 END and 10 REC, character is probably going to be sucking a lot of wind.. or not using his key powers very often...


Overall damage is low. You will probably have some trouble taking out agents and will almost never hurt serious targets.


What Martial Art (s) does he practice?


You have no KS: for Martial Arts or many of the other skills or complications that are often associated with being the "Martial Arts" guy , like Analyze: Style or the Style Complication. Not sure if that's intentional or not though, since we are lacking any kind of background.


Escape Maneuver is of slightly reduced value to a character that can teleport out of any hold. I would also probably not take both Sacrifice Throw and Legsweep for a starting character. Maybe replace one or the other with Martial Throw, which opens up a lot of tactical options...


Criminology is a pretty specialized skill that seems totally out of place on the character sheet, but again perhaps the characters background explains this.


I have no idea what "Psychological Complication: Total Darkness (Uncommon; Strong)" is actually a reference to. Am I to assume he's afraid of the dark?


Totally nit picking crap: for the love of all that's holy, put your skills in alphabetical order!


And fix the output so that all of your teleports don't add together to give you a Movement of 85m ;)

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Re: Pulse, teleporting martial artist. C&C welcome.


Unified Power is totally inappropriate for his Multipower. It's the only power he has' date=' so what is it Unified with? [/quote']I believe it means that the Multipower is always drained as a block rather than a slot at a time
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Re: Pulse, teleporting martial artist. C&C welcome.


The Blinding Limitation might mean "Blindfolding/Sight Flash". The can't teleport when he can't see. "Must be able to see" or "not when blinded" might be clearer.


From the "Social Complication: Alternate Earth History" I gues he teleportet from one alternate earth to another and is about 50 Years old (or the timelines diverge for that amout of time).

He has some really imginative powers there. You might consider going with a VPP instead. The Multipower reserve really seem to high. Multipower is only aplicable if you have to choose between powers. When you can use them all at once, it may not be allowable. It's a good thing to have your full defenses while attacking but maybe less while moving (or full defenses and not full move).

What's reflex teleportation supposed to do?

Overall he seem to be very focused about controlling the enemy (Translocating Punch, Aportation, two trips), rather than hurting him.

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Re: Pulse, teleporting martial artist. C&C welcome.


Since you are using 6e and you are already prepared to spend 120 points on a multipower with variable slots you might consider just going with a limited VPP like the following instead:


112 Teleportation Abilities: Variable Power Pool (Teleportation Powers), 60 base + 70 control cost, No Skill Roll Required (+1), Powers Can Be Changed As A Zero-Phase Action (+1) (165 Active Points); Limited Power Limited Class of Powers: Teleportation SFX only (-1/4); all slots Restrainable (Must be able to see; -1/2), Unified Power (-1/4)

0 1) Teleportation 40m, No Relative Velocity, Position Shift, Safe Aquatic Teleport (60 Active Points) Real Cost: 34

0 2) Stretching 40m, Does Not Cross Intervening Space (+1/4), Costs Endurance Only To Activate (+1/4) (60 Active Points) Real Cost: 34

Powers Cost: 112


The 70 Control Cost means you can have any 2 powers of '35 real cost' active at the same time (or any combination that totals up to 70).

I only noticed 2-3 powers that went above 60 active points and that was mostly due to various advantages.

A VPP allows you to swap out different advantages in the same way as Variable Advantage does.



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Re: Pulse, teleporting martial artist. C&C welcome.


Given that "Magic Only" is listed as -1/4, I would call "Teleportation Only" at least a -1/2, maybe -3/4. Sure, it can include a fair number of things, but not nearly the portfolio of something like "Magic", "Matter Alteration", or "Energy Control". Also, from his MP, he's not including the more tangential things like "I teleported away, grabbed this piece of equipment, and teleported back".

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Re: Pulse, teleporting martial artist. C&C welcome.


Given that "Magic Only" is listed as -1/4' date=' I would call "Teleportation Only" at least a -1/2, maybe -3/4. Sure, it can include a fair number of things, but not nearly the portfolio of something like "Magic", "Matter Alteration", or "Energy Control". Also, from his MP, he's not including the more tangential things like "I teleported away, grabbed this piece of equipment, and teleported back".[/quote']


Oh sure, the details of the specific Limitations as well as the Control cost can both be tweaked but I think that's best decided by the Player and the GM.

I was mainly showing an alternative to using a Variable Slot Multipower focused on a limited sfx.

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Re: Pulse, teleporting martial artist. C&C welcome.


wow, just wrote a huge response and it didn't post. not amused.


thanks for all the comments and concerns, I will update the character and repost it shortly and try to answer your questions again when I cool down.



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Re: Pulse, teleporting martial artist. C&C welcome.


wow, just wrote a huge response and it didn't post. not amused.


thanks for all the comments and concerns, I will update the character and repost it shortly and try to answer your questions again when I cool down.




I was looking forward to your reply :(

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Re: Pulse, teleporting martial artist. C&C welcome.


alright, lets try this again. hopefully I don't lose the post again.


here is my character's background. maybe this explains some of his choices:


When his powers first manifested (around age 15) and were discovered, pulse was abducted by a group of super villains with plans on using him and his powers to help their schemes. these villains would keep Pulse locked away in a pitch black cell for weeks in attempts to break him, and it nearly worked.


Just was Pulse was about to break, a mostly inexperienced group of wanna-be heroes jumped the more experianced bad guys and the shit hit the fan. during the fighting, a speedster named Sprint stumbled upon pulse's cell and released him. obviously traumatized by weeks of solitude in the darkness, he was in no shape to help. Sprint helped Pulse out of the danger before rushing back in to help his team.


Pulse, now free, but still a scared kid, ran, then teleported, as fast as he could. he later learned of the demise of the upstart heroes who had saved him. He vowed to train himself how to use his powers and how to fight back against groups like those who had abducted him.


It took him several years, and several close calls for him to find his groove. he took up Judo as a means of defending himself in close combat, and worked on teleporting objects good distances to use them as projectiles. Within the last few years he perfected teleporting other people with him, away from him, and as attacks.


Several years back Pulse joined up with a new group of heroes looking to make a name for themselves, (enter goup name here). The goup took its fair share of beatings when they first started, but eventually got the hang of it. Pulse likes working with others like him, super-powered, and plans on remaining with the group for as long as their motivations remain on helping people.


ok, that behind us, here are a few of the parameters from the GM:


*Stats tend to fall in the average to competent range, with exception for things your character is really good at.


*Max damage by type. HTH 16d6 (as you have to be right up there in most cases). Ranged 12d6. AOE abilities 10d6. NND attacks 6d6. Killing attack 2d6 (most, if not all, of us don't use KAs anyway, so no biggie).


*No VPPs (GM finds they are open to too much abuse).


*No speed above 5 with 4 being the average for the group.




PD and ED seem really low for someone physically fit with a fair degree of combat experience. Even with all the Combat Luck tacked on, his overall defenses are on the low side for my tastes. That's also generally more levels of Combat Luck than I see people allow in their games. Any game I've been in that would allow a 130 point MP pool would pretty much slaughter a guy with an average DCV of 12 and an ED of only 16. You'll be stunned by the first plasma grenade or fireball you encounter.
the majority of the group has their PD/EDs around 15-20 with the tanks up 25-35. as for OCV/DCVs, they are in line with the above parameters for stats, my character is a bit better at MA so I upped his ocv/dcv to legendary (with the power boosting to superhuman for DCV).


The extra inches of Running are of slightly reduced value to a character that will spend most of his time teleporting everywhere.
dropped these.


BODY seems high, but that's hard to say without knowing the concept.
Body is in line with the competent range of stats. I didn't think it was that bad honestly. what is the average body you use ?


An INT of 15 is mechanically identical to a INT of 13...
dropped it to 13.


Unified Power is totally inappropriate for his Multipower. It's the only power he has, so what is it Unified with?
dmjalund has this one right. all his powers are based on his ability to teleport himself or others, so I made them all unified.


Frankly, the 130 point pool seems excessively large based on the way you've built the slots.
With only 50 END and 10 REC, character is probably going to be sucking a lot of wind.. or not using his key powers very often...

Overall damage is low. You will probably have some trouble taking out agents and will almost never hurt serious targets.

What Martial Art (s) does he practice?


You have no KS: for Martial Arts or many of the other skills or complications that are often associated with being the "Martial Arts" guy , like Analyze: Style or the Style Complication. Not sure if that's intentional or not though, since we are lacking any kind of background.

its basically Judo, with a few other maneuvers added in and taken out. I added the KS:judo.


Escape Maneuver is of slightly reduced value to a character that can teleport out of any hold. I would also probably not take both Sacrifice Throw and Legsweep for a starting character. Maybe replace one or the other with Martial Throw, which opens up a lot of tactical options...
I replaced the sacrifice throw with martial throw. it looks better to me as well. also, escape maneuvers is to help him when someone grapples him and covers his eyes so he can't use his powers.


Criminology is a pretty specialized skill that seems totally out of place on the character sheet, but again perhaps the characters background explains this.
I was on the fence on this one, so I took it out. I also made him only proficient with electronics and security systems as he probably only has a limited knowledge of them.


I have no idea what "Psychological Complication: Total Darkness (Uncommon; Strong)" is actually a reference to. Am I to assume he's afraid of the dark?
this one fits with Pulse's background. being locked in a dark room for so long, he kinda has issues with being in total darkness.


Totally nit picking crap: for the love of all that's holy, put your skills in alphabetical order!


And fix the output so that all of your teleports don't add together to give you a Movement of 85m

fixed and fixed.




i notice that the core power descriptor of at least some Multipower slots are missing) e.g. "Float like a Teleporter, sting..." does not actually mention that it is stretching - you have to deduce it from the advantages and limitations.


Also - where does the attributes in red come from?

red is the adjusted stat from powers.


fixed the names and descriptors also.




you are right on the blinding limitation. I fixed the description.


in our game, we are going to be from the modern day, somewhere in the US. something is going to happen that sends us to an alternate earth where the histories match until JFK is assassinated. in the alternate earth, JFK survives and everything is different. its the setting for the Brave New World RPG.




GM wont allow VPPs, probably would make life easier.



thanks guys for the comments. please keep them coming.


here is the update:


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Re: Pulse, teleporting martial artist. C&C welcome.


looks like the mods are on to me... lol. should show up soon. if two post' date=' the second is the better of the two, and has the update.[/quote']

On the bright side: The 10 Posts to become a full member are written faster than you think. And if you can't wait, it would help if you just spammed a little bit here;)


It only got me once after becomming a full memeber and I moked an "male intimate region enchanchement" in that post so I guess it was not suprising^^

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Re: Pulse, teleporting martial artist. C&C welcome.


As a GM, for a standard 12d6 game, i would note the following.


Since the teleportation isn't stopped by grabs and entangles, the restrainable is reduce by half to -1/4.


Speed is a little low for a martial artist. A 6 might be better.


You have both Sacrifice Throw and Legsweep. While there is nothing wrong with this, I've generally found that martial artists will choose Legsweep over Sacrifice Throw in combat. Legsweeps +1d6 and not being dropped to 1/2 DCV usually beats the 2 DCV difference. So the Sacrifice Throw is a waste of points IMHO.


You have the psych lim: Total Darkness. I am assuming its a fear of total darkness.


You have enough end for about 1.4 turns if you use your multipower. On average, using your multi power will take up 8 end per phase. 9 if you use your strength. You might want to consider adding a simple reduced endurance teleportation slot or a teleporation slot with a +1/4 variable advantage(+1/2). This slot could then become a reduced end slot or a megascale slot or even a triggered slot. Add a couple of fixed and floating locations, and you will have a lot more flexibility.


I agree with a previous poster, if the game is about 12d6, you probably want to do at least 8d6 minimum with your martial strike. I would suggest even trying to go to 9d6.


I find people put too low a value on presence. I'd up that to 15 minimum for a superhero, but you know your GM best.


To save points, I'd probably drop Int to 13 and Ego to 13. The Int is very effective at 13 but the EGO you might want to keep at 16 depending on whether your GM throws a lot of mental attacks. Unless your GM likes to do body, you can probably drop the BODY a bit. 15 is still very buff and survivable.

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Re: Pulse, teleporting martial artist. C&C welcome.


This guys seems to suffer from a slight lack of focus. Is he a Teleporting Energy Projector that has Martial Arts as a backup or a Teleporting Martial Artist that has a few ranged attacks as a backup.


Right now I don't see this character doing very well in a 12d6 Champions game. The attacks won't do much against Def (PD and ED) 24 and your defenses are low for DC12 attacks. Though DCV 12 will make up for some of the lacking Def. The character has a ton of Gimmick powers, but nothing that does straight dice of damage with enough power to hurt a super.


Depending on what Focus you see the character having you could save a ton of points by not buying things that aren't the focus of the character. ie If Energy Projector is the Focus, you could sell off most of the Martial Arts (perhaps keeping 3 maneuvers for future XP expendaturs), and lower Dex to 23.. If the Focus is Martial Arts, you could sell off all of the abilities that don't work with your martial arts. With a good enough culling you could lower the Pool size of the Multipower.


No matter what you decide you may want to rip a bunch of powers out of the MP. I would create a Movement MP, and an Attack MP, with a Small Powerpool for some of the smallish defense abilities (ie the ones that are 20ap or less). You could then limit the Attack MP further with "requires a skill roll" or some other limit.

Oh on a 12d6 attack Physical, your character on a average roll of 42 would take 23 pts Damage which will exceeds his Con and will stun him. Energy is far worse 26pts Stun damage which also exceeds his stun again stunning him. He can only take 2 average attacks before being knocked Unconscious. I recommend bringing Con to 23 and PD and ED to 20 - 24 (more Def means you can get by with less Con).


BTW your Tranlocating Punch (the one on the TP others trigger) won't set off an attack. Technically it will just get your fist into position. This power might be better purchased as a PD blast of the same dice as your punch. or slightly less (ie 9d6 or so).


Some of the Display issues on the PDF's have to do with how that format shows abilities. Using one of the HTML 6e Export Formats would make sure that all of the info appears about your powers.

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