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The Treasure Thread


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Re: The Treasure Thread


The Crown of Impartiality.

A coronet or tiara that removes the ability to sense sexual attractiveness or physical beauty. Effectively gives +20 or more PRE defence (only to counteract physical beauty), and +20 Power and Mental Defence (only versus powers based on beauty or sexual attractiveness). The wearer doesn't lack libido, he just isn't attracted by physical beauty, instead judging potential paramours by their inner qualities. Originally made by a Queen who wanted her son to pick a good, noble, wise wife instead of just grabbing the hottest little social climbing noble's daughter. Later torn from the Prince's head and thrown away after he eloped with the wheelwright's daughter. Well she was a very nice girl. Found, stolen, thrown away and found again many times. Rumours vary but there is some indication it can only be removed by the person who puts it in the wearer's head. There is also a rumour that, although it was designed and used several times with the intention of making political marriages easier, it has never achieved that purpose.

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  • 3 months later...

Re: The Treasure Thread


Book of rather exotic recipes from one of the less populous races.

Elegantly crafted wooden weapons - show pieces rather than practice or heaven forbid, combat

Wax candles in the form of famous mages/priests/adventurers/nobility.


How about wooden weapons which can help you train magically? From teaching form and manuevers, it can summon a phantasm that you can fight (practice) with?

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Re: The Treasure Thread


The Stone of Relative Luck:

A odd little bauble. It grants you luck so you are less likely to fail when it maters. However it not only fails to help, it even makes tasks harder when you are likely succeed exceptionally. Where it comes from, nonbody knows. Some suspect a miscievous mage, other a god of chaos, many others a force so alien that no human could even follow it.



1 Overall Skill Level, special Limitaiton (-1)

Limitaiton: Functions normally when determining if there is a normal success. But whenever you look if it is an exceptional success (making rolls by half or any form of Critical Skill Rule), ignore the bonus and count the roll as 1 point lower.

Example: 13- Skill +1 for the Stone for a 14- Roll. The dice show seven. It counts as a normal success, but not as makign the roll by half (that would have to be 6 or less).

Stronger versions might exist.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: The Treasure Thread


A set of religious text that changes it's written language to that which is native to a reader' date=' or should the reader be blind, speaks.[/quote']


Ooh, nice one.



Crystalline decanter that transforms any liquid placed in it into a quality exotic wine - the decanter has an image of the vineyards worked into the design.

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Re: The Treasure Thread


A katana with a bluish-green handle depicting various intertwining aquatic life forms, and a small sapphire set right below the cross-guard. He who is worthy (or speaks the right language, or meets whatever qualifier you're going for...) can summon a water elemental once per day.

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Re: The Treasure Thread


A fist sized black Magic Ball with two clear areas on the opposite sides of each other known as the Truth and Falsehood. By shaking the Magic Ball and speaking a question both clear areas will turn murky and a ghostly but vague answer will reveal itself. The problem for those asking questions is that one side will vaguely reveal the Turth of the Question and the other side will vaguely reveal the Falsehood of the Question. Further compounding the issue is that the sides seemly randomly change and may tell the truth one time and a falsehood the second time. The most annoying part of the ball is that the side that speaks the Truth is completely accurate no matter how vague. After looking at the answers, if the user is in doubt on which side is truth and which side is not, the Magic Ball casts Aid Strength on the character with the limitation Only for determining Throwing Range and Throwing damage.

...The Magic Ball is very aerodynamic and sturdy.

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Re: The Treasure Thread


Perhaps even said bard's very first book...and for an "epic level" bard' date=' the cost could be astronomical.[/quote']


Of course if the bard's first book is completely lame, the work of a pretentious amateur without the skill of his later works, this could be potent blackmail material.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: The Treasure Thread


If you can find it, Dragon magazine issue #168 from 1991 had probably the best article on treasure I've come across in my years of gaming. The title of the article was "Treasure More Real", and it was all about the fact that the vast majority of treasure should NOT be coinage. For example: look around your house. How much cash do you have just lying around? You might have a few bucks stashed away in a drawer for emergency, some cash in your wallet, and a jar or two collecting loose change...But you also probably have a lot of STUFF that has value (if not to everyone, it at least has value to you). That "stuff" is what most games tend to ignore. You probably have quite a bit of your net worth tied up in your stuff: furniture, computer, clothing, tools, books, gadgets, DVDs, CDs, MP3 players, gaming consoles, video games, headphones, controllers, food, storage containers, cooking utensils, dishes, bar ware, etc. The list is practically endless. There are probably tens of thousands of dollars worth of stuff in your home...and very little cash. And that's simply how people live. Most of their equity will be tied up in the things that make their lives better. So, why shouldn't it be the same for the "monsters" whose homes the PCs invade? Of course, they may have a VERY different idea about what is "valuable" or improves their quality of life than the PCs do. But things can really get interesting when the most valuable piece of treasure in a treasure horde is a decorative marble column with gold inlay weighing 2000 lbs or more. Watching the PCs try to figure out how to take it can be entertaining.

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Re: The Treasure Thread


The Hero's ring. A small brass ring with a distinctive design. If gained through efforts to protect the citizens in a particular area it chooses a desired bearer. This will be the one who acted most heroically defence of the local citizenry, although it doesn't have to be altruistic heroism, paid mercs doing their job well are fine. It influences this person (Mind Control, Invisibile Power Effects, +7d6 set effect to make it seem like their idea) to put it on or wear it on a necklace. If it can't get it's chosen person it will try for others in the party. Anyone seen wearing it in a particular village is treated extremel well, food is free for basic stuff, 1/3 price at most for delicacies, a clean room is free, minor misbehaviour is laughed off, officials born in the village ignore any taxes owed or if they can't get away with that massively lowball them. No explanation will be forthcoming. Any hostile forces asking after the character will diverted off unless it is extremely dangerous to do so. The character will be warned of dangers unless it is extremely dangerous to do so.



If acquired without heroic efforts on behalf of the local citizens it's just a ring, not very expensive but something a peasant might have as his treasured family heirloom. Nobody knows how the locals know whether it was acquired heroically or not, but they do.



The ring belonged to a famous adventurer who defended the town even though they didn't have money to pay for his services. He got them to swear on his ring that he and those he designated as his successors would always have a welcome and safe haven from the villagers and their descendants. He thought he might need it. He got a friend of his to preserve the promise in the ring. Died shortly afterwards with no known heirs passing on the ring to a young adventurer out of respect for his heroism. Ever since the ring seems to have regarded heroic defenders of the area his "successors".

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