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Character Complication Help

Andy Lewis

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Can anyone help me try to generate some complications that will add up to 50 points but won't be to much of a hamper for a new player. We're starting a DC Universe setting where my character is a new Green Lantern, any help with coming up with some complications will be appreciated!

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Re: Character Complication Help


Code vs Killing, (Common, Total) 20 Points.

Secret ID (how much you want it to be worth)


Aliens/Robots/genetic experiments that never left the lab before can usually take:

No Knowledge Of Earth Culture (Very Frequently, Greatly Imparing)


A DNCP can take many forms.

I once made a Gang that want's to beat up my (brick) character, but is so hopelessly outclassed and oblivious to danger they have to be rescued all the time they show up.


Overall the questions is a little bit counter-intuitive, as Complications that don't hinder aren't really complications (and not worth any points). It also depends a little bit on the concept and what the player in question could roleplay. My brother once was unable to properly play a D&D Paladin, some can play with CvK + Big Boyscout and some other highly limiting combination.

Overall things he has himself, work the best (i.e. Claustrophobia) but it might be very difficulty for him to play such a theme.


Note that Severtiy/Frequency can be mostly choosen by the one designing the character (unless others have the same ones or it is some rule concept like Stun). You just shoose how often and heavy he is hindered and the GM uses it only that often.

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Re: Character Complication Help


1. You can always take fewer Complications in return for having fewer Total Points.


2. Ideally, Complications should be organic to the Character - that is, derive naturally from who the Character is or what their Powers are.


That said, a few suggestions:


Look at other Green Lanterns in comics. What problems do they usually have? Groups of individuals hunting them? Is there a Vow that they take that must be fulfilled?


Who was this person before becoming Green Lantern? What motivates them? Do they have relatives, loved ones, or close friends who might constitute Dependent Non Player Characters?


If a character is new to their powers, a Psychological Complication or something similar reflecting lack of confidence or lack of experience may be in order.


Finally, when I've felt the need to squeeze out a few more points, I've been known to use Unluck. Anyone can have a streak of bad luck and if you decide you don't want it, it should be easy enough to buy off with experience.


Lucius Alexander


And a Complicated Palindromedary

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Re: Character Complication Help


Normal Characteristics Maxima (20 Points)

Hunted by Local Police (More Powerful/NCI/Watching) 8- (10 Points)

DNPC: Detective (Useful Unaware Normal) 8- (10 Points)

DNPC: Reporter (Useful Unaware Normal) 8- (10 Points)

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Re: Character Complication Help


well the obvious ones would be under orders to the guardians they can call you up at any time and require you to go anywhere distinctive feature uniform of the green lanterns the corps is well known amongst criminals both terrestrial and extra-terrestrial even extra dimensional like the Qwardians. reputation might be useful to represent the fact that the green lanterns weaknesses are fairly well known perhaps hunted by the man hunters or the Sinestro corps.


one final thought fearlessness might be a good psychological limitation an tendency to rush in without thinking where less brave men would plan first

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Re: Character Complication Help


I always hated DNPCs.


Hunteds can be fun, its a complication that gives you experience points.


15 points. A low cost hunted can be a personal nemesis, like Pulsar. The gtreat thing is the two of you can duke it out in the skies above Metropolis.


20 points. More expensive, but more variety is a group hunted. They have Non Combat Influence (so their layers can try to smear your name), but in the end you still get to beat some sense into them...and your team mates can get in on the fun too. Viper is a good basic hunted for this.


Suddenly the door is kicked in. a viper squad enters. "Nobody messes with Viper!"


Now being a new Lantern means a villain can stumble onto a yellow ring and now you have a great villain at the same points as you.

Heck the group hunted can be the Legion of Doom.


In any case you have 35 points right there with two Hunteds. A personal and a group hunted.

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Re: Character Complication Help


well the obvious ones would be under orders to the guardians they can call you up at any time and require you to go anywhere distinctive feature uniform of the green lanterns the corps is well known amongst criminals both terrestrial and extra-terrestrial even extra dimensional like the Qwardians. reputation might be useful to represent the fact that the green lanterns weaknesses are fairly well known perhaps hunted by the man hunters or the Sinestro corps.


one final thought fearlessness might be a good psychological limitation an tendency to rush in without thinking where less brave men would plan first

Not to mention 20 points: Subject to Orders. Green Lanterns may be assigned to earth, but are all subject to orders.

(This means the GM can take the whole group on a space adventure without switching genres.)


So here we go.

20 Subject to orders.

15 secret ID

20 Lantern's Code of Conduct

15 Hunted ____________ new Yellow Lantern, as pow frequently

5 Hunted by Justice League (watching only)



75 points

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Re: Character Complication Help


Can anyone help me try to generate some complications that will add up to 50 points but won't be to much of a hamper for a new player. We're starting a DC Universe setting where my character is a new Green Lantern' date=' any help with coming up with some complications will be appreciated![/quote']

I am not so certain if the character we are searching the Complications for is the Green Latern he plays, It could be a totally different character we talk about...


Also, where do Hunted give you 'extra XP'?

A good GM give should give extra XP for any complications or none at all, no matter if it was a hunted, a succetibillity, or a DNCP.



Perhaps a different look helps finding your own:

You don't have to take Complications.

You can just do with fewer points: the total lack of DNCP's, Codes of Conduct and the Like is a 75 Point "Power" in itself.


But, a hero is not defined by it's powers, but by it's complications and limitations. Superman or Hal Jordan aren't heroes because of their powers, but because of the weaknesses they have and that they fight even when they are affected by them.

Taking a Complication (or Limitation) with a value is asking the GM to make it part of the game.

It has nothing to do with getting more Points and thus more and stronger powers, but that gain is there (and you best invest it into abilites that still work when your character is affected by his "cryptonite" or looses his power ring).

You can almost always declare a Limitation a -0 Point (even the GL-Power Ring) or a Complication 0 Points worth. It is there, but you don't want it to interfere with playing on a "regular basis". Still, sometimes the GM just needs an "off switch" for your powers, so he can tell a story where your normal power set is simply in the way.

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Re: Character Complication Help


I once played a "Green Lantern" homage called Blue Beacon. His powers were based off a mystic force in the universe that manifested itself in the color blue. He was a "Scrooge" type, selfish sort, the "power" chose him because of that fact- HE WAS UNWORTHY. He thought he had to make up for his selfishness.

Thus for him I took "Trying to buy his way into Heaven" disadvantage. So you might want to consider things like that for your character. Be creative!

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Re: Character Complication Help


It might help to tell us what edition you're using.



Normal Characteristics Maxima (20 Points)


Cassandra for example has listed a Complication that doesn't even exist in 6th edition. If you're in 5th edition you can use it, but not in 6th.


Lucius Alexander


Editing a palindromedary

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Re: Character Complication Help


It might help to tell us what edition you're using.


We're clearly talking about 6th - Complications rather than Disadvantages, and only 50 points.


Generally, I would go with:


Some kind of Psych Complication - Code vs Killing, or a Green Lantern code of ethics. Probably 20 points.


Secret Identity - this is a standard superhero trope. Probably 15 points.


Usually I make up the rest with a DNPC or Hunted. Supporting cast is good. However, since we are talking about a Green Lantern, some kind of Subject to Orders complication would be appropriate.


This should be easy enough to play. The tension between maintaining his secret identity and his need to zoom off when the Guardians want him to is obvious, and should be fun as long as the GM isn't an idiot. The motivation/personality implications of the Psych Complication should be straightforward enough - the character should be played as a Green Lantern.

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Re: Character Complication Help


Can anyone help me try to generate some complications that will add up to 50 points but won't be to much of a hamper for a new player. We're starting a DC Universe setting where my character is a new Green Lantern' date=' any help with coming up with some complications will be appreciated![/quote']


Here's the complications I used for my take on a starting version of Hal Jordan (the thread link below contains the full character PDF attachment)


10 Dependent NPC: Carol Ferris Infrequently (Normal; Useful Noncombat Position or Skills; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID) Infrequently

10 Hunted: Rogues Gallery Infrequently (As Pow; Harshly Punish) Infrequently

5 Negative Reputation: Space Cop, Infrequently

0 See full descriptions of Psychological Limatations @ http://www.nextgenrpg.com/masterlists.htm

20 Psychological Complication: Code vs. Killing (Common; Total)

15 Psychological Complication: Fearless (Common; Strong)

5 Social Complication: Obligated To Green Lantern Corps Infrequently, Minor

10 Social Complication: Secret Identity - Hal Jordan Infrequently, Major


Here's a 6e update on my favorite Green Lantern of sector 2814, Hal Jordan and his Power Ring.


Sorry for those of you without Hero Designer, the PDF export doesn't work for Followers/Computers and I don't have a good 6e alternative export for the Power Ring.

(It's writeup didn't change too much from the 5e version linked in my sig)


As always, comments welcome.




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