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Cheerleader martial arts?


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Re: Cheerleader martial arts?


I remember reading an article (I think in the Adventurers Club magazine) that included a write-up for a cheerleader style of martial arts' date=' but I can't find it. Does anyone know where I can find this article, or can post the maneuvers it had?[/quote']


No idea, but what do you want this character to accomplish with their style of martial arts? We could probably make something up that's appropriately goofy/cinematic.


If nothing else' date=' I imagine Capoeira could work[/quote']


Not really seeing it...

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Re: Cheerleader martial arts?


I guess you could adapt something like Capoeira to that purpose. Maybe baton(and/or wooden stake, if you wanna go all BTVS) could be an optional weapon element. Could have a "fighting array", too, for a whole squad of them. I think I remember that article, but that was a loooooooong time ago.

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Re: Cheerleader martial arts?


Acrobatic' date=' dancing fighting style? I'm not really seeing it either.[/quote']


Sure, in the broadest sense they are similar, but there is very little technical overlap.


By similar criteria, one might suggest a soccer based martial art might be best modeled with capoeira, what with the fact they both feature lots of kicks and head butts...


Ultimately, all comes down to what Steve actually wants to accomplish with the character though.

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Re: Cheerleader martial arts?


In lieu of developing a whole new martial art, take the capeoria moves, give them new cheerleading based names, job's a good 'un.

At the heart, they boil down to, kick, strike, sweep, throw, etc. What's the difference between a Karate Kick, (-2 OCV +1 DCV STR +4D6) and a Savate Chasse (-2 OCV +1 DCV STR +4D6)?

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Re: Cheerleader martial arts?


Sure' date=' in the broadest sense they are similar, but there is very little technical overlap.[/quote']


Well, in HERO, you'd have your standard cheerleader skills, and your Martial Art. The "overlap" would depend on whether or not you're looking to be specific AND where your cheerleader hails from (in terms of nationality).

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Re: Cheerleader martial arts?


Well' date=' in HERO, you'd have your standard cheerleader skills, and your Martial Art. The "overlap" would depend on whether or not you're looking to be specific AND where your cheerleader hails from (in terms of nationality).[/quote']


Do they have Cheerleaders outside the US? As in hot girls in skimpy outfits cavorting on the sidelines?

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Re: Cheerleader martial arts?


Welcome back, torchwolf!


Do they have Cheerleaders outside the US? As in hot girls in skimpy outfits cavorting on the sidelines?


On our Earth? I don't know. However, one doesn't necessarily have to play in / run a campaign set on our world (or, at least, exactly like our world).

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Re: Cheerleader martial arts?


Do they have Cheerleaders outside the US? As in hot girls in skimpy outfits cavorting on the sidelines?

Modern Baton twirling came from Japan. And organised cheers at sporting events came from England. But perfection of hot girls with pom-poms is all USA baby. If you are looking for inspiration check out Ninja Cheerleaders(featuring George Takei):


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Re: Cheerleader martial arts?


What's the difference between a Karate Kick' date=' (-2 OCV +1 DCV STR +4D6) and a Savate Chasse (-2 OCV +1 DCV STR +4D6)?[/quote']


Method of chambering, striking surface, legal targets in competition, use of shoes in practice/competition, foootwork, hand placement for guard position/counterbalancing :P


Somebody's probably about to quote Bruce Lee any second now...


Anyhow... yes, I know, it all comes down to SFX :)


I disagree with the "Just rename the capoeira moves and you're done with it" approach in this instance... at least without knowing more of what the OP wants the character to do in game.


The references to Buffy I find particularly interesting, since Buffy's choreography is primarily based on TKD (with other elements as well, like FMA, JKD and CMA).


But, having actually studied at two separate capoeira schools, I seem to be coming at this from a VERY different angle from everyone else... so perhaps I should just bow out...

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Re: Cheerleader martial arts?


I disagree with the "Just rename the capoeira moves and you're done with it" approach in this instance... at least without knowing more of what the OP wants the character to do in game.


Why does it have to simply be a renaming? The cheerleader could very well have practiced the martial art, or at least parts of it.


As for why it's being suggested? Well...it fits with a cheerleader's range of motions. This is why we aren't suggesting Bare Knuckle Boxing or Sambo.


Although...Escrima might work, if you say batons and fighting sticks are similar enough.

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Re: Cheerleader martial arts?


Why does it have to simply be a renaming? The cheerleader could very well have practiced the martial art' date=' or at least parts of it.[/quote']


Well sure, but only the OP knows enough about the character to make such assumptions. Capoeira draws in plenty of gymnasts and such, so it wouldn't be an unusual fit.


As for why it's being suggested? Well...it fits with a cheerleader's range of motions. This is why we aren't suggesting Bare Knuckle Boxing or Sambo.


Yeah, I grok why people are suggesting it...


Although...Escrima might work, if you say batons and fighting sticks are similar enough.


LOL... I should just give up...


I'm biased towards thicker heavier rattan sticks that wouldn't really allow for some of the complex twirls that people would probably associate with a baton based martial art. The fancy, non martial movements that you see with a baton are pretty impractical and the baton itself isn't much of a weapon... but for a fantastic enough style (like of Kodachi Kuno in Ranma) there's plenty of material to work with...

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Re: Cheerleader martial arts?


I never understood buying a Martial Maneuver as a specific maneuver...


My Martial Artists have a set of maneuvers that conform to my thoughts on the the art... TKD, to me, would be Offensive Strike, Defensive Strike, Martial Block, Martial Dodge, and Counterattack. The Offensive Strike I buy, when used, could be a punch, a backhand, a roundhouse kick... the counterattack could be an elbow, a quick punch or snap kick...


Just my $0.25 (adjusted for inflation and my own inflated ego)

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Re: Cheerleader martial arts?


Maybe you're referring to the "Gymnastics as a Martial Arts Style" by Jacob Russell ?

- Digital Hero #2, p26


You know, I think that is the one I was looking for. I confused it with cheerleading somehow.


I'd rep you, but I need to spread rep. Thanks!

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Re: Cheerleader martial arts?


Cheerleader + martial arts = Kim Possible!


Her style was very acrobatic with all fluid motions.

How to build that in Hero System? Maybe CV and Damage bonuses that require an acrobatics roll.


Kim's style was what I was thinking about, as well as that of the combat cheerleaders of Ninja High School.

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