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Susano Re-imagines Characters From Enemies: the International File


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A long time ago (like sometime in the 1990s) I felt that the HERO System really needed a good collection of international heros and villains. I was given a tentative okay by Bruce Harlick, and started my project by looking at various characters from Enemies: The International File. My intent was revise and rewrite certain characters from Enemies: The International File, then create a number of original characters of my own design. As you can guess, this project never actually went anywhere and I abandoned what work I did a long time ago. recently, I found said files on my hard drive and decided to update them from 4th Edition to 6th Edition. An email to Steve Long netted me the okay to post them, so I offer the results here.


Much like my work on European Enemies, developing the characters from Enemies: The International File made realize that the original characters suffered a great deal from poor design and editing errors. So the first thing I did with each was correct the most basic problems, which was usually the name of character's costumed identity and secret identity. Then I started to translate the character from 3rd Edition up to 6th Edition, and made numerous edits, changes, and corrections as I went. I also added, removed, and expanded powers, and in most cases revised and rewrote the character's origin and personality, sometimes significantly. I present the end result here. There's only a handful of characters as I didn't really feel inspired to rewrite all of the characters in Enemies: The International File, as many of them are fairly mundane in terms of concept and powers. As with European Enemies, I include notes detailing most of the major changes I made to each character.


Each revised character also gets a full background, but as I'm trying to make them fairly generic in content, this is presented in broad strokes and open to a great deal of GM modification and expansion.

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Bell, Book, And Candle



(Ellen “Nellie” Morton)


[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
13	STR	3	12-	Lift 151.6 kg; 2 ½d6 HTH Damage [1]
20	DEX	20	13-
18	CON	8	13-
13	INT	3	12-	PER Roll 12-
20	EGO	10	13-
20	PRE	10	13-	PRE Attack:  4d6

7	OCV	20	
7	DCV	20	
7	OMCV	12	
7	DMCV	12	
4	SPD	20		Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12

7+22	PD	5		Total:  7/29 PD (0/22 rPD)
7+22	ED	5		Total:  7/29 ED (0/22 rED)
8	REC	4
40	END	4
9	BODY	-1
25	STUN	3		[b]Total Characteristics Cost: 158

Movement:[/b]	Running:	14m/28m 
Flight:	30m/60m
Leaping:	4m/8m
Swimming:	4m/8m

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills[/b]
27	[b]Bell:[/b]  Multipower, 62-point reserve, all slots OAF (bell; -1), Does Not 
Work In A Vacuum (-¼)
5v	1)  [b]Sonic Blast:[/b]  Blast 10d6, Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼); OAF 
(bell; -1), Does Not Work In A Vacuum (-¼), END 2
2f	2)  [b]Sonic Boom:[/b]  Blast 8d6, Area Of Effect (16m Radius 
Explosion; +¼), Personal Immunity (+¼); OAF (bell; -1), No 
Range (-½), Does Not Work In A Vacuum (-¼), END 6
7v	3)  [b]Sonic Liquification:[/b]  RKA 2d6+1, Armor Piercing (+¼), Double 
Knockback (+½); OIF (bell; -½), Does Not Work In A 
Vacuum (-¼), END 6
4v	4)  [b]Siren Song:[/b]  Mind Control 10d6 (Human class of minds), 
Telepathic (+¼); OAF (bell; -1), Limited Normal Range (40m; -½), 
Does Not Work In A Vacuum (-¼), END 6
5v	5)  [b]Sonic Screen:[/b]  Resistant Protection (16 PD/16 ED), 
Hardened (+¼); OAF (bell; -1), Costs Half Endurance (-¼), Does Not 
Work In A Vacuum (-¼), END 3
3v	6)  [b]Riding The Soundwaves:[/b]  Flight 30m; OAF (bell; -1), Does Not 
Work In A Vacuum (-¼), END 3

30	[b]Candle:[/b]  Multipower, 60-point reserve, all slots OAF (candlestick and 
candle; -1)	
5v	1)  [b]Dispel The Darkness:[/b]  Dispel Darkness To Sight Group 20d6; OAF 
(candlestick and candle; -1), No Range (-½), END 6
5v	2)  [b]Flare Cone:[/b]  Sight Group Flash 8d6, Area Of Effect (16m 
Cone; +½); OAF (candlestick and candle; -1), No Range (-½), END 6
1f	3)  [b]Lightbending:[/b]  Invisibility to Sight Group , No Fringe; OAF 
(candlestick and candle; -1), Only When Not Attacking (-½), END 3
1f	4)  [b]Create Light:[/b]  Sight Group Images, +4 to PER Rolls, Area Of Effect 
(8m Radius; +½); Only To Create Light (-1), OAF (candlestick and 
candle; -1), END 3

26	[b]Book:[/b]  Endurance Reserve  (100 END, 20 REC); IAF (book; -½)

[b]Martial Arts:[/b]  [i]Judo[/i]
[b]Maneuver	OCV	DCV	Damage[/b]
5	Block	+1	+3	Block, Abort
4	Disarm	-1	+1	Disarm; 23 STR to Disarm roll
4	Escape	+0	+0	28 STR vs. Grabs
3	Joint Lock	+0	-1	Grab One Limb,  23 STR  for 
			holding on
4	Joint Lock/Throw	+1	+0	Grab One Limb; 1d6 NND ; Target 
4	Strike	+0	+2	4 ½d6 Strike
3	Takedown	+1	+1	2 ½d6 Strike; Target Falls

7	[b]Armored Costume:[/b]  Resistant Protection (6 PD/6 ED); OIF (reinforced 
costume; -½), Requires A Roll (11- roll; -1)
12	[b]Nearly Deaf:[/b]  Hearing Group Flash Defense (10 points), 
Hardened (+¼)
2	[b]Quick Footed:[/b]  Running +2m (14m total)	1

6	+2/+2d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters)

20	+2 with All Attacks

2	AK: England 11-
3	Breakfall 13-
3	Charm 13-
3	Climbing 13-
1	Criminology 8-
1	Cryptography 8-
1	Forensic Medicine 8-
3	Language:  Sign Language (completely fluent)
5	Lipreading 13-
1	Lockpicking 8-
2	Power:  Magic Skill 10-
2	PS: Archeologist 11-
2	SS:  Archeology 11-
1	Security Systems 8-
3	Stealth 13-
3	Streetwise 13-
3	Scholar
1	1)  KS: English History 11-
1	2)  KS: Judo 11-
1	3)  KS: Occult Legends And Lore 11-
1	4)  KS: The London Underworld 11-

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  243
Total Cost:  400

400+	Matching Complications (75)[/b]
15	Hunted:  English superhuman group Infrequently (Mo Pow; Harshly 
20	Physical Complication:  Nearly Deaf (-5 to all Hearing PER Rolls) 
(Frequently; Greatly Impairing)
20	Psychological Complication:  Overconfident Show-off, a wild and 
wicked hellion (Very Common; Strong)
15	Social Complication:  Secret ID (Frequently, Major)
5	Unluck: 1d6

[b]Total Complications Points:  75
Experience Points:  0[/b]


Background/History: The woman who now calls herself ‘Bell. Book, And Candle’ was once Ellen Morton, an archeologist charged with digging up and preserving England’s extensive historical past. During one such excavation, she uncovered an ancient chest of unknown origins. Upon opening it, she found inside three curious objects—an all-metal handbell, a battered book with parchment pages, and a simple candlestick of wrought silver. In removing the items for cleaning and preservation, Ellen found the bell twisting in her hand, the clapper ringing loudly as waves of sound echoed through her mind, drowning out the frantic cries of her original personality. Once the ringing stopped, Bell, Book, and Candle smiled to herself. After hundreds of years of being hidden in the depths of the earth, it was free to wreck havoc on the world of men once again.


Personality/Motivation: What was one Ellen Morton, archeologist, is now almost fully replaced by Bell, Book, and Candle, a being of almost unrestrained power and hedonistic desires. And what it desires most is power—be it magical, financial, or geopolitical. Thus, Bell, Book, and Candle looks to amass sufficient wealth, along with various enchanted artifacts and objects, to finally attempt to conquer the world, or a certain portion of it anyway.


Quote: “It seems this time, the bell tolls for you! Hahahahahahaha!”


Powers/Tactics: Quite mad, Bell, Book, and Candle revels in her power, and enjoys using it. She prefers to use the Bell to wreck havoc among her foes, with the Sonic Blast, Sonic Boom, and Sonic Liquefaction her preferred methods of attack. However, she’s not totally foolish, and will use her Siren Song to convince her victims to allow her into restricted and guarded areas. She’ll also use her Candle to sneak into secure areas, but then will often use the Bell to blast her way back out. Her book never leaves her carry-all, if she can help it, as it powers all of her other attacks.


If disarmed, Bell, Book, and Candle will fight using her hand-to-hand combat skills, and will seek to recover her carry-all and the Bell and Candle. If forced to flee, she’ll try to at least have the Book with her, but will also try and take the Bell. The Candle she’ll come back for.


Appearance: A lot of time spent digging in the English soil, as well as regular Judo sessions, have given Bell, Book, and Candle a fairly fit build. Her costume is a curious hodgepodge of faux medieval-looking elements. The base is a royal purple bodystocking with an attached headpiece that covers all but her nose and the area around her mouth. A hole at the back allows her brown hair to fall free. She also wears black suede boots, one of which extends to mid-thigh, while the other stops at her knee. Both have fold over tops with a crenellation cut. Her brown leather gloves extend past her elbows. Over her torso she has a black vest, the outer layer is black suede, the inner is an advanced armored fabric. Over all this she wears an ankle-length cloak, with a gray lining and a royal purple outside. A rather mundane leather carry-all, slung over one shoulder, contains her bell, book, and candle.


Designer’s Notes: Bell, Book, and Candle started out as the character ofDeath Knell, found on page 8 of Enemies: The International File. For starters, I changed her name to the more English Ellen Morton (Nelly is just a nick-name), edited her Characteristics a bit, and then made all three items she found in the dug-up chest have a use (originally only the bell had any powers.) Curiously, she went from 390 points to an even 400, despite the increase in Characteristics and my adding in a whole new set of skills and a new Multipower and the Endurance Reserve. As with many of the Enemies: The International File characters, I reduced her Complications drastically. The original had 225 points worth (in 3rd Edition terms), I edited t that down to a simple 75 for this version.


As presented here, Bell, Book, and Candle is little more than a rampaging creature of power. She robs banks and rips off museums in an effort to amass wealth and magical power. You can expand on this by making her willing to worth with characters with similar aims. Thus any would-be world conqueror could hire her out, provided they supply her with sufficient luxuries to keep her happy. In addition, PCs may want to rescue Ellen Morton from the curse of the Bell. This is best left up to the GM, although it could take the form of a journey into Bell, Book, and Candle’s mind, a complex dispel on the Bell, or manifesting (and fighting) the spirit within the Bell.

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La Chasseresse



“The Huntress”

(Giselle de Beauvarie)


[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
18	STR	8	13-	Lift 303.1 kg; 3 ½d6 HTH Damage [2]
23	DEX	26	14-
18	CON	8	13-
18	INT	8	13-	PER Roll 14-
14	EGO	4	12-
18	PRE	8	13-	PRE Attack:  3 ½d6

8	OCV	25	
8	DCV	25	
3	OMCV	0	
5	DMCV	6	
5	SPD	30		Phases:  3, 5, 8, 10, 12

8+8	PD	6		Total:  8/16 PD (0/8 rPD)
6+8	ED	4		Total:  6/14 ED (0/8 rED)
8	REC	4
36	END	4
10	BODY	0
30	STUN	5		[b]Total Characteristics Cost: 171

Movement:[/b]	Running:	18m/36m 
Leaping:	14m/28m
Swimming:	10m/20m
Swinging:	20m/40m

[b]Powers & Skills
Martial Arts:[/b]  [i]Savate[/i]
[b]Maneuver	OCV	DCV	Damage[/b]
4	Block	+2	+2	Block, Abort
5	Chassé (Side Kick)	-2	+1	8 ½d6 Strike
4	Coup de Pied Bas (Low Kick)
	+0	+2	6 ½d6 Strike
4	Crochet (Hook)	+2	+0	6 ½d6 Strike
5	Direct (Jab/Cross)	+1	+3	4 ½d6 Strike
4	Disarm	-1	+1	Disarm; 33 STR to Disarm
3	Footsweep	+2	-1	5 ½d6 Strike, Target Falls
5	Fouetté (Roundhouse Kick)
	+1	-2	8 ½d6 Strike
4	+1 HTH Damage Classes (already added in)
2	Weapon Element:  Blades, Clubs (Cane)

5	[b]Best There Is And Knows It:[/b]  +10 PRE; Only To Defend Against 
Offensive Presence Attacks (-1)
14	[b]Combat Blades:[/b]  HKA 1d6 (2d6 w/STR), Reduced Endurance 
(0 END; +½); OAF (-1) [b]plus[/b] 8 Recoverable Charges (-0), Range Based 
On STR (+¼); OAF (-1) for up to HKA 1d6; Lockout (unable to use 
HKA if all Charges are expended and not recovered; -½), [8 rc]
14	[b]Armored Costume:[/b]  Resistant Protection (8 PD/8 ED); OIF (-½), 
Requires A Roll (14- roll; -¼)
5	[b]Strong Legs:[/b]  Leaping +10m (14m forward, 7m upward), END 1
6	[b]Fast On Her Feet:[/b]  Running +6m (18m total), END 1
3	[b]Powerful Swimmer:[/b]  Swimming +6m (10m total), END 1
7	[b]Creative Use Of The Environment:[/b]  Swinging 20m; OIF (accessible 
objects to swing from; -½), END 1
3	[b]Augmented Senses:[/b]  +1 PER with all Sense Groups

3	Fringe Benefit:  Espionage Rank
3	Fringe Benefit:  Security Clearance

6	+2/+2d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters)

32	+4 with HTH Combat

3	Acrobatics 14-
3	Breakfall 14-
2	CK: London 11-
3	CK: Paris 13-
3	Climbing 14-
3	Combat Driving 14-
3	Computer Programming 13-
3	Contortionist 14-
3	Criminology 13-
3	Cryptography 13-
3	Deduction 13-
5	Defense Maneuver I-II 
3	Demolitions 13-
3	Disguise 13-
1	Gambling (Baccarat) 13-
3	High Society 13-
2	KS: Savate 11-
3	KS: The Espionage World 13-
3	KS: The Mercenary/Military/Terrorist World 13-
3	Lockpicking 14-
3	PS: Tradecraft 13-
3	Paramedics 13-
3	Security Systems 13-
3	Stealth 14-
3	Streetwise 13-
5	WF:  Common Melee Weapons, Small Arms, Cane
3	Linguist
2	1)  Language:  English (completely fluent)
0	2)  Language:  French (idiomatic; literate)
2	3)  Language:  German (completely fluent)
1	4)  Language:  Italian (fluent conversation)
1	5)  Language:  Russian (fluent conversation)
1	6)  Language:  Spanish (fluent conversation)

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  230
Total Cost:  400

400+	Matching Complications (75)[/b]
10	Distinctive Features:  Style (Not Concealable; Noticed and 
Recognizable; Detectable By Large Group)
10	Hunted:  Surete (French Intelligence Service) Infrequently (Mo Pow; 
NCI; Watching)
20	Psychological Complication:  Best There Is And Knows It (Very 
Common; Strong)
15	Psychological Complication:  Thrill Seeker, enjoys life 'on the 
edge' (Common; Strong)
15	Social Complication:  SID (Giselle de Beauvarie) (Frequently, Major)
5	Vulnerability:  1 ½ x Effect Mind Scan (Uncommon)

[b]Total Complications Points:  75
Experience Points:  0[/b]


Background/History: Just about every country in the world has made an attempt to create their own superhumans, usually in an effort to make the perfect solider. Germany tried it back during World War II, and America succeeded in making at least one before the formula was lost. The Soviet Union made several attempts during the 1950s, some of which involved nigh-horrific experiments involving apes. With the rise of genetic engineering and bio-modification, the ability to create a better human is far more reliable then ever before, and augmented “super-soldiers” have been cropping up the world over.


La Chasseuse is one such individual. In fact, she’s one of a number of French super-soldiers, all initially chosen for their physical skill and aptitude. Initially a promising, near Olympic-level gymnast, La Chasseuse underwent her treatments at an early age, emerging as a woman physically capable of outfighting trained members of the military’s special forces without breaking much of a sweat. Now she serves her country as a costumed special operative, seeing action all over Europe and beyond, battling enemies of France, the European Union, and world peace (usually in that order.)


Personality/Motivation: La Chasseuse likes her life as a superhuman super agent. She likes a life of action and adventure, as well as getting into trouble and then getting herself back out (not that she tries to make her missions go south, but life in a superhuman universe being what it is, it tends to happen rather often.) This has helped reinforce her belief that she’s pretty much the pinnacle of human capability and thus can handle just about anything life throws at her, no matter what the threat (thus she’s rather loathe to admit defeat or the need for reinforcements.


Quote: “Hah! The hunt is over and you have lost! Now, surrender before I’m forced to beat some sense into you!”


Powers/Tactics: For the most part, La Chasseuse is a straight-up hand-to-hand combatant. She tends to use her physical skills to infiltrate enemy positions, then take them down quickly with her Savate. When fighting has a bad tendency to fight in a flashy manner, meaning she uses high-OCV and high damage attacks, such as the Crochet and Fouetté maneuvers. However, if pressed, or attacked by someone with a weapon, she’ll mix Blocks with Coup de Pied Bas and Direct maneuvers, hoping to Stun her foe before going for a disarm. Her Combat Blades are used when she really needs to eliminate someone, especially if that person is somewhere she can’t readily get to physically.


Appearance: Standing nearly 6’ in height, and weighing an athletic 150 pounds, La Chasseuse cuts quite an attractive figure. She keeps her blonde hair trimmed to near shoulder length, and dresses in a tri-colored one-piece bodystocking that covers all but her head (where it ends in a flared collar.) The three colors of her costume are those of the French flag: blue right arm and shoulder, white left arm, torso, right leg, red left hip and leg. However, she has been known to swap her costume out for one with more mundane coloration if the mission calls for it. Flat black, light gray, and all-white are common variants. One ‘dress’ version of the costume has a white (or silver) right arm and shoulder, with the rest a medium blue color.


Designer’s Notes: Originally known as “Madame Guillotine” (found on page 20 of Enemies: The International File), I started by changing the character’s name to the far-less hokey “La Chasseuse”—which means “The Huntress.” The original version had a really clichéd origin about being trained as a French spy, falling in love with a British agent, being betrayed, and scheduled for elimination by the government of France. This turned her into a man-hating freelance terrorist out to disrupt world governments. So… yeah. What I’ve done is kept certain elements of her origin (specifically the French super-solider) part, but kept her as an agent of the French government. This version is now a highly cinematic superhero/spy.


I only made a few minor changes to La Chasseuse (that I can recall.) I removed her original neck-snapping ‘guillotine’ attack (I think she had to do a handstand and get her legs around your neck, or something like that) added in a slew of skills appropriate for a super agent/soldier/spy, and rebuilt her Complications to make her more of a person and not a parody. The Vulnerability to Mind Scan is a hold over from the original character, but I like the idea that La Chasseuse tends to think in a ‘loud’ internal voice, possibly a side effect of her “Best There is” Psychological Complication. In any event, you can easily use her as a friend or foe (or both, especially if she’s a love interest) for a PC, as the basis for your own PC (if you’re running a Justice League International-type game), or even as some sort of WWII super-patriot.


You can make La Chasseuse even more powerful by booting all of her 18s to 20 and giving her an 18 EGO (and a DMCV to match.) Also give her an additional +1 Damage Class with her Martial Arts.

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Long Liu



“Dragon's Daughter”

(Szu Ling Fong)


[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
30	STR	20	15-	Lift 1600.0kg; 6d6 [3]
28	DEX	36	15-
23	CON	13	14-
20	INT	10	13-	PER Roll 13-
18	EGO	8	13-
20	PRE	10	13-	PRE Attack:  4d6

9	OCV	30	
9	DCV	30	
6	OMCV	9	
6	DMCV	9	
7	SPD	50		Phases:  2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12

14	PD	9		Total:  14 PD (3 rPD)
10	ED	5		Total:  10 ED (3 rED)
11	REC	7
46	END	6
12	BODY	2
40	STUN	10		[b]Total Characteristics Cost: 264

Movement:[/b]	Running:	20m/40m 
Leaping:	24m/48m
Swimming:	12m/24m

[b]Powers & Skills
Martial Arts:[/b]  [b]Shaolin Dragon Kung Fu[/b]
[b]Maneuver	OCV	DCV	Damage[/b]
4	Block	+2	+2	Block, Abort
4	Disarm	-1	+1	Disarm; 50 STR to Disarm roll
4	Dodge	--	+5	Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
4	Dragon Claw	+0	+0	12d6 Crush, Must Follow Grab
4	Escape	+0	+0	55 STR vs. Grabs
3	Joint Lock/Grab	-1	-1	Grab Two Limbs, 50 STR for 
			holding on
5	Kick	-2	+1	12d6 Strike
3	Legsweep	+2	-1	9d6 Strike, Target Falls
4	Punch	+0	+2	10d6 Strike
8	+2 HTH Damage Classes (already added in)
5	Weapon Element:  Blades, Chain & Rope Weapons, Clubs, Polearms 
and Spears, Staffs

60	[b]Tail Of The Dragon:[/b]  Multipower, 90-point reserve, all slots Must Follow 
Grab (-½)
4f	1)  [b]Choking Grasp:[/b]  Blast 6d6, Constant (+½), NND (defense is Life 
Support (Self-Contained Breathing) or rigid neck armor; +1); No 
Range (-½), Must Follow Grab (-½), END 7
3f	2)  [b]Neck-Breaking Hold:[/b]  HKA 2d6, NND (defense is lack of neck, lack 
of hit locations, or not being 'alive' in the first place; +1), Does 
BODY (+1); Must Target The Head (-1), No STR Bonus (-½), Requires 
A STR Roll  (14- roll; No Active Point penalty to Skill Roll; -¼), END 9

27	[b]Eyes Of The Dragon:[/b]  Entangle 3d6, 3 PD/3 ED, ACV (uses OMCV 
against DMCV; +¼), Works Against EGO, Not STR (+¼), Takes No 
Damage From Physical Attacks (see 6E1 p217; +¾); Mental Defense 
Adds To EGO (-½), No Range (-½), Eye Contact Required (-½), END 7
8	[b]Scales Of The Dragon:[/b]  +3 PD/ED, Resistant (+½)
10	[b]Dragon's Leap:[/b]  Leaping +20m (24m forward, 12m upward), END 1
8	[b]Dragon's Swiftness:[/b]  Running +8m (20m total), END 1
4	[b]At Home In The Water:[/b]  Swimming +8m (12m total), END 1
6	[b]Dragon's Tail:[/b]  Extra Limb (1), Inherent (+¼)

12	Contacts (12 points' worth, might include Well Connected)
5	Fringe Benefit:  Triad Dai Lo ("big brother")
10	Money:  Wealthy

6	+2/+2d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters)

16	+2 with HTH Combat
10	+2 with Shaolin Dragon Kung Fu

3	Acrobatics 15-
3	Breakfall 15-
3	Bribery 13-
3	Bureaucratics 13-
3	CK: Hong Kong 13-
3	Conversation 13-
2	Gambling (Go-Moku, Hasami Shogi, Mahjongg, Siang K'i, Wei-Ch'i) 13-
3	High Society 13-
0	Language:  Cantonese (idiomatic; literate)
2	Language:  English (fluent conversation)
2	PS: Triad Crime Boss 11-
3	Stealth 15-
3	Streetwise 13-
2	WF:  Common Martial Arts Melee Weapons
3	Scholar
1	1)  KS: Chinese History 11-
1	2)  KS: Chinese Legends And Lore 11-
2	3)  KS: Chinese Philosophy 13-
1	4)  KS: Chinese Theology 11-
2	5)  KS: Shaolin Dragon Kung Fu 13-
2	6)  KS: The Hong Kong Underworld 13-
2	7)  KS: Tongs And Triads Of Hong Kong 13-

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  257
Total Cost:  550

400+	Matching Complications (75)[/b]
10	Distinctive Features:  Style (Not Concealable; Noticed and 
Recognizable; Detectable By Large Group)
15	Distinctive Features:  daughter of the Dragon King; dragon's tail, 
physically perfect body, brilliant green eyes (Not Concealable; Noticed 
and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
10	Enraged:  when opponents behave in a 'uncivilized' manner and/or if 
she is patronized (Uncommon), go 11-, recover 14-
15	Hunted:  Asian/Hong Kong superhero or heroes Frequently (As Pow; 
Harshly Punish)
10	Psychological Complication:  Disdainful Of All That is Not Chinese 
(Common; Moderate)
15	Psychological Complication:  Ruthless In Pursuit Of Her Goals (part 
causal killer, part sadist) (Common; Strong)

[b]Total Complications Points:  75
Experience Points:  150[/b]


Background/History: There’s quite a bit of debate as to why Szu Ling Fong possess a long dragon-like tail. The most common explanation is she’s a mutant or has been genetically augmented, but there are those, especially those versed in knowledge of Chinese myth and legend who say she’s the daughter of the Dragon King, hence her perfect form and figure and brilliant green eyes. As for Szu Ling Fong, she could care less, and is far more concerned with running her recently-slain father’s Triad gang. People can gossip all they want about her origins and even make as many absurd claims as they wish, but they’d better respect her when they ever meet her in person and fear her afterwards. Otherwise she’ll teach them a highly painful lesson the proper way to give face and the right manners to use when addressing your superiors.


Personality/Motivation: As a woman, even a super-humanly strong and fast women, in a man’s world, Szu Ling Fong has to be even more brutal and ruthless than any of her male underlings or equals. Fortunately for her, her father brought her up to do just that. While she can be quite hospitable and charming, and is rather physically attractive, make no bones about it, Szu Ling Fong can and will kill without a second thought. Most often, she tends to eliminate those who can’t show the proper respect or manners in her presence, or Westerns, who never seem to understand Chinese ways and constantly (and arrogantly) assume that just because they’re from the West, their ways are automatically superior. And if especially annoyed and angered, she’ll take her time before administering the finishing blow, as certain rival crime bosses have found out.


Quote: “Once again it seems I must teach another rude foreigner a lesson in manners. Come, I shall make your lesson quick… and painful, so you will not forget.”


Powers/Tactics: Normally, Long Liu (lit. “Dragon’s Daughter” the name she goes by in Triad circles) doesn’t get involved in fights (she’s a gang boss after all) but will if she feels the need calls for it. As she doesn’t use guns, she’ll do her best to close to hand-to-hand range, then use her kung fu skills to put down anyone foolish enough to fight her. If she wishes to make an example of someone, she’ll use her Eyes of the Dragon power to immobilize them, then use her tail to render them unconscious or out-right kill them. if pressed, she will flee from an encounter gone bad, but will them start to Hunt whoever caused her to retreat, as she knows she can’t afford to show weakness in any form.


Appearance: Long Liu stands 5'6" and weighs a well-muscled 130 lbs. Her body is lean yet both well-proportioned and well defined, with fairly dark skin, long fingers and brilliant green eyes. Her features are very beautiful with nigh perfect proportions, while her glossy black hair falls well down her back. Long Liu's most notable feature is her tail, which is thin and supple and covered with brilliant gold scales. As for dress, Long Liu normally wears various forms of traditional Chinese clothing but might don a man’s business suit for certain formal meetings and occasions.


Designer’s Notes: Long Liu started out as a mutant named “Snapdragon,” found on page 30 of Enemies: The International File. Her origin, such as it was, dealt with girl born with a reptilian tail to a wealthy mainland Chinese family and sent off to live in a remote monastery. Some time later, after learning the required kung fu skills, she ran away from the monastery to seek revenge on her family, only to discover her father was involved in the black market. He offered her a place in his organization, and she took over after he was killed.


This version moves the action to Hong Kong and makes the father a Triad gangster. Long Liu is no longer shipped off to a monastery, but remains part of the family, learning both combat skills and the family ‘business’ as she grows up. When her father is killed, she steps in, and rather ruthlessly asserts herself as the new boss. The other change was to redo her origin from mutant to something else. As her name infers, she might be the daughter of a lung, or Chinese dragon, taken human form. She certainly looks like it (she has green eyes, do you know how rare that is?) and that might explain why her father kept her so close while she was growing up.


I also altered her personality (as expressed in her Psychological Complications.) The original was quiet and shy yet capable of great violence, a sort of stereotypical “submissive Oriental.” This version is far more self-assured and more out-spoken, although somewhat bad tempered (see her Enraged.) However, I also feel she’s less insulting to anyone who happens to be of Chinese ancestry.


The original name of “Snapdragon” was taken from her ability to make deafening ‘pops’ by snapping her fingers. As I can’t stand characters from other countries with punny American/English names, I dumped that power and gave her some improved tail-based attacks.

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(Paolino Chinelli)


[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
15	STR	5	12-	Lift 200 kg; 3d6 HTH Damage [1]
21	DEX	22	13-
20	CON	10	13-
18	INT	8	13-	PER Roll 13-
16	EGO	6	12-
15	PRE	5	12-	PRE Attack:  3d6

7	OCV	20
9	DCV	30
3	OMCV	0
5	DMCV	6
4	SPD	20		Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12

6+6	PD	4		Total:  6/12 PD (0/6 rPD)
5+6	ED	3		Total:  5/11 ED (0/6 rED)
8	REC	4
40	END	4
9	BODY	-1
30	STUN	5		[b]Total Characteristic Cost:  151

Movement:[/b]	Running:	18m/36m 
Leaping:	8m/16m
Swimming:	4m/8m

[b]Powers & Skills
Martial Arts:[/b]  [i]Arte dell’Abbracciare[/i]
[b]Maneuver	OCV	DCV	Damage[/b]
4	Block	+2	+2	Block, Abort
4	Escape	+0	+0	30 STR vs. Grabs
3	Grapple	-1	-1	Grab Two Limbs, 25 STR for 
			holding on
3	Joint Lock	+0	-1	Grab One Limb, +10 to STR for 
			holding on
3	Legsweep	+2	-1	4d6 Strike, Target Falls
4	Strike	+0	+2	5d6 Strike
3	Takedown	+1	+1	3d6 Strike; Target Falls

14	[b]Wooden Spoon:[/b]  HA +4d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); 
OAF (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-¼) plus Reach +1m
7	[b]Polarized Lenses In Mask:[/b]  Sight Group Flash Defense (6 points), 
Hardened (+¼)
3	[b]Armored Mask:[/b]  Resistant Protection (3 PD/3 ED); Requires A Roll 
(8- roll; Must be made each Phase/use; only protects Hit Locations 
3-4; -1 ¾), OIF (-½)
10	[b]Spectra-Lined Costume:[/b]  Resistant Protection (6 PD/6 ED); OIF (-½), 
Requires A Roll (14- roll; covers body but for hands, feet, and 
head; -¼)
2	[b]Powerful Leaper:[/b]  Leaping +4m (8m forward, 4m upward), END 1
6	[b]Nimble For His Size:[/b]  Running +6m (18m total), END 1

3	Contact:  underworld fence (Contact has useful Skills or resources, 
Contact limited by identity) 12-

3	Acrobatics 13-
3	Breakfall 13-
3	CK: [choice of city in Italy] 13-
3	Climbing 13-
3	Contortionist 13-
3	Demolitions 13-
3	Disguise 13-
3	Electronics 13-
2	KS: Arte dell’Abbracciare 11-
3	KS: The Superhuman World 13-
2	Language:  English (fluent conversation)
3	Language:  French (completely fluent)
0	Language:  Italian (completely fluent; literate)
3	Lockpicking 13-
3	Mechanics 13-
3	Security Systems 13-
3	Stealth 13-
5	Streetwise 13-

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  149
Total Cost:  300

300+	Matching Complications (60)[/b]
10	Distinctive Features:  Hunchback (Concealable; Noticed and 
Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
10	Distinctive Features:  Style (Not Concealable; Noticed and 
Recognizable; Detectable By Large Group)
15	Hunted:  [GM's choice], Infrequently (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish)
15	Psychological Complication:  Enjoys Making Those In Positions Of 
Authority Look Foolish (Common; Strong)
15	Psychological Complication:  Greedy, enjoys luxuries (Common; 
15	Social Complication:  Secret ID Frequently, Major

[b]Total Complications Points:  60
Experience Points:  0[/b]


Background/History: Born deformed, with a hunched back, Paolino Chinelli was abandoned soon after birth. Growing up in an orphanage, his appearance was often the butt of jokes and insults, resulting in a lot of fights and a lot of punishment for Paolino. Desperate for revenge, Paolino took to exercise, such as gymnastics, tumbling, and wrestling, and eventually was able to pay back his antagonizers for all the pain they’d caused him. But this still didn’t sit well with the orphanage’s administrators, who punished Paolino even more. In return, Paolino ran away, figuring the streets were better than the strict and over-bearing guardians.


On the street Paolino had to steal to survive, but soon found out that his physical prowess, small size, and agility were a help rather than a hindrance. In time he went from stealing simple necessities to more and more luxurious items, seeking to acquire the material goods he felt had been denied to him while in the orphanage. In order to hide his appearance, he decided to adopt a costume identity, and modeled himself after Pulcinella, the violent and crafty trickster star of the commedia dell'arte.


Personality/Motivation: What Pulcinella wants is to be rich, rich enough so he doesn’t have to work any more. However, his desire for wealth more than exceeds his needs, so it’s debatable he’ll ever actually decide he has enough money to live on. he also enjoys making fools of those in charge (a hold over from his days in the orphanage) and can easily be hired to steal items and objects by those in need of such services.


Quote: “And this is mine… and this… and this… and this….”


Powers/Tactics: Physically fit, Pulcinella is quite strong and agile for his size. A master of the obscure art of Arte dell’Abbracciare, an ancient form of Italian wrestling, he’s also rather handy with the heavy wooden spoon he carries. Normally he attacks with the spoon, beating his foes about the head and shoulders with it, but if disarmed will use his Arte dell’Abbracciare skills to put his target down. If his opponent proves too powerful, he’ll try to escape instead.


Appearance: Standing just over 5’ tall, Pulcinella suffers from an obviously deformed spine. A the same time, his body is well-muscled with a gymnast’s physique. His costume is based off of the classic appearance of Pulcinella in the Commedia dell'arte: a form-fitting white bodystocking, low brown boots, a white jacket belted at the waist with a black sash, a black mask that covered his face from the nose up, and a broad-brimmed floppy black hair. Tucked into the sash is his wooden spoon.


Designer’s Notes: Pulcinella started out as the character of Punchinello, found on page 25 of Enemies: the International File. Initially I tried to make him similar to his published incarnation, but felt he was nothing more than a Black Harlequin knock off. However, when I discovered that Punchinello was the anglicization of Pulcinella, I felt I had a hook, and modeled new version off of the standard depictions of the character. For starters, I edited his Characteristics a bit (for example, I felt a 23 INT was too much), dumped his toy-based VPP, defined his Martial Arts, and rebuilt his gear to match the costume of Pulcinella.


At 300 points he’s a rather low-powered villain, but is quite suitable for street-level and teen-based supers games. You could make him more powerful by increasing his STR, adding Damage Classes to his Martial Arts, and giving him a utility belt (or pouch) of useful gadgets (flash light, flash bombs, lockpicks, and so on.)

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Schon Gift



"Pretty Poison"

(Astrid Steiner)


[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
10	STR	0	11-	Lift 100 kg; 2d6 HTH Damage [1]
17	DEX	14	12-
15	CON	5	12-
20	INT	10	13-	PER Roll 13-
15	EGO	5	12-
20	PRE	10	13-	PRE Attack:  4d6

6	OCV	15
6	DCV	15
3	OMCV	0
5	DMCV	6
3	SPD	10		Phases:  4, 8, 12

4	PD	2		Total:  4 PD (0 rPD)
4	ED	2		Total:  4 ED (0 rED)
5	REC	1
30	END	2
8	BODY	-2
20	STUN	0		[b]Total Characteristics Cost:  95[/b]

[b]Movement:[/b]	Running:	14m/28m 
Leaping:	4m/8m
Swimming:	4m/8m

[b]Powers & Skills[/b]
122	[b]Essence Transfer: [/b] Drain all physical Characteristics 4d6, all 
Characteristics simultaneously (+4) Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); 
No Range (-½), Extra Time (Full Phase, -½), Must Follow Grab (-½), 
Unified Power (-¼) [b]plus[/b] Aid all physical Characteristics 4d6, all 
Characteristics simultaneously (+4), Trigger (use of Drain; +1), 
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Only to Aid Self (-1), Must Follow 
Grab (-½), Extra Time (Full Phase, -½), Linked (Drain; -½), Unified 
Power (-¼)
14	[b]Pheromonic Control: [/b] Mind Control 12d6 (Human class of minds); 
Based on CON (-1), Set Effect ("You want me."; -1), Only Versus 
Individuals Of The Proper Sexual Orientation (-½), No Range (-½), 
Cannot Be Used In High Winds, Heavy Rain, Or Versus Anyone With 
Self-Contained Breathing (-¼), END 6
8	[b]Strong Willed:[/b]  Mental Defense (8 points total)
2	[b]Fast On Her Feet:[/b]  Running +2m (14m total), END 1
3	[b]Essence Absorption Side Effects:[/b]  LS  (Eating: Character only has to 
eat once per week; Longevity: 200 Years; Sleeping: Character only 
has to sleep 8 hours per week)

6	6 points' worth of Contacts in the fashion industry
1	Fringe Benefit:  Passport
5	Money:  Well Off

12	+4/+4d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters)

16	+2 with HTH Combat
8	+2 all Interaction Skills

3	Acting 13-
3	Charm 13-
6	Pheromonic Control:  +5 with Charm; Only Versus Individuals Of The 
Proper Sexual Orientation (-½), Cannot Be Used In High Winds, Heavy 
Rain, Or Versus Anyone With Self-Contained Breathing (-¼)
3	Conversation 13-
3	Disguise 13-
6	Gambling (Card Games, Dice Games, Roulette) 13-
3	High Society 13-
3	KS: The Fashion And Modeling World 13-
3	KS: The Superhuman World 13-
2	Language:  English (fluent conversation)
3	Language:  French (completely fluent)
0	Language:  German (idiomatic; literate)
3	PS: Fashion Model 13-
3	Shadowing 13-
5	Stealth 13-
2	Streetwise 10-
2	TF:  Equines, SCUBA
3	Traveler
2	1)  CK:  Berlin 13-
2	2)  CK:  London 13-
2	3)  CK:  Los Angelus 13-
2	4)  CK:  New York City 13-
2	5)  CK:  Paris 13-
2	6)  CK:  Vienna 13-

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  265
Total Cost:  360

300+	Matching Complications (60)[/b]
15	Distinctive Features:  Extremely Beautiful (Concealable; Always 
Noticed and Causes Major Reaction desire/jealousy/lust]; Detectable 
By Commonly-Used Senses)
5	Distinctive Features:  Mutant (Not Concealable; Noticed and 
Recognizable; Detectable Only By Technology Or Major Effort)
20	Hunted:  [unspecified agency], Infrequently (Mo Pow; NCI; Harshly 
15	Psychological Complication:  Casual Killer, kills without a second 
thought or remorse (Common; Strong)
10	Psychological Complication:  Enjoys Toying With And Manipulating Her 
Victims (Common; Moderate)
10	Social Complication:  Famous Fashion Model (Frequently, Minor)
15	Social Complication:  Secretly A Contract Killer (Frequently, Major)

[b]Total Complications Points:  60
Experience Points:  60[/b]


Background/History: A beauty queen and fashion model from an early age, Astrid Steiner almost certainly would have enjoyed a long career as a world-famous fashion model if not for one tragic incident. While attending a post-fashion show party, the combination of drugs and alcohol resulted in Astrid nearly being raped by one of the male party-goers. This moment of fear and panic served to unleash her latent mutant powers, resulting in her draining the man’s life force and adding it to her own. The initial shock was quickly replaced by a feeling of euphoria, as Astrid had never felt so alive and healthy before in her life. The event also seemed to unbalance her emotionally, making her addicted, in a sense, to the rush that came from drawing another’s life energy from their body. She wanted to experience that again… and when her experiments on animals stopped satisfying her cravings, she had to try it on a person again. And again. And again.


Now know in certain circles as Schön Gift (meaning “Pretty Poison”) Astrid still works as a fashion model and is one of the top models in the world. But she’s also an assassin, a contract killer who will quietly eliminate just about anyone, if the money’s right.


Personality/Motivation: Her time as a pre-teen and teen-aged beauty queen helped make Astrid a somewhat arrogant and self-centered person. Her ability to ‘devour’ another life force and add it to her own has only heightened these traits, slowly pushing her towards some for of sociopathy. While not as anti-social as most sociopaths, she still seems highly stuck-up and ‘cold’ to those who meet her, unless they have something she wants, in which case she can be quite charming. In fact, she can be quite personable when she wishes and is known for being a witty conversationalist. At the same time, she can be cold and calculating, and enjoys toying with her designated targets, often spending some time with them before moving in for the eventually kill. However, when she does kill, she does so quickly, not wishing to draw it out, as she wants to rush now, so she can enjoy it for as long as possible. Schön Gift will also kill in moments of spite and irritation, especially if she thinks she can get away with it scott free.


Quote: “Come home with me and I promise you a night neither of us will ever forget.”


Powers/Tactics: Schön Gift is a form of vampire, draining the life energies of others and adding them to her own. She can kill the average human in a single Phase, but usually spends an extra Phase to make sure. The result is usually a somewhat aged and withered-looking corpse, while Schön Gift ends up looking even more alive and healthy than before. Curiously, Schön Gift’s repeated use of her Essence Transfer power has started to have long-term effects on her physiology. As it is, she barely ages, and rarely needs to eat or sleep. It’s possible she’ll age even less as time goes on and may gain permanent increases to her physical Characteristics.


Along with her ability to drain another’s life essence, Schön Gift can also emit pheromones at will. These pheromones almost instantly cause cause anyone near her to fall in love (actually… lust) with Schön Gift, a useful tool when stalking her prey.


Appearance: As with most fashion models, Schön Gift is rather tall, standing 5’11” with slenderly-proportioned build. Her looks are classically Germanic, with golden-blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Physically she’s one of, if not the, most beautiful women on the planet and seems almost ageless. Instead of a costume, she wears the latest in ultra-expensive fashions from top designers the world over. Once she’s made a kill, however, she tends to look even more ‘alive’ with a nigh-visible inner glow.


Designer’s Notes: Schön Gift started out as the character of Pretty Poison, found on page 23 of Enemies: the International File. Among my changes was translating her name into German, then giving her a far more accurate (for Austria) secret identity. I then adapted the Essence Absorbing Stance from Hero System Martial Arts and used it to replace the rather complex and clunky series of Drains and Characteristic increases the original character had. Curiously, this version of the power actually makes Schön Gift more powerful. For example, in the original version, her maximum STR is 25, with this version, she can have a 34 STR. I also swapped her +40 PRE versus men for Mind Control (using a power found in Champions Powers) and made it affect anyone who might find Schön Gift attractive.


In making her a fashion model (which the original was) I expanded on her Skills and the like, and also added in a few things that would help her as an undercover assassin. Strangely enough, the original version of the character doesn’t have Seduction, although that might not be a 3rd Edition Skill. As with all other Enemies: the International File characters, I pared her 228 points of Disadvantages down to a far more simplified and coherent 90.

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(Nyenyedzii "Nick" Moyo)


[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
18	STR	8	13-	Lift 303. 1kg; 3 ½d6 HTH Damage [2]
20	DEX	20	13-
20	CON	10	13-
18	INT	8	13-	PER Roll 13-/17-
17	EGO	7	12-
20	PRE	10	13-	PRE Attack:  4d6

7	OCV	20	
7	DCV	20	
3	OMCV	0	
6	DMCV	9	
4	SPD	20		Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12

9+7	PD	7		Total:  9/16 PD (0/7 rPD)
6+7	ED	4		Total:  6/13 ED (0/7 rED)
8	REC	4
40	END	4
15	BODY	5
35	STUN	8		[b]Total Characteristics Cost: 164

Movement:[/b]	Running:	20m/40m 
Leaping:	4m/8m
Swimming:	8m/16m

[b]Powers & Skills
Martial Arts:[/b]  [i]Commando Training[/i]
[b]Maneuver	OCV	DCV	Damage[/b]
3	Aikido Throw	+0	+1	3 ½d6 +v/10, Target Falls
4	Boxing Cross	+0	+2	5 ½d6 Strike
4	Escape	+0	+0	33 STR vs. Grabs
4	Judo Disarm	-1	+1	Disarm; 28 STR to Disarm
4	Kung Fu Block	+2	+2	Block, Abort
2	Weapon Element:  Blades, Clubs

[b]Implanted Cyberware[/b], all slots IIF (removable eye and ear 
modules; -¼)
4	1)  [b]Infrared Filter:[/b]  IR Perception (Sight Group); IIF (removable eye 
and ear modules; -¼)
4	2)  [b]Low-Light Filter:[/b]  UV Perception (Sight Group); IIF (removable eye 
and ear modules; -¼)
10	3)  [b]Reception Enhancement:[/b]  +3 PER with Sight Group and Hearing 
Group; IIF (removable eye and ear modules; -¼)
2	4)  [b]Ultrasonic Receptor:[/b]  Ultrasonic Perception (Hearing Group); IIF 
(removable eye and ear modules; -¼)

20	[b]Remington M700:[/b]  RKA 2d6+1, +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+¼); 
OAF (-1), 4 clips of 5 Charges (-¼), Beam (-¼) [b]plus[/b] +1 OCV; 
OAF (-1) [b]plus[/b] +2 to offset RMod; OAF (-1), [5]
4	[b]Telescopic Scope:[/b]  +4 to offset RMod; OAF (-1), Only When Shooter 
Braces Or Sets (-1) [b]plus[/b] +4 versus Range Modifier for Sight Group; 
OAF (-1), Only When Shooter Braces Or Sets (-1) [b]plus[/b] +1 PER with 
Sight Group; OAF (-1), Only When Shooter Braces Or Sets (-1), Only 
To Counteract Darkness Penalties (-½), Requires Ambient Light (will 
not work in total darkness; -¼)
11	[b]Machete:[/b]  HKA 1d6 (2d6 w/STR), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); 
OAF (-1)
9	[b]Throwing Knife:[/b]  HKA 1d6-1 (2d6-1 w/STR), Reduced Endurance 
(0 END; +½); OAF (-1) [b]plus[/b] Range Based On STR (+¼) for up to 
HKA 2d6-1; 1 Recoverable Charge (-1 ¼), OAF (-1), Lockout (cannot 
use HKA until thrown blade is recovered; -½), [1 rc]
8	[b]Level II Kevlar Vest:[/b]  Resistant Protection (7 PD/7 ED); OAF (-1), 
Requires A Roll (11- roll; -½)
20	[b]Tough In A Fight:[/b]  Physical and Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 
25%; STUN Only (-½)
8	[b]Fast Runner:[/b]  Running +8m (20m total), END 1
9	[b]Silent While Stalking Game:[/b]  Invisible Power Effects (Invisible to 
Hearing; +½) for up to 6m Running, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½)
2	[b]Strong Swimmer:[/b]  Swimming +4m (8m total), END 1

22	Hard To Sneak Up On:  Danger Sense (self only, out of combat, 
Function as a Sense) 13-/17-

20	+2 with All Attacks
3	Woodcraft:  +1 with Shadowing, Stealth, Tracking

2	AK: "The Bush" 11-
2	AK: Zimbabwe 11-
3	Breakfall 13-
3	Climbing 13-
2	KS: Big Game Animals Of Africa 11-
2	KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 11-
2	KS: The Superhuman World 11-
4	Language:  English (completely fluent; literate)
0	Language:  Shona (idiomatic)
2	PS: Big Game Hunter 11-
2	PS: Ex-Zimbabwe National Army Captain 11-
3	Paramedics 13-
3	Shadowing 13-
3	Stealth 13-
2	Survival (Tropical Forests, Tropical Plains) 13-
3	Streetwise 13-
4	TF:  Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Tracked Military Vehicles, 
Wheeled Military Vehicles
3	Tactics 13-
3	Tracking 13-
3	Trading 13-
8	WF:  Small Arms, Blades, General Purpose/Heavy Machine Guns, 
Grenade Launchers, Javelins and Thrown Spears, Shoulder-Fired 
Weapons, Thrown Knives, Axes, and Darts

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  237
Total Cost:  400

400+	Matching Complications (75)[/b]
20	Enraged:  if embarrassed, losing, or at an extreme disadvantage 
(Uncommon), go 11-, recover 8-
25	Hunted:  Government of Kenya [or similar local authorities. or a local 
superhuman or team] Frequently (Mo Pow; NCI; Harshly Punish)
20	Psychological Complication:  Arrogant And Overconfident (Very 
Common; Strong)
15	Psychological Complication:  Loves The Hunt (Common; Strong)

[b]Total Complications Points:  75
Experience Points:  0[/b]


Background/History: A former captain in the Zimbabwe National Army, Nyenyedzii was known to be an aggressive and brave solider. He fought in numerous military engagements, and nearly lost his life when he was shot in the face during the Second Congo War. Unable to continue his military duties missing an eye and ear, Nyenyedzii headed out into the bush, to apply his combat skills as a big game hunter. While somewhat successful, his desire to live well (especially considering Zimbabwe’s rampant inflation) led him to get involved with activities such as poaching, where he dealt in rare and endangered animals, and smuggling, mainly of animal skins and ivory, but also of gold and diamonds. Eventually he amassed enough wealth to travel to South Africa, where his criminal connections allowed him to purchase and have implanted several cybernetic systems designed repair his damaged eye and ear.


Able to see and hear fully again, Nyenyedzii tried rejoining the Army, but found that peace had broken out while he’d been away. Frustrated with the lack of action, he returned to leading safaris, and probably would have continued his rather mundane side-life of crime if he hadn’t been asked to eliminate a competitor. As the money was good and he’d killed plenty of people while in the army, Nyenyedzii took the job without a second thought.


The act of deliberately hunting another human awoke a new-found thrill in Nyenyedzii mind. He’d enjoyed his instances of combat in the National Army, and discovered that pursuing a man was far more exciting than any game safari. So he slowly stopped hunting animals and started to hunt his fellow men. And with time, Nyenyedzii’s skill and reputation led him to hunt the most dangerous humans of all—superhumans.


Personality/Motivation: Originally Shumba (a name he took once he started to become active in superhuman circles) wanted nothing more than to live the privileged life of a Zimbabwe army officer. However, now that he’s found something far more exciting to do with his time, he’s become somewhat obsessed with hunting people. As a strong believer in the way of the jungle (which in his mind is ‘kill or be killed’) he feels much the same about life in a super-human dominated world. The strongest and most capable are the victors, the losers die and are (metaphorically) eaten. This attitude also explains his noted arrogance when dealing with those Shumba finds wanting. He feels no reason to be polite or respectful to those he regards as lesser people, after all, if they were capable enough to handle things on their own, they wouldn’t need to hire him, would they?


Quote: “Run and hide if you wish, the outcome is always the same.”


Powers/Tactics: Extremely physically fit and capable, Shumba is skilled in a wide variety of combat forms, including hand-to-hand and modern firearms. He prefers to hunt his targets much like he would an animal in the jungle—from a place of concealment. He’ll often watch his target for some time, and then figure out the best time and place to ambush him—usually taking the form of a long range rifle shot. However, if that’s not possible, then he’ll see about doing the job up close and personal, using his combat knife and machete.


Appearance: Standing 6’3” and weighing 220 pounds, Shumba has a powerful and impressive build. He doesn’t wear a costume per se, but instead dresses in classic bush clothes: knee-high paddock boots, jodhpurs, bush jacket, and hat. The kevlar vest is worn under the jacket, while the rest of Shumba’s gear is kept attached to his belt or normally slung over one shoulder.


Designer’s Notes: This character started out as Bwana, found on page 5 of Enemies: The International File. I changed his identity to Shumba (a Shona word being “Lion”) and changed his name from “N'Kenzi Mobutu” to something more appropriate for his region of Africa. In updating and adapting Bwana to Shumba, I left his characteristics alone, but rewrote or redesigned a lot of his powers. For example, I rebuilt all his equipment and cybernetics, removed some powers that looked pointless (or silly), and added in a large number of skills that would make sense for the character's background. Naturally his Complications were heavily altered as well, as I dropped several that made no sense to me (such as x2 STUN from surprise attacks.)

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Taifuu no Koe



“Hurricane's Voice"

(Morito Fukahara)


[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
20	STR	10	13-	Lift 400 kg; 4d6 HTH Damage [2]
26	DEX	32	14-
25	CON	15	14-
13	INT	3	12-	PER Roll 12-
14	EGO	4	12-
20	PRE	10	13-	PRE Attack:  4d6

9	OCV	30
9	DCV	30
3	OMCV	0
5	DMCV	6
6	SPD	40		Phases:  2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

15+6	PD	13		Total:  15/21 PD (0/6 rPD)
10+6	ED	8		Total:  10/16 ED (0/6 rED)
9	REC	5
40	END	4
13	BODY	3
36	STUN	8		[b]Total Characteristics Cost: 221

Movement:[/b]	Running:	18m/36m 
Leaping:	16m/32m
Swimming:	4m/8m

[b]Powers & Skills
Martial Arts:[/b]  [i]Karate[/i]
[b]Maneuver	OCV	DCV	Damage[/b]
4	Block	+2	+2	Block, Abort
4	Disarm	-1	+1	Disarm; 40 STR to Disarm roll
4	Dodge	--	+5	Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
4	Knifehand Strike 	-2	+0	HKA 3d6 +1
3	Legsweep	+2	-1	7d6 Strike, Target Falls
4	Punch/Snap Kick	+0	+2	8d6 Strike
5	Side/Spin Kick	-2	+1	10d6 Strike
8	+2 HTH Damage Classes (already added in)
1	Weapon Element:  Karate Weapons

48	[b]Kiaijutsu:[/b]  Multipower, 60-point reserve, all slots Perceivable (shouts 
are easily detectable over a long distance; -¼)
1f	1)  [b]Daunting Kiai:[/b]  +30 PRE; Costs Endurance (-½), Only For Fear-/
Intimidation-Based Presence Attacks (-½), Perceivable (shouts are 
easily detectable over a long distance; -¼), END 3
3f	2)  [b]Painful Kiai:[/b]  Blast 6d6, NND (defense is Hearing Group Flash 
Defense or heavy ear coverings, such as earmuffs or one’s hands; +0), 
Area Of Effect (24m Cone; +¾); No Range (-½), Perceivable (shouts 
are easily detectable over a long distance; -¼), END 5
3f	3)  [b]Dizzying Shout:[/b]  Drain INT 2d6, Area Of Effect (24m Cone; +¾), 
Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per 5 
Minutes; +1 ¼); No Range (-½), Perceivable (shouts are easily 
detectable over a long distance; -¼), END 6
3f	4)  [b]Deafening Shout:[/b]  Hearing Group Flash 11d6, Area Of Effect (24m 
Cone; +¾); No Range (-½), Perceivable (shouts are easily detectable 
over a long distance; -¼), END 6
3f	5)  [b]Deadly Kiai:[/b]  RKA 2d6, +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+¼), Area 
Of Effect (24m Cone; +¾); No Range (-½), Perceivable (shouts are 
easily detectable over a long distance; -¼), END 6
1f	6)  [b]Wall Of Sound:[/b]  Barrier 8 PD/8 ED, 0 BODY (up to 8m long, 2m 
tall, and ½m thick); No Range (-½), Increased Endurance Cost 
(x2 END; -½), Restricted Shape (arc in front of character; -¼), 
Perceivable (shouts are easily detectable over a long 
distance; -¼), END 6

10	[b]Armored Costume:[/b]  Resistant Protection (6 PD/6 ED); OIF (-½), 
Requires A Roll (14- roll; -¼)
2	[b]Mask:[/b]  Sight Group Flash Defense (5 points); OAF (-1)
8	[b]Not Bothered By The Noise:[/b]  Hearing Group Flash Defense (8 points)
6	[b]Swift Of Foot:[/b]  Running +6m (18m total), END 1
6	[b]Powerful Leaper:[/b]  Leaping +12m (16m forward, 8m upward), END 1

2	Off-Hand Defense

20	+4 with Karate

3	Acrobatics 14-
3	Analyze:  Style 12-
3	Breakfall 14-
2	CK: Osaka 11-
1	KS: Karate 8-
3	KS: The Martial Arts World 12-
2	KS: The Yakuza 11-
1	Language:  English (basic conversation)
0	Language:  Japanese (idiomatic; literate)
3	Sleight Of Hand 14-
3	Streetwise 13-
2	WF:  Common Martial Arts Melee Weapons

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  179
Total Cost:  400

400+	Matching Complications (75)[/b]
15	DNPC:  Akihiro Fukahara—younger brother and a Yakuza soldier, 
Frequently (Normal)
10	Distinctive Features:  Style (Not Concealable; Noticed and 
Recognizable; Detectable By Large Group)
20	Psychological Complication:  Code of Honor; will not strike from 
surprise, will not strike downed opponents, honors fallen opponents  
(Common; Total)
10	Psychological Complication:  Enjoys Winning And The Benefits It Brings 
(money, women, and so on) (Common; Moderate)
5	Rivalry:  Professional (all other martial artists; Rival is As Powerful; 
Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry)
15	Social Complication:  SID (Morito Fukahara) (Frequently, Major)

[b]Total Complications Points:  75
Experience Points:  0[/b]


Background/History: As a young boy, Morito Fukahara spent most of his time on the streets of Osaka. He and his younger brother Akihiro, engaged in a wide variety of petty crimes, such as shoplifting and theft; stealing food, manga, and money in an attempt to make up for all things their parents couldn't, or wouldn't buy for them. This life of crime came to an abrupt end when Morito tried to lift the wallet of an old man one afternoon. The man, seemingly without effort, flipped Morito easily, restraining him with a surprisingly strong grip for such an elderly individual.


The old man stared at the young Morito for some time before dragging the youth away. Not to the police, as Morito suspected, but to a karate dojo on the outskirts of Osaka. There the old man told the boy that Morito was now his student, to be instructed in the martial arts. The man, who gave his name as Yoshifumi, had decided to rescue Morito from his life on the streets, to rehabilitate him by teaching him responsibility and humility.


Morito, much to his surprise, took to his training easily. He was an apt pupil and soon excelled at all Yoshifumi had to show him. But, deep down, he felt that much of Yoshifumi's instruction was outdated. In Morito's mind, Yoshifumi was still rooted in the traditions of the last century, and his notions of responsibility and honor had little to do with the modern world. Still, Yoshifumi's instruction did give Morito a feeling of great power, power that Morito knew could be used for his personal benefit. So, Morito did his best the play the part of an attentive and appreciative student, although he paid little more than lip service to Yoshifumi's instruction in the proper way for those schooled in the martial arts to act and behave.


With time, Yoshifumi began to instruct Morito in more advanced techniques. Central to this instruction was training in harnessing the power of the kiai, or war shout. With time and practice, Morito found that he could duplicate the legendary feats of old. His shout could stun or deafen, and even shatter certain objects. Morito was amazed by the power that rested within his voice and quickly realized the uses he could put it to. He boasted of his prowess, unable to contain his pride in his new-found skills.


Finally, there came the day when Morito entered the dojo to find Yoshifumi lying dead on the floor, old age finally taking its toll. Morito was now free to do as he pleased. He pondered this question for some time, trying to decide what was the proper path for him to walk. Eventually, Morito realized that the old man's talk of responsibility, humility, and maturity had all been for naught. He had died, alone, just like any other man. All his training and martial skill hadn't helped him one bit. Morito realized then that he could live his life as a weak and humble man, or a strong and powerful one. He was no fool, he would rather have a short life of power and greatness than a long life of dull obscurity.


Personality/Motivation: Taifuu no Koe is a twisted mix of honor and arrogance. On one hand he wishes to be a great warrior, and pits himself against other well-known (and super-powered) masters of the martial arts in order to test his skill in combat. On the other hand, he is vain and boastful, and sees his own skill and power as a sign of his assured greatness. In many ways he can be quite honorable. He will not attack from surprise, he will not strike a downed or defeated opponent and he will honor anyone he has beaten as a worthy opponent. However, against those he does not consider 'honorable', Taifuu no Koe can be downright ruthless. He will take what he wants, when he wants it. This is not stealing, it is simply a warrior taking what is rightfully his.


For someone who has developed such an impressive self-image, Taifuu no Koe is very short-sighted. He has no real plans beyond his desire to be the best martial artist possible. His tastes are simple; women, money, expensive clothing, rich surroundings, and winning. To Taifuu no Koe, victory—or more specifically his victory, is the only thing that matters.


Quote: "Now we will see who is really the master of the martial arts!"


Powers/Tactics: Taifuu no Koe's primary ability is his skill in karate. He is a master of the art and wishes to test himself against all other by fighting them hand-to-hand. Thus, he prefers close combat and will avoid using his kiai abilities unless faced with overwhelming odds or dishonorable opponents. It is this same desire—to test his skill in an equal one-on-one match—that does not allow him to carry weapons. Although skilled in their use, he prefers to fight without any sort of 'external' aids.


When fighting Taifuu no Koe tries to go for the 'quick kill'. He will not draw out a fight, feeling that such actions only brings dishonor to the one fighting. This means that he will tend to fight all out, his levels in OCV, concentrating on Legsweeps, Punches and Snap Kicks to put down an opponent. If his opponent is armed, Taifuu no Koe will attempt to a Disarm, in order to make the sides 'equal'. If faced with a significantly faster opponent, Taifuu no Koe will attempt to Block or Dodge (with the SFX in many cases that he is blocking) in an attempt to find an exploitable opening in his target's defenses.


Taifuu no Koe tends to use his kiai powers against those he considers dishonorable or cowardly. This includes opponents who carry and depend on guns, or those that fight unfairly (such as people wearing any form of powered armor). He will also use his shout on anyone flying or otherwise placing themselves beyond his ability to reach them. The Stunning Shout is his preferred attack, as it affects most targets, followed by his Deafening Shout. The Piercing Shout is usually reserved for vehicles, constructs and buildings, while the Wall of Sound is used for defensive purposes. His last form of war shout, the Dizzying Shout, is only used if he needs to escape or throw off pursuit.


Appearance: Taifuu no Koe is tall and well muscled, standing a touch under six feet in height. His hair is worn long and hangs to his shoulders. He is in excellent physical shape and his body sports a well-defined build. When in the guise of Taifuu no Koe, Morito wears a red ghi with a black belt, wrist bands and tabi boots. A mail shirt, composed of fine links set in the traditional Japanese style, is worn under the jacket. A simple mask covers his eyes and nose, the eye holes made from a polarized fabric that allows him to see normally, while reflecting bright light away. As Morito, he will dress in expensive, but casual clothing, a fashion common among many of the younger Yakuza.


Designer’s Notes: Taifuu no Koe started out as the character of Banzai, found on page 4 of Enemies: The International File. My re-imagining is actually rather faithful to the original design, although I changed his origin quite a bit (in the original, his sensei never spoke) to better explain his motivations. I also rebuilt his character, reducing his DEX and CSLs, but expanding his martial arts and Kiaijutsu powers (mostly by borrowing ideas from Hero System Martial Arts.) I also heavily edited his Complications to get something that seemed both useful and sensible.


As written, Taifuu no Koe is a Yakuza soldier, who acts as an enforcer and basic muscle for the gang he belongs to. He himself is a kyodai (“big brother”) while his actual brother, Akihiro, is a shatei (“little brother.”) While based in Japan, he could appear anywhere the gang he belongs to operates, especially if they run into superhuman interference and opposition. Thus, Taifuu no Koe could be found fighting other criminal gangs (including other Yakuza, the mafia, Mexican cartels, and so on,) groups like VIPER, or superheroes (such as the PCs.) Super-powered martial artists will quickly attract his attention and result in a challenge. If refused, Taifuu no Koe may Hunt the individual, looking for a match (this should be a given if the character in question is a PC.) Beating Taifuu no Koe in unarmed combat will result in Taifuu no Koe eventually returning for a rematch, beating him with weapons will see him declare the fight null and void, and have him try and catch the individual unarmed, so they can fight properly, as ‘true’ warriors.

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Re: Susano Re-imagines Characters From Enemies: the International File




(Soon-Bok Li)


[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
8	STR	-2	11-	Lift 75.8 kg; 1 ½d6 HTH Damage [1]
36	DEX	52	16-
18	CON	8	13-
10	INT	0	11-	PER Roll 11-
10	EGO	0	11-	
15	PRE	5	12-	PRE Attack:  3d6

12	OCV	45	
12	DCV	45	
3	OMCV	0	
3	DMCV	0	
6	SPD	40		Phases:  2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

4+31	PD	2		Total:  4/35 PD (0/31 rPD)
4+21	ED	2		Total:  4/25 ED (0/21 rED)
6	REC	2
40	END	4
8	BODY	-2
20	STUN	0		[b]Total Characteristics Cost: 201

Movement:[/b]	Running:	12m/24m 
Flight:	70m/280m
Leaping:	4m/8m
Swimming:	4m/8m

[b]Powers & Skills
Mastery Of The Air[/b], all slots Does Not Work Underwater, In A Vacuum, 
Or In Enclosed Spaces (-½), Unified Power (-¼)
68	1)  [b]Riding The Winds:[/b]  Flight 70m, x4 Noncombat, Position Shift, No 
Turn Mode (+¼), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼); Does Not Work 
Underwater, In A Vacuum, Or In Enclosed Spaces (-½), Unified 
Power (-¼), END 5
34	2)  [b]Air Blast:[/b]  Blast 8d6, Double Knockback (+½); Does Not Work 
Underwater, In A Vacuum, Or In Enclosed Spaces (-½), Unified 
Power (-¼), END 6
35	3)  [b]Wind Gust:[/b]  Blast 8d6, Double Knockback (+½), Area Of Effect 
(14m Cone; +½); No Range (-½), Does Not Work Underwater, In A 
Vacuum, Or In Enclosed Spaces (-½), Unified Power (-¼), END 8
32	4)  [b]Sudden Suffocation:[/b]  Blast 5d6, Area Of Effect (16m Radius 
Explosion; +¼), Attack Versus Alternate Defense (defense is Life 
Support [self-Contained Breathing]; All Or Nothing; +1); Does Not 
Work Underwater, In A Vacuum, Or In Enclosed Spaces (-½), Unified 
Power (-¼), END 6
27	5)  [b]Wind Control:[/b]  Telekinesis (35 STR), Area Of Effect (14m 
Cone; +½); Only To Push Objects Away (-1), No Range (-½), Affects 
Whole Object (-¼), Unified Power (-¼), END 8
31	6)  [b]Air Shield:[/b]  Resistant Protection (25 PD/15 ED) (Protect Carried 
Items); Costs Endurance (-½), Does Not Work Underwater, In A 
Vacuum, Or In Enclosed Spaces (-½), Unified Power (-¼), END 7

10	[b]Armored Costume:[/b]  Resistant Protection (6 PD/6 ED); OIF (-½), 
Requires A Roll (14- roll; -¼)
6	[b]Communicator:[/b]  HRRP (Radio Group); OIF (-½), Sense Affected As 
Hearing And Radio Sense Group (-½)

3	Fringe Benefit:  Federal/National Police Powers
6	Positive Reputation:  national hero of South Korea (people of South 
Korea) 14-, +3/+3d6

3	Ambidexterity (no Off Hand penalty)
4	Double Jointed
6	+2/+2d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters)

10	+2 with Mastery Of The Air

3	Acrobatics 16-
3	Charm 12-
3	Contortionist 16-
2	High Society 10-
2	KS: Traditional Korean Dances 11-
1	Language:  English (basic conversation)
1	Language:  Japanese (basic conversation)
0	Language:  Korean (idiomatic; literate)
1	Language:  Mandarin (basic conversation)
2	Navigation (Air) 11-
3	Power:  Air Powers 11-
3	PS: Dancer 16-

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  299
Total Cost:  500

400+	Matching Complications (75)[/b]
5	Distinctive Features:  Mutant (Not Concealable; Noticed and 
Recognizable; Detectable Only By Mutant Sensors And The Like)
20	Hunted:  Agents of the North Korean government, Infrequently (Mo 
Pow; PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find; Harshly 
10	Hunted:  South Korean Government, Infrequently (Mo Pow; NCI; 
15	Psychological Complication:  Code Versus Killing (Common; Strong)
15	Psychological Complication:  Idealistic, wishes to use her powers to 
make the world a better place (Common; Strong)
10	Social Complication:  Public ID Frequently, Minor

[b]Total Complications Points:  75
Experience Points:  100[/b]


Background/History: As a young girl, Soon-Bok Li was able to command the winds with ease. Initially she could only call up minor breezes, but as she grew older and her power and mastery grew, she became capable of generating destructive gusts of wind, not to mention picking herself up and flying freely about. Such displays couldn’t go unnoticed forever, and eventually the Republic of Korea’s government stepped in, asking Soon-Bok Li’s parents to let them train her in how to control and use her abilities. Their aim, aside from keeping tabs on a young woman capable of generating localized windstorms, was to eventually mold Soon-Bok Li into a national hero and symbol, as well as a possible deterrent to attacks by North Korean superhumans. Thus, her current code name, Tepoong (meaning “typhoon”) is meant to emphasize the destructive possibilities of her powers, as a way of intimidating potential attackers.


Personality/Motivation: Although brought up to be a national symbol, Tepoong tries to be her own person. She strongly believes a better world, and hopes to use her powers to make it possible. She doesn’t like combat, and tries to avoid fighting if she can, but if forced to fight, will do so to the best of her ability—which includes avoiding permanent injury and/or death. In truth, she prefers rescue missions, as well as the times she’s called upon to deliver aid or assistance for humanitarian efforts.


Quote: “Please, surrender and do not try and fight me. I’m called Typhoon for a reason.”


Powers/Tactics: As a mutant, Tepoong exhibits phenomenal speed and agility, even when compared to other superhumans. Her reaction time is among the best in the world, and there are very few people faster than her. She’s also capable of immense flight speed when carried by the wind, reaching nearly 315 miles per hour. Even more amazing is the degree of control she expresses while flying, including being able to turn on the proverbial dime. Offensively, Tepoong can generate powerful gusts of wind, which are capable of blasting targets for great distances. In addition, she can draw the air out of an area, causing almost instant unconsciousness.


In combat, Tepoong prefers to erect her Air Shield first and foremost, and then use her powers as the situation warrants. Her Wind Control is often to clear an area of debris or to push away or disperse hazardous materials. Her Air Blast is her most common attack, while the Wind Gust is reserved for close-in or numerous attackers.


Appearance: A young Korean woman in her early 20s, Tepoong stands 5’4” with a slender, albeit athletic and very photogenic build. She wears her black hair long, well down her back, and dresses in a government-designed and supplied costume. It consists of an armored white bodystocking with a diaphanous blue over-tunic that extends to her elbows and knees. A sash secures her over-tunic, while a headband keeps her long hair out of her eyes. Both of these have long trailing ends, with matching ties at elbow and knee, all of which stream dramatically when she’s in the air.


Designer’s Notes: Tepoong started out as the character of Divine Wind, found on page 11 of Enemies: The International File. While I liked the idea of a young air-controlling mutant, Divine Wind reached European Enemies levels of inaccuracies. For starters, despite being listed as a South Korean character, she was born in Japan and has the last name of “Latsu” which isn’t even remotely Japanese. Divine Wind also destroyed a battleship of the Imperial Fleet, which is frankly impossible, since it hasn’t been the Imperial Japanese Navy since 1947, and the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force doesn’t have any battleships (their largest ships are helicopter carriers.)


Scrapping her whole origin (and her age, which is a mere 12) I started over, keeping some of her core Characteristics (although I dropped her DEX from 38 to 36) and making her a South Korean national. I also liked the idea of her being a hero, and went with a national icon and government operative (or sorts.) I decided her extremely SPD meant she was also very agile, hence her Talents. I also filled out her Skills and the like, and completely re-wrote her Complications, since the original had a hodgepodge wreck totaling 258 points. At 500 points she’s fairly powerful, but can easily be downgraded by reducing her DEX, OCV, DCV, SPD and Unified Powers (make them into a Multipower might work.) She also makes a good addition to any sort of international super team, where her Flight power makes her an excellent scout.

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Re: Susano Re-imagines Characters From Enemies: the International File


I'm actually wondering if I should have made more drastic changes to Tepoong. Like dropped her DEX down to around 26 or so. On the other hand, she's akin to a super-speedster, just with air powers and flight.


I also had an epiphany, that perhaps I should have gone with simple, highly-generic one paragraph backgrounds, and presented them like something out of Astro City. Personalities, Powers, and Appearance can be more detailed, since that has more direct impact on how the character is used in play. Dunno.

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Re: Susano Re-imagines Characters From Enemies: the International File


I do not have the words to describe how great many of these write ups are. I really enjoyed the character concepts and backgounds.


More please


More? Of what?


Is there someone specific from E: TIF you'd want me to take a crack at?

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Re: Susano Re-imagines Characters From Enemies: the International File


Remind me' date=' once I start on "Champions of the Rising Sun" project, to send you the charater sheets for inspection and opinions.[/quote']

Don't forget to send Susano the character sheets for the CotRS project.








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Re: Susano Re-imagines Characters From Enemies: the International File


Nicely done, Susano. I've made a pet project of converting older material to 6th ed and while I haven't gotten to International File....I'll definitely be looking at your builds. I would post some of my own conversions on here, but...A) Not quite sure how...and B) don't wanna step on anyone's copyright issues and whatnot.

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Re: Susano Re-imagines Characters From Enemies: the International File


Nicely done' date=' Susano. I've made a pet project of converting older material to 6th ed and while I haven't gotten to International File....I'll definitely be looking at your builds. I would post some of my own conversions on here, but...A) Not quite sure how...and B) don't wanna step on anyone's copyright issues and whatnot.[/quote']


I'm posting direct exports from Hero Designer. I also checked with Steve -- these aren't direct conversions as they feature a lot of revision, editing, and expansion. So he felt they'd be good.

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Re: Susano Re-imagines Characters From Enemies: the International File


I'd like to see Deathmask' date=' Dream Thief, Oracle, Pumpkin Jack, or Zuvembie.[/quote']


I might try Deathmask. Dream Thief doesn't really do anything, so I feel my work would be sub-par. Oracle, Pumpkin Jack, and Zuvembie are all possible, with Pumpkin Jack a snap to re-imagine and rebuild.

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